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Dec 8, 2017
I got the game when it came out and I remember enjoying it a lot. I didn't play it again until now, and it still a great game.

The graphics look incredible
The gameplay it's fine
The story has a good twist building towards a sequel
The voice acting is great
The characters are interesting

I know the game got a lot of backlash from having the game being in cinema widescreen, which I think it's stupid and they shouldn't have done it. However, the game is great for what it is. There are several games that start being average, and become great. Uncharted started being a good game, but it was the second that made the franchise special.

Why didn't people and/or critics give it a chance?

Sony should give it a chance. If the problem was due to the developer, they can put another one in charge and turn this game franchise into something really special. I could even vote for Bluepoint Games.

It's really sad that games with potential, or even good games with potential don't get a chance because of a gimmick or something that could easily be fixed in a sequel. Fixable things should not be condemn so hard. Like, if people thought the game was "slow" that could easily change in a sequel, but as long as it has good characters, good story, etc. it can be done. I feel like people hated this game into oblivion because of the widescreen thing mostly (at least, that's the only thing I remember about the game getting hate on).

It's neither here nor there, but other good games with potential that people hated because of something stupid was LAIR and Heavenly Sword. For example: With LAIR, people hated the motion controls, and just because of that, people said the game sucked. They even removed the motion controls, but by then people didn't want to play it anymore. The game could be good or bad, but it was never judged by the game itself, it was only judged by the motion controls.

Sony should really take a look at their catalogue and make dust off those games that can truly grow. (although I hate that they gave Gravity Rush a chance and failed miserably thanks to stupid gameplay mechanics no one needed or wanted like stealth).

The point is: The Order was a very good game. It's no perfect by any means, but it was a game that could become something even better.


Feb 28, 2018
This was a time when games were harshly judged by their time to beat. There were other issues but that was definitely the kicker


Oct 28, 2017
People thought every big game must be long or open world. Plus it was pretty simple and barebones gameplay wise. I loved the setting.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah that game was too short. 5-6hrs for $60 and no real replay value? Nah. It'd be OK if it was cheaper though.


Aug 20, 2018
Not enough (compelling) gameplay from the game sections and not enough (compelling) story from the story sections.

the game was sold as a meal but was merely an appetizer


May 17, 2020
The qtes were poorly done, there's not enough gameplay, the boss fights are recycled and boring and even give the same tutorial in the recycled final boss.

El sueño

Feb 4, 2018
Too short and the gameplay could have been better. I loved it , though. I would really love a second.
Oct 27, 2017
I kind of want to revisit it. I remember it being very dull, lots of slow walking with unengaging story telling.

People talk about it being short but I found it a chore to finish.


Oct 27, 2017
I think the biggest complaint was that it was a relatively short single player campaign, with no other component and sold at full price.

I didn't play it a release and only paid like $12 for it, and enjoyed my time with it. I also hope Sony gives the IP another chance, because I thought the story and setting were good. but those graphics 😍!
Oct 27, 2017
It was short and the gameplay sucked. But on the other hand, the gameplay sucked so bad that the short length might be considered a positive.


Oct 27, 2017
The gameplay, what little there is, is either just QTE cutscene spam or generic average 3rd person shooting bits that do nothing better or different than any other generic 3rd person shooter.

Also, the characters and story are so boring that I'm actually amazed that it was even possible to do that in this setting of fiction.


Oct 27, 2017
The stealth segments and boss fights sucked. The rest was totally fine IMHO. Great game with a truly unique setting. The story was short, but it was on par with most PS360 gen shooters. Between 6-8 hours was the norm back then. I think the bigger problem was that it didn't offer much replayability or a multiplayer mode like most PS360 gen shooters.


Oct 25, 2017
It was unchallenging on the highest difficulty, most of the unique weapons went to little use and were just small setpieces, the story felt about 2/3 finished and what should have been the last 1/3 of the game was just a cliffhanger sequel-bait ending to a sequel that will never get made, and the stealth segments were a chore. Despite being a fantasy game, lycans and eventually vampires both feel very unnecessary, they could get replaced by human characters and the plot wouldn't be any different.


Oct 26, 2017
One of the best games of this generation. Very little was wrong with it. It could have been a little longer is all.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
-The game was short (which may or may not be a negative depending on your tastes), and very "on rails"
-The stealth sections were bad.
-They gave you cool shit like the Thermite Rifle, but not nearly enough gameplay sections/time to use them in.

Those were my main problems with it. There was definitely potential there, but I don't think it was realized well enough.
Oct 26, 2017
Great game, but the final act was a big nothing. If it would've ended with a bang, I think it would be more fondly remembered.


Aug 9, 2018
Im sorry op, but if you find gameplay and story good, our standards are so different that is not even worth discussing it i feel. The story is the most boring by the numbers thing imaginable, its only impressive if you consider mediocre writing acceptable because its on videogames. And the gameplay is the go-by example that i use to say what i hate about cover shooters, its the most boring and uninteresting loop imaginable, theres never any interesting choice you have to make.

It got exactly what it deserved. I thought it would get good reviews originally because gamers excuse a lot if the game looks pretty enough, but even that was not enough to save this one it seems.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Too cinematic and yet the story is not very good.

Gameplay is one note, werewolf encounter kinda disappointing,


Oct 25, 2017
They somehow turned fighting werewolves in to a snoozefest. The gameplay was dreadfully boring.


