
Oct 28, 2017
PBS Eons
PBS Space Time
PBS Crash Course Astronomy
Sous Vide Everything
Allen Mathews Classic Guitar Shed


Oct 27, 2017
Contrapoints, Destiny, Joseph Anderson, and Nakey Jakey.
I try not to follow too much at a time. I try to do an annual purge.
Nakey Jakey is so funny.

I recommend Special Books By Special Kids. It's a special education teacher who meets with people, kids and adults, who have disabilities. It's a great channel that helps us understand what struggles a person may face. A lot of the adult ones who are sound cognitively but face physical limitations who bring up dating and loneliness get me every time.


Oct 28, 2017
Cosmonaut Variety Hour and Supereyepatchwolf cover some great stuff (anime, tv shows etc.) and have some quality videos.
Nov 14, 2017
One I tune into frequently is Wintergatan. Last year, they (or rather just Martin, I'm not sure) posted the Marble Machine video that went viral. Now Martin uploads a video every Wednesday that documents the successor machine that he's building.


Nov 1, 2017
Mainly leftist channels and comedy.

Sargon of Akkad
Dave Rubin
Jake Paul
Logan Paul


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Mainly leftist channels and comedy.

Sargon of Akkad
Dave Rubin
Jake Paul
Logan Paul

LOL @ alt-right racists like Pewdiepie and Jontron being "leftist". I'm guessing that was the joke...but whoosh.

Some really good recommendations in this thread...and then this post.

I just sub'd to a bunch of channels because of this thread and watched entirely too many Great Big Story videos last night.

A few that I sub to that I haven't seen mentioned here are:

Crooked Media: The video versions of Pod Save America and some other panel type discussions.
Retrontario: 70's-90's Canadian TV commercials/TV shows
Caribbean Pot: Caribbean cooking
JoeRussos Almost Dead: Some pro-shot videos of maybe the best touring live band right now...well second best.
LazyLightning55a: A bunch of 4K concert footage. mostly Phish, some other stuff.
Earwolf: Not very active these days, but some good archived Comedy Bang Bang's, Improv 4 Humans, etc.

Keep 'em coming though.


Oct 27, 2017
Nakey Jakey is so funny.
I just want to highlight the emotion and sincerity he puts in his videos. Its a refreshing perspective since he focuses on feeling rather than criticisms of the form.

One video that show cases this in particular is his "Dark Souls saved me" video. The tone and everything feels personal, like he's inviting you into his space. It has no clips of the game- the video is just of him, bundled in a blanket speaking his feelings. Its quite amazing.



Oct 25, 2017
Doug Demuro
internationally ME
Jenna Ezarik
Linus Tech Tips
Open House
The Dave Ramsey Show
Oct 25, 2017
LOL @ alt-right racists like Pewdiepie and Jontron being "leftist". I'm guessing that was the joke...but whoosh.

Yeah, I'm guessing that's the joke. Basically everyone he listed was an alt-right shithead. I think Jake Paul and Logan Paul are just regular shitheads though.

I'm going to add Shaun to the list of quality Youtubers


Oct 27, 2017
Tampa, FL
NakeyJakey, as others have said, is an absolute treasure. He feels like a friend.

In terms of "commentary youtube": Cody Ko and Noel Miller, Drew Gooden, Danny Gonzalez, Eddy Burbank, Nerd City

ProZD for comedy voice over

Lindsey Ellis and Folding Ideas for video essay content

Contrapoints for my sjw-ing

Funhaus, of course.

Safiya Nygaard does buzzfeed style videos (as she worked for them) but they are so bingeable.

If you want to hear sax covers, Bari S has you covered.

Bill Wurtz for... whatever the hell it is he does (the History of Japan/The World guy)

Xero grimlock

Dec 1, 2017
i follow 2 music ones RoughNX a small channel with a guy that pumps out alot of electronic ambient music thats all royalty free. he also occassionally does anime covers. and post modern juke box that does modern songs in an older style, like swing, lounge and a bunch if other and its a very good production


Oct 27, 2017
I was gonna start a thread but this one looks good. I need to more channels to watch.

