
Oct 27, 2017

Just a small taste, but seriously go read the whole thing:

In the troubleshooting process that followed, my assigned engineer had me take these steps:

  • Reset the Windows Store's cache via the "wsreset.exe" command
  • Reproduce the error (of trying to download the game, only to have it fail), and run the wscollect.exe command, which created a *.cab file
  • Open Windows PowerShell as an Administrator and poke at the FH3 executable with a "get-appxpackage" prompt
  • Poke at a pair of possible installation entries in that same Powershell with a "remove-appxpackage" prompt
  • Search for an "AppxManifest.xml" file, then copy it into a requested folder with a lengthy gibberish name
  • Fail to do so, because I was unable to peek into the protected WindowsApp folder as requested; instead, I received this error: "this access control entry is corrupt"
  • Load Windows' command prompt as an administrator and try to manually locate the folder in question (which also failed)
This all ended with Microsoft throwing its hands in the air and asking that I reinstall that year's Windows Creators Update, which—lo and behold—did the trick, even though that put yet another 70GB demand on my bandwidth-capped Comcast account. Strangely, even after doing all of this, the official Halo app within Windows 10 still didn't load (and doesn't load to this day).

When we're getting up to 20GB and above as a standard UWP game download, is that really a workable solution? Should paying customers be stuck expecting random, unexplained crashes, followed by redownload-and-pray stretches of time being bored and out of their favorite games? And what do we say to users who dare connect multiple family accounts to a single PC, thus proving more complicated than my testing rig's single Microsoft-linked account?


Oct 25, 2017
Nice to see a outlet finally cover the trash fire that is the windows store experience.

I think I have to reinstall Windows if I want nine to work again and I can not be arsed doing that.


Nov 15, 2017
3 years and the world's biggest software company is still stuck at developing a good store for their core operating system business.


Oct 27, 2017
3 years and the world's biggest software company is still stuck at developing a good store for their core operating system business.
It blows my mind. One would think that this should be a solved problem. GOG works perfectly fine. Steam works perfectly fine. Even uplay and origin work perfectly fine.
But Windows Store, which has even the incredible advantage of being embedded in windows install itself (that's something EU should bitch about btw, given their bitching about Internet Explorer), is a dumpster fire, for years and years.
Oct 29, 2017
It's a good write up. So sad to see this stuff still happening though. I remember complaining about similar stuff all the way back when Quantum Break came out.

Must be frustrating for developers when their PC releases end up being a mess because of these kinds of issues after working so hard


Oct 27, 2017
Glad more light is shined upon this.

They can't keep getting away with it. Hopefully this pushes an overhaul of the UI and UX in the process.


Oct 27, 2017
I think you'd have to be a masochist to even bother with this crap tbh. I have a more-than-capable PC and I deliberately avoid the Windows Store, even though I own a few games on there through buying them on Xbox (e.g. Sea of Thieves, Killer Instinct, etc.).

There's just no point - if you want to play Forza or Gears or whatever you're going to have to bite the bullet and get an Xbox. It's not worth the hassle otherwise. Just pretend the PC version doesn't exist. You'll be a lot happier.


Nov 2, 2017
The Left
It's sad. Smaller companies like GoG, Itch and Blizzard managed to make stores that work and let you download big games.

Right now the Windows Store bugs out and restart downloads instead of resuming them when I try to download games. Forza horizon 4 is 100 GB. Thankfully I don't have a bandwidth cap.

Other parts of Microsoft have ways for you to download stuff from their website that works. It's tragic that they tried to reinvent the wheel and failed.


The Fallen
Nov 6, 2017
Texas, United States
I'm glad somebody is finally writing about this. And the thing is, most of the problems they have had, I also had over the past three years. Forza 7 and Horizon 3 would work whenever they felt like it. Usually, the next windows update would fix it. But then the next update would break them again. Not spending one more penny in the store. I don't need that kind of aggravation.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
I am waiting for "its working for me" defense showing up from other threads.

And yes, Windows Store is a shitshow with it's mansatory encryption, layers of DRM, taking away permissions from users to install directories, fragile balance that can break at any moment, and lastly terrible pricing.

It's terrible but I don't see it getting much better any time soon no matter how many Build/Ignite sessions they have with promises of better handling in the future.


Oct 25, 2017
I routinely have many, MANY problems with Windows Store games. Forza Horizon 4 would output no Game Sound purely because 'Disable Sound Enhancements' was selected on my PC.

It's really just a shit show compared to other store fronts.


Oct 27, 2017
It's been the accepted resolution for all Windows issues since 3.1 ;)

Not for games, though. Yes, a borked system is grounds for just nuking the OS. For games, the simple solution for most gamers is to simply boycott the Windows store and buy from any other source. That sucks a little for exclusives, but it's just not worth it. And that's ignoring all the other reasons people want UWP to die in a fire.


