chris 1515

Oct 27, 2017
Barcelona Spain

Developers making Xbox Series X games will learn to address PS5's SSD advantage, says ex-Xbox lead

Developers working on multiplatform games will find a way to get around Xbox Series X's relatively slower SSD compared to PS5's.

Developers will find solution to address the speed difference between XSX SSD and faster PS5 SSD said ex Xbox division, Brad Stillwell.

"So the ability of a game developer to look and say, 'Ok, I am building this game and I wanna have seamless transition with no loading screens on [PS5], but I am also gonna wanna sell on Xbox, what am I gonna do to manage that kinda thing?'

"Like, that will be the tricks and the techniques, so – I am just making this up – maybe there are elevators in the Xbox Series X version and not on the [PS5] version. I don't know yet how they're gonna address it, but they'll learn to address it and they will figure out ways to work around it."


Oct 25, 2017
What kind of differences are people even expecting in multiplats between these consoles???


Oct 25, 2017
it was always going to matter more for first party PS5 games. third party games might get faster loads in some areas, but otherwise won't be any different


Oct 27, 2017
Makes sense. Both consoles have strengths and weaknesses. Next gen is going to be great.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
"I'll say two things with that. One, I understand that it's a marketing point and a high point – and I think I said in the last podcast we did, I'm really impressed with what they've done in the architecture with their drive and I think they'll be able to do really cool stuff with it," said Stillwell.

"I also don't think it's as impressive over what you'll be able to do [with Xbox Series X] and so I have high confidence in that team. I will also say – look I reserve the right to wake up smarter tomorrow and someone may prove me wrong and we'll learn. The one thing I have learned is [to] never underestimate game developers' [ability] to take advantage of something and work around it, but that works on both sides.


Oct 27, 2017
it was always going to matter more for first party PS5 games. third party games might get faster loads in some areas, but otherwise won't be any different
Your thinking exactly along the lines that made Linus apologize. It's not about faster loading screens, games are constantly loading during RUN TIME. With that in mind

Playstation 5 can potentially have:
Better draw distances
Better LOD
Higher quality assets across the board

As well as better load times.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I mean, just like the last two generations between sony and microsoft, third parties aren't generally going to do anything that won't work on both consoles by default, so...


Oct 26, 2017
I know this is "thread-whining", but I'm getting tired of all these kinds of discussions.

Just show us some games man. They will look and run amazing on both consoles, I'm very sure of that. I just want to see results.
May 25, 2019
"So the ability of a game developer to look and say, 'Ok, I am building this game and I wanna have seamless transition with no loading screens on [PS5], but I am also gonna wanna sell on Xbox, what am I gonna do to manage that kinda thing?'

"Like, that will be the tricks and the techniques, so – I am just making this up – maybe there are elevators in the Xbox Series X version and not on the [PS5] version. I don't know yet how they're gonna address it, but they'll learn to address it and they will figure out ways to work around it."

I understand what he's trying to say, but using elevators as an example was not a good choice


Oct 27, 2017
Did anyone think that third parties were going to skip Xbox because of the SSD or that the SSD speed will make a huge difference to third party games?

The Series X SSD is fast, just not as fast as the PS5's. PS5 will have some advantages in some areas just like Series X will. Developers will cope fine. The consoles are closer overall than the current gen machines and we're very likely to see both consoles launch at a similar price with similar performance.


Oct 25, 2017
The GPU differences would generally translate to Xbox having slightly higher resolutions in some cases, right?


Oct 25, 2017
I know this is "thread-whining", but I'm getting tired of all these kinds of discussions.

Just show us some games man. They will look and run amazing on both consoles, I'm very sure of that. I just want to see results.
It's not interesting to you that for the first time in quite a few generations these consoles might each have their own unique advantages resulting in unique experiences?

We've heard from Matt, as well as the person quoted in this very article, that each console can do things the other can not. It's exciting! Next gen will be very interesting.


Oct 26, 2017
There is no reason to think otherwise. They will either design for the lowest common denominator or use workarounds to achieve their goal. Developers did amazing things with shitty Jaguars and glacial HDDs, I have no doubt their skills will shine with better tech.


