
Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
As an Inventory counter for Bar, Restaurants, strip clubs etc it's Keg rooms at bars. Some bars stack their kegs 3+ high or they keep a million kegs cramped in a small keg room. It's hard to weigh them for someone who is only 122 pounds. What's something about your job that irritates you?

Deleted member 1086

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Boise Area, Idaho
the crappy programs we have to work with. A couple of them only work right in conjunction with the other, so when one decides to stop working the other one won't work either, resulting in me having to restart both which kills several minutes of time. And it's not something that happens on rare occasions, it's something that happens on average at least once a day. There's really not a lot I can do about it either, I'm not the only one that has these issues, I see it in our group chat when someone mentions having to restart because the programs hang up. One of them is published by HP, would be great if they patched it or something.


Oct 27, 2017
My manager. Other than that idiot, I would say when I do work and there are so many revisions because people are disorganized or not putting in the proper time to provide feedback, resulting in my making too many changes.

I have spoke up about that though, but it doesn't change.


Alt Account
Oct 30, 2017
I manage 45 people. All call offs go to me 24/7. So the worst part is the 2a wake calls when a person is calling off.

Deleted member 12028

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
People sending a message over Skype right after they sent an email. People checking if you are joining a meeting 1 minute after.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
I do marketing/promotional material. There's one guy who will ask me to create something and then he'll turn around and email it out to the company saying that he made it. He does it 3 or 4 times a year.


Oct 31, 2017
Dealing with people. I hate people after doing my job as long as I have. If I ever get a new job, I hope it's a nice office job where they can tell me what to do and lock me up in an office or cubicle for eight hours a day and leave me alone.
Oct 27, 2017
my SCM operations uses early-generation 2 OBIE and other traditional/oldschool ERP programs that are totally archaic. they do work, but they're still frustrating and clunky. they should have updated years ago but all of the managers, IT team, etc have been trained to work/teach interns using those versions of the softwares, so i'm just stuck with it until I take over the company in 20+ years lol.


Oct 28, 2017
Reporting impossible-to-determine project statuses with terrible software to people that aren't even paying attention


Oct 25, 2017
Incooperative parents.

You tell them to see an ENT, and they make an appointment at a befriended docs place so he writes an ok for the child, despite abnormalities occuring in the previous tests and obvious behavioural issues.

Most parents straight refuse to consider that something might be different about their child, seeing a specialist is a big red flag. I do not mean this typical "That child has an attention deficit, it needs pills" thing.


Oct 27, 2017
Kind of a cheating answer (because it has many annoyances), but the work culture on the floor we got moved to.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Dealing with people. I hate people after doing my job as long as I have. If I ever get a new job, I hope it's a nice office job where they can tell me what to do and lock me up in an office or cubicle for eight hours a day and leave me alone.
Worked as a Deli Clerk before this job and let me tell.... you will hate people even more than you ever did before. Not just customers, but corporate as well.


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
Shannon please for the love of god empty out the mop bucket when you are done cleaning for Christ's sake. AND TUCK THE TRASH BAGS IN...FUCK. Okay yeah that's it technically two things but whatever


Oct 27, 2017
People with the sole goal to do as little work as possible. Then have the nerve to complain daily that they are sooo tired.

Additionally, people who complain they aren't getting enough hours, but then don't come to work when you give them hours. If you call out once or twice weekly so I schedule you 3 or 4 days a week, what the fuck are you complaining for?


Oct 27, 2017
The complete and utter lack of accountability.

Everyone gets away with dragging ass and doing a shit job, so why am I even trying?


Oct 27, 2017
Other departments that can't follow simple procedures that are clearly laid out in easy-to-read language .


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 31, 2017
The lack of communication.
I got a lot of shit for fixing something that others broke for their project, but because other departments never communicate this is a constantly recurring thing.

It's an IT job.


Self-Appointed Godmother of Bruce Wayne's Children
Oct 25, 2017
Having all the responsibilities and work of a particular position but not being given the corresponding title and pay.


Oct 25, 2017
People with no sense of urgency who you have no choice but to depend upon for some work or information.
Oct 27, 2017
People. I now do my own thing where I don't make as much but the benefit is I don't need deal with people at all. And thank fuck for that.


Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
In customer service. I don't mind people who are angry but it can be frustrating when you can solve a persons problems but they won't let you help them.


Oct 27, 2017
Coworkers that walk up to my desk and immediately look straight at my computer screen. Or worse, they'll need to "check something out really quick" and use my pc without asking. Fuck off.

Cosmic Bus

Oct 27, 2017
I don't get paid nearly well enough for the amount, quality and consistency of my work. Other people - borderline incompetent, messy, and under-qualified - get promoted and make a lot more simply because they cook instead of doing pastry like me.

Having all the responsibilities and work of a particular position but not being given the corresponding title and pay.

By extension, this too. I run this shit entirely on my own, every order, every special occasion, every banquet, with no help and no one to fall back on. Do I get paid better for that? Certainly fuckin' not.


