
Prophet of Regret
Dec 7, 2017
To be honest as I was watching the video the guy reminded me of some people I know who have suffered from severe OCD and anxiety and their logical thinking went bunkers a long time ago. The way this guy acted would be exactly the same way I would imagine those people acting. Very inappropriate and rude.


Oct 27, 2017
While this reeks of questionable behaviour that might very well be is probably racist, this:

is incredibly stupid and a disgusting attempt to sexualize the act of cleaning yourself before going into a pool.

Many public pools have rules that require guests to shower, and that statement is just astonishingly dumb.
Men telling a stranger to wash herself: Questinable behavior.
Woman questioning sexist commet: Disgusting and stupid. Ok


Oct 25, 2017
From my point of view, I do admit that sometimes I err on the benefit of the doubt, simply because I struggle to assume people are just that wrong.
Maybe it's because I see and hear racist shit all the time from family mostly, I know better. Not to mention I pay attention to stories like this that happen every day and I look at the current state of our country with President Trump, the dog whistling, the police, and really our entire history in regards to race, so yeah, I just know better. Not getting the benefit of the doubt from me anymore. Hell I used to kind of be like this. I didn't hate Black people because I'm not a hateful person never have been, but I totally was race ignorant. I'd rather just assume they bring it on themselves than acknowledge an actual problem. I know now the way I used to see things really was no better.

Goat Mimicry

Oct 25, 2017
The thing is, I have no reason to suspect the guy was racist. We're not even sure he's a liar, since he could be a health inspector on his off time. While the woman wasn't entirely in her right (didn't shower), and as Westbanhof mentions, overreacts when turning a hygiene question into a sexual one.
So yeah I won't draw early conclusions on the matter. Maybe it's racism, but maybe it isn't.

He didn't contact the business owner, provide any contact information, call his superiors for support/clarification, or even stick around after the incident, all things you would think a real health inspector would do. Given the health department's statement, if he's a health inspector, then he broke protocol to single out a black family.

Other people corroborated the family's account (which mentioned how other people were in the pool). If you still don't think the guy could be a racist after all of that, chances are your expectations are ridiculous.


Oct 25, 2017
Men telling a stranger to wash herself: Questinable behavior.
Woman questioning sexist commet: Disgusting and stupid. Ok
don't mind him. He gets upset whenever he sees someone unfairly playing the race or the sex card.

that evil mother and daughter trying to sexualize this because holy shit Westbahnhof what is wrong with you?


Oct 25, 2017
I mean taken out of context the comments do seem weird when it's about just showering, which is something everybody does. But the whole point is, asking a woman you don't know and her daughter if they showered is personal, it invades their privacy, really. It put this woman in a position of thinking about this man she doesn't know, asking her if she and her daughter did something that people do naked and in private.

It's why you just don't ask that in the first place. Who does that? It's definitely weird if that's your take away from this thread, that the woman took things to the extreme.


Oct 26, 2017
The thing is, I have no reason to suspect the guy was racist. We're not even sure he's a liar, since he could be a health inspector on his off time. While the woman wasn't entirely in her right (didn't shower), and as Westbanhof mentions, overreacts when turning a hygiene question into a sexual one.
So yeah I won't draw early conclusions on the matter. Maybe it's racism, but maybe it isn't.

You were banned already, but according to the TV station's fact checking, that guy was not a health inspector.


Nov 4, 2017
I hate being approached by strangers with shit like this. And it's a terrible thing, as I give the cold shower to well-intentioned people (old lonely people who just want to strike conversation). But I cannot help that strangers overstep their bound and getting to personal with shit like this. I totally get why the lady is mad.

If this was a staff member whose job it was to remind people to wash before swimming- That's different. And yes, hygiene and reminding people to wash thoroughly before going into the communal areas is very important. But FFS man. If you ask someone if they've showered, you're indirectly saying they look dirty. Otherwise why would the fuck would you even bring it up. It's fucked up. It's fucked up even on the overwhelming shadow of doubt that this person just lack basic awareness and social skills.
And lastly, if you're already in the pool and dirty- then the damage is already done. It would be better to focus your efforts on putting posters up in reception, lockers and showering areas or hand out folders in the receptionist entry, than it is to ask people inside the pool. This story is just shitty concern trolling. Even if the story is racially motivated it doesn't matter. It's offensive no matter what.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe it's because I see and hear racist shit all the time from family mostly, I know better. Not to mention I pay attention to stories like this that happen every day and I look at the current state of our country with President Trump, the dog whistling, the police, and really our entire history in regards to race, so yeah, I just know better. Not getting the benefit of the doubt from me anymore. Hell I used to kind of be like this. I didn't hate Black people because I'm not a hateful person never have been, but I totally was race ignorant. I'd rather just assume they bring it on themselves than acknowledge an actual problem. I know now the way I used to see things really was no better.

