
Oct 27, 2017
Guaranteed Jerry had that special white designation of being a "local character".
He's just a good ol' boy. Never meaning no harm. Beats all the cops he ever saw and been in trouble with the law since the day he was born.

Edit: lol, I just realized exactly how apt that was, the way he whipped the stolen explorer around.
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Oct 26, 2017
This is gonna be meme, isn't it?

"Jerry, stop eating that baby. You're gonna get a charge!"


Dec 18, 2017
The audio is so wildly divorced from what's happening. You'd think ol Jerry was thinking about getting on a hoverboard for the first time based on his wife's commentary. Nope, he's clubbing a cop in the head with their own baton, the old rascal!
"Jerry, dont do it, you're gonna get a ticket"

That Jerry is such a trickster, always goofing around.


Oct 29, 2017
Is this real? It legit looks like some comedy bit.

WTF? They were so slow, didn't even use a taser or anything, they both seemed completely out of shape.


Dec 18, 2017
It's not that he should have been shot. It's that his whiteness granted him the humanization to be recognized as a disturbed person needing help, where black people don't get that humanization. White privilege has given this man super humanization to the point where he was assaulting officers with a weapon, a gun was not even drawn.

This combined with videos of black people complying with officers fully and getting shot for their trouble obviously skews Americans seeking any kind of equality in justice that white people might just get to experience a little bit of what black people go through. That if police brutality is to exist, at least maybe there's enough to go around.
This should be added to the OP for those who dont understand the context of peoples responses or feign ignorance


Dec 27, 2017
Yeah, honestly I wish that the only thing shocking to us was him taking their car, and not the fact that he didn't get shot. This is about the only level of force that police should use regularly, no matter the other persons race.

Then not escalating force being the exception and not the rule sucks ass.


Oct 30, 2017
Not fair. He played on easy mode.

Dec 22, 2018
While black people are more frequently the victims, white people do occasionally get taken out. I can think of two instances in my city over the past two or three years; one guy got gunned down for stabbing a police dog to death (iirc his crime was public intoxication in a public park with his father) and the other had a psychotic episode while armed.

So it does happen, it just doesn't get much press time because no one cares. Hell, with the first case I mentioned, people were more broken up over the police dog.


Oct 25, 2017
Elf Tower, New Mexico
The only way this would even remotely make sense to me is if this were a small town and the cops both knew him and had encountered him on the job before.

By small town I also mean under 500 total people.

Considering there are two cops present, that's extremely unlikely.

My hometown doesn't even have a cop anymore.

So yep. 100% privilege here.


Oct 25, 2017
Sounds about right. I've lived around that area for at least around 10 years and something like this isn't uncommon. I've seen and heard of some that are definitely not good but usually most of them I've come across seem to be laidback. When you talk to some of the people here about the police they don't see what goes on in the rest of the US given it's a bit different to a degree. This is also the area where Officer Tommy Norman aka the Celebrity Cop resides.

Once you get outta the central Arkansas area though, THAT'S where things go 180. If you drive maybe 10 minutes out of the NLR area things can get rough if you get stopped. I've heard so many stories you wouldn't believe.


Oct 27, 2017
Why were the cops punching him in the head instead of just tasing him? He would of dropped like a sack of potatoes.

Whole thing looks like a skit from Reno 9-1-1.


The Fallen
Nov 12, 2017
If he was black they would have "smelled" the marijuana and feared for their lives before even getting out their vehicle


Nov 6, 2017
If he was any other race he would've been filled with bullets the moment he got in their SUV. Not just black — any race other than white would've been turned into Swiss cheese.

Edit: to be fair, if he was black he wouldn't have made it to the suv at all :/
Even white people have been perforated for less than that. He must have found a squad of pacifists.


Oct 25, 2017
The only way this would even remotely make sense to me is if this were a small town and the cops both knew him and had encountered him on the job before.

By small town I also mean under 500 total people.

Considering there are two cops present, that's extremely unlikely.

My hometown doesn't even have a cop anymore.

So yep. 100% privilege here.

But he's Jerry


Oct 27, 2017
I'm trying to find the explanation for this video and lack of shooting that isn't "white privilege" and all I'm coming up with is "Jerry is an off duty cop and they know him"??

Edit: nope, fuck that, if I knew Jerry and he was hitting me with a club and stealing my car, I'd shoot him...
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Oct 27, 2017
The only way this would even remotely make sense to me is if this were a small town and the cops both knew him and had encountered him on the job before.

By small town I also mean under 500 total people.

Considering there are two cops present, that's extremely unlikely.

My hometown doesn't even have a cop anymore.

So yep. 100% privilege here.
We have almost 6,000 people in my city, and two cops on duty in each 12hr shift. We dealt with mentally ill people constantly. So, you're idea of white privilege, and extremely unlikely doesn't make much sense. I've dealt with black and white people, and never shot either. Black mentally ill person charges me with a bat, I din't shoot him. Drug dealer, black guy, has a gun to my head, we wrestled him down, arrested him, no shooting involved. Domestic dispute, black guy, black women, guy runs out with a sword and an axe, within swinging distance, I don't shoot him either. We had a few people that we routinely had to deal with. You become familiar with people rather quick in that line of work. I've probably been to 90% of the houses in my city for one reason or another.

Those I mentioned, I've been involved with them for years and know them pretty well. Even being out of law enforcement, I see them and talk with them.


Oct 25, 2017
Elf Tower, New Mexico
We have almost 6,000 people in my city, and two cops on duty in each 12hr shift. We dealt with mentally ill people constantly. So, you're idea of white privilege, and extremely unlikely doesn't make much sense. I've dealt with black and white people, and never shot either. Black mentally ill person charges me with a bat, I din't shoot him. Drug dealer, black guy, has a gun to my head, we wrestled him down, arrested him, no shooting involved. Domestic dispute, black guy, black women, guy runs out with a sword and an axe, within swinging distance, I don't shoot him either. We had a few people that we routinely had to deal with. You become familiar with people rather quick in that line of work. I've probably been to 90% of the houses in my city for one reason or another.