Theres a bunch of these 'primitive life' videos on youtube where people build stuff without modern equipment. Its just so interesting to have on in the background. Might even teach you a thing or two if you ever get stranded on a deserted island.

Honestly the best food show on youtube. He's like a non creepy(but awkward) version food ranger. Or a broke anthony bourdain.

Matt Stonie eating videos. Non gross version of LA beast.


Oct 30, 2017
Boxing Legends TV
Nostalgia Nerd
Kim Justice
Stop Skeletons from Fighting.
Larry Bundy Jr
Snopes Game Room

All game related (except the obvious one) and far and away the best in YouTube.

Raycevick and GVMERS do the best gaming documentaries out there.


Oct 27, 2017
Grand Illusions is secretly one of the best and most wholesome channels on youtube.

It is Tim and he just shows off his toy collection.

I especially love this miniatures video

Nov 3, 2017
Well, everybody's probably gonna be putting up a list of generally popular gaming channels.
I myself sub to quite a bit but I think for my filter here I'm gonna focus on channels related to my niche - retro game archival research. Many of these are considerably smaller channels, so givin them a sub would be nice.

Unable to make urls from where I am at currently, so I will say for now you can find these folks by searching them on YouTube. Links will be edited in later:
1) Gaming Historian
2) LSuperSonicQ
3) nensondubois
4) Skawo
5) The Cutting Room Floor
6) Nintendo Era
7) GameHut
8) LuigiBlood

Oh, and I guess suggesting my own channel may be a nice idea to. ^^;


Apr 16, 2018
Here's a few channels for any other film geek out there.

Oliver Harper - He does incredibly detailed film retrospectives that focus quite a bit on the developmental and production aspects that I think a lot of reviewers miss.

Ryan Hollinger - For any other horror fans out there, his "Horror Explained" series and other retrospectives often shed light on things from a uniquely British take. Something that also sheds light on a lot of indie darlings that I would never have heard of stateside.

Folding Ideas - While his focus isn't entirely film, many of his videos have opened my eyes to the editing side of film-making, something that I hadn't ever paid much attention to.


Oct 31, 2017
I posted this on FB awhile back...

"I toyed with the idea of highlighting terrible Youtubers and blasting them for their shittiness. INSTEAD, I'm gonna share some of my favorite Youtubers with you guys. Hopefully you will check them out if their content is up your alley. Wall of text incoming.

-Ryan Celsius Sounds: If low-fi hip hop is your thing, this Maryland local cultivates tracks from Sound Cloud to put together relaxing, airy mixes to suit your various moods.

-Double Toasted: If you ever watched the animated movie reviews from, some of that team branched off to create their own thing. They specialize in movie reviews and will often devote time to current events.

-Red Letter Media: My other go-to movie review team. They review new movies, but their bread and butter is "Best Of The Worst" where they review the biggest dumpster fires ever put to video cassette.

-Dead End Hip Hop: A circle of "old heads" reviewing current hip hop is the best way I can put it. They've all got their individual preferences but I find them a bit more relatable being in the same age bracket. Their format is not very formal, more discussion based.

-The Needle Drop: The internet's busiest music nerd. Literally, the man covers every genre. I don't like everything that he's hyped up, but he's definitely put me onto stuff I never would have listened to. He had a pretty funny meme review channel if you can find the archived videos.

-Gregor: After jumping fresh into "Rainbow Six: Siege" last year, I discovered this guy's channel. Very informative (and funny) videos for newcomers to the game.

-Geoff The Hero: I'm not sure how to describe Geoff. He's a troll. He's the trolliest of trolls. From his "Gaming In The Obama Years" series,to his fued with other members of the fighting game community, he's put out some truly hilarious content.

-OSW Reviews: A few lads from Ireland doing reviews of old wrestling PPVs. Not much else to say.

-Super Eyepatch Wolf: I've already shared several of his videos. He made me an anime fan again.

-Moodz616: His top 10 videos made me into a horror movie addict. I get super jealous anytime he shows off his DVD/blu-ray collection. He's also a huge hip hop head, so bonus.

