
The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018

This is the official OT for the latest Disney original animated film.

Young Asha makes a wish so powerful that it's answered by a cosmic force, a little ball of boundless energy called Star. With Star's help, Asha must save her kingdom from King Magnifico and prove that when the will of one courageous human connects with the magic of the stars, wondrous things can happen.

Ariana DeBose as Asha
Chris Pine as King Magnifico
Alan Tudyk as Valentico the Goat
Angelique Cabral as Queen Amaya
Natasha Rothwell as Sakina
Victor Garbo as Sabino
Jennifer Kumiyama as Dahlia



As stated above, there be open spoilers in this thread.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
All of the Disney animated movies are in the same universe. Asha is Cinderella's Fairy Godmother, Magnifico is the Magic Mirror from Snow White, the Star is the Wishing Star from Pinocchio. Valentico is the founder of Zootopia.
Oh that's neat! So I guess that explains the whole "100 years in the making" in the marketing.

Also spoilers the grandfather's wish is to play guitar and we don't see the mother's wish, right?


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
All of the Disney animated movies are in the same universe. Asha is Cinderella's Fairy Godmother, Magnifico is the Magic Mirror from Snow White, the Star is the Wishing Star from Pinocchio. Valentico is the founder of Zootopia.
Did you just copy this from the Reddit/twitter "leaks?" Because this is straight up wrong. Disney has had cameos in their movies for decades and some people act surprise when it happens here.

I just see people who haven't seen this movie run with this idea like it's gospel when it clearly is not.


Oct 25, 2017
Did you just copy this from the Reddit/twitter "leaks?" Because this is straight up wrong. Disney has had cameos in their movies for decades and some people act surprise when it happens here.

I just see people who haven't seen this movie run with this idea like it's gospel when it clearly is not.

Yeah. The film was very on the nose with it's references/cameos, but I think taking them literally instead of just little nods is weird.

I enjoyed the film, despite it's pacing issues and tropes. I also ended up liking more songs than I did in Tangled. Not on the level of Frozen/Moana/Encanto though.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
I've been spending the past day trying to explain just how this movie was made, how Magnifico was able to keep it together after all these years, and just trying in general to justify the suspension of disbelief. And now we have this.
All of the Disney animated movies are in the same universe. Asha is Cinderella's Fairy Godmother, Magnifico is the Magic Mirror from Snow White, the Star is the Wishing Star from Pinocchio. Valentico is the founder of Zootopia.


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Dec 5, 2017
Is the Once Upon a Studio short still attached to this like they originally planned? I'm going this weekend so I'm just curious.


Oct 25, 2017
Are people taking these as literal or aren't they just nods? I thought it was the latter lol, how is this different from seeing Pinocchio or Sebastian in Aladdin or Scar in Hercules?
I think it's the whole marketing angle of "tying it all together" or "culmination of 100 years" or whatever. Like, R2-D2 floating around the wreckage in Star Trek '09, that's an Easter egg... But if they were marketing it as tying Trek and Wars together, people would take it literally if they saw a screenshot of it before seeing the movie.

Most haven't seen the movie yet, and so to people in that situation it is unclear if they're actually setting it up to be taken literally or if it's just fun easter eggs. People who saw it are saying it's the latter.


Oct 27, 2017
Man this was rough. Chris Pine was having a ton of fun at least, I enjoyed a lot of his scenes even if the movie rushed through establishing he was evil with absurd speed. There's really not much else positive I can say.

The visuals were shockingly bland for a huge-budgeted Disney animation project and the songs were incredibly verbose and never catchy. Nearly every track has the same all-out torch song tone. They were also mixed really poorly (unless this was just my theater) with way too much reverb and chorus on every vocal--even if the songs had good lyrics, it was often really hard to make them out, they felt buried in effects.

John Harker

Knows things...
Oct 27, 2017
Santa Destroy
Just saw it. It was good!

The songs were really well done/fit the movie well. I thought the revolution song in particular was GREAT.

I wasn't enamored of the visuals initially, but the animations were beautiful so about halfway through I just went along with it.