Oh I plainly admit I'm somewhat ignorance.


Nov 16, 2017
Wow. This board really has gone to shit aye?

Swarm of y'all rushing in to defend ol crusty white man who prob didn't even shower himself.

Tell me this, did the self employed health inspector ask anyone else to shower before hand?

Alot of you posters ain't shit and never will be


The one who likes mustard
Nov 1, 2017
You should shower before swimming. But unless they were obviously leaving a dirty cloud in the pool or something this guy was way out of line. And there's no justification for or defending lying about being a health inspector.
Nov 2, 2017
Showering before swimming in a public pool is standard. It isn't a bath. That said, if you think someone didn't shower before using the pool (for example, their hair is dry when they enter), you should probably just inform the staff if it bothers you so much. No reason to get into it with random strangers.


User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Did you all shower before coming into this thread? I don't want no spreading of germs by people that dont wipe with wet wipes. I'm the official ERA Health Inspector.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol I love how calm prejudice is such a common defense. " I mean I just followed them around the entire store and asked if they needed anything officer!"
It's amazing isn't it? Honestly it seems like in some people's mind no matter the situation the person that gets emotional is always in the wrong while the person being calm is always in the right. I guess that's what being one of those "cool headed politics don't bother me none" moderates will do to your perspective.


Oct 25, 2017
You should shower before swimming. But unless they were obviously leaving a dirty cloud in the pool or something this guy was way out of line. And there's no justification for or defending lying about being a health inspector.
Yeah, the likelihood is that most people DON'T shower beforehand, and we haven't seen a flurry of closed pools or people dogmatically watching and being sure you showered first other than this asshole. Even at the most naively generous he's an asshole, and I'm sure race was the biggest factor in his antics.


Oct 25, 2017
Man. Fuck that guy! Can't even just enjoy a nice time at the pool with your kid. Infuriating how awful people can be. What a shithead.

Don't know how/why anyone would defend that guy, especially after he was caught out in an obvious lie. Smfh at some of y'all.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Man. Fuck that guy! Can't even just enjoy a nice time at the pool with your kid. Infuriating how awful people can be. What a shithead.

Don't know how/why anyone would defend that guy, especially after he was caught out in an obvious lie. Smfh at some of y'all.
To be Black in America must be depressing. While White, I can go to a pool without having to worry about some random dude coming up to me and asking me about my bathing habits. People leave me the fuck alone because they don't bother to make poor assumptions about me.

D i Z

Oct 25, 2017
Where X marks the spot.
Been on the list

Was coming to post this.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Woman questioning sexist commet: Disgusting and stupid. Ok
Stop. Not what she did in what I quoted. If you have a problem, defend the very statement I criticised. I voiced a problem with her generalizing in one single quote.

This also doesn't lessen that the guy is a racist. Not sure why you phrase it like that.


Nov 19, 2017
who asked you? was it some random guy pretending to be from the health department?

It's a problem because far as we know, he singled them out specifically. If he took it upon himself to be the pool hygiene police and was accosting everyone about showering beforehand, that's one thing. But nothing suggests that's the case here, and in Trump's America, you can be forgiven for assuming the worst in these instances.

Yeah it's random people every time. Not about race all about people being germophobs. I understand the courtesy, others normally from up north do not. It's no big deal, really


Oct 25, 2017
Stop. Not what she did in what I quoted. If you have a problem, defend the very statement I criticised. I voiced a problem with her generalizing in one single quote.

This also doesn't lessen that the guy is a racist. Not sure why you phrase it like that.
You really don't see how a strange man asking a woman and a child if they showered might make them feel uncomfortable, sexually?

I mean, wiping one's ass is something everybody does and isn't sexual either, but you don't go around asking people if they wiped properly either. It happens when somebody is in private, is somewhat intimate, and also when a person is vulnerable.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
You really don't see how a strange man asking a woman and a child if they showered might make them feel uncomfortable, sexually?

I mean, wiping one's ass is something everybody does and isn't sexual either, but you don't go around asking people if they wiped properly either.
I do. Why is it so hard to understand that i have issue with a generalization that affects me personally, in the past at least


Oct 25, 2017
I do. Why is it so hard to understand that i have issue with a generalization that affects me personally, in the past at least
Ok, but I think it's a little different if that's part of the rules, something people are going to expect, an actual job, and something that applies to everybody.

This guy was just some random person that took issue with the one person in particular and hence why she felt it was sexual. You don't have to feel like people think this of you because you were once a life guard or something that reminded people they needed to take a shower before swimming. And even then I'm assuming you didn't just go up to random people and interrogate them for no reason.


