Which is worse?

  • Hot weather

    Votes: 1,802 77.5%
  • Cold weather

    Votes: 406 17.5%
  • Never lived where either was bad so I can't say

    Votes: 11 0.5%
  • They're both miserable, I can't choose

    Votes: 95 4.1%
  • I love both!

    Votes: 12 0.5%

  • Total voters

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Even when the polar vortex had temps hitting -22 F, you can still bundle up, stay inside, and bunker down. When it's above 95 F (especially with humidity), there's no escape. You can only take off so many clothes until you're literally naked. Fans, air conditioning, cold foods & beverages ... it doesn't matter. The heat pushes through all of those barriers and wins.


Dec 3, 2020
Cold. The heat doesn't bother me as much, but I feel like my hands will freeze off when it gets too cold.

Cat Party

Oct 25, 2017
Hmmm, lets compare....

Ways to beat hot weather:
  • A/C (cheap to run)
  • relax in the shade
  • pool
  • go up to the mountains
  • go to the coast/lake
  • refreshing cold drinks and ice cream
  • make great memories with your friends/family doing any of the above
Ways to beat cold weather:
  • bundle up to a ridiculous degree yet still have your fingers and toes be fucking freezing
  • heater (expensive to run)
  • fireplace (bad for the environment/banned in many places now)
  • hot drinks (which must be enjoyed immediately or they become lukewarm)
  • ???
  • stay inside for extended periods of time and succumb to seasonal depression


Oct 27, 2017
Cold will kill you quicker, but there's also no good way to get comfortable in hot weather - particularly humid, hot weather.

I'll take sub -40C over 40C any day.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
They're both miserable but I'm going to say "Really cold."

I think there's a phenomenon though where most people who answer "Really cold" or "Really hot" live in places where their climate is whatever they think is hot, so like, a person from Florida thinking about "Really cold," thinks of like 40 degrees, and a person from Massachusetts thinking of really hot thinks of like 95 degrees. I don't mind when it's really hot here, but it's rarely above 95, even a week ago when we had about 4 days of hot (90+) humid weather, I always kinda like it... reminds me of summer time as a kid and there's something about it I like.

But as I've grown older I've come to fucking hate the bitter cold of winter and the everlasting depression that comes knowing that no matter what time between November and April 30, you could be one or two days away from a 24 inches of snow and the everlasting bull shit fuckery that causes. WIth heatwaves in the summer in New England, you can have 3 or 4 days of a heatwave like we had 10 days ago, but then you'll have some rain on a couple days,a nd then basically 7 days of perfect mid-70s, dry weather like we're in the midst of now. During the winter time, in January, you get hit with one 24" snowstorm, and then you have to deal with that fucking snow for 4 more months because *it never fuckin melts* until like May.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Both are miserable and require you to stay indoors and either use up a lot of power with an AC or a heater/furnace. At least with the cold though you can wear like 20 jackets and 5 hats and you'll be fine, but really uncomfortable. Either way it's always the wind chill that fucks you up in the cold.


Oct 27, 2017
I wonder if the vote would be reversed if we did this in January. Cold is such a pain in the ass because of the snow/ice. You can literally fuck yourself up just with one wrong step. I'm not sure anything similar exists for the heat.

Radd Redd

Oct 27, 2017
Humans can survive cold weather. Bundle up and it's possible to survive -40 temps. You can only do so much when temperatures go past 130 before you're toast.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Ways to beat hot weather:
  • A/C (cheap to run)
  • relax in the shade
  • pool
  • go up to the mountains
  • go to the coast/lake
  • refreshing cold drinks and ice cream
  • make great memories with your friends/family doing any of the above
I don't think you're describing hot weather. You're describing a nice, summer day. On a truly hot day, the idea of going outside is not even a remote possibility.


Oct 26, 2017
I love the sun and warm weather...but this is such an easy answer, you've got no defence against unbearable heat other than if you're lucky to be stuck in a place with good AC (and happy to stay there the whole time and not go out!).

You can always layer up and heat things up when it's cold, no matter how cold!


Jan 10, 2018
It depends. If you're doing nothing and can just hang out in the pool / shade or dip in the ocean, then hot weather is better.

If you're doing anything at all, any work or activity (that coincides with the weather), then extreme cold is better. You can dress appropriately with your level of heat output and be comfortable all day.

