
Oct 27, 2017
Facebook and Twitter on Friday disabled a massive, global network of fake accounts that pushed pro-Trump messages and covered its tracks using inauthentic photos generated with the aid of artificial intelligence.
The use of AI to trick social-media companies, deceive unsuspecting users and essentially create people who do not exist marked a major, troubling new development, according to disinformation researchers, who expressed fresh alarm that such tactics could have implications for the 2020 presidential election.

The tech giants' takedown targeted The BL, a U.S.-based media company that Facebook linked to Epoch Media Group. The organization has ties to the Falun Gong, a Chinese spiritual movement, and it has vociferously supported the reelection of President Trump.

On Facebook alone:

In doing so, the campaign appears to have had vast reach: On Facebook, 55 million accounts followed at least one of the pages tied to the operation, though the company did not specify how many of those people were based in the United States.

The scale is just massive.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
Jesus Christ. Why the fuck don't these social media companies fucking secure their APIs and have strong verification rules to utilize it. That would help destroy a lot of this shit in one felt swoop. Having a lax API setup has been one of the major things that's an issue with social media, and also actually much better scripting.


Oct 27, 2017
Jesus Christ. Why the fuck don't these social media companies fucking secure their APIs and have strong verification rules to utilize it. That would help destroy a lot of this shit in one felt swoop. Having a lax API setup has been one of the major things that's an issue with social media, and also actually much better scripting.

I know very little about the technology. But it feels like it should be an integral part. Hell, you couldn't even join Facebook in its early days without being a verified person through a university.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Jesus Christ. Why the fuck don't these social media companies fucking secure their APIs and have strong verification rules to utilize it. That would help destroy a lot of this shit in one felt swoop. Having a lax API setup has been one of the major things that's an issue with social media, and also actually much better scripting.
House of cards, they do that and Twitter would probably lost at least half their user account.
Oct 25, 2017
Jesus Christ. Why the fuck don't these social media companies fucking secure their APIs and have strong verification rules to utilize it. That would help destroy a lot of this shit in one felt swoop. Having a lax API setup has been one of the major things that's an issue with social media, and also actually much better scripting.

Authentication data is data, people in the other thread were asking what kind of idiot would give Facebook phone numbers. Facebook is actually pretty aggressive on this front but understandably you might not have made an account recently. Even still you can cheat it and realistically you shouldn't want social media companies to have lots of data about you so there are trade-offs.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Are millions of voters really dumb enough to be swayed by all this botting shit?

Don't most people have their minds made up already on their politics?

What does this stuff do besides just double down on everyone's beliefs? Or is the idea to prevent people from changing their minds?


Oct 25, 2017
Are millions of voters really dumb enough to be swayed by all this botting shit?

Don't most people have their minds made up already on their politics?

What does this stuff do besides just double down on everyone's beliefs? Or is the idea to prevent people from changing their minds?
A barrage of fake accounts is just one facet, they also spread misinformation about how liberals want to poison your dog or something and voting GOP is the only way to save your child from turning gay. The effect is to harden their resolve and make any attempt at vote-switching in the face of monstrous atrocities by the incumbent impossible.


Oct 27, 2017
Are millions of voters really dumb enough to be swayed by all this botting shit?

Don't most people have their minds made up already on their politics?

What does this stuff do besides just double down on everyone's beliefs? Or is the idea to prevent people from changing their minds?

Absolutely. Propaganda has already helped harden the public against impeachment and public health insurance. People in general are incredibly susceptible to advertising, and this is confirmation bias on top of everything else.


Oct 27, 2017
Are millions of voters really dumb enough to be swayed by all this botting shit?

Don't most people have their minds made up already on their politics?

What does this stuff do besides just double down on everyone's beliefs? Or is the idea to prevent people from changing their minds?

My theory is that it doesn't change minds, but it motivates people. It reinforces their beliefs, and gives them more energy, leading to a higher likelihood that they will show up and vote. Most of the voting population doesn't vote, so it turns into a game of getting people to turn out. A constant slew of engagement in the run-up to election day undoubtedly plays a role in the numbers game.


Oct 25, 2017
The "About us" page for the BL — short for "The Beauty of Life" — offered insight into how the site presented itself to Facebook users. It said the group's mission was to "present to the world the most beautiful aspects of life." And it presented itself as a bulwark of trust in a moment of suspicion about information and how it is consumed.

