Apr 19, 2018
I ain't choosing a main villain, cuz frankly, the majority of them are boring dreck. Top three:

1) Rubicante:


Playing FF2/4 back in the day, it kinda blew my mind that here was this big-time villain who actually went out of his way to restore you to full strength before the big fight. Honor in RPG villains wasn't something I was acclimated to, not back then. Still a total boss in my book.

2) Ultros:


Nuff said. (As an aside, his voice and mannerism in the English language World of Final Fantasy was what I'd always imagined him to be like.)

3) Zorn & Thorn:

These two were a constant, well, thorn in your side for a large portion of the game, that I was just itching -- nay, praying -- to have a proper showdown with them. Their fused form is nightmare-inducing. (Also, they've got an amazing music theme.)


Oct 29, 2017
You can easily put a bunch of FFT villains at the top of the list. For me it's between Ardyn, Delita, or Vayne.

Deleted member 10726

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Ardyn is only really good for me due to expanded material, Emet-Selch was good by himself but then the fandom started excusing his genocide because they felt bad for him and that soured me on him a bit.

It's a toss up, all things considered I think both of them are great villians and my favorites in the series, definitely above Sephiroth and maybe even Kefka.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
Regarding everyone being up on FFXIV: Is the game playable solo, or are final confrontations with villains locked behind group raids with high difficulty?


Nov 20, 2019
Gabranth. So let because of design though didn't find his motivations that compelling.
Dec 28, 2019
I'm going to go with Kuja for reasons already stated. Square was on point with most of its villains during the 90s including non-Final Fantasy games. Caius gets an honorable mention.

The best villain from Final Fantasy Tactics is Wiegraf. Delita isn't a villain. Delita is an extremely layered character. Maybe an antihero, but definitely not a villain.

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
Delita loses pretty handily in the ending
like, everything

What? Did he?

He became king. He got what he wanted, he wanted to get into power because his sister was killed for being a peasant. He cared not for anyone else other than his ultimate goal.

I hear FFXIV has changed the FFT story a little. I haven't played it so can someone tell me what they changed?


Oct 30, 2017
Obvious "im gonna be a villain later" but with a splash of poor storytelling to make it worse than ever. Even the fight with him was forgettable.
It's not like his villain status was some huge secret to begin with. He was a mysterious and sinister figure from the beginning. Anyone with a couple brain cells to rub together would have suspected something right away.

Ardyn's a good villain because of:

- his interactions with the characters
- his role in the full plot
- his history
- his personality
- Darin De Paul's memorable VA performance

You can disagree if you want, but you should be able to see that it's not some massive stretch for people to like him. He's not some generic dickhead who's evil for the sake of it.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
It's not like his villain status was some huge secret to begin with. He was a mysterious and sinister figure from the beginning.

Ardyn's a good villain because of:

- his interactions with the characters
- his role in the full plot
- his history
- his personality
- Darin De Paul's memorable VA performance

You can disagree if you want, but you should be able to see that it's not some massive stretch for people to like him. He's not some generic dickhead who's evil for the sake of it.

In theory he could be interesting, but the way its presented to the player is absolutely pitiful.

Garrod Ran

self-requested ban
Mar 23, 2018
What? Did he?

He became king. He got what he wanted, he wanted to get into power because his sister was killed for being a peasant. He cared not for anyone else other than his ultimate goal.

I hear FFXIV has changed the FFT story a little. I haven't played it so can someone tell me what they changed?
FFXIV Ivalice is a different Ivalice than FFT and not canon to the original

go rewatch the ending if you think Delita won or was happy with what he wound up with


Oct 26, 2017
What? Did he?

He became king. He got what he wanted, he wanted to get into power because his sister was killed for being a peasant. He cared not for anyone else other than his ultimate goal.

I hear FFXIV has changed the FFT story a little. I haven't played it so can someone tell me what they changed?
FFT in FFXIV is another continuity, it's not the same story. It borrows the general story but the actual plot points are a bit different
FFT happens before XII for example (Ivalice is a land of the legends). Ramza and Delita are and stay friends until the end and Ramza sacrifices himself to seal Ultima. Alma also marries some dude in order to carry on his brother's bloodline. IIRC Ramza also asks to be removed from history?

Ardyn is only really good for me due to expanded material, Emet-Selch was good by himself but then the fandom started excusing his genocide because they felt bad for him and that soured me on him a bit.

It's a toss up, all things considered I think both of them are great villians and my favorites in the series, definitely above Sephiroth and maybe even Kefka.


FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
FFXIV Ivalice is a different Ivalice than FFT and not canon to the original

go rewatch the ending if you think Delita won or was happy with what he wound up with

Never said he was happy, he won though. Everything he schemed he achieved. Hell he even married the "Princess" to look legit. I doubt he ever really loved anyone after his sister died though.

God I really wish we had that Delta side story...


Jan 11, 2018
So story content is all behind low difficulty dungeons? This isn't like WoW 40 man raids needing top tier equipment and weeks of practice?

Pretty much. You can skip the raids if you want. None of the story requires you to take part in any of the raids. It's just lower level dungeons at various points.

Deleted member 10726

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Regarding everyone being up on FFXIV: Is the game playable solo, or are final confrontations with villains locked behind group raids with high difficulty?

You experience the story solo since the game's main story doesn't even acknowledge the existence of other players outside of some instances, in which they are either referred to as mercenaries or heroes from other realms, meaning by itself the story is centered around your character and NPCs.

Dungeons, boss fights and the likes for the majority however aren't done solo. Shadowbringers introduces the trust system where you can do the Shadowbringers dungeons with NPC companions instead of other players, however even then, all dedicated boss fights in Shadowbringers are 8-player instances which require you to matchmake with 7 other players.

