
Oct 25, 2017
A little over a year ago, I made this thread:

I'm worried that Vanillaware has wasted the last four-plus years on 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim


I'm a big Vanillaware fan, but as you can see in that thread I really didn't think that 13 Sentinels was shaping up to be my kind of game after all those years of development that the team put into it. Since they're a small studio that could possibly be sunk by one commercial failure, I genuinely worried for them given that this big six-year project looked like it would ultimately be a very niche visual novel-esque game with some visually ugly and confusing RTS gameplay tacked on. I don't like visual novels whatsoever, and the abstracted visualization of the RTS battles seemed like an acknowledgment that animating these big mech battles in Vanillaware's signature style would've just been too difficult.


The RTS battles looked terrible in pre-release footage, but they turned out to actually be fun and engaging.

That was last year, and right up until the game's release a week or so ago I had the same low expectations as I did then. None of the new footage or information had changed my view of what the game looked to be, and the only reason I kept my pre-order was out of pure loyalty to Vanillaware and a desire to support their creative endeavors. The positive reviews also piqued my curiosity as they exceeded what I expected from a Western release of a game like this.

So I got the game the day after release, and now I'm about 89% of the way through the main story. And, well...

This is one of the best games I've played this entire generation! Jesus Christ, man! Talk about surpassing expectations. I honestly can't think of another time where I was truly convinced that a game wouldn't even appeal to me but then floored me with its quality after actually playing it. I've always loved the action-RPG combat design of Vanillaware's previous works and didn't think I'd like this drastic deviation away from that, but as I near the end I can easily say that this is probably their overall best game to date. I don't think we're likely to see another game like this either because it's so uniquely constructed and executed. It's truly one-of-a-kind, and I'm so glad that I stuck to my pre-order and played the game despite my grim predictions for the game.


13 Sentinels is a milestone in videogame narrative structure and execution. The praise for its story is 100% justified.


What are some examples of games that you thought you'd straight-up dislike that ended up being incredible?


Jun 16, 2020
Hollow Knight was one for me. I went from thinking: "Aw cute, a fun little Metroidvania riff" to: "this is one of my favorite games ever" in the span of a few hours.


Chicken Chaser
Nov 22, 2018
Kingdom Come. Didn't expect much from it really, but it blew me away. Now it's in my top 3 favorite games this gen.


May 25, 2018
Final Fantasy XIV. Joined it a couple of weeks ago on a meh day telling myself "Now, let's try this so I don't die stupid", turns out it's actually really fun!
Oct 25, 2017
Milwaukee, WI
Nier Automata

Now I'm not going to be a poser, I never played the original Nier. Fact is, anime and game fans already talk in excessive hyperbole. So I'm sure you can understand why I was so skeptical about this anime game prior to release.

I went in completely blind. And by the time I finished the first ending, I was pretty underwhelmed. They're definitely was an extra layer of ideas hinted at, but they were rarely if ever present in the game I played.

But when I started up the "replay" I was completely blown away. The excellent combat added a revolutionary wrinkle in the form of top-down shooting hacking mini games. And more importantly, many of the ideas and concepts lightly addressed in the previous campaign were elevated as main text.

It's a very trippy game, it plays dumb for so long. But when it finally puts its cards down, it's a masterpiece. A total masterpiece. Possibly the best game of this generation.


Oct 28, 2017
Probably Rainbow Six Siege, was blown away by how tense and tactical each match felt in the beta. I must have at least 500 hours played since launch.


Oct 25, 2017
I second Hollow Knight. There's a lot of breezy 8 hours indie metroidvanias out there. Who knew?


One Winged Slayer
Dec 18, 2017
God of War 2018. I waited until Black Friday to pick it up at $17, and really regretted not buying it closer to launch to be a part of that zeitgeist. It's one of my favorite games from Sony period. I will not be making the same mistake with Ragnarok


Aug 1, 2020
Most recent was Hades.

Expected a good roguelike/lite. Did not expect all the (welcome) feelings.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
Siren. Bought it on a whim because I thought it looked interesting when I saw it at a store. Quickly became my favorite horror game series.


Oct 30, 2017
I heard good things about it but I had zero experience with the genre, I fully expected to play a couple of hours and be done with it.

Since it's on Game Pass I gave it a try: I was hooked after just a few minutes and I ended up loving it and beating it in a few days. IMO it's practically flawless in all departments (story, art, music, gameplay, progression, difficulty), and I definitely did not expect that level of greatness.