Jan 21, 2018
I think you'd have to be a masochist to even bother with this crap tbh. I have a more-than-capable PC and I deliberately avoid the Windows Store, even though I own a few games on there through buying them on Xbox (e.g. Sea of Thieves, Killer Instinct, etc.).

There's just no point - if you want to play Forza or Gears or whatever you're going to have to bite the bullet and get an Xbox. It's not worth the hassle otherwise. Just pretend the PC version doesn't exist. You'll be a lot happier.

To be fair, for many people there are no big issues. Which doesn't mean the store isn't bad, but for many people it works fine. Reinstalled my pc this week and downloaded Halo Wars, Halo Wars 2, Sea of Thieves, Age of Empires:DE and Forza Horizon 4 all without any problem. But with downloads speeds varying from 80Mbps to 180 Mbps, so that could be better.
Nov 8, 2017
I vaguely recall reading about the winstore team being crazy small. Which would make sense given how mediocre to bad the store is.
Jan 2, 2018
This is simply unacceptable.
Personally,I can't remember encountering any serious issues with the few UWP games I have,but actually using and navigating the store is just bad.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, it's probably the sole main reason I haven't bought any W10/Xbox games from the store. I'd like to play Forza or maybe Halo when it comes out on PC, but until they get their shit fixed, there is no point to pay now.


Oct 27, 2017
It would almost be better if they didn't even bother. Just push ahead on Xbox or put games out on steam. I had the option to get Quantum Break and Cuphead cross buy and instead just got them on steam instead. I'd much rather do that with any Xbox console exclusives.


Oct 26, 2017
I wanna read the story in a couple of years when it turns out Microsoft had like one dude assigned to the store the entire time.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 27, 2017
It's been the accepted resolution for all Windows issues since 3.1 ;)
Not for games if I remember right.

Anw, yeah this is insane. Even the call support don't know what to do. Its a mess. Horrible idea that 'windows phone like' OS. And still we have people defend this.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
Not for games, though. Yes, a borked system is grounds for just nuking the OS. For games, the simple solution for most gamers is to simply boycott the Windows store and buy from any other source. That sucks a little for exclusives, but it's just not worth it. And that's ignoring all the other reasons people want UWP to die in a fire.
Yes, this is the right solution. It's absolutley fucking insane that you may have to reimage entire operating system to playable a game. It's also no guarantee you wouldn't have to do the same thing in a few months again once new Spring/Fall update hits.

Windows Store (and UWP) horrible solution for Application and particularly games distribution for many reasons mentioned above and in other threads.
Oct 30, 2017
The Windows Store has been a brutally failed experiment since it debuted with Windows 8. It hasn't gotten any better. I wish MS would just wise up and use Steam for their games. They'd reach a much wider audience.

Smash Kirby

One Winged Slayer
Nov 7, 2017
It blows my mind. One would think that this should be a solved problem. GOG works perfectly fine. Steam works perfectly fine. Even uplay and origin work perfectly fine.
But Windows Store, which has even the incredible advantage of being embedded in windows install itself (that's something EU should bitch about btw, given their bitching about Internet Explorer), is a dumpster fire, for years and years.
Depends on whether or not they need more money. /s

MS should really get things together for the store. I haven't had issues myself on 3-4 separate machines, but Microsoft should really look into these issues.


Oct 27, 2017
I had Halo wars 2 crash on me the other day. The Halo app never really runs that well I feel. Outside of that I havent had issues loading games. Most of the games play great actually.


Nov 5, 2017
That's why I'll stay away from Forza Horizon 3 and 4 until they are super cheap (10€ or less). No way I'm going through the same nightmare again after Killer Instinct. PC games have problems all the time, it's the nature of the platform, but a store having so many problems is NOT normal at all.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
The Windows Store has been a brutally failed experiment since it debuted with Windows 8. It hasn't gotten any better. I wish MS would just wise up and use Steam for their games. They'd reach a much wider audience.
It would even be ok (annoying but ok) if they went EA/Ubi/Activison/Bethesda/Epic/CDPR route with a normal launcher that's not tied to the OS in an inexplicable manner.
Dec 4, 2017
The biggest issue with the Win Store is that their games section was tacked onto a generic software store. While people normally don't really care about a general software storefront as long as they can get their stuff, gamers (and I use the term in a "people who play games" sense) expect much higher polish and functionality from a games storefront. After all, why shouldn't they? Steam, GOG, Origin, Uplay, Itch etc. have it, how could the world's largest software company not have it? Also, the scripts are a problem. While cancelling a download and restarting from scratch isn't an issue for a 25 MB app, a 15 GB game is a whole different animal. Same goes for install directory. People usually have a 256 GB SSD as their system drive. 3 10-GB games take a considerable chunk of digital real-estate. Having to mandatorily install your games in a single, non-modifiable location is pretty bad.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
Reading all these stories about the Windows Store, I would prefer to buy a Xbone if I wanted to play Microsoft games instead of torment myself in that store. Never have used it to buy games, and never will in its current state. Plus I'm against the UWP format too. For me, it can die just like GFWL.