"Inaccurate and degenerate information can be easily channeled toward vulnerable or uninformed people," its since-disabled page read, "creating a vicious cycle of misinformation."
These sleazy people and organizations are always projecting.
Oct 27, 2017
Need to tie accounts to some kind of unique personal biometric or data that prevents fake accounts and holds people accountable for their contentb on social media. No fake amounts, no bots. Perhaps like an internet ID system needed to use social media. Regulation needs to happen quickly. Our laws and our social constructs haven't adapted to how bad actors are using social media. We need to teach children how to become better skeptics to fight internet disinformation campaigns. I wish we could just regulate Facebook into nonexistence. It's perhaps the most harmful thing to come so far from the internet.
I often wonder how deep the bot hole goes on twitter and facebook.

I see so many accounts that clearly have a fake photo and copy-pasted bio, that do respond to people (often claiming they're not bots, ah-hah) and don't just re-share links. I sometimes wonder if chatbots have gotten that sophisticated.


Oct 25, 2017
Elf Tower, New Mexico
My theory is that it doesn't change minds, but it motivates people. It reinforces their beliefs, and gives them more energy, leading to a higher likelihood that they will show up and vote. Most of the voting population doesn't vote, so it turns into a game of getting people to turn out. A constant slew of engagement in the run-up to election day undoubtedly plays a role in the numbers game.
It absolutely changes minds. Multiple members of my family who were politically indifferent or lightly liberal became extreme, rabid Trump supporters because of bullshit posted on facebook. Even otherwise intelligent people. Its fucking baffling.

Red Liquorice

Oct 27, 2017
Need to tie accounts to some kind of unique personal biometric or data that prevents fake accounts and holds people accountable for their contentb on social media. No fake amounts, no bots. Perhaps like an internet ID system needed to use social media. Regulation needs to happen quickly. Our laws and our social constructs haven't adapted to how bad actors are using social media. We need to teach children how to become better skeptics to fight internet disinformation campaigns. I wish we could just regulate Facebook into nonexistence. It's perhaps the most harmful thing to come so far from the internet.
I think this too. I know why the companies wouldn't want to do this, but even with a free sign-up social media accounts should require proof of ID. My only worry is obviously then these scumbag companies have access to all that info, so I don't know the ins and outs. But if you needed proof of ID it would help with the fake accounts and bots and also posting illegal content, kids access etc.

They've had far too long making billions from making the world a worse place.
It absolutely changes minds. Multiple members of my family who were politically indifferent or lightly liberal became extreme, rabid Trump supporters because of bullshit posted on facebook. Even otherwise intelligent people. Its fucking baffling.
I read somewhere that sometimes the people most vulnerable to radicalization are those who have never been exposed to its rhetoric at all. They don't comprehend the twisted logic.

I suspect this is why we see the repeated pattern of people who were "neutral" to politics becoming monsters overnight. They have no filters against being manipulated even if they are reasonably intelligent in other areas.


Oct 27, 2017
I read somewhere that sometimes the people most vulnerable to radicalization are those who have never been exposed to its rhetoric at all. They don't comprehend the twisted logic.

I suspect this is why we see the repeated pattern of people who were "neutral" to politics becoming monsters overnight. They have no filters against being manipulated even if they are reasonably intelligent in other areas.

There is definitely a power to inoculation against rhetoric. Like I was educated in high school on the ways that some preachers try and sway their followers - and when I actually saw those methods in practice later on in life I could easily say that shit was crazy. But people around me who hadn't learned the same fell for it. And once they fell for it, even my explanation had no effect because it took place after exposure.

So we need to educate people who are not otherwise engaged early and often.


Oct 27, 2017
Hold on.. Falun Gong are MAGA bros?
They will carry the torch for anyone openly hostile towards China's government. Falun Gong have been campaigning against China ever since the CCP started what was basically an attempted genocide on what is basically a spiritual movement. Regardless of their methods and beliefs, they never actually deserved or provoked the horrific shit China did to the spiritual movement and the people practicing it.

They're not MAGA bros, they're just supportive of anyone who wants to undermine China.
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Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
The lede is the scale of the operation and the worldwide exposure of people to disinformation (with Facebook obfuscating the exposure of American citizens).

But everybody gets hung up on the Falun Gong reference... smh.