I'll add State of Decay 2. As opposed to Ori it's faaaar from being flawless, but it easily surpassed my expectations as I usually hate the zombie theme.
Eventually I just really enjoyed the base building, the characters, the resource planning, the exploration, the encounters with other humans, etc.
And the omnipresent zombie menace was finally not so bad, I even enjoyed selecting the right weapons when dealing with certain types of zombies, etc.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
i don't know if it quite fits but i remember going into TLOU2 with high expectations and being kinda blown away that those lofty expectations were exceeded.

Iori Fuyusaka

Oct 26, 2017
13 Sentinels is incredible, but I was told it would be incredible.

Genshin Impact is blowing me away and the fact that is free is still really not registering with me.

I had no expectations going into Hades (EA) and it's probably the best game out there right now.


May 14, 2020
Another Vanillaware game: Odin Sphere Leifthrasir. I bought it on psvita expecting a cute 2D action game with a dumb combat system but I loved every second of it and it's the only game I have a platinum of.

Aaron D.

Oct 25, 2017
Most recently Crusader Kings 3.

Had high hopes for it as CK2 is one of my all-time faves. But I wasn't prepared for the leap in quality between the two.

CK3 legit blew me away.


Oct 27, 2017
Virtue's Last Reward completely bowled me over. The way it consistently tops itself and makes fun use of its premise is a joy.
Oct 27, 2017
Hades. I was expecting a game at the level of Pyre and Transistor – i.e. a very good 7 or 8 / 10 game. I don't know what I would rate it, but it's closer to 10 than 7; I have issues with it and yet, when I have the time to spare, it's all I want to play.
Oct 29, 2017
I was coming in to say it was Hollow Knight but it is very much now 13 Sentinels. Like I love Vanillaware, I went into 13 Sentinels expecting something, I'm just blown away by how good the something really is. It's probably game of the generation for me.


Jun 2, 2020
TLOU2, i was just waiting for a kinda "safe and samey" sequel and what i got, i was never ever prepared.

Mario Odyssey, i was never that much into 3d Marios or 3d plataformers in general, but i'm in the middle of the game and i can't stress how good it is.

Deleted member 10726

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Divinity Original Sin 2

Expectation: Another one of those fantasy RPG that some nerds call objectively good. I think they are full of themselves and just wanna pretend like this is some sorta piece of art even though it probably isn't that good.

And then I played it and thought it was really boring, until a friend made me play past the first chapter.

Now I am too "some nerd" like the rest, I played through this game 10 times, keep finding new stuff and it's one of the best games I played in my life. Like besides Stardew Valley and Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers, Divinity Original Sin 2 left me with such a big smile and made me happy to be playing video games.

Like just straight blew that jaded ass shell away and made me genuinely happy.


Has seen more 10s than EA ever will
Jun 4, 2018
Nier Automata for sure.

Nier prior to its release was my favorite game of all time. They announced another game and I was excited, but worried at the same time? I didn't know what they'd try and do and the quality of games that come from Platinum AND another studio sometimes have questionable results. I played that first demo and thought it was fine, wasn't too excited still. Decided to pick it up on release day and was just instantly hooked. Couldn't put it down. I love love love that game.

13 Sentinels is doing this for me now, too. Had heard good things, was expecting it to be pretty alright when I picked it up but it is now pushing its way towards the top of my favorite games. It's incredible


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Breath of the Wild.

I dove into the Zelda franchise late, so coming fresh off of Skyward Sword and WWHD it not only exceeded my expectations but completely blew them out of the water.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, Ohio
Hollow Knight. When I Kickstarted it I thought it could be a cool little game. It ended up dethroning Super Metroid and SotN as my favorite game in the genre.


Oct 16, 2018
Most recently? Streets of Rage 4.
Expected a decent beat-em-up on the level of maybe Scott Pilgrim or River City Girls. Got what's arguably the best game in the series and one of the best soundtracks of the year.

Deleted member 6511

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
No man's sky.
Avoided since launch due to reviews, bought last week after the update with low expectations, put 30h in since. Game is really good.


Oct 28, 2017
The past 3 years, since the advent of Game Pass, I haven't played more than a couple games at launch outside of the day/date ones, so I generally know a lot about what to expect before I play games. So when I get surprised, it's really cool.

Nier Automata - I didn't make it through ALL of the endings, but I was really feeling that game. I knew only that I was "supposed to get to the end". Very cool surprises followed. I don't usually get invested in 3rd person games - maybe a Spidey or Tomb Raider - but FPS or bust. And I don't like a lot of repetitive elements. So it says a lot about Nier.

