
Oct 25, 2017
I've been eagerly awaiting the release of Ghost of Tsushima for years since its initial reveal. At times the wait has been painful as my excitement was too much to contain. I'm someone who has been pining for a grounded, ninja-stealth game with AAA production values since forever, and GoT was looking to be the closest thing to that ideal that I was likely to ever get. With each little nugget of information or the occasional trailer my anticipation continually rose to the point of nearly boiling over going into last week's State of Play gameplay demonstration. I watched it and mostly loved what I saw.

But then I came across this thread.

In that thread, the OP points out that GoT appeared to be eschewing the use of procedural death animations altogether. I remember the bow-and-arrow kills in the State of Play video looking pretty wonky, but at the time I assumed it was just some physics playing out in an unintended way. When I first saw the footage, it looked to me like the game was using a blend of keyframed/canned animations that transition smoothly into a ragdoll or procedural animation finish as enemies slump to the ground.

But then I kept reading that thread. People were pointing out how Sucker Punch's previous Infamous game completely lacked any sort of procedural death/impact animations for enemies. It looked pretty bad and wholly at odds with that game's otherwise stellar presentation. Then I went back and watched the State of Play footage again.

I'll be god damned. They've done it again. Ghost of Tsushima appears to rely completely on a handful of canned death animations with little in the way of even inverse kinematics kicking in after the enemy falls to the ground.

Get used to seeing that death animation over and over. Notice the crude re-alignment of the second corpse with the ground after the animation cycle ends.

This... is hard for my brain to compute. Why. Why on earth would they make this design decision in a game all about stylishly dispatching enemies as a badass samurai/ninja protagonist? I'm not saying that I'll be boycotting the game or anything, but this one seemingly small decision has severely deflated my excitement for this game. Maybe that sounds extreme to some of you, but I mean it. It's incredibly disappointing.

Has this happened to any of you with other games?


Oct 27, 2017
Using canned animations for people getting killed by swords seems kind of okay to me. After all it isn't supposed to be an instant death. If you do canned death animations though you should have a ton of variants.

On topic:
Resident Evil 3 being so short and cutting content + bad fps on xbox one x made me go from day one to waiting for a sale

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
I love Assassin Creed, but didn't bother with Unity once the funny gifts came out of all the technical problems.
Dec 6, 2017
The fucking hyper-downgrade of Dark Souls 2.

It went from looking too good, like what the fuck good, to some screens legit looking like PS2 screenshots shortly before release and nobody knew what was going on. I shrugged it off assuming it was some sort of bad angle or what have, did the midnight launch, even took a day off work only to find out it most certainly was true. Some of that game still looks mindbogglingly bad to me. Left the sourest taste a video game has ever managed to leave. I see that box on my shelf and cringe a little each time.
Jul 3, 2019
RE3 Remake for sure. I didn't even buy it because of the cut areas and the removal of the branching choices.
I'll wait till a heavy price drop or a used copy.


Apr 1, 2019
I remember hearing about there being weird stealth segments in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 like maybe a week or so before release.


Oct 18, 2019
The fucking hyper-downgrade of Dark Souls 2.

It went from looking too good, like what the fuck good, to some screens legit looking like PS2 screenshots shortly before release and nobody knew what was going on. I shrugged it off assuming it was some sort of bad angle or what have, did the midnight launch, even took a day off work only to find out it most certainly was true. Some of that game still looks mindbogglingly bad to me. Left the sourest taste a video game has ever managed to leave. I see that box on my shelf and cringe a little each time.

I don't remember this, could you send me a link or something, mate? I want to see the difference.


Oct 25, 2017
Not right before launch but shortly after.

Sea of Thieves. despite it still being one of my most played and beloved games launched with so little to do it did deflate a lot out of it.

I assumed I was only getting a snapshot of content in the alphas and betas. That the rest of the game was super meaty.

It wasn't.

