
Oct 27, 2017
I got pedigreed on a trampoline by my cousin and dislocated my shoulder, what stupid pro wrestling stunt injured you?



Oct 25, 2017
In terms of submissions, the Liontamer was the one submission hold that hurt the most.


Oct 27, 2017
My brother, who was always much larger than me (and muscular even as a kid) would hoot and holler like Ric Flair, force me to the ground, and put me in the figure four leg lock. That thing hurts like a bitch.


Oct 28, 2017
Gave someone a Stone Cold Stunner in the pool as a preteen/teen. His braces cut into my thumb. It wasn't a horrible cut, but I still have a bit of a scar from it.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
None because I was always the one doing the moves on other people.


Oct 27, 2017
Pretty sure I got a concussion from a pile driver from my older brother.


Oct 27, 2017
We all got very lucky during our sibling trampoline wrestling. None of us ever got injured, but my lil brother did get his lip split open during one of our "hardcore" matches. i think it was one of those cheap/disposable baking trays that somehow caught him. We took it from mom so she as extra upset.

Amazingly, that's the worst it got. We did some dumb shit and are all probably lucky.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Told my mate 100 times he wasn't gone pick me up as if going for a piledriver as I didn't think he could hold me. Eventually have in, he dropped me square on my head, my head was ringing and my back / neck hurt for days after. Bad times.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
My cousin gave me the monkey flip. Instead of flipping over and onto my back I fell on my face and neck. Since then I can crack my neck on command.


Jan 26, 2018
I'm not sure what move it was, I think a piledriver, but I landed on my neck. Couldn't move it for weeks and to this day it still hurts me every so often.

$10 Bagel

Oct 25, 2017
My brother tried to do a pump handle slam, and I tried to pull some hurricanrana reversal, well it didn't go as planned and I almost folded in half bending backwards.

I have no idea how I even have a spine to this day. I was in so much pain


McDonalds looks really average next to Wendys
Oct 25, 2017
Powerbombed my cousin and clipped his head on the headboard.

Almost killed myself taking a Stone Cold Stunner, not the move itself.... but I was trying to sell it like the Rock.
Oct 25, 2017
Figure 4. We always knew wrestling was fake so we figured out how to do moves decently safe to each other, but that figure 4 legit hurts lol.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
None, that I remember. We didn't do much in terms of suplexes/drops/aerial moves, it was mostly submission style. I remember winning a lot of "matches" with cross armbars though.


Oct 27, 2017
I was less than an inch away from major head injuries when my brother tomb stoned me too close to the fire place.


Oct 27, 2017
Me and this other kid in my class used to do swanton bombs from our desks onto the classroom reading sofa. I have no idea how we aren't dead.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
A family friend chokeslammed me and I was winded for like 2 minutes. My dad kicked him out and didn't let him come round for like a month lmao

My uncle also gave me a spike piledriver Stone Cold-style that nearly paralysed me.

My school had cage-like fences for the football courts so we had steel cage matches too.


Oct 25, 2017
I chokeslammed my younger cousin onto a mattress and he bounced like 3 feet into the air and onto the floor below. He was basically fine, but I got a pretty good scolding for that one.

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
Camel Clutch was equally parts painful and embarrassing to be in


Oct 26, 2017
Got hit with a pedigree in someone's backyard. Pretty sure I got a mild concussion at least, but I definitely didn't get up right away. The rest of the dudes continued on with the ladder match.
Dec 29, 2017
In high school during freshman year, I had video production as an elective. We had to do a short story that had a beginning, middle, and end type deal. I was filming and 2 classmates were the actors. My classmate wrote the script and for the ending he was to give the Stone Cold Stunner to the bad guy, my classmate. This was in 1998/1999 during the height of the Attitude Era. We filmed everything in the school cafeteria. I was filming the ending and my classmate either completely botched the Stunner, changed things on the fly, or did this on purpose. Instead of a Stunner he changed it into a DDT. A DDT onto a cement floor. For one thing, it was the cleanest, most textbook looking DDT I have ever seen. I remember hearing the thud as my classmates head hit the floor. I remember the look of agony on his face. Blood poured out from between his fingers as he held the top of his head. He let out a bone chilling silent scream. I knew this was bad. I put the camera down and ran to get help from the nearest classroom. Paramedics were called and he was sent to the hospital. He broke his skull and had to have surgery. My classmate who did the DDT was suspended and never came back to school afterwards. I later heard his family got sued. I somehow escaped any punishment.


