Deleted member 19003

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
"Deputies also tried using a taser but it failed and York was able to get into the patrol car, lock them out and drive away. He was eventually stopped and arrested a short distance away.

The two deputies and the suspect all had to be treated for minor injuries.

York was arrested on a string of charges. He remains behind bars at the Pulaski County Jail."

They did try to use a tazer, but it failed. Glad the asshole was caught, he needs to stay behind bars permanently.


Oct 25, 2017
ain't surprised but lord almighty the way my mans jerry just got up and entered the car so casually and uninterrupted had me howling šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

cops didn't even pull their guns out to flex


Oct 25, 2017
This is also a great argument for people who think of white privilege as something that only applies to economics.


Oct 27, 2017
This might be the first time this gif had me crying...


Oct 27, 2017
Why did this police precinct let these people start campaign mode without knowing all the controls? Or even some of the controls? Are their kid siblings playing on their save file? Or is this just on Keystone mode?


Oct 30, 2017
In this thread someone will suggest in this scenario the cops should have used guns!

Edit: oops someone already did

The second he entered their vehicle, they could have used deadly force. For one, the vehicle itself can be used as a weapon. Furthermore, some departments will keep other weapons (shotguns and ARs) in their vehicles. He becomes a danger to everyone when entered the vehicle.


Oct 27, 2017
It was obviously the type of cop dealing with the situation, she should have shot the person as she was in danger. Every situation is different and not every cop does the same thing


Oct 29, 2017
Dude also tried to reach around the cops waist and I'm certain if he got the gun before a baton, he would have used it. This is literally the picture of the dangerous wild animal people try to paint black victims as yet given all courtesy


Nov 7, 2017
This is a time where using deadly force would be 100% a proper response. I mean jesus christ, he's trying to bash her head in with a baton. Fucking unbelievable how trigger happy cops are when people of color breathe but this motherfucker can do all that and barely get a response.

Give me a break, no one deserved to die because of that pathetic fight.


Oct 25, 2017
Give me a break, no one deserved to die because of that pathetic fight.

This is a really weird American Venn diagram - as an expat from the UK, I'm disturbed at how "reasonable" it sounds - only in that America has so many guns, that any escalation can become deadly in a way that isn't true anywhere else - if you eliminate country from the calculation - someobody just made the case for a clumsy drunk fighting, then stealing a car, then crashing the car, has forfeited his life. But you can't eliminate the context of the fact that there were probably three loaded weapons in every moment of the scene - and everyone in the scene knew how to use them, and all three of the participants were likely to have, should the occasion have arisen "organically" - it's only the complete incompetence of everyone involved that saved that drunk asshole's life. His color statistically did too, because the cops entered the frame with whatever preconceived biases they had or didn't have and that likely affected the ultimate outcome at just the actuarial level.

We have a lot of problems all illustrated perfectly in this clusterfuck video.

And I say this in every one of these training/regulation/competence threads - guess how many American Police Depratments there are?

Nobody actually knows. Only estimates exist. And we sometimes ELECT police officers WTF.
Oct 27, 2017
Even not accounting for the clear leneniacy he's given, largely due to his race I'm sure, imagine the mental freedom you'd need to possess to confidently do all that shit and live to talk about it.

Even as a black man if I wasn't predisposed to believing any encounter with the cops could immediately turn fatal, there's still no way i'd Have the balls to resist two officers, steal a weapon and strike them with it and then hope in their cruiser and ride out and not think there's a bullet somewhere waiting for me.



Oct 25, 2017
Jerry.. Don't do it Jerry *yawn

Pretty telling that she never really expected him to be in danger.

"You're gonna get in trouble Jerry"


Oct 28, 2017
I remember when I was drunk and suicidal, cops came to my apartment and pulled their guns out aiming at me at first sight.....

Telling me to lay down on the floor or they will shoot. I wasn't even armed I was just laying in bed.

I am not white


Oct 29, 2017
Even not accounting for the clear leneniacy he's given, largely due to his race I'm sure, imagine the mental freedom you'd need to possess to confidently do all that shit and live to talk about it.

Even as a black man if I wasn't predisposed to believing any encounter with the cops could immediately turn fatal, there's still no way i'd Have the balls to resist two officers, steal a weapon and strike them with it and then hope in their cruiser and ride out and not think there's a bullet somewhere waiting for me.

Right? One thing people often don't understand is that as black people, what we see in the news and in reality ingrains an urge to capitulate to criminal authority so we can survive. And yet, so often that attitude of already being at the ready to obey and be accommodating isn't effective. We're sometimes bullied, provoked or prodded into making the exact wrong move that will allow the justification for our arrest. Living in such a way, it's impossible for me to even understand how you could get to this point where the video starts at all.

Jerry.. Don't do it Jerry *yawn

Pretty telling that she never really expected him to be in danger.

"You're gonna get in trouble Jerry"
She might as well have added that he was gonna make them late for her sister's bbq. Again, it's insane to me as a black person to not only see an encounter with an officer procede to this point but to see a loved one so eerily unfazed.

Deleted member 19003

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017

He's schizophrenic.

Larry York, admits that his brother calls the cops quite often because he's "seeing things."

"He calls 911 always thinking someone is trying to kill him," said York.

Since 2002, the Pulaski County Sheriff's Office has documented more than 260 times that law enforcement has made a call out to York's home.

York admits his brother wasn't medicated at the time and said he admits some fault as his legal guardian for not making sure he was taking his medication. York said his brother believes the medication is poison and would feel bad involuntarily having his brother committed to a mental hospital. At the same rate, York said due to the number of times law enforcement had been to their house over the last decade, they should have known about his mental condition and should have taken that into consideration when attempting to deescalate the situation.


Oct 27, 2017
Damn that's embarrassing.

Tazer would've been the first choice but it was too close quarters with too many people to try and fire a gun in that situation.

I was in a store when a little kid tripped the silent alarm. Cops had all of us on the ground with guns pointed at us and the place surrounded.


Oct 27, 2017
dude he'll plead down to misdemeanors. he's white and it's arkansas.

And he had legit mental problems.

260 times they got calls for him since 2002.. that's, you need to be in a hospital levels of illness.

That explains their reaction a bit more, though he still was a major threat to them throughout this.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
I will still never forget that thread of when that naked black dude got killed because he was "still a threat" even though he was unarmed. A whole lot of "what was the cop supposed to do?!" "It was self-defense!" "He was out of control!"

A similarly out-of-control white dude beats on some cops and steals a car and everyone is magically able to subdue him and understand his side.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
That gets you a three star wanted level typically. Although white persons typically get a two star for that.


Oct 28, 2017
It's not that he should have been shot. It's that his whiteness granted him the humanization to be recognized as a disturbed person needing help, where black people don't get that humanization. White privilege has given this man super humanization to the point where he was assaulting officers with a weapon, a gun was not even drawn.

This combined with videos of black people complying with officers fully and getting shot for their trouble obviously skews Americans seeking any kind of equality in justice that white people might just get to experience a little bit of what black people go through. That if police brutality is to exist, at least maybe there's enough to go around.

Deleted member 36543

User requested account closure
Dec 20, 2017
If that was a black person and if he or she even thought about doing any of that, we all know what found have happened.