People freaking out about some kind of "it's all Disney movies in one!" Likely haven't seen it, since that's not what the movie is about at all, some fun winks/nods but lol I think they missed the point of wishes and dreams (or they are just trolling) if they saw this and thought all Disney worlds stem from an island in the Mediterranean

](and not the hearts and dreams of the people there that have had their imaginations literally stolen as soon as they turn adults.) how many of us have dreamed of flying and being a kid forever? It was literally the Peter Pan from his movie lol

Chris Pine was awesome and Magnifico scared the crap out of my 5 year old old
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Oct 25, 2017
Just saw it.

It was fine.

1. I'm so over the "quirky not-like-other-girls main character" trope. Asha is obnoxious early. She mellows out, but these hyper modern main characters are overdone.

2. The references were WAY too forced. Like the seven friends. Seven dwarves. I get it. Cute, not too in your face. Then at the end the angry one goes "this is why I'm always grumpy!" Bro, we know. "You can be our fairy godmother!" Huh? Where'd that come from? The Mickey Mouse ears in the fireworks. We get it, then Star WINKS. WE KNOW, DISNEY. The there's someone who wants to fly who is just straight up wearing Peter Pan's outfit. Just give him the hat! WE'RE NOT STUPID.

3. Songs were pretty forgettable. Not bad, not great.

4. Story could have been great but was really shallow. It felt rushed. I feel like there could have been more nuance. Maybe the villain grants a majority of wishes but not everyone's. Instead it's very clear that he's in the wrong. Or maybe having your wishes granted without work and dedication is unfulfilling.

I get it, it's a kids movie, but kids are smarter than we think they are.

John Harker

Knows things...
Oct 27, 2017
Santa Destroy
Just saw it.

It was fine.

1. I'm so over the "quirky not-like-other-girls main character" trope. Asha is obnoxious early. She mellows out, but these hyper modern main characters are overdone.

2. The references were WAY too forced. Like the seven friends. Seven dwarves. I get it. Cute, not too in your face. Then at the end the angry one goes "this is why I'm always grumpy!" Bro, we know. "You can be our fairy godmother!" Huh? Where'd that come from? The Mickey Mouse ears in the fireworks. We get it, then Star WINKS. WE KNOW, DISNEY. The there's someone who wants to fly who is just straight up wearing Peter Pan's outfit. Just give him the hat! WE'RE NOT STUPID.

3. Songs were pretty forgettable. Not bad, not great.

4. Story could have been great but was really shallow. It felt rushed. I feel like there could have been more nuance. Maybe the villain grants a majority of wishes but not everyone's. Instead it's very clear that he's in the wrong. Or maybe having your wishes granted without work and dedication is unfulfilling.

I get it, it's a kids movie, but kids are smarter than we think they are.

Depends where they are aiming.
My 6 year old didn't get any of the references till they were right on screen. She hooted and hollered when the dwarf said grumpy, when she saw the fireworks, and the Peter Pan cosplay. All giggles. It made her feel familiar. Otherwise it's all pretty breezy in the film.

The movie aimed young, especially compared to recent animations that have been trying to go broader/older kids.

And does a good job delivering.
She was very creeped out by magnificio, the fact he was telegraphed early as being bad and now delightful he embraced the dark sides of him was very easy for her to understand and then instantly have an emotional reaction to. His song was even her favorite one (while mine was the revolution one, enjoyed the complexities)

Compare that to Disney's Strange World, which we also saw, and that whole movie went way over her head. She also likes Elemental, but more so for the visuals than the story, which again isn't something she at her age could really connect to.

Wish felt squarely aimed at young imaginations (and baited parents with Disney nostalgia), and I think many miss the point (and probably crap on it yet again for diversifying Disney stories, as is the theme these days. Mind you, I don't mean this thread, just the rhetoric I see online which I'm happy to avoid)
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John Harker

Knows things...
Oct 27, 2017
Santa Destroy


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah the movie was pretty much a nothing burger for me

really forgettable aside one song!

Also i just took these as easter eggs, not trying to make all the movies connect in canon

One last thing, in french they picked an actor who can't sing for the villain so we got horrible autotune/AI thing for his song, that was so bad


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
My 6 year old didn't get any of the references till they were right on screen. She hooted and hollered when the dwarf said grumpy, when she saw the fireworks, and the Peter Pan cosplay. All giggles. It made her feel familiar. Otherwise it's all pretty breezy in the film.

The movie aimed young, especially compared to recent animations that have been trying to go broader/older kids.