Oct 27, 2017
Between no mods and not being able to change anything with your game and the store being a fucking dumpster fire I'll never buy anything on it. I'd love to try seq of thieves an state of decay 2 but its just not worth the hassle to support this jank ass store. Glad its being covered.


Oct 26, 2017
When even Nintendo has a better storefront than motherfucking Microsoft of all companies lol, what a timeline.


Oct 27, 2017
To be fair, for many people there are no big issues. Which doesn't mean the store isn't bad, but for many people it works fine. Reinstalled my pc this week and downloaded Halo Wars, Halo Wars 2, Sea of Thieves, Age of Empires:DE and Forza Horizon 4 all without any problem. But with downloads speeds varying from 80Mbps to 180 Mbps, so that could be better.
I know what you mean, but as you say you've reinstalled recently. I haven't reinstalled in years and I won't go to such lengths just to get a game working (I did that years ago on my old PC, reinstalling loads of times over the course of a few years due to issues - I found it unbearably tedious and a massive waste of my time).

My view is more like: if I get a PC copy as a bonus due to buying the Xbox game that's fine. I won't install it as I already own it elsewhere, although if it wasn't tied to the Windows Store I probably would play it on my PC.

However, if I didn't have an Xbox but was interested in a certain title, I simply wouldn't purchase a game on the Windows Store and feel in any way comfortable doing so (and I'm not wedded to Steam or anything, I use GOG/Origin/Blizzard/Uplay/etc. - Windows Store is where I draw the line).


Oct 27, 2017
Athens, Greece
I am against UWP at its current state but i would have welcomed MS store as to have one more option for my hobby if there was a less restrictive UWP system, the store could function properly like all other stores we have and there were good sales and game offers.
The only game i could be tempted to buy from them is Age of Empires but if the tradeoff is limitation and frustration then let their store burn in hell like the first one.


Feb 12, 2018
This surely must just cannibalise sales of PC releases when people would rather wait for a Steam release.

Even for non-game stuff it's very buggy, I had tons of issues trying to get it to install the ubuntu emulator stuff.
Apr 25, 2018
Rockwall, Texas
This extends to Windows updates as well. It's like MS just threw everything that worked about Windows 7 out the window (pardon the pun) and decided to make Windows 8 and 10 work worse because reasons. I still can't understand why I just can't go download an update from their website and apply it to my system without having to use some stupid tool or program that doesn't seem to work half the time. I really can't understand why the biggest software house in the world can't get functional programs to work. I know OS work is hard and Windows 10 works very well for the most part but some parts of it (the more important parts) are seemingly made hard to use on purpose. It's really bizarre. I have quite a few games through the Windows store that I refuse to play because they can't be bothered to work. I've wanted to give them my money and they've said "thanks now take this asshole" in return.

Lukas Taves

Oct 28, 2017
It's sad. Smaller companies like GoG, Itch and Blizzard managed to make stores that work and let you download big games.

Right now the Windows Store bugs out and restart downloads instead of resuming them when I try to download games. Forza horizon 4 is 100 GB. Thankfully I don't have a bandwidth cap.

Other parts of Microsoft have ways for you to download stuff from their website that works. It's tragic that they tried to reinvent the wheel and failed.
Because they distribute win32 packages which are a known quantity for years now.

Ms store is tied to a new platform, one that is constantly changing as well.

Not saying it as an excuse because even that being the case those issues should have been fixed a long time ago, and it's an embarrassment that still haven't.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh but I've never had a problem with it so it must be perfect. /s

I used it twice and both times it fumbled the downloads and took eons despite having a pretty fast provider.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I guess the only solution is to drop this shitty store, make a new one, hoping this time you can catch people perpetually in your OS, promise gamers this time you'll get it right and put a few Xbox exclusives there hoping people will fell for it again.


Aug 23, 2018
Good to see Ars cover this. At least Microsoft can't ignore it and may be forced to tackle this once and for all.


Jan 21, 2018
Oh but I've never had a problem with it so it must be perfect. /s

I used it twice and both times it fumbled the downloads and took eons despite having a pretty fast provider.

The download speeds are limited by Windows. Check your advanced update settings -> delivery optimization -> advanced. You'll be able to remove the download cap. (Note: don't do this if your download speeds aren't that brilliant in the first place. It'll go up to 180Mbps (for me at least))

Good to see Ars cover this. At least Microsoft can't ignore it and may be forced to tackle this once and for all.

This has been covered by so many websites already.. PCGamer, Windows Central, Ars, etc. Hope the priorities at Microsoft change fast, but I'm not getting my hopes up.