Who did you side with Captain America: Civil War

  • Team Cap

    Votes: 1,156 71.8%
  • Team Iron Man

    Votes: 453 28.2%

  • Total voters


Aug 14, 2019
The main conflict in Civil War so the Avengers divided into 2 groups one lead by Captain America and the other by Iron Man. Between the two groups who did you side with.

Team Cap:



Team Iron Man:




Sep 6, 2020
Neither. I stick with the Justice League.

In all seriousness, from what I remember of the movie (I haven't seen it since it came out), I think I leaned more towards Iron Man's side. The movie did a great job of fairly portraying both sides though, and not over-emphasizing Cap's since it was his movie.


Oct 25, 2017
Team Iron Man had more of the characters I like - SpiderMan, IronMan, Black Panther and Vision

But I went with Team Captain America for what they represented or what they were fighting for.


Oct 26, 2017
Speaking as a life time scrawny dude who is an Eagle Scout, Captain America for sure.


Oct 25, 2017
Cap clearly was in the right and I liked how much of an underdog his team were, so Team Cap all the way.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Cap, thought Tony was being a fool and willingly let Zemo use him, when he blamed a brainwashed bucky for killing his parents. I know you don't always act rational when your loved ones are taken away, but he took it too far.
Jun 16, 2018
Cap. In our world, government oversight of some kind makes a lot of sense, in the Marvel universe where aliens attack on the reg, having a no restrictions superhero team is the only chance to save your civilization every few years


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017

As presented in the MCU there's not much to back up Tony's view given what's happened, and that very little of it falls at the feet of any of the team members except himself.

Then there's that Cap's big "crime" in the movie is wanting to bring in a suspect alive rather than murder Buckey on sight, and then conduct a real investigation. And even when proof of his innocence is brought forward, Ross doesn't care and still want's Buckey dead. The accords were rotten from the start.


Oct 25, 2017
Cap was 100% in the right. I don't see a compelling argument for Tony.


▲ Legend ▲
Sep 23, 2018

As presented in the MCU there's not much to back up Tony's view given what's happened, and that very little of it falls at the feet of any of the team members except himself.

The only thing that i was surprised during the movie about the Sokovia part is that no one on Tony side (not necessarily the heroes) gave Wanda shit for being part of the reason Ultron managed to get so far including the Hulk rampage, like you would think someone would try to bring it up since it was her "fault" that people died due to Crossbones explosion at the beginning (what led to the creation of the accords)
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Oct 24, 2017
North America
Iron Man's stance made absolutely no sense.

There is absolutely an in-universe argument to be made that super-powered beings need to be held to some form of accountability, somehow. Wandavision actually does a fantastic job of showcasing exactly why that is.

That being said, the incidents that they used to exemplify why they needed bureaucracy was just completely off, especially citing NYC; Civil War conveniently forgets that the decision of the Security Council was to level New York with a nuclear weapon! Tony Stark legit had to save these idiots from themselves, and then a few years later he is siding with the very people he took a nuke into space for and derived PTSD as result of?

Heck, even by then, the governments of Earth, not counting Wakanda, showed that they were completely outmatched when these incidents arose, even with super-powered forces on their side. I would have loved to have seen how the Governments responded when Thanos ship's showed up in NYC - what, was Iron Man supposed to wait to get UN permission before he went and confronted those aliens? And how convenient, the moment they were confronted by another one of these incidents, Stark simply pretended he never even signed those fucking accords in the first place.


Oct 27, 2017
The one who didn't recruit a child soldier and knowingly try to murder an innocent man repeatedly because he was mad.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
One of the most interesting dynamics in the MCU is how they set up Civil War--the film and the MCU later largely comes down on the side of Team Tony, but Steve is the protagonist so the story takes a Team Cap slant by default.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 17, 2020
My biggest problem with the movie is that the writers so blatantly side with Cap's side over Tony's that it was hard for me to empathize with Tony at all. The movie's perspective is entirely with Cap to the detriment of allowing for any nuance into Tony's argument, which could have been reasonable if developed a little better.

Even when it's revealed Cap hid the truth of Tony's parents from him, the story still felt wedged pretty firmly on Cap's side, at least for me.
Oct 31, 2017
I do feel Cap but Bucky killed Tony's Mother so I definitely feel everything Stark was about after finding that out

Civil War is my shit; my favorite of the Cap trilogy, by far


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
I can honestly see it both ways but Tony was more right. These people need to be held accountable for their actions.

I understand Cap after Winter Soldier but still I side with Tony.


Nov 4, 2017
Team Cap.

In the comics Civil War happens after Thanos, but in the movies it's before.
It would be interesting to see how Civil War would go if it came after Endgame/Infinity War.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
I do feel Cap but Bucky killed Tony's Mother so I definitely feel everything Stark was about after finding that out

Civil War is my shit; my favorite of the Cap trilogy, by far
Bucky didn't kill Tony's parents, Hyrdra did. Bucky was fucked by all kinds of shit. Tony would have to be a complete dumbass to believe he was the true killer.

office life

Nov 5, 2020
cap all the way, i hate iron mans character in the mcu, way too arrogant and his stance makes no sense like some posters here have said
Oct 31, 2017
Tony's stance is borne out of his own guilt but still makes no sense.
My biggest problem with the movie is that the writers so blatantly side with Cap's side over Tony's that it was hard for me to empathize with Tony at all. The movie's perspective is entirely with Cap to the detriment of allowing for any nuance into Tony's argument, which could have been reasonable if developed a little better.