Oct 25, 2017
richmond, va
my boss tends to roll over and sit there without saying anything for ten plus seconds and i just kind of stare for a variable amount of time depending on how im feeling that day until i get the effort to say something

just a weird thing he does, he usually wont talk first

its either that or the feeling of pointlessness

to be honest i cant really complain


Oct 25, 2017
In customer service. I don't mind people who are angry but it can be frustrating when you can solve a persons problems but they won't let you help them.
When I worked in CS my particular peve was people who refused to accept my answer (I was CS at a bank).

Me: "Yes, I understand that you apparently need $1500 in cash by the end of the day, you only said it 30 times, but sir, it's a Sunday and all the branches are closed. You can withdraw up to $300 in cash from the ATM per day and that's it".

Customer: "......but I need it today."

The complete and utter lack of accountability.

Everyone gets away with dragging ass and doing a shit job, so why am I even trying?
This is sorta my problem. I feel like I'm the only one in my department who gets stressed when things get screwed up. Everyone else just kinda has a constant "whatever" attitude about it.

I think I might even be more attached to my departments flow than my manager, which might be a red flag.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The weeks when I don't have anything to do so I'm stuck waiting and I don't know where to log my time for that downtime in the system.

Subpar Scrub

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
People who ask for advice, ignore it when given, do something wrong then blame you.


Oct 27, 2017
San Antonio
The lazy ass supervisor he does nothing to help he just on his phone watching videos and disappears we tell the assistant manager and he does nothing already 3 people left because of him and he made a female coworker cry.


Jan 24, 2018
I turned down a manager position after working my ass to get it, because I realized how much my boss doesn't do and how much more work I'd have to take on.

Jokes on me though, because I basically ran the kitchen line for 2 straight hours while my boss was doing God knows what in the back while I'm having to excuse myself every few minutes to hack a lung up or blow my nose.

I guess it boils down to I hate working in food and I can't wait to be an EMT...for a little while.


Oct 31, 2017
"Did you get the e-mail I just sent to you?"

Yes, you cretin - this e-mail time stamped 30 seconds ago? Yes, I got it. No, I haven't read it.



I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
There's two sets of co-workers I have, the people who have the same job as me (dispatch company headquarters, other foreigners basically) and people at my actual place of work.

The other foreigners are high school as fuck and form cliques. If you're not one of the "cool kids" you are forcibly ostracized from their little group. It's made even more annoying because they act very polite and articulate, but will not hang out with you, will roll their eyes when you talk, won't respond to you in the group chat, will make group chats without you, and won't take anything you say seriously. I HAAAAAAATE this. I'd be more ok with it if they just admitted to themselves they want to exclude people from their bourgeoisie club and told us to fuck off directly.

My co-workers at my job are super chill and cool and ACTUALLY nice, though, which is awesome.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
There's two sets of co-workers I have, the people who have the same job as me (dispatch company headquarters, other foreigners basically) and people at my actual place of work.

The other foreigners are high school as fuck and form cliques. If you're not one of the "cool kids" you are forcibly ostracized from their little group. It's made even more annoying because they act very polite and articulate, but will not hang out with you, will roll their eyes when you talk, won't respond to you in the group chat, will make group chats without you, and won't take anything you say seriously. I HAAAAAAATE this. I'd be more ok with it if they just admitted to themselves they want to exclude people from their bourgeoisie club and told us to fuck off directly.

My co-workers at my job are super chill and cool and ACTUALLY nice, though, which is awesome.
At my old job there was two groups. Day shift and night shift people. The day shift were all friends of the manager so they basically got away with murder while the evening shift was nit picked for every little minor mistake. They could never figure out why the evening shift had such a turnover rate.....


Oct 25, 2017
I turned down a manager position after working my ass to get it, because I realized how much my boss doesn't do and how much more work I'd have to take on.
I think that is basically the problem of every Assistant Manager or Supervisor position. They do things that the Manager should be doing, but have to do it for far less money.


Oct 28, 2017
Why I need to drive to the customer and work from their place, when I could work from home, where I would save time and my company would save money, coz of the train tickets


Aug 2, 2018
Right now I'm working as an electrical helper, with the position of an electrician apprentice dangled over my head.

I get that the new guy has to be the ditch digger, part fetcher, gross ass job doer.

I do all that shit without complaint, show up before work starts, clean up as I go and I'm always making sure to write shit down so I'm not stuck repeating questions. I'm code efficient and always hungry to learn more without being pushy or annoying.

Yet after several months I'm still catching incessant shit about being the new guy, I feel like I have to pry to get someone to teach me something new and finding the balance between being respectful and annoying changes depending on these mercurial ass old dudes. Some days they're perfectly willing to teach me the trade, other days I'm shoveling out a ditch by myself and don't learn anything.

I've been applying out of state for union apprenticeships, but that could be months before I hear back.

I should stick this company out until It's certain I won't get an apprenticeship, but killing myself all day while having to practically beg for one of the journeymen to teach me something new is exhausting and demoralizing.