So story content is all behind low difficulty dungeons? This isn't like WoW 40 man raids needing top tier equipment and weeks of practice?

Nope, besides the fact that most content is generally on the lower difficulty curve to be accessible, raid storylines are their own separate side stories which generally have nothing to do with the main plot.
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Deleted member 13560

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Emet-Selch is the best FF antagonist ever conceived. I couldn't sympathize with him murdering entire planets, but I understood where he was coming from.

Also having certain characters being involved in the final battle to take down that genocidal maniac gave me chills man.

Ardbert... thinking about him and his dragon buddy Seto gets me choked up everytime.
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Oct 25, 2017

I'm kind of fond of Garland from FFIX. Cool and unusual design and has this absolutely commanding presence in all of his scenes. And I think his main conceit of basically being an artificial construct who is your antagonist by sheer virtue of just doing what he was designed to do is interesting--he's not outright malevolent, he's just doing what he was built to do. I thought he was generally a more interesting concept than Kuja, who I ended up being disappointed in, and I wish they had given Garland more development.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh man so many.

Delita - Just downright a piece of shit. His end was so satisfying, yet not because he's that much of an asshole.

Caius - I liked his voice acting, his design, and his motives were decent. He wins too.

Emet-Selch - Very easy to empathize with him. You can feel this man's pain. The game does such a good job of that while also making it clear that what he's doing is still very wrong. THE best FF villain hands down.

Ardyn - One of the few good things about FFXV and after playing his DLC, I love him even more now. This poor guy got dealt such a terrible hand. Another villain you can empathize with but still have no problem handing him his ass because he's too far gone.

"Nothing matters - none of it. Not the "blessed" gods above nor the accursed kings below. To hell with them all."


Oct 25, 2017
Well, explained. Not justified to you as a player, just justified to himself. They just explain his point of view. You're supposed to empathize while ultimately standing against him.

Exactly. Him getting his way means every living person in multiple realities dying, so no matter how much you empathize with him, he's not justified and you can't let him have his way. It turns what was previously a dumb good vs. evil conflict into a competition for survival, which is far more interesting.


Oct 27, 2017
Ardyn could've easily taken the crown but like with most of FFXV they obvs didn't get to go the full mile

Kuja was probably the last villain to sink their teeth into the role. but i always appreciated Ultimecia for her overarching gameplan. what she'd do after "kompressing" time doesn't make sense but when you whittle it all down no villain motive does


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
Ardyn from FFXV. A villain so good, he deserved a better game.

I don't play MMORPGs. Any summary or video that describes why this guy's so cool?
I dunno, it's hard to fully describe, considering the breadth of world-building that occurs in FFXIV throughout the hundreds of hours of gameplay. But here's a fun video! [WARNING: Massive spoilers. Do not watch if you're ever considering playing FFXIV.]

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Jan 25, 2019
This glorious motherfucker


He even rankes higher than Sephiroth on JP official poll lol.

Deleted member 13560

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Regarding everyone being up on FFXIV: Is the game playable solo, or are final confrontations with villains locked behind group raids with high difficulty?

The game is easy. You can go through the game and just enjoy the story without having any feeling of needing to catch up to anyone or FOMOing about some stupid impossible raid.

They are making the game more and more accessible to those who want to experience it without relying too much on others for dungeons. But for the most part everyone is obscenely polite and usually only say hello at the start of dungeons. If you don't want to deal with people, some of the later dungeons allow you to use NPCs.

But in terms of skill and having to time attacks and develop strategies... It's not even in the same universe as FFXI. It's definitely a game made for everyone to enjoy without having to be in a high end guild/linkshell or whatever.

There's not even a reason to be in a guild or anything like that. If you WANT to do high level end raids it won't really advance the story. It's just for bragging rights and a bump in gear level. They are basically the same boss fights with higher difficulty and new attacks. I've done high level end raids by just joining them from the search. But after I finished the story and some of the HILAIRIOUS side quests, I stopped playing.

I myself went through the whole game last year basically by myself and I hardly talked to anyone other than 2 of my real life friends from work who joined me. We didn't even play the game together most of the time.

Also they are revamping the beginning of the game for it not to be so dry, but I still enjoyed it. If you wanted to get into FFXIV... I'd wait until they do that if they haven't done so already.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
The game is easy. You can go through the game and just enjoy the story without having any feeling of needing to catch up to anyone or FOMOing about some stupid impossible raid.

They are making the game more and more accessible to those who want to experience it without relying too much on others for dungeons. But for the most part everyone is obscenely polite and usually only say hello at the start of dungeons. If you don't want to deal with people, some of the later dungeons allow you to use NPCs.

But in terms of skill and having to time attacks and develop strategies... It's not even in the same universe as FFXI. It's definitely a game made for everyone to enjoy without having to be in a high end guild/linkshell or whatever.

There's not even a reason to be in a guild or anything like that. If you WANT to do high level end raids it won't really advance the story. It's just for bragging rights and a bump in gear level. They are basically the same boss fights with higher difficulty and new attacks. I've done high level end raids by just joining them from the search. But after I finished the story and some of the HILAIRIOUS side quests, I stopped playing.

I myself went through the whole game last year basically by myself and I hardly talked to anyone other than 2 of my real life friends from work who joined me. We didn't even play the game together most of the time.

Also they are revamping the beginning of the game for it not to be so dry, but I still enjoyed it. If you wanted to get into FFXIV... I'd wait until they do that if they haven't done so already.
Perfect thanks, I'll give it a go. Does the game work well with a controller on PS4? Don't have a PC.