
The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I saw this on twitter. The fucker like refurbished the shit out of the cabin, made it into an upscale hotel room. What possesses someone to do something like that?
Mar 3, 2018
Reminds me of when my friend here in canada was invited to a wedding and she was in absolute shock when she arrived in South Carolina and the wedding and the party was on a plantation. She told me how after she spoke to people there it seemed to be very common with various events taking place on plantations and everyone (white folk) being chill about it.

Peak fuckery.
Oct 26, 2017
Didn't a bunch of white folks also leave negative reviews on a site for a former plantation because tour guides "talked about slavery too much"


Oct 25, 2017
Where is the horror movie about this? Surely there has been one about plantation houses being upscaled like this.
Oct 27, 2017
There's no question that a lot of white people pine for those good ol days to return. They fantasize about using and abusing black bodies and holding agency over us again.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
The idea is to gloss over slavery and erase the ugly bits. It's the same CRT bullshit they complain about and how slavery was not that bad. If enough people whitewash the sordid history it will be forgotten, or so they hope.

This guy knows about it, and is attempting to whitewash it.


Oct 29, 2017
Like converting the main house into an Airbnb is sort of one thing and staying at a plantation to me is questionable but like sure.

Who sees a fucking slave cabin and is like 'what a fun idea'


Nov 3, 2018
I wouldn't even be able to sleep in it knowing what likely happened inside of the quarters hundreds of years ago.
Doesn't matter if you gut the thing entirely and put all new flooring and fixtures, etc - Misery and suffering leaves a heavy aura.


Oct 25, 2017
Missed a great opportunity to leave the cabin bare but still advertise it as luxurious, and then not let the whiteys leave after they arrive


Tries to be a positive role model
Apr 30, 2019
Mayosapiens never stop surprising me with how little respect and empathy they have for the history of slavery. If only they'd educate how horrible it was in schools but unfortunately that's just making their mayosapien spawns feel uncomfortable smh


Oct 29, 2017
I saw this on twitter. The fucker like refurbished the shit out of the cabin, made it into an upscale hotel room. What possesses someone to do something like that?
The entire plantation industry is an absolutely insane industry.

And there is this almost absolute collective ignorance with (white)people in the south that have just sort of unconsciously whitewashed what this entire industry is doing and what it represents on a meta level.

I remember my brother and I(both from the west coast and northwest), first just a bit dumbstruck and speechless, then having to tell my Dad(raised in the south) and step mom(who is actually a very active fundraiser for Democrats) why, no, inviting my brother's girlfriend and her parents(black) to spend the weekend and go look at possibly having their wedding at a plantation they like is a really fucking great way to get your self ostracized from her family.

And it took her like 20 seconds for the light to finally go on, and be like oh shit…while my dad took ten more minutes first getting defensive and explaining to him about how no, the Irish suffering for like 15 years in the 1800's is not the same thing as slavery, Jim Crow, and whitewashing slave enterprising buildings. And good luck trying to explain that to a family that lived under Jim Crow.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It says a lot about the character of the people that stayed here, that they can rent this cabin and sleep comfortably in it.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
If i ever became wealthy id but as many of them up and burn most of them down in glorious fashion amd then set up memorials. Burn effigy's of founding father slave owners, fireworks, perhaps invite some indigenous folks to bless the land, etc


alt account
Oct 23, 2021
I'm so enraged at this fucking bullshit. How the fuck this is still on its feet and why the fuck a bunch of white assholes are renting it? How? Just bring this shit down.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
This is the kind of thing you only do when you don't take Black History and culture seriously.

To you its a theme park. A resource. Something to be mined.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
That's really the story of white America distilled, isn't it? This weird-ass, constant attempt to pretty up colonialism.


Oct 25, 2017
'Wow, slaves had it good. Not sure why they complained." - Some white person leaving a review probably.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess this is no worse than using plantations for wedding venues (which is awful), but someone calling it "sharecropping" in the Airbnb comments gives the whole game away


Oct 29, 2017
'Wow, slaves had it good. Not sure why they complained." - Some white person leaving a review probably.
Honestly, I'd say that is already one of the default responses you'll get from no less than 45% of white people in the south.

Or at least some version of "slaves often had it much better than being free and impoverished up north" or "let's be honest, if they really had it that bad they would have just killed their owners, did you hear about the story of X slaves that cried at their owners funeral? Just goes to show how much propaganda has occurred about the south!" "And did you hear about how bad other Africans treated their black slaves??"

- all real arguments ive heard way more than once when I had to live in the Deep South for a while

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
The USA should have better comprehensive historical laws. I think in Italy it takes a bit to approve modifications to historical places or areas, and if while building they come across something they gotta shut down to figure it out.

However, a lot of these laws are relatively new overall and it up to the government to preserve these places as they were. Plantations and other sites within the USA will, because if inaction by the US government, become similar to various sites around the world: lost to time because those that came or were there didn't value the history, so they gutted, destroyed, or refurbished. However, they had an excuse of resources while this is just hatred.


Oct 30, 2017
I don't have problems with repurposing as long as it went deeply indepth about slavery and the black folks that had no choice and toiled their lives away for that fucking family. Books and writings littered around the cabin, mentioning the original living conditions during the tour.
Didn't a bunch of white folks also leave negative reviews on a site for a former plantation because tour guides "talked about slavery too much"
Pretty much every plantation tour including Mt Vernon and Monticello focus a lot more on that now.
They kind of did something similar to this in Tales From The Hood, but I think it's time for an updated one.
ya wasn't that at the White house with the painting people?
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