Oct 25, 2017
Bad story, uninteresting characters, shallow world, bad encounter design, terrible boss battles, bland combat, some frustrating checkpoints...
Jul 26, 2018
It's short... that's it.

I finished it 2 weeks ago and after the final battle, I was like "WHAT?!!??!! THAT'S IT?!!?! REALLLYYY?!?!??!!". And then shows ending and I was speechless.

Glad I bought it for only $20 when it was on sale back in 2018. Never played it until now. But truly looks amazing in my LG CX. But man... so hard to aim in that game. Had to play it on easy mode.
Oct 25, 2017
Imo nothing as a game, moreso the time and price it came out at and how it was presented. It feels more in line with games like hellblade or i don't know, plague tale? It comes off way better a triple A like game but at a shorter length and scope and maybe a smaller budget than it does as the next marque title for a system. Ymmv on that of course but I personally always liked it , even if its not exactly what you expect coming off of its peers.


Jun 13, 2018
Combat and "bosses" were repetitive, the game was purely linear in a narrow corridor like PS2/PS3 games which felt out of place on PS4. Cool weapons weren't explored to their potential.


Oct 28, 2017
I got the game when it came out and I remember enjoying it a lot. I didn't play it again until now, and it still a great game.

The graphics look incredible
The gameplay it's fine
The story has a good twist building towards a sequel
The voice acting is great
The characters are interesting

I know the game got a lot of backlash from having the game being in cinema widescreen, which I think it's stupid and they shouldn't have done it. However, the game is great for what it is. There are several games that start being average, and become great. Uncharted started being a good game, but it was the second that made the franchise special.

Why didn't people and/or critics give it a chance?

Sony should give it a chance. If the problem was due to the developer, they can put another one in charge and turn this game franchise into something really special. I could even vote for Bluepoint Games.

It's really sad that games with potential, or even good games with potential don't get a chance because of a gimmick or something that could easily be fixed in a sequel. Fixable things should not be condemn so hard. Like, if people thought the game was "slow" that could easily change in a sequel, but as long as it has good characters, good story, etc. it can be done. I feel like people hated this game into oblivion because of the widescreen thing mostly (at least, that's the only thing I remember about the game getting hate on).

It's neither here nor there, but other good games with potential that people hated because of something stupid was LAIR and Heavenly Sword. For example: With LAIR, people hated the motion controls, and just because of that, people said the game sucked. They even removed the motion controls, but by then people didn't want to play it anymore. The game could be good or bad, but it was never judged by the game itself, it was only judged by the motion controls.

Sony should really take a look at their catalogue and make dust off those games that can truly grow. (although I hate that they gave Gravity Rush a chance and failed miserably thanks to stupid gameplay mechanics no one needed or wanted like stealth).

The point is: The Order was a very good game. It's no perfect by any means, but it was a game that could become something even better.
OP I agree with you. One of the best games of the generation for me.


Oct 28, 2017
Loved it, recently replayed it and was still just as good. So much wasted potential tho. Sony should salvage this IP

Moon Parade

Oct 25, 2017
The length. It exacerbates everything, good or bad, giving the impression that it's an elaborate proof of concept.

I actually enjoyed my (brief) time with it, despite some of the shortcomings.

As a value proposition though, it was horrible, and I can completely understand the anger from those who bought it on release. I'm well aware that my perception is heavily skewed by the fact I bought it for £5 in a sale.


Oct 25, 2017
Story is b-movie cliche tripe.
Boss battles are a joke.
Nearly no replayability despite being short.
Combat was clunky.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
The game plays like shit.

There's no coherence in any contextual actions and qtes.

It has the worst forced stealth ever.

Most guns just shoot wet noodles.

The boss fights are amazing. Just kidding, they are busted.

For how short it is, it's amazing that managed to put there some padding.

And of course the game is just a prologue to something else, it can't even be considered the first part of a trilogy or whatever, it's just a prologue.

I don't understand the narrative that the game wasn't so bad. It was, and it deserves all the bad reviews and buzz.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
The game design was straight out of 2009 and didn't feel next-gen in the slightest.

- Levels were completely linear
- Encounter design was about on-par with the first Uncharted
- Boss fights were the definition of repetitive
- Far, far too many QTEs for a game released in 2015
- Boring and unmemorable characters (sorry OP)

The game's strongest selling point was it's visuals. It looked pretty, but had the gameplay and narrative depth of a puddle.


Oct 29, 2017
Agree with you OP. I really liked the game and enjoyed all aspects of it. Definitely going for the platinum eventually.

I think the black bars might've helped improve the graphics seeing as how there'd be less to render. I might be completely wrong on this tho.


Jan 6, 2020
Was very short
it simply ends right when you become a victorian batman
and the "let's just shoot poor people to oblivion because reasons" story didn't do it any favors.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I bought the game @ $30 and didn't mind the length. Definitely not worth $60 tho however in the Era of everything being 10+ hour, open world games, something short like this with nice visuals is a Godsend.

The only real issue with the length I had is that the game ends where it feels like the actual story should really be kicking in.


Oct 27, 2017
It's far too short, has no replay value, ends kind of ubruptly in an unsatisfying way. Werewolf fights are terrible and just repeat.

I mean I had a good time with it for £20 but I forgot about it quickly.