
Oct 26, 2017
Several businesses I frequented in the past have acted like complete shitheads during covid. Saying masks not needed, employees dont wear masks, no limit on people inside the store, etc..

Will you visit places like this in the future? Or will you completely cut them out of your life? Sucks, as I have spent thousands of dollars in these stores beforehand, would not care at all if they shut down forever now.

People often make the argument that stores had to remain open and not follow guidelines to stay in business(doesn't make sense to me). But now I dont care if they are in business or not, I wont go to their store ever again.


Oct 30, 2017
Nope. There's lots of places I won't be going back to. This last year was a test of character, and a lot of places I liked going to failed that test.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't think of any retail business that didn't at least make an effort. The main violators are bars and nightclubs that just went back to business-as-usual.


Oct 27, 2017
Nope. There's lots of places I won't be going back to. This last year was a test of character, and a lot of places I liked going to failed that test.

We had a hair stylist that I'd been going to for 15 years. She lost us as a customer after what she did during this last year. Skirting the rules and ignoring the science more than a few times was enough for us to stop using her services. She showed us who she really was. And it only got worse with time through the year.


Oct 25, 2017
probably, i wouldnt know anyways since i havent stepped foot in many stores during this


Nov 26, 2020
I have never seen this before. Every store either has masks required or don't enforce them, nobody making a statement like "no masks allowed".

I'm a little confused by the question. Do you mean businesses who just didn't have a mask mandate?


Oct 26, 2017

For me, it was a lot of mom and pop shops. A comic shop near me was one of them. In the summer they held a big sale and took pics and posted on facebook. Dozens of people in the store, not a mask in sight. And on top of the sale they held some kind of card tournaments coinciding, so there were also people already inside for that.

For major chains, home depot was the absolute worst place I had to go to once, never went back. That was just gross. Literally saw the cashier cough into her hand and then touch stuff without sanitizing. No mask requirement and no limit on people in store

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
I'm not aware of any businesses around here that did that, so I might unknowingly visit one, I guess. But otherwise no, I wouldn't.


Jul 6, 2019
Nope. I've got a few local restaurants that are already off my menu. I liked them too, but now I actively hope they go under and replaced with a better owner/restaurant.


Nov 26, 2017
Nope, usually these business are associated with maga and Trump. Why would I throw business to people that support such a horrible individual?


Oct 27, 2017
The places that flaunted guidelines are the places I never gave my business anyway, so this is an issue I'm likely to avoid.


Nov 9, 2017
I mean, I guess I'd need a list. Most of the ones I'm aware of were already on my shit list. (Hi GameStop.)


Oct 25, 2017
Does this include companies that aren't customer-facing like Amazon and the food production industry?


Jul 17, 2019
I wouln't even know which ones acted recklessly. Also it is hard to judge, because businesses may have struggled for survival and I won't judge people for trying to fight for their livelihood. I was lucky to have a secure job unaffected by Corona, so it would be unfair for me to judge others in much more difficult, possibly ruinous situations.


Oct 25, 2017
I have not even been in a store that wasn't a grocery store in the last year, so I cannot think of an example of where I would do this.

Jive Turkey

Oct 25, 2017
No, though all of the places I patronize are either big chains (Fred Meyer, Target) or are family owned shops and restaurants. The chains aren't going to defy their corporate mandate and the smaller places are just happy to be open.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not going to know most places that flaunted the rules. However there is a liquor store down the street that hasn't required masks or mdke the employees wear them and there's a restaurant/bar near a park I walk in and they've been operating like a speakeasy the whole time, they even had a super bowl party in there.

Both these places were trash before the pandemic but I will make note to never give them any money.


Jun 13, 2018
Ya, I will, mostly. Depends on what and how and how aware I was though. So I guess it's more of an it depends.

For example, I have a restaurant near me which made headlines for refusing the last shut down. They just paid the fines and stayed open.

I read an interview though with them and they aren't anti mask or anti distancing. They knew if they had to close again they wouldn't be able to reopen. They also knew if they closed again it could take months for their employees to start getting unemployment again because of how behind the state was in processing claims. They didn't feel like they had much choice. They still required masks. They were still distancing tables. They took COVID seriously. They just weren't willing to close.

I ultimately disagree with them. I feel indoor dining shouldn't be open at all and shouldn't have been at any point in the last year. I understand why they felt differently though. Our government failed these businesses, first by not doing enough to get COVID under control and then again by not doing enough to support small businesses and their workers. This failure led many to make stupid, bad decisions, but let's not forget what put them in that position in the first place. They were forced into a situation with no good options.

That's a lot different from say, refusing to require masks


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't noticed anything objectionable, but then I haven't been going out enough to notice, nor do I tend to follow placed on Facebook or whatnot. I'm pretty isolated and out of the loop. But I'm also in Seattle, where I expect there's enough social pressure to follow standards that that's the norm; presumably in less blue areas you get more mavericks.