On a related topic, I will take a -5C snowy day anytime over a +5C rainy day. No Vancouver winters for me.


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
They're both miserable but I'm going to say "Really cold."

I think there's a phenomenon though where most people who answer "Really cold" or "Really hot" live in places where their climate is whatever they think is hot, so like, a person from Florida thinking about "Really cold," thinks of like 40 degrees, and a person from Massachusetts thinking of really hot thinks of like 95 degrees. I don't mind when it's really hot here, but it's rarely above 95, even a week ago when we had about 4 days of hot (90+) humid weather, I always kinda like it... reminds me of summer time as a kid and there's something about it I like.

But as I've grown older I've come to fucking hate the bitter cold of winter and the everlasting depression that comes knowing that no matter what time between November and April 30, you could be one or two days away from a 24 inches of snow and the everlasting bull shit fuckery that causes. WIth heatwaves in the summer in New England, you can have 3 or 4 days of a heatwave like we had 10 days ago, but then you'll have some rain on a couple days,a nd then basically 7 days of perfect mid-70s, dry weather like we're in the midst of now. During the winter time, in January, you get hit with one 24" snowstorm, and then you have to deal with that fucking snow for 4 more months because *it never fuckin melts* until like May.

This guy knows what's up. "Hot weather!" is absolutely the wrong answer.

Worst case scenario (let's say 100+ temperatures with high humidity) It's only going to be uncomfortable, and this can be easily dealt with using a cheap air conditioner. Don't have an AC? Any indoor public space (mall, library) will be fine, as will any local pool. Temperatures plummet significantly when the sun goes down in the evening, especially if it's not humid. The elderly sometimes struggle with heat waves, but regular, healthy individuals are only moderately inconvenienced for a few hours.

Now...let's look at "Cold Weather."

"Cold Weather" at zero or subzero temperatures can be so brutal that it will kill you with hypothermia just by being out in it for too long. No amount of shade will mitigate this and unless you're rocking a Parka made for arctic exploration "more clothing" stops helping long before that zero degree mark.

"Cold Weather" brings with it a host of extremely nasty weather that simply does not show up in hot weather. Blizzards? Freezing Rain? Fuck THAT. These things will knock out power for days on end and trap you in your home that way potentially with NO HEAT for days. Can't drive anywhere to escape when that happens- roads will be iced over or impassable and driving is basically suicide. Heavy snow or ice will collapse trees, power lines, and even entire roofs if it's heavy enough.

Heatwaves are generally gone in a couple of days before they break, and if you work in an air conditioned environment you might not even notice when they happen. Cold snaps? I've seen 0 degree cold snaps go for two solid weeks without relief. People walk around wanting to die because there's no escape.

To hell with cold weather. Only insane people love this.

Cat Party

Oct 25, 2017
I don't think you're describing hot weather. You're describing a nice, summer day. On a truly hot day, the idea of going outside is not even a remote possibility.
I grew up in Fresno so I am pretty well acquainted with hot weather, thank you.
Do you drink lukewarm drinks and melted ice cream in the summer?
Nope. The speed at which a nice cold beer warms up is much slower than the speed at which a nice warm hot cocoa cools down. That's just science.


Oct 29, 2017
Cold weather sucks. Ever tried biking to work in -20C? It feels like parts of your face are going to break off. Shit just sucks yo.


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
I grew up in Florida and now live in Chicago. So I've experienced both tropical and icy Upper Midwestern weather. While the bitter cold of a polar vortex is rough, constant oppressive heat with high humidity is the worst. It feels like your brain is cooking and you can't help but feel tired and disgusting.


Oct 27, 2017
Really hot weather sucks, but Really cold weather has snow, which you have to shovel and sucks for commuting. Also dark days and long nights. I'll take a heat wave over a blizzard anytime.


Oct 25, 2017
With cold temperatures, I can just wear more layers if I need them. When it's 98F/37C or hotter and humid as shit, there's really nothing you can do to avoid it and it's one of the most miserable feelings in the world.


Oct 25, 2017
I grew up in Fresno so I am pretty well acquainted with hot weather, thank you.