And does a good job delivering.
She was very creeped out by magnificio, the fact he was telegraphed early as being bad and now delightful he embraced the dark sides of him was very easy for her to understand and then instantly have an emotional reaction to. His song was even her favorite one (while mine was the revolution one, enjoyed the complexities)
Same experience here! Saw this with three nieces and the youngest who is 6 was giddy at the references and also thought the king was scary. The eldest (17) loved it and sobbed several times while the other who is 16 thought the King was hot and was upset he wasn't redeemed lol....

But man this film legit made me happy. It was very wholesome and charming. Hearing the songs in the context of the movie comes off waaaaay way better, I wasnt that enthralled with what I heard before hand but they've definitely grown a lot more on me now


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
I talked to one of my sisters about this movie... and it only made me more confused.

She brought up a theory about Magnifico taking out the wishes to keep people docile... and I think that's the most plausible theory right now. But then we ran into the problem of how he became the only one who figured out sorcery when anyone with a 'star' is potentially capable of doing so. There would be people who remembered him when he was younger.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017

Its cute but not sure whats so amazing about a romance between the star and Asha tbh. The evil power couple concept is cool tho, ill give them that

I guess I just don't believe for a minute people wouldn't have found something to bitch about had they done any of these anyway
Edit: reading the text it doesn't even say there was ever gonna be a romance and in one of the iterations he was a younger version of her granddad 😭
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John Harker

Knows things...
Oct 27, 2017
Santa Destroy
I talked to one of my sisters about this movie... and it only made me more confused.

She brought up a theory about Magnifico taking out the wishes to keep people docile... and I think that's the most plausible theory right now. But then we ran into the problem of how he became the only one who figured out sorcery when anyone with a 'star' is potentially capable of doing so. There would be people who remembered him when he was younger.

Because the foundation of his kingdom is entirely built on immigrants, he's gates are open to those who have suffered and lost in the world, it's a home of refugees. People who were never afford the rights and opportunities to discover the power within, and then when they get to his island, and there is peace and comfort…. He takes it from them. He removes their hopes, dreams, imaginations so they live in a peaceful, ignorant state feeling he is their only means of fulfilment if they follow his rules and he grants their wishes. He removed all agency.

Asha shows them they are capable of so much more themselves if they believe in themselves instead of outside forces like their king, they just need their speak back and the power of belief to speak their imaginations and self agency.

Now I wonder in the future since Asha is now the wizard how she decides to use her power too


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I really enjoyed the film but it has a lot of problems. I think this film needed a few more revisions tbh. There is a better plot here that is left somewhere.

1) King Magnifico definitely had valid reasons for his actions but we never see them or the strife that caused him to create Rosas in the first place so we could even understand why he was so controlling over wishes beyond his vanity.

2) It feels like there was a script before where Magnifico was upset by people only liking him because he granted their wishes and I think I would have preferred that version over what we got.

3) The friends are sort of pointless and I don't know any of their names except Dalia (Dahlia?) and Simon…

4) Who is Asha? What does she want besides making people happy and granting their wishes? I feel like I don't know her as a person besides the fact that she cares too much lol

5) The Star is the best. So cute. It's magic doesn't make sense, though.


Oct 30, 2017
So the People of Rosas Disney Artists give their wishes art and creativity to Magnifico Disney in the hope they will be granted seen by audiences, but only the ones deemed safe and nonthreatening are granted used, while the rest are locked in a tower the Disney Vault.

It's fine, not the best Disney movie but not the worst. Definitely feels underbaked, to me it feels kind of like Frozen 2 but without having characters we already know and love and Show Yourself to absolutely carry the soundtrack. It's almost like a pilot for a show, introducing lots of characters and concepts which don't get the time needed to really breathe and be explored in depth because they don't need to that's what further episodes are for. But given the box office so far...


Oct 29, 2017
It was pretty cool. The Queen seemingly stopping that one song but then joining in was so cool I almost couldn't believe it. Outside of This Wish and it's reprise, that was the high point of the movie.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Thought it wasn't great. There's probably a version of this movie that's much better than the one we got


Oct 25, 2017
I did not understand the villain, why was he the bad guy at first? He made wishes happened but only the ones he thought were safe. Also why did he just immediately jump I'm being threaten I need to use dark magic… it felt out of left field. I don't know this movie just sucked and even my girlfriend agreed after she liked the first half an hour
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