-Horror Show Comics: Does readings of various horror fiction, but particularly horror manga, along with the accompanying visuals. Highly recommended if you're a fan of Junji Ito.

-ReignBot: She specializes is creepy pastas, internet hoaxes, dark web stuff, etc. If you're in the mood to get creeped out, look no further.

-Destiny: Remember the shitty Youtubers I spoke about earlier? This guy has lengthy debates with them, and absolutely annihilates them. Fun watches, but fair warning they are pretty lengthy.

-Fury Road: One of my truly guilty pleasures is videos of shitty drivers. This guy's channel is dash cam heaven. Accidents, arguments, and just people generally making dumb decisions on the road. I can never just watch one vid."


Oct 27, 2017
There's a serious lack of ExtraCredit in this topic.
Their ExtraHistory episodes are legit great.

Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
Retro Replay - Nolan North and Troy Baker playing old games, telling jokes or stories, doing voices, and playing poorly most of the time:



Oct 25, 2017
Mr.nightmare has consistently put out by far the best scary story videos on youtube. He makes even some crazy sounding stories sound believable.


Staff Writer at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
Noclip is the only YouTube channel I have ever subscribed to in history, lol.

Might check out a few of these, though.


Oct 26, 2017
United Kingdom
Lazy Game Reviews
The 8-Bit Guy
Fact Fiend - With Karl Smallwood
Nostalgia Nerd
Simone Giertz
Technology Connections
Today I Found Out
Jay Foreman


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
500 subscriptions to go through, lesgo dudes

NEOTIC has some tasty lo-fi jams
Ahoy has excellent retrospectives on game mechanics and history
bill wurtz makes funny videos about things
Binging with Babish, where you can watch a self-deprecating man make food from your favourite movies, television shows and cartoons/anime. Also where I learned how to make Spaghetti Aglio E Olio, which I make quite splendidly if I do say so myself
BotanicSage, the king of music mashups
Cool Ghosts, a quirky channel where two British dudes talk about video games. They're working on an episodic series, starring two guys who die and have nothing to do in limbo but talk about video games.
Corridor Digital, a channel with high-quality videos and high-quality special effects
cyriak, a channel with a lot of surreal videos, his most popular one involving shapeshifting cows.
David Firth, one of my favourite YouTube animators. Known from Salad Fingers fame, David Firth has some excellent animation series on his channel, such as Sock, The News That Hasn't Happened Yet, and David Firth's Health Reminder.
Easy Allies, one of the best collection of gaming personalities on the Internet. Entertaining to watch with loads of content, Easy Allies is an instant recommendation for anybody who likes video games.

...Okay, I give up, I'm updating this list in another post later.

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
Here's a few channels for any other film geek out there.

Oliver Harper - He does incredibly detailed film retrospectives that focus quite a bit on the developmental and production aspects that I think a lot of reviewers miss.

Ryan Hollinger - For any other horror fans out there, his "Horror Explained" series and other retrospectives often shed light on things from a uniquely British take. Something that also sheds light on a lot of indie darlings that I would never have heard of stateside.

Folding Ideas - While his focus isn't entirely film, many of his videos have opened my eyes to the editing side of film-making, something that I hadn't ever paid much attention to.
Been watching his videos because this comments thx they are very entertaining


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
SuperbestFriendsPlay and their associated side channels
Couple of cover artists
A few ASMR channels
Oct 27, 2017
Your guys already mentioned a bunch, so I will say this dude because I didn't see it mentioned. Dude reviews MREs. If you like history, he reviews military rations from whatever era he can find. I think the oldest one has been 1899 or something like that lol. And he will try them, if he thinks they are safe.


Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
Mr Mobile for the editing alone. His reviews are also on point, but his presentation, voice overs, and content are on another level. You get that the guy loves tech. Damir Franc as well, he tries to stay objective, but his sunjective views are definitelt worth listening to.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think vaguely gesturing at ASMR as something someone should search is going to do them any favours.

Heather Feather was one of them but she doesn't post much anymore. The major ones are pretty consistent in quality for the most part so it probably doesn't matter which one you choose.