Someone kill my moms, I'm blacking out just like Iron Man... the fuck?

and Steve knew the entire time!

Fuck that shit. It's easy to understand Tony's motivation from the accords to Bucky


Oct 24, 2017
North America
My biggest problem with the movie is that the writers so blatantly side with Cap's side over Tony's that it was hard for me to empathize with Tony at all. The movie's perspective is entirely with Cap to the detriment of allowing for any nuance into Tony's argument, which could have been reasonable if developed a little better.

I mean, the writers simply didn't even try to give Tony a good reason as to why. Even the logic Vision uses for his stance is a massive misinterpretation of the facts; Given that SHIELD was already using alien technology to create advanced weapons (Avengers 1), weapons that were moments away from being used to oppress free citizens no less in Winter Soldier with the Helicarriers, and that the very same people tried to Nuke New York unnecessarily, you would think that he would be against putting supreme authority in the hands of people who don't have a single clue on what to do when they have it.


Oct 27, 2017
In the context of the real world Tony has a point. In the context of the MCU Cap is 100% in the right, the governments of that world cannot be trusted to deploy superheroes or advanced technology responsibly.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Team Iron Man had all my favs, but Cap's team was pretty clearly the side that was in the right.


Oct 24, 2017
North America
In the context of the real world Tony has a point. In the context of the MCU Cap is 100% in the right, the governments of that world cannot be trusted to deploy superheroes responsibly.

Heck, even in the context of the real world, Tony wouldn't have a point. UN leaders calling on super heroes for conflict resolution? You would have them calling in to quell protests and oppress folks in almost no time. Image Trump last year with access of Authority on being able to deploy super heroes during the summer riots.
Nov 2, 2017
Bucky was a one man killing machine that a phrase could turn on. He NEEDED to be brought in. Cap was being an obstinate dickhead about it.


Oct 27, 2017
Iron Man, he was right about the Accords and Wanda should be kept in an underwater jail. Plus Bucky killed Tony's mom.
Oct 31, 2017
Bucky didn't kill Tony's parents, Hyrdra did. Bucky was fucked by all kinds of shit. Tony would have to be a complete dumbass to believe he was the true killer.

Yeah, we get it. Yet, Tony Stark is a very flawed human being. You kill his mother... he'll want to kill you

And don't forget the fact that Steve knew about it and kept the truth from Tony


Oct 25, 2017
team cap

Sure, ideally the government wouldn't have shit stains like General Ross leading it and the Avengers could work within it.

But that wasn't the reality.


Mar 18, 2018
The film obviously sides with Tony.

In real life only a lunatic would side with Cap or anyone who thinks like him, but the films take place in a fantasy world with conspiracies and secret nazi orders ruling governments so things are different.

Now when you think about it this kind of makes the films message worthless and it cant be applied to real life but eh.


Oct 25, 2017
Iron Man's stance made absolutely no sense.

There is absolutely an in-universe argument to be made that super-powered beings need to be held to some form of accountability, somehow. Wandavision actually does a fantastic job of showcasing exactly why that is.

That being said, the incidents that they used to exemplify why they needed bureaucracy was just completely off, especially citing NYC; Civil War conveniently forgets that the decision of the Security Council was to level New York with a nuclear weapon! Tony Stark legit had to save these idiots from themselves, and then a few years later he is siding with the very people he took a nuke into space for and derived PTSD as result of?

Heck, even by then, the governments of Earth, not counting Wakanda, showed that they were completely outmatched when these incidents arose, even with super-powered forces on their side. I would have loved to have seen how the Governments responded when Thanos ship's showed up in NYC - what, was Iron Man supposed to wait to get UN permission before he went and confronted those aliens? And how convenient, the moment they were confronted by another one of these incidents, Stark simply pretended he never even signed those fucking accords in the first place.
I think part of Stark's perspective (and Black Widow too) is to sign the damn accords now and keep the team together. if something happened in the future that government forbid the Avengers from taking action like Cap feared. they can just ignore the accords later, just like what Stark continuously keep doing, first he join Cap in the second half of the movie. then at the ending he ignore Ross calling him about Cap breaking prison, and in Infinity War where he instantly go after the Alien without government approval.


Nov 3, 2018
Realistically, I would go with Iron Man - these people would need to be controlled.

But as it is presented in the MCU, both the specific circumstances of this conflict and, as another poster noted, the larger context of the MCU world, I'd say Cap is at least more right (I think he could still negotiate for more independence than the initial proposal they were given provided for, but back and forth treaty negotiations probably wouldn't be a good fit for the MCU, so I understand why they short-handed it).

I'll still vote for Iron Man - even when I was watching it in theaters, I felt uneasy about the fact that I was pulled so strongly to Cap's side.