Oct 25, 2017
This reads as added cost for development on Xbox. Cerny really does sound like he is listening to developers and trying to lower the cost for development.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Sony: We figured it out so developers don't have to
MS: Idk developers will figure it out

Shockingly disappointing answer imo. Though I've been of the opinion from the start that devs will continue to target the lowest common denominator, so for multiplats that would be the storage solution in the majority of desktop PCs.


Oct 26, 2017
"Like, that will be the tricks and the techniques, so – I am just making this up – maybe there are elevators in the Xbox Series X version and not on the [PS5] version. I don't know yet how they're gonna address it, but they'll learn to address it and they will figure out ways to work around it."

Well that's something.


Oct 28, 2017
The return of elevators? I hope not.


"Like, that will be the tricks and the techniques, so – I am just making this up – maybe there are elevators in the Xbox Series X version and not on the [PS5] version. I don't know yet how they're gonna address it, but they'll learn to address it and they will figure out ways to work around it."


Oct 29, 2017
actually hilarious that someone would actually think that in a multiplat game, one version would have instantaneous loading while in the other version, there would be an elevator or something.

But go off console warriors.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
I perfectly understand the intention, but the elevator example is really.... really.... really, not something people want to hear in 2020 XD


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
actually hilarious that someone would actually think that in a multiplat game, one version would have instantaneous loading while in the other version, there would be an elevator or something.

But go off console warriors.
I'd rather not have immersion-breaking elevators in my next Assasin's Creed, but if I must...


Oct 26, 2017
actually hilarious that someone would actually think that in a multiplat game, one version would have instantaneous loading while in the other version, there would be an elevator or something.

But go off console warriors.

Did you read the article? This is the guy who made the elevator comment:

Microsoft's William Stillwell, who currently manages the company's Mixed Reality program, spent years at Xbox working on backwards compatibility, xCloud, and Xbox platform services.

Do you think he is a console warrior?


Oct 29, 2017
And this quote has of course attracted all of the console warriors like moths to a light, which means I'm out and putting this thread on ignore.

At the end of the day, both of these console are going to be great. If you legitimately think that one console is going to have some secret sauce advantage that means that something is actually possible on one console that isn't on the other, than you should think about exiting the hype bubble you are currently stuck in. Both of these consoles will be able to do the same things.


Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
lmao what is this article. Their going to be the exact same both systems have SSD's.


Nov 20, 2017
So this is a narrative that's gaining so much traction that people feel the need to comment on it before we've even seen any first party titles for the PS5 yet?



Oct 27, 2017
Series X can fill it's RAM completely in about 5 seconds.
PS5 can fill it's RAM in about 2.5 seconds.

Elevators are not going to be needed. Maybe there will be some extra texture pop-in on Xbox for certain titles.


Oct 31, 2017
It will be interesting to see how the I/O changes with Velocity Architecture, API updates, Direct Storage etc, attempt to cover the PS5 SSD performance gap. Also throw in the VRS stuff, using SSD as RAM storage etc and other software/hardware changes MS has made.
I think we are in a generation of really big changes with how consoles are designed and programmed for, so I expect a learning curve for the PS5 and Series X.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
This really doesn't make any sense. You'd think the XSX had an HDD.

While only half as fast, both consoles are capable of streaming gigs of data in a second. And MS is using some proprietary software (+ a little hardware) to close the gap a bit.


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
As I understand it, it's not like the XSX is slow, at all, in this sense. It's much much faster than what 99% of people are used to, and is designed to put through data super duper fast. Just it's not as fast as the PS5. So whilst there might be some differences, I'm not sure we'll see egregiously different stuff - even in first party, where both sets of studios have first-hand access, time and funds and focus like nobody else.


Jul 10, 2019
"Like, that will be the tricks and the techniques, so – I am just making this up – maybe there are elevators in the Xbox Series X version and not on the [PS5] version. I don't know yet how they're gonna address it, but they'll learn to address it and they will figure out ways to work around it."


5Gb/s (hardware decompression) with elegantly terrain mapping thanks to SFS is enough for seamless world. with DirectStorage it can even improve I/O performance.

And I don't think dev will thinking about one version seamless and other with elevators...


Oct 25, 2017
3rd party dev's probably won't go all in on the PS5 SSD to the point that Xbox has to make concessions.

The only time you'll see PS5's SSD really show it's potential is 1st party.