What Remains of Edith Finch- I kept hearing that dropped, and I got it on Game Pass or Games With Gold, and it sat on my hard drive FOREVER. One day I was looking for a palette cleanser on a random evening. OMG that game was AMAZING. Just a delight. Play it.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Breath of the Wild

I was ready for another 3D LoZ adventure, but was completely unprepared for the concept of "open world" games to be shattered. I'm still stunned when I think back on my experience.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Right now it's Hades. I was interested in it from the very start, but I decided to wait for 1.0, and I also was able to avoid pretty much all impressions until the past two weeks when the floodgates opened. I knew I'd like it, but I was not expecting it to be right up there with Spelunky and Risk of Rain 2 as one of my all time favorite run based games


Jan 10, 2018
Horizon Zero Dawn looked super generic in trailers, but I got it immediately after people were raving about it, and holy shit what a story and experience the game was.


Oct 25, 2017
Most recently? Streets of Rage 4.
Expected a decent beat-em-up on the level of maybe Scott Pilgrim or River City Girls. Got what's arguably the best game in the series and one of the best soundtracks of the year.
For sure. I think it might be the best traditional beat 'em up around, full-stop. Only maybe Dragon's Crown can compete with it, but that's a bit different due to its loot/RPG mechanics.


Oct 29, 2017
God of War.

I was one of the "A Last of us wannabe" crowd and wrote it off from the first reveal. And only started paying attention after reviewes hit 2 years later.

One of the beat games I have ever played.


Nov 13, 2017
Divinity Original Sin 2

Expectation: Another one of those fantasy RPG that some nerds call objectively good. I think they are full of themselves and just wanna pretend like this is some sorta piece of art even though it probably isn't that good.

And then I played it and thought it was really boring, until a friend made me play past the first chapter.

Now I am too "some nerd" like the rest, I played through this game 10 times, keep finding new stuff and it's one of the best games I played in my life. Like besides Stardew Valley and Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers, Divinity Original Sin 2 left me with such a big smile and made me happy to be playing video games.

Like just straight blew that jaded ass shell away and made me genuinely happy.

Came in here to say Divinity 2.

I loved the first. I thought no way could the sequel surpass it. Now, I'm only 25 hours in, but holy hell it's incredible.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
Path of Exile

I had my doubts about it being F2P and thought i would jump in play around for a bit and jump out like most other ARPGs i played

Still playing to this day, and having a blast every new league.

Johnny Cicala

Dec 8, 2017
AC: Odyssey

I played a bunch of ACs in the past, never came close to finish one.
I bought Odyssey on sale just as an eye candy and I ended up putting more than 100 hours into it.
All the flaws that people usually flag about modern ACs and the Ubisoft formula are there, but the game just clicked to me.


Jan 24, 2020
Most have been mentioned already.

Undertale was a game I had zero interest in for years and wasn't even sure it was good, I'd just heard the memes. Got it and it was pretty much a perfect game. Fantastic writing and incredibly unique, the most engaging turn-based battle system ever, and a bloody fantastic soundtrack.

Celeste, I beat the A sides and didn't like the game much. Somehow pushed through and attempted some B sides and fell in love and finished all of them + C sides + chapter 9. Probably my favourite 2D platformer ever and I didn't even like the story mode.

God of War 2018. Ascension killed my interest in the franchise, couldn't give a shit when a new one was announced and I ignored its existence until about 6 months after it was out and I saw all the praise. Gave it a shot and it is probably the best redemption of a franchise ever, what they pulled off with the game is mind blowing.

Breath of the Wild. I hate hate hate open world games. Was pissed to hear Zelda had become one. Gave it a try and wasn't convinced. Kept going and just found myself unable to stop playing it. This is open world gaming done right, and nothing since has come close to matching it.

Days Gone. Knew little about this, but it was during a dry period of games and I decided to trust it as a Sony first party game. Ended up being one of my favourites of theirs this gen, and I think it's their best open-world franchise. Fantastic game.


Oct 30, 2017
Yakuza 0

I hated subtitles in anything and only decided to play it since it was on Game Pass. I was shocked how good the story/graphics/gameplay was and how I didn't even care about it being in only Japanese. Because Y0 I now will not ignore games or films which aren't in English.


Oct 30, 2017
Xcom. Only played because it was given for free. After trying civ v and hating it( and others rtt), I thought there would be no way for me to enjoy it. But I end up playing beginning to end. One of the best games of last gen.


Oct 29, 2017
Osaka, Japan
Metroid: Prime.

Really didn't expect anything good because, Metroid in first person sounded pretty impossible.
It wasn't really the Metroid I wanted, but it ended up being a great game.