Oct 28, 2017
In high school during freshman year, I had video production as an elective. We had to do a short story that had a beginning, middle, and end type deal. I was filming and 2 classmates were the actors. My classmate wrote the script and for the ending he was to give the Stone Cold Stunner to the bad guy, my classmate. This was in 1998/1999 during the height of the Attitude Era. We filmed everything in the school cafeteria. I was filming the ending and my classmate either completely botched the Stunner, changed things on the fly, or did this on purpose. Instead of a Stunner he changed it into a DDT. A DDT onto a cement floor. For one thing, it was the cleanest, most textbook looking DDT I have ever seen. I remember hearing the thud as my classmates head hit the floor. I remember the look of agony on his face. Blood poured out from between his fingers as he held the top of his head. He let out a bone chilling silent scream. I knew this was bad. I put the camera down and ran to get help from the nearest classroom. Paramedics were called and he was sent to the hospital. He broke his skull and had to have surgery. My classmate who did the DDT was suspended and never came back to school afterwards. I later heard his family got sued. I somehow escaped any punishment.
Damn, that's intense. I have a DDT story as well, but not as scary. We were messing around in class back in grade 8 or something and this one guy gave another a DDT on the cement floor. When the guy got up his nose was bleeding and everyone freaked out, but he started assuring everyone he was fine and tried to smile. That's when we all realized his front teeth were missing. I shit you not, both of them had literally just snapped off. I remember his parents agreed not to sue the other kid's family after they reached an agreement for the dental bill. Fun times!


Oct 25, 2017
Did a backyard wrestling video with my friends which is sadly lost to time. We went back in the woods and laid some mats down on the ground next to a treehouse with a balcony type thing on it. The balcony thing was about 6 feet in the air so we used it as the top turnbuckle. Anyway, everything was going just fine as we did a bunch of ridiculous moves on each other with late 90's early 00's nu metal blasting in the background. I decided to go up top and do a Blockbuster. For anyone who doesn't know what a Blockbuster is, here you go:

Buff Bagwell - Blockbuster

Buff hits the Blockbuster.

It was picture perfect. The only problem was I overshot my jump, completely missed the mats and landed on the hard ground. I essentially gave myself a superplex off of a 6 foot balcony. I kinda laid there for awhile and eventually lazily finished the match. Fun times!


Oct 29, 2017
I gave my best friend a DDT too but it was on grass, still knocked him for a loop. I can't remember how old we were I want to say somewhere around 12 maybe, he was quite a bit taller and bigger than me at the time and he had me up in the air and I kind of swung down with my arm around his head/neck and drove him into the ground.


Oct 27, 2017
Didn't mess me up, but my parent's bed was a casualty of a powerbomb.

The bed frame did not make it.


Oct 29, 2017
Whenever my friends used to put me in a Boston Crab my secret weapon was to fart straight up their nose. Had a 100% success rate in getting them to release the hold.


Oct 27, 2017

We were on that ECW shit.

I'm sure this is why I start to get a headache when I bend over to pick things up.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania

We were on that ECW shit.

I'm sure this is why I start to get a headache when I bend over to pick things up.
Are you fucking serious?
In high school during freshman year, I had video production as an elective. We had to do a short story that had a beginning, middle, and end type deal. I was filming and 2 classmates were the actors. My classmate wrote the script and for the ending he was to give the Stone Cold Stunner to the bad guy, my classmate. This was in 1998/1999 during the height of the Attitude Era. We filmed everything in the school cafeteria. I was filming the ending and my classmate either completely botched the Stunner, changed things on the fly, or did this on purpose. Instead of a Stunner he changed it into a DDT. A DDT onto a cement floor. For one thing, it was the cleanest, most textbook looking DDT I have ever seen. I remember hearing the thud as my classmates head hit the floor. I remember the look of agony on his face. Blood poured out from between his fingers as he held the top of his head. He let out a bone chilling silent scream. I knew this was bad. I put the camera down and ran to get help from the nearest classroom. Paramedics were called and he was sent to the hospital. He broke his skull and had to have surgery. My classmate who did the DDT was suspended and never came back to school afterwards. I later heard his family got sued. I somehow escaped any punishment.


The Stig

Oct 25, 2017
Almost broke my neck doing a swanton bomb on a trampoline. Under flipped and landed on my dome slamming my chin into my chest. Probably took a solid minute before I could breathe again and I was fucked up for a week or two afterwards. Never did that one again.

Fucked my brother up with an F5 too. Can't really recall the details, just remember it happening.
May 18, 2018
Seems like alot of us have things in common, always a trampoline or bed. My story is I got my jaw broke getting stone cold stunnered.