Nov 9, 2017
I got some Mango Hot sauce from Kickstarter and had it delivered.

Have your Kickstarter or Patreon delivered?


Alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Kickstarters? A whole buttload of board games and a few videogames that still haven't come out. I did back the Friday 13th game and it's ok but nothing groundbreaking

Never done a patreon don't think I will

Lord Brady

Oct 26, 2017
1 kickstarter - Amplitude by Harmonix. Turned out to be a huge disappointment.
No patreons.


Oct 25, 2017
A bunch of Kickstarters,
Currently backing the Good Life game,
backed a number of indie movies, and comics.

Patreon- All Podcasts
Laser Time
Talking Simpsons
Post Wrestling
John Siuntres
Dan Carlin


Oct 26, 2017
A lot of Board games and webcomics to paper.
Video game wise: Ultimate Chicken Horse, Yooka Laylee, Sundered, Foundation.

Board games and books are sometimes late by a few months.
Video games are known to be often late by a year or more (UCH and Sundered were on time) which makes me less encline to support them.

I follow patreons by have yet to sub to someone.

How About No

Oct 25, 2017
The Great Dairy State
I've only backed a couple KS cuz I'm lazy and poor



Blue Omen Operation


Patreon...uhh I can't say here

Except CrankyConstruct's RPG with cool art and characters


Oct 29, 2017

Easy allies, best in the biz when it comes to game coverage. They are atleast 80% of what I watch on my tv. They do some very creative stuff as well like d&d as well as producing there own series called box peek

Kinda funny games, I love the kinda funny games daily as a breaking news show. It's consistently good.

Never funded a kickstarter, I want immediate rewards when I spend money.

Dec 2, 2017
Jim Sterling, Easy Allies, Matthewmatosis, Cane and Rinse, Webcomic Name all get my patreon money. My only kickstarter was Mighty No 9. Won't be doing that again.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
I've backed 25 successful Kickstarter projects to the tune of around $1100. There's too many to list, but they include 4 pieces of gaming/computing hardware, a couple local projects, a couple non-electronic devices and a bunch of games.

For Patreon, I only give to two projects: the Oddity Archive Youtube channel and the Small Town Murder/Crime in Sports podcasts.


Oct 25, 2017
Big D and the Kids' Table - Two New Albums (Stomp and Stroll),
Anamanaguchi - make Endless Fantasy more than an album,
Mighty No. 9,
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero,
Bee and Puppycat: The Series,
Happy Hell,
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night,
"This is Fine" Plush Dog.

I've mostly been pretty happy with them. I would have backed Indivisible, but I was broke at the time.


There's a few people I would support, but I don't have the money or can be sure I can contribute monthly.


Oct 27, 2017
The only kickstarter I've ever backed is by the band Icon for Hire for their album "You Can't Kill Us". It was mostly because I liked the band and wanted to support them going independent.

Deleted member 26768

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 30, 2017
no kickstarter because no payment option i can fulfil

i've been supporting Clemps and Dark Pixel gaming for a while now on Patreon

Deleted member 25600

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Oct 29, 2017
I've backed 2 kickstarters total. One was to buy Max Huffman (then the artist of the Mocktopus webcomic) a new laptop after his previous one died. He was still in highschool at the time


The other one I backed was the English dub of the French cartoon Wakfu. I know a lot of people were quite displeased with how it was run, but I got everything I wanted out of it so I was quite happy.


Oct 27, 2017
A bunch of games that have so far all delivered (I mean, to various degrees of quality, but you know) and a few that were cancelled or whatever and I was refunded.

I haven't felt outright "burned" because all I ever really pledge for is the base level 99% of the time, which just means a copy of the game.

I have never used patreon.

edit: wait. Nintendo Force Magazine switched to Patreon, so I do use it!


Oct 25, 2017
Torment: Tides of Numenaria - Never even played it.
Amplitude - Played it for a bit and really enjoyed it, but haven't gone back to it.
Heart Forth, Alicia - Game's been in development for like seven years now, Jesus fuck.

That's it. I think I supported Yooka-Laylee and then quickly rescinded it. No money spent on non-vidya stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
I've backed Yooka-Laylee, and an indie game called Little Devil Inside but what they promised has been achieved by Breath of the Wild so I've lost interest and it's been too long.
I've also backed the Kickstarters for my own publisher to translate our books in english, but I've backed the bare minimum cuz I'm broke, haha... ha...
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Oct 31, 2017
Three Xeric watches, the Evergraph automatic, Soloscope RQ and Trappist-1, all delivered.

Also Sabertron, foam light-up combat swords with built-in scoring. Backed this around 3 years ago or so, and hopefully they're shipping to backers this summer.
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Deleted member 11290

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Backed a whole lot of board games and a couple of video games.
Only Patreon I have right now is Sorastro's Miniatures Painting.
Oct 27, 2017
I have yet to back a kickstarter. Patreon appeals to me even less. Ive been tempted by a few kickstarters, never once considered a patreon.

Deleted member 3542

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Kickstarted MST3k and a couple of Rifftrax endeavors (Miami Connection was one I think, whatever that group of riffs was).

Patreon is Easy Allies and Ralph Garman/Ralph Report (if you're in LA you prob know him) monthly.