Nope. The speed at which a nice cold beer warms up is much slower than the speed at which a nice warm hot cocoa cools down. That's just science.
Maybe if you're running a controlled test in a lab, I have no idea. My boiling hot drink takes quite a while to cool. A beer in the summer? It stops being ice cold pretty fucking fast.


Jul 7, 2020
I'll take cold over hot any day. It's the hot, humid nights that kill me; my house refuses to cool down (no AC) and I cannot sleep while the air is in the 80s with 90% humidity. There's just no relief; sleeping naked with a fan on just doesn't much for you at that point.

I'll take the negatives of winter any day. Give me minus degrees and a foot of snow, I've got a tank of a snowblower and 800 fill jackets. The summer brings endless mosquitos thanks to the creek that runs behind my property and I can't get anymore naked without freaking out the neighbors when it gets too hot to handle, so I wind up just laying down in my basement wishing for death. 🤣


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
Hot weather gets miserable faster than cold does, but extreme cold seems deadlier. Realistically, it's probably not going to be deadly and extreme where most people live so imo hot is worse in terms of how annoying and miserable it is to be sticky and sweaty all day. Some days over here on the west coast feels like the heat is actively draining my energy.


Oct 25, 2017
As a Canadian who experiences both, I'll take hot weather over cold any day. Cold is just way too much of a fucking hassle on the day to day. Gotta wear too much, gotta plow/shovel, gotta be late because of road conditions, dangerous, etc.

Hot is a slight discomfort to me. Gotta wear sunscreen.


Oct 25, 2017
Cold. I have been absolutely miserably cold. I hate being cold.

Not so with heat. I am still good with very high temperatures as long as I can be in shade and not get literally burned by the sun.

Wes D. Mess

Aug 11, 2018
If I'm staying inside, I prefer cold weather.

If I have to go out, I'll take my chances with hot weather. Fuck sub-zero temp and digging my car out of snow and ice.


Oct 25, 2017
Warm weather is far more uncomfortable for me. I overheat pretty easily, and excessive hot weather just drains me. With cold weather I can always just put on more clothes.

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
I hate extreme heat.

Especially when I need to drive anywhere, leaving the car in a parking lot for any amount of time turns it into an oven so even the smallest errand end up with me sweating before I even get home.

My house's shitty little AC unit just went out too so for the next 2 days I just have to deal with it. Thankfully once the new one is installed it should be way more powerful and efficient, so hopefully my electric bill won't be insane this summer.

I actually miss the cold after moving to San Diego. I liked my nice peacoat and gloves I'd wear in the winter up in Seattle or sitting by the fire.
Oct 25, 2017
I've never ever been bothered by hot weather. The men in my family have some sort of genetic superpower where heat just doesn't affect us. The worst thing about 40+ degree weather is listening to others complain about it.

Cold weather sucks. I've gotten frostbite and sickness from being outside in -40 weather, but +40 just means I'm gonna sweat more than I want.


Oct 25, 2017
Hot is worse because at a certain point there's just nothing you can do to fight it. Cold is so much more manageable. Layers, hats, gloves, boots... all helpful in the cold. When it's hot as all fuck you just have to take it.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
This guy knows what's up. "Hot weather!" is absolutely the wrong answer.

Worst case scenario (let's say 100+ temperatures with high humidity) It's only going to be uncomfortable, and this can be easily dealt with using a cheap air conditioner. Don't have an AC? Any indoor public space (mall, library) will be fine, as will any local pool. Temperatures plummet significantly when the sun goes down in the evening, especially if it's not humid. The elderly sometimes struggle with heat waves, but regular, healthy individuals are only moderately inconvenienced for a few hours.

Now...let's look at "Cold Weather."

"Cold Weather" at zero or subzero temperatures can be so brutal that it will kill you with hypothermia just by being out in it for too long. No amount of shade will mitigate this and unless you're rocking a Parka made for arctic exploration "more clothing" stops helping long before that zero degree mark.

"Cold Weather" brings with it a host of extremely nasty weather that simply does not show up in hot weather. Blizzards? Freezing Rain? Fuck THAT. These things will knock out power for days on end and trap you in your home that way potentially with NO HEAT for days. Can't drive anywhere to escape when that happens- roads will be iced over or impassable and driving is basically suicide. Heavy snow or ice will collapse trees, power lines, and even entire roofs if it's heavy enough.