Then I assumed it opens up once you hit Pirate Legend.

it didn't

Also, Halo 4 in a Big way.

I wasn't a big fan of Reach. The armor abilities and bloom was garbage. So once MP details started coming out of Halo 4 my hype was back on. It looked gorgeous. There was a gif of a spartan 4 shotting another with a BR. Hit scan weapons. Clean shit.

Then there was a leak that said there was no descope on weapons. Armor abilities were back including shit like wall hacks. Sprint by default. No red x's on death. Power weapons are random on map. You can call in your own power weapons via kill streaks. You can spawn with a shotgun. I laughed at those leaks because they sounded outlandish.

But they turned out to be true

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
The confirmation that Samurai Shodown was still using delay-based netcode despite SNK having Samurai Shodown V Special updated with rollback netcode by Code Mystics, just weeks before.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The fucking hyper-downgrade of Dark Souls 2.

It went from looking too good, like what the fuck good, to some screens legit looking like PS2 screenshots shortly before release and nobody knew what was going on. I shrugged it off assuming it was some sort of bad angle or what have, did the midnight launch, even took a day off work only to find out it most certainly was true. Some of that game still looks mindbogglingly bad to me. Left the sourest taste a video game has ever managed to leave. I see that box on my shelf and cringe a little each time.


Oct 25, 2017
Early reports of Paper Mario: Sticker Star having no real story. Biiiiiig warning sign that something was seriously up.


Self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Shitty side quests in FFVII Remake. Still ended up enjoying the game immensely, but the side content was fucking trash.


Nov 16, 2017

Well, the Dex cuts from Pokemon Sword and Shield among some smaller stuff.
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Deleted member 46489

User requested account closure
Aug 7, 2018
I don't remember this, could you send me a link or something, mate? I want to see the difference.
Buddy, you're in for a surprise. Dark Souls 2 had the most brutal downgrade I've seen in recent times. Here's a link-

Dark Souls 2 downgrade full comparison

A more precise and complete comparison between the final game and the 2013 gameplay reveal.Reproducing the same camera angles is a very tedious task because ...


Oct 25, 2017
great timing because i just found out that the upcoming mario sunshine and galaxy "remakes" are in fact, the original games, just up-res'd. so....those D:


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
MGS Peace Walker. They changed too many things and shifted the gameplay into a weird collectathon. I never wanted or needed it.
I just wanted a MGS game. Like a legit sequel to MGS3.


Oct 27, 2017
When I bought Super Paper Mario and then found out it wasn't an RPG. It wasn't even that bad of a game in the end, but I was very bitter about the whole thing by the time I finished. Especially since the Paper Mario and Fire Emblem sequels were 2 of the 3 reasons I got a Wii when I did (at least Radiant Dawn delivered). The writing was still good, so I beat the game to see how it ended, but the whole thing left a very bad taste in my mouth.

Luckily I never bought Sticker Star, I just borrowed from a friend to try it out and it basically solidified the series as dead for me.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
The first gameplay footage of The Order 1886 made me realize that rather than a cool Victorian Mass Effect game it was just going to be a linear one-and-done corridor shooter. I went from extremely excited for the idea to completely disinterested.

At least Bloodborne ended up filling the gap in some way.

That there was nothing to do in No Mans Sky, absolutely killed the hype I had.

I wish I learned this before I spent $80 on an a pre-release copy.


Oct 26, 2017
Not close to release, but when they revealed that you couldn't at all catch Pokemon that exceeded the level of your badges, it completely killed the goodwill that the wild area reveal had built for the game.


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
Every time a Capcom retail release is confirmed to include half of the content on a one-time use download code, it bums me the fuck out.

Even though it should be a given these days, it still bothers me.


Oct 27, 2017
The fucking hyper-downgrade of Dark Souls 2.