Oct 25, 2017
Off the top of my head my current Kickstarters are Battle Tech, Iron Oath and one or two I'm forgetting. Need to back Swerys new game too.

I support The Dollop on Patreon.


Oct 25, 2017
the edge
I supported Easy Allies on Patreon since launch up until last month. I still love them and they've still the only gaming podcast that I'm willing to listen to, but ultimately I was disappointed by their output of produced video content. Video game streams are just not for me and that seems what they're mostly doing now. 0 announcements at their second anniversary was enough for me to decide that it just didn't make sense for me anymore.

Now I'm considering to put that money into the We Hate Movies podcast instead. It's one of my favorite podcasts and I've been listening to the guys for years now. With a Patreon exclusive episode every month, in addition to the regular episodes every week and the occasional mailbag episode on top of it, I'm definitely getting my money's worth.


Oct 25, 2017
I backed that educational satellite that was going to take space selfies of backers, after the first one blew up they canceled the project and refunded everyone.


Oct 25, 2017
Project Giana
Project Eternity
Torment: Tides of Numenera
Ninja Pizza Girl
Underworld Ascendant
Yooka Laylee
The Bards Tale IV
Shenmue 3
Divinity: Original Sin 2


Oct 28, 2017
I limit myself to one a year max.

I did shenmue 3
I backed the Uuni Pro (outdoor pizza oven)
This year it's fireball island.


Oct 25, 2017
Kickstarters would be just Them's Fightin' Herds and Indivisible, I think.

On Patreon, I support a bunch of MLP fan artists at $1 each. I'm less inclined to give money to those who already get a lot of support.


Oct 27, 2017
Only people I ever supported were Pomplamoose (twice) and an 8-bit book author.

Got soap off Pomplamoose and a gorgeous book off the 8-bit fella, it was honestly so nice I keep it in the padded envelope it came in.

As far as Patreon goes have subbed to a few per month for content I like. Few dollars won't hurt the bank.

Left a comment on Nataly Dawns' channel when she was at 5k dollars per video and she just made some cooking thing for content (as a musician) I thought it was cheap. She was not happy and told me to retract my non-existent Patreon pledge if I didn't like her video. So I un-subbed. Shame too as I love her voice.

Was just a 'meh' situation, still think Jack Conte is a genius both musically and for what he has achieved.
Oct 27, 2017
I've never been interested in Kickstarters, but I'm definitely supportive of people trying to make a living on YouTube that can't due to a lack of popularity or YouTube's new rules.

Right now I support the following YouTube channels with a few bucks every month.

Townsendsan insightful look into Colonial life by a community of historical recreators; includes features like cooking up recipes from 300 year old cookbooks.

Level 1 Techs is just another tech YouTube channel. I don't watch most of their output, but I like the rapport among the people and enjoy their weekly news rundown. They put a lot of work into it their videos and offer a level of technical insight that might just be glossed over in a Linus video.

Latte ASMR. I have always found most ASMR videos to be creepy or unaffective, but I stumbled upon this channel a year ago and I'm not sure what it is--the production values, the slightly awkward English, maybe just her particular mannerisms--but this shit puts me to sleep in a good way.

I'm always on the look out for more Patreons to support, but these are the only ones I can think of at the moment that actively need my support and whose videos I always immediately try to make time for.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017

MST3K: The Return - Well worth the investment. They absolutely nailed it. Look for my name in the credits (along with a billion others)

Ghost Song - Backed in August of 2013. My wife and I have had two kids since then. I've given up.

Angry Video Game Nerd Movie - It sucked, but after all the years of him entertaining me for free, I didn't mind kicking in a bit


Just my friend Bridget who does amazing things with yarn:





Oct 26, 2017
The Hotline Miami 1 vinyl set is the only thing I've backed on Kickstarter. It was something like ÂŁ30 and well worth it.

I generally have a rule to not bother with Patreon, but I was more than happy to make an exception for Limmy with his homemade show, although it never amounted to anything as he managed to get the BBC to air it anyway. I'll more than likely support him again if he goes back to it for whatever reason.

Deleted member 3815

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Mighty No 9; That was a disaster.

Mega Man X figure; Was a disaster as I didn't get my figure and I couldn't contact them.

Yooka-Layee; got the product, the game is okay but tries to be something that it is not.

I am done with Kickstarter, too risky for low returns.
Oct 27, 2017
I backed a few Kickstarters for people I know IRL:
Stop Telling Women to Smile
Dust N Dignity
Guernica Annual, Vol. 2

And also Bloodstained. I got the rewards for everything but Bloodstained. I kinda sorta regret backing that one if I'm being honest.

Oh, and I also backed an Indigogo for a medium/large format version of Cinestill T800 film. That took a while but it was worth it considering how much that stuff normally costs for a roll.

Nowadays unless it's a really, really good deal (or a friend) I don't see myself backing anything. I've never used Patreon because I remember not too long after I heard about it they were in the news for security issues.


Oct 27, 2017
I supported a patreon that scanlated manga. I got my request scanlated so yes, it did deliver. Translation wasn't the best, but it's better than nothing.
Oct 25, 2017
RE2 board game

All of Marauders 3.75 military figure kickstarters
Boss Fight Studios 3.75 Mythology and Fantasy figure kickstarter

Easy Allies