Heatwaves are generally gone in a couple of days before they break, and if you work in an air conditioned environment you might not even notice when they happen. Cold snaps? I've seen 0 degree cold snaps go for two solid weeks without relief. People walk around wanting to die because there's no escape.

To hell with cold weather. Only insane people love this.


I'm from New England so I think I'm biased against cold weather, and my impression of "sweltering" weather is like ... 95 and humid. Not...125 like some of the Southwest is getting right now. I think those extremes are hard to judge if you don't live where the extremes are.

But goddam I fuckin hate the cold. This time of year, June in Massachusetts, I'm so thankful because I can just *walk outside.* I don't have to throw on a thousand layers, heavy boots. I can walk my dog. In the morning getting my kid dressed I can just put normal clothes on her, not have to fight to get a damn snowsuit on her just to go get a cup of coffee and a donut.

I fucking hate winters in New England... I think I'd ideally move to a climate like Washington DC, North Carolina, Virginia, etc. Hot during the summer, sure, but fairly mild in the winter, and I can ddeal with 95 and humid. I fucking despise zero degrees and snow these days. Late spring, summer, and parts of fall are amazing in New England, but I don't even enjoy fall around here. People have this impression of Fall in New England as like crisp cool days... 55 and sunny, with leaves turning color, apple cider donuts, oktoberfest beer, and NFL football on the TV. nah, fall is 37 and downpouring rain with black ice on the road and utter misery. Spring in Massachusetts is truly amazing weather wise... 70 during the day, 58 at night, like perfect weather, but of the 365 days a year, that period lasts about 2-3 weeks... April 28 to May 15 or so. before April 28, there's a good chance you're getting 8" of snow tomorrow and it's going to be 25 degrees and SHIT. After May 15, there's a good chanc it's 90 and humid.


Oct 25, 2017
Both suck. I'm one of those folks who just wishes it were spring or fall all the time.
Oct 26, 2017
Once it gets over 20 Celsius I'm getting pretty uncomfortable, even more so if I need to move around. Not great for somebody who enjoys hiking. I can't even fathom what it must be like for you people who live in hot climates.

it's easier to heat yourself up than cool yourself down.


Oct 26, 2017
Hot weather sucks, that's why americans retire in Alaska and Europeans in the Baltic States....oh wait.


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018

I'm from New England so I think I'm biased against cold weather, and my impression of "sweltering" weather is like ... 95 and humid. Not...125 like some of the Southwest is getting right now. I think those extremes are hard to judge if you don't live where the extremes are.

There's an old saying that "yeah, but it's a DRY" heat which is where the Southwest is right now. Having hung out in AZ and Nevada for a bit, 95 degrees with high humidity is ABSOLUTELY worse than 110 degrees of Arizona heat. Not even a question.

But goddam I fuckin hate the cold. This time of year, June in Massachusetts, I'm so thankful because I can just *walk outside.* I don't have to throw on a thousand layers, heavy boots. I can walk my dog. In the morning getting my kid dressed I can just put normal clothes on her, not have to fight to get a damn snowsuit on her just to go get a cup of coffee and a donut.

I fucking hate winters in New England... I think I'd ideally move to a climate like Washington DC, North Carolina, Virginia, etc. Hot during the summer, sure, but fairly mild in the winter, and I can ddeal with 95 and humid. I fucking despise zero degrees and snow these days. Late spring, summer, and parts of fall are amazing in New England, but I don't even enjoy fall around here. People have this impression of Fall in New England as like crisp cool days... 55 and sunny, with leaves turning color, apple cider donuts, oktoberfest beer, and NFL football on the TV. nah, fall is 37 and downpouring rain with black ice on the road and utter misery.

I'm 100% with you brother. And we're (mostly) young, healthy people. The ability of the human body to tolerate brutally cold winters drops considerably when you start getting towards retirement age, which is why so many retirees from the northeast simply up and leave for the southeast or southwest at that age. Fucking NOBODY moves from South Florida to Buffalo to retire. NOBODY.

Hot weather sucks, that's why americans retire in Alaska and Europeans in the Baltic States....oh wait.



Oct 25, 2017
Cold. I fucking hate the snow. Having to dig out my car or deal with frostbitten hands/feet beats out any heat wave I've ever experienced.