Oct 27, 2017
Stop. Not what she did in what I quoted. If you have a problem, defend the very statement I criticised. I voiced a problem with her generalizing in one single quote.

This also doesn't lessen that the guy is a racist. Not sure why you phrase it like that.

Both sides. Whataboutism. Red herrings. Where's the playbook?


Oct 27, 2017
I do. Why is it so hard to understand that i have issue with a generalization that affects me personally, in the past at least
I think it's fair to have that feeling in many cases, but I feel a lot of us in this thread just don't feel it applies to this story in particular.

It's just a difference of opinion, but maybe have detracted from the core issue as referenced.

You know one of those situations where it just seemed like you were saying: well, this is racist, however, or, but...etc.

I think with these stories, we too often run into the however and but of the discussion, and as made clear by some in this thread, that's usually besides the point.

Again, not trying to say what you felt isn't wrong, but I just don't feel it was necessary to apply it to this discussion.


Oct 25, 2017
As I said previously, I do know that there are places that actually do enforce showering because I went to one when I was younger, but, the difference is there are showers provided and people HAVE to use them before getting in and it's pretty easy to determine if somebody showered or not based on if they are wet. Even then, the life guards would question kids, they didn't bother the adults, and likely for the very reason the women describes, it makes them uncomfortable.

It's two completely different situations.


Nov 26, 2017
White dude was out of line, but don't you shower after swimming in the pool? And not before. Always did that at my local leisure centre.

When we stayed at a hotel in Cartagena Colombia, they had a sign to shower before entering the pool. I'm guessing it's because they didn't want sand to get in?


Oct 27, 2017
Your meant to shower before getting in the swimming pool - theres signs all over?

Or at least every swimming pool I go to there is, same with Jacuzzi's

Son Lamar

Oct 27, 2017
Nope. Not both sides. No comparison. A simple criticism.
You should read your post again, if a stranger walked up to your daughter, gf etc and ask if she bathe would be okay with that? Or more likely this person is a perv etc asking her if she bathe he didn't work for the hotel yes She has every right to think this guy is some sicko based on the fact he lied about his job and left immediately after tells me he was some sicko if it's racism, pedo or a combination of both idk but it isn't hard to see why one would think it.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'm sorry. I feel strongly about what I quoted and I think it is a problematic and unfair generalization, which unnecessarily sexualizes "showering" in a way I don't like.

I didn't mean to detract from the main story, or the distress this woman and her daughter felt because of that man.
I didn't mean to go "both sides" or somehow weaken her position.

I honestly just saw a quote I couldn't let go, and wanted to mention how I think a generalization like that is bad.

You should read your post again, if a stranger walked up to your daughter, gf etc and ask if she bathe would be okay with that? Or more likely this person is a perv etc asking her if she bathe he didn't work for the hotel yes She has every right to think this guy is some sicko based on the fact he lied about his job and left immediately after tells me he was some sicko if it's racism, pedo or a combination of both idk but it isn't hard to see why one would think it.
Her feelings in this case are not what I criticised. It was her generalization. Sorry.


Oct 26, 2017
Weird. I've never been asked if I showered before getting in a pool. Who does that ?

Nobody, people lowkey trying to act like that shit is in any way acceptable. The signs are everywhere and they let people know this. On TOP of it being fairly common knowledge.

Some old man walking around a pool asking randoms if they showered is not fucking normal or needed.
Oct 27, 2017
Putting racist words in my mouth won't really help make your point...

I know you're banned (and you completely 100 percent deserved it), but he didn't put anything in your mouth. You refuse to read between the lines and see the subtext. His initial approach was entirely driven by the aspect of being confronted with a black woman and her child in his space. OH HELL NO, he thinks to himself as he wades aggressively towards them. Not in MY pool.

He now decides to make up a complete lie about being a health inspector to place himself in a position of authority and dominance over the innocent family. Like the olden days of slavery, the white man is now in his rightful position over her. He has to make up a total lie to do it, but the ends justify the means to these racists.

You don't care, though. You see a white man and identify. You think, "that's a reasonable approach for him to take. It is okay to lie about yourself and approach an innocent family just because they are minorities and demand an explanation for their presence."

You are a racist. You are that white man in the video. Use this moment to self reflect and change. You have a week to think about it. @me after that week and I'll help break the walls down for you.


Oct 27, 2017
Stop. Not what she did in what I quoted. If you have a problem, defend the very statement I criticised. I voiced a problem with her generalizing in one single quote.

This also doesn't lessen that the guy is a racist. Not sure why you phrase it like that.

It lessens it when you spend most of your post railing about the woman's comments rather than the fucking creep asking if she bathed, I dont get why sexism Is a theory that caused such a visceral reaction from you to the point that you are calling a victim stupid.