Those I mentioned, I've been involved with them for years and know them pretty well. Even being out of law enforcement, I see them and talk with them.

I understand perhaps you haven't acted that way, but since there IS a pattern of black men being killed for little reason and white men being handled gently even with a ton of reason, it's safe to say your experiences are not the norm.


Oct 27, 2017
I understand perhaps you haven't acted that way, but since there IS a pattern of black men being killed for little reason and white men being handled gently even with a ton of reason, it's safe to say your experiences are not the norm.
I wasn't disputing what you're saying. Talking about this specific case and giving examples of how it's not always about race and it can be about how they've known someone or interacted with them before.

Again, my post was about this specific incident only. Wasn't saying that there isn't white privilege involved in case like you described.

BumbaT BrowN

Oct 27, 2017
Lets not make this about race. All these hypothetical scenarios in which these two specific cops would act if the guy was black in this thread are misguided at best. Cant you just enjoy their stupidity for its comedic value without all the faux outrage for something that you just made up in your head? There are no black people being oppressed in the video.

The second reason this thread is going downhill fast is that there are those in this thread that think the individual deserved to have his life taken away because of the altercation. Is this also due to the faux outrage froma hypothetical situation had the individual be a person of colour or is a fragment of an institutionalised gun culture?

I wonder what is next for this thread.


Nov 11, 2017
Lets not make this about race. All these hypothetical scenarios in which these two specific cops would act if the guy was black in this thread are misguided at best. Cant you just enjoy their stupidity for its comedic value without all the faux outrage for something that you just made up in your head? There are no black people being oppressed in the video.

The second reason this thread is going downhill fast is that there are those in this thread that think the individual deserved to have his life taken away because of the altercation. Is this also due to the faux outrage froma hypothetical situation had the individual be a person of colour or is a fragment of an institutionalised gun culture?

I wonder what is next for this thread.

I've got some bets on whats going to happen in 2-3 pages.. anyone wanting in on the action can PM me.

Baron Von Beans

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Eventually throwing yourself on the ground with your hands up won't be enough.
"Why did they just get down on the ground like that?! They must be hiding something! Shoot 'em!!!"

Jokes aside, you are likely right that cops will likely forever be fearful, and potentially act irrationally no matter how peacefully the "suspects" present themselves.

Son Lamar

Oct 27, 2017
Lets not make this about race. All these hypothetical scenarios in which these two specific cops would act if the guy was black in this thread are misguided at best. Cant you just enjoy their stupidity for its comedic value without all the faux outrage for something that you just made up in your head? There are no black people being oppressed in the video.

The second reason this thread is going downhill fast is that there are those in this thread that think the individual deserved to have his life taken away because of the altercation. Is this also due to the faux outrage froma hypothetical situation had the individual be a person of colour or is a fragment of an institutionalised gun culture?

I wonder what is next for this thread.
Lol literally documented evidence of black ppl being none violent and shot and yet this guy beat them abd stole their car anf you say its a hypothetical. this aint a hypothetical this is reality for black ppl


Oct 27, 2017
Lets not make this about race. All these hypothetical scenarios in which these two specific cops would act if the guy was black in this thread are misguided at best. Cant you just enjoy their stupidity for its comedic value without all the faux outrage for something that you just made up in your head? There are no black people being oppressed in the video.

The second reason this thread is going downhill fast is that there are those in this thread that think the individual deserved to have his life taken away because of the altercation. Is this also due to the faux outrage froma hypothetical situation had the individual be a person of colour or is a fragment of an institutionalised gun culture?

I wonder what is next for this thread.
What's next is folks poking at various obvious cracks in your logic until your veneer of psudeo-civility dissappears and you tell us what you really think.

Which is prolly sumptin racist or equally poorly thought through

BumbaT BrowN

Oct 27, 2017
What's next is folks poking at various obvious cracks in your logic until your veneer of psudeo-civility dissappears and you tell us what you really think.

Which is prolly sumptin racist or equally poorly thought through

Yet another hypothetical scenario, you just want to be outraged. I am brown, asian and short why should I be racist when I face it all my life? Were the cops being racist in the video? did the man deserve to die for what he did? those are the questions you ask when you read some of the replies in this thread.

BumbaT BrowN

Oct 27, 2017
Lol literally documented evidence of black ppl being none violent and shot and yet this guy beat them abd stole their car anf you say its a hypothetical. this aint a hypothetical this is reality for black ppl

Yes that's all true but not in the context of this video. you need to make some really far connections with this specific individuals to come to a specific conclusion here.
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Son Lamar

Oct 27, 2017
Yes thats all true but not in the context of this video. you need to make some really far connections with this specific individualt to come to a speicific conclusion here.
No you dont at all if this were a nlack individual he would have been shot at the slight momebt of resistance and if he wasnt there i asure he would have been the moment he got in that car


Oct 26, 2017
Give me a break, no one deserved to die because of that pathetic fight.

All I know is, this shit is absolute suicide as a Black man in the US. No fucking way I fight police that way, grab a baton while reaching for their waist and give one a good two whacks in the fucking face, then drive off in their car if I plan on having a pulse come next sunrise.

No fucking way in hell.

Yes thats all true but not in the context of this video. you need to make some really far connections with this specific individualt to come to a speicific conclusion here.

No... no you really dont... I think its sad that you think that.

Shit if one of my family members was the camera man in this video they would have stomped me unconscious to save my life instead of standing back like:

"Ya ganna get in trouble! They ganna hurt ya!"