Apr 25, 2020
We all know it. Vault-Tec's famous S.P.E.C.I.A.L educational materials to help you to survive the nasties of the Wasteland.

Lets substitute "Wasteland" for "life", because lets be honest it isn't far off these days, and find out what makes YOU.....S.P.E.C.I.A.L....You have 28 points to assign. Try and fill out a small description to make it more interesting:

Strength - 7 - I'm 6 foot 4 and 110 kilos. While I am certainly not violent by nature, I am more than capable of defending myself in a pinch and probably have an intimidating aura, have worked with lifting heavy materials in the past and regularly scoop my frail grandfather off the floor after a bad fall from a dizzy spell. Overall not bad.

Perception - 6 - I feel like I'm pretty good at reading people; their moods, their opinions, demeanor and personality type. I try to be acutely aware of my surroundings to look out for potential dangers and am a very safe driver.

Endurance - 4 - I don't do overly well under pressure. Anxiety is always lurking around the next corner, and always, ALWAYS catastrophizing. I am not looking forward to living on my own and having all of that on my shoulders as well.

Charisma - 2 - Deeply misanthropic, struggle to find and maintain friendships, very rarely leave the house to go to social gatherings. Very tough goings with the opposite sex....I clearly have about as much charisma as an ant mound.

Intelligence - 6 - Just about average. I can string a good sentence together, can spell really well, USED to suck at studying in my youth but have dramatically improved in adulthood, and know an iffy situation when I see one.

Agility - 2 - I was very athletic once upon a time. Now that I'm in my 30's and about 40 kilos heavier? Not so much. I could sprint about 40 metres before either my bad knee gives out or my lungs do.

Luck - 1 - Yep, in the toilet. Perpetually poor financially, bullied in my school days and mostly failed my education as a result, have a family that regularly make very bad decisions which affect me by extension, the aforementioned shit social skills and romantic luck and generally speaking really not that much going for me.
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Prophet of Truth
Nov 1, 2017
We all know it. Vault-Tec's famous S.P.E.C.I.A.L educational materials to help you to survive the nasties of the Wasteland.

Lets substitute "Wasteland" for "life", because lets be honest it isn't far off these days, and find out what makes YOU.....S.P.E.C.I.A.L....You have 21 points to assign. try and fill out a small description to make it more interesting:

Strength - 4 - I'm 6 foot 4 and 110 kilos. While I am certainly not violent by nature, I am more than capable of defending myself in a pinch and probably have an intimidating aura, have worked with lifting heavy materials in the past and regularly scoop my frail grandfather off the floor after a bad fall from a dizzy spell. Overall not bad.

Perception - 6 - I feel like I'm pretty good at reading people; their moods, their opinions, demeanor and personality type. I try to be acutely aware of my surroundings to look out for potential dangers and am a very safe driver.

Endurance - 3 - I don't do overly well under pressure. Anxiety is always lurking around the next corner, and always, ALWAYS catastrophizing. I am not looking forward to living on my own and having all of that on my shoulders as well.

Charisma - 2 - Deeply misanthropic, struggle to find and maintain friendships, very rarely leave the house to go to social gatherings. Very tough goings with the opposite sex....I clearly have about as much charisma as an ant mound.

Intelligence - 4 - Just about average. I can string a good sentence together, can spell really well, USED to suck at studying in my youth but have dramatically improved in adulthood, and know an iffy situation when I see one.

Agility - 2 - I was very athletic once upon a time. Now that I'm in my 30's and about 40 kilos heavier? Not so much. I could sprint about 40 metres before either my bad knee gives out or my lungs do.

Luck - 0 - Yep, a big fat donut. Perpetually poor financially, bullied in my school days and mostly failed my education as a result, have a family that regularly make very bad decisions which affect me by extension, the aforementioned shit social skills and romantic luck and generally speaking really not that much going for me.

Marcus Aurelius, You got 7 more Skills to use! We start with 1 in each, so a total of 28.

Also, each Stat has to have at least 1 in...so pump that Luck up to 1!

In Fallout 4, the player starts with 1 skill point in every attribute and receives an additional 21 points to add to these attributes. The number of points in them directly affect what perks the player can take in a linear fashion.

The total amount of starting points is 28, which is considerably lower than in previous games that gave you 40.


Mar 16, 2018
Hmm, it's going to take me a while to figure out how to fill this out in such a way that reflects my self loathing...


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
2 - Strength
6 - Perception
1 - Endurance
5 - Charisma
4 - Intelligence
1 - Agility
2 - Luck

Some points went unused during character creation.


Oct 25, 2017
S : 4, strong enough to take in all the groceries in one trip or toss my kids around but I'm no one's first pick to help them move.

P : 7, I've got a decent eye for detail and I'm usually the first to notice something is amiss with the kids. I've got a solid track record of knowing what's going to happen based on available information. I'm no fun watching mystery shows.

E : 2, 18 years of dealing with second hand smoke basically killed my lung capacity so any kind of long exertion will leave me pretty winded.

C : 3, I'm nothing to look at but I'm pretty good at chameleon coding my chat so I can slide into most conversations without too much awkwardness.

I: 6, I'm a quick study and can generally pick things up quickly but usually not more than a surface level understanding, generally I fit the mile wide/inch deep jack-of-all-trades style.

A: 3, used to be higher but age gets us all.

L: 3, It's rare I get a lucky break but the times I do it's really really good.


Oct 26, 2017
1 - Strength
10 - Perception
1 - Endurance
1 - Charisma
1 - Intelligence
1 - Agility
1 - Luck

I have good eyesight