It went from looking too good, like what the fuck good, to some screens legit looking like PS2 screenshots shortly before release and nobody knew what was going on. I shrugged it off assuming it was some sort of bad angle or what have, did the midnight launch, even took a day off work only to find out it most certainly was true. Some of that game still looks mindbogglingly bad to me. Left the sourest taste a video game has ever managed to leave. I see that box on my shelf and cringe a little each time.

That one legit stung. FROM Soft coming off of what would likely be the most influential game of the decade, and then the downgrade.

Still a great game, but I remember how bad the Forest of Fallen Giants looked compared to the demo, and then when I finally got to Aldia's Keep?


I had gotten used to the game's visual style by that point, and seeing Aldia's Keep in its release incarnation was still a huge bummer.


Oct 25, 2017
When Activision says "There will be no microtransactions included at launch"

Deleted member 6263

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
FFVII Remake - you couldn't have said anything to make me stop smiling. Then they mentioned it was only the Midgar section. Hype turned to skepticism, which turned back into hype once gameplay was shown. I wasn't nearly as elated as when I saw the announcement trailer but I still had a good time with the game.

Edit: Oh, close to launch. Well then, probably FFVII Remake again - finding out that the ending would be super controversial. That had me kind of defensive leading up to the ending.


Mar 12, 2020
No split screen coop in Halo 5. Killed my hype instantly and made me wait another year to buy an Xbox One.


Oct 25, 2017
SimCity 2013. The always-online aspect had been known for several months, but the reveal of the astoundingly tiny build area (to encourage multiple connected cities that were essentially wholly segmented districts) was something that I, at least, had no clue about until right up until the game launched. The agent system also turned out to be really simple and nowhere near what they were promising.
Dec 6, 2017
I don't remember this, could you send me a link or something, mate? I want to see the difference.


This was one of the early DS2 screens.

I can't find the pics the official Facebook group posted shortly before release that I'm referring to right now. There are comparison videos and so on out there. And to clarify, I'm not saying the whole game looks like a PS2 game or something, nah, just some screens looked insanely shit compared to the early footage.


Oct 25, 2017
I remember how excited I was for Yooka-Laylee, the first one.

And then we saw footage of the Capital Cashino world

And that was the moment where I went "oh, this game isn't gonna be very good, is it"


Is Sometimes A Good Bean
Aug 24, 2018
DMC5 having mtx for red orbs

But then hype came back when they literally give you a weapon that gives red orbs

Wild time


Oct 26, 2017
Orange County
The fucking hyper-downgrade of Dark Souls 2.

It went from looking too good, like what the fuck good, to some screens legit looking like PS2 screenshots shortly before release and nobody knew what was going on. I shrugged it off assuming it was some sort of bad angle or what have, did the midnight launch, even took a day off work only to find out it most certainly was true. Some of that game still looks mindbogglingly bad to me. Left the sourest taste a video game has ever managed to leave. I see that box on my shelf and cringe a little each time.

This 100% Lordy that was so disappointing.

OP you've got a flair for the hyperbole (I would know as I do as well) I watched that gif like 10 times and couldn't figure out what your issue was. Then I re-read your post and I see it and....what's the big deal? Also this is one of the MOST hype deflating things you've seen? Really?


Oct 30, 2017
Mighty N°9.

The initial reveal with the Kickstarter was hype as fuck. Then it was a downhill that it went more and more steep as it went on.


May 14, 2020
FF7R shitty side quests

The Order 1886 leaks about lenght

GoT gameplay, i was shocked, after 6 years i was expecting something really good and not yet another derivative open world game with a cool setting


Oct 25, 2017
100GB+ download sizes. Only reason I was able to download FF7R was because Comcast temporarily suspended their datacaps with current events.
Dec 6, 2017
I will say I'm pretty bummed about GoT being so by-the-numbers ultimately. I'm not sure what exactly I was expecting really but just a bit more than a generic current-gen open world game with a Kurosawa coat of paint.

I'm still willing to give it a shot on sale later on but I'm just not a fan at all of those type of games and was expecting just something more unique I guess.