
tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
This is a pet peeve of mine and I fully acknowledge this is probably only something that annoys a few people, but the fact most games seem to record playtime in weird ways really annoys me

A lot of games show your playtime on the save file, or at the end of the game on a stats screen, or on a menu somewhere, and this is something I do quite like to know

There is an entire website (How Long to Beat) that compiles how long games are, so I can't be the only person who likes to know how long a game takes to beat and how long it took me to beat it, but most games do this in one of several unhelpful and/or unintuitive ways

Now, unless I'm mistaken, and I may well be, the entire point of recording playtime is so the player can see how long they have played a game for. If this is incorrect, then my entire argument will fall down

Now let me list how games undermine this:

Load file when you die (example, Persona 3 FES)

When you die you have to reload an older save. This means your playtime isn't your actual playtime, as none of your deaths are counted towards the final figure. If 10 hours in, you get stuck on a boss for 2 hours and then beat it, your time hasn't moved forward 2 hours, because all your deaths result in the clock stopping. In real time you go from 10 to 12 hours played, but in game time, you move from 10 hours to 10 hours and 15mins played

Stop clock when you die (example, Strider 2014)

When you die you go back to a checkpoint, but the clock resets to the time it was at when you first reached the checkpoint. This works similar to the above, however it means you can just die the soon as you perform badly to return to an earlier checkpoint (and time)

This means you can basically undermine speed running the game by dying on purpose when you play badly to trick the game into thinking you beat it in a shorter time

I could beat Strider in 6 hours, then replay it and take longer to beat the game, but have the in clock time read as 5 hours

Clock doesn't work properly (example Nex Machina, Far Cry 4/Primal)

I started Nex Machina knowing I had 45 mins to play before me and my girlfriend needed to leave for a meal with friends. I played 45mins and turned the game off. The game says I've played an hour and 6 mins. Next time I play it's for under an hour, game is saying 2.5 hours. It's just wrong

Far Cry 4 and Primal also seem to get it wrong, by massively underestimating how much time I've played. I can play for 2 hours and the clock will have added 1 hour 15mins onto the time. I have no idea if this doesn't count loading or if deaths stop the clock. It doesn't say

Steam and some consoles have a universal timer for each game/app, but even this has issues as it doesn't stop the clock in menus or when you idle

If the point is to track playtime, then by using these methods above, it's not actually tracking playtime, so it's a useless statistic

It really shouldn't be hard to put some universal rules in place. Clock stops for loading and when paused, clock carries forward upon deaths

Ultimately this is something most people won't care about, but it seems like such an easy thing to implement, and yet it seems to be something most games get wrong
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Oct 27, 2017
i think its just cause most games track it differently. Like doesnt xbox and ps4 track on a system level?

But then you get into, does playtime count when its paused? how does the console know? how bout when its suspended by like the xbox guide, or when you jump into another app? how does the game know? if one game tracks when paused, and another doesnt, how can you know which is which for consistency?

i think its just a little more complicated then a running timer


Jan 1, 2018
I like to keep track of my playtime as well, and I noticed this recently with Metroid Prime and the original God of War. Any time I died, the time that passed between when I died and when I last loaded did not count to the total. This was especially a problem where it would take me like an hour to get past a boss, and it would only record the 10 minutes or so that passed when I actually beat the boss and was able to save again. For that reason, I think the average playtime for the games listed on HLTB is an underestimation.


Oct 28, 2017
A lot of my playtime numbers are way off due to leaving games paused or idle for long periods of time

I don't care much though


Oct 31, 2017
I actually completely agree with you OP, and it's a pet peeve of mine too

to me playtime should be like... the total amount of real life time you have been playing the game

so in other words like your example, if you spend 4 hours trying to beat one boss but keep reloading a save, it should count 4 hours of playtime

so yeah this bugs me too, and why I don't trust anyone else when they talk about their playtime


Oct 25, 2017
It's even worse if a game doesn't track your time at all...like Spider-man (can't remember other examples out of the top of my head).


Oct 27, 2017
Play games using Steam, it keeps track of total play time, but the main drawback is it doesn't take into account pausing. I pause games allot and might keep them running an hour or 2 while doing other things so my play times are always highly over estimated than underestimated.


Mar 5, 2018
This means you can basically undermine speed running the game by dying on purpose
Pretty sure for any run to be valid you have to use an additional timer when you record your video. That's a thing for the majority of games that people speedrun although some rare exceptions actually use the ingame timer.


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
Pretty sure for any run to be valid you have to use an additional timer when you record your video. That's a thing for the majority of games that people speedrun although some rare exceptions actually use the ingame timer.

Yeah that's true, but I meant more for the casual player

The way the timer is designed means I have no idea if I have actually gotten better at the game or not, and it also fails to tell me how long I've actually been playing for, so what is the point of even recording time played when it's designed to do so in such a way whereas the information captured is useless in every context?
Jan 11, 2018
I like to keep track of my playtime as well, and I noticed this recently with Metroid Prime and the original God of War. Any time I died, the time that passed between when I died and when I last loaded did not count to the total. This was especially a problem where it would take me like an hour to get past a boss, and it would only record the 10 minutes or so that passed when I actually beat the boss and was able to save again. For that reason, I think the average playtime for the games listed on HLTB is an underestimation.

Metroid Prime also doent cout when you are viewing the map or reading scan logs. This goes for prime 2 and 3 as well.

God of War doesnt count when you are in the menu either. People alway say God of War 2 is significantly longer, but it is actually maybe only an hour or so longer. This is because GOW 2 clocks you in real time.

I agree with the OP, it annoys me too.


Nov 17, 2017
A lot of my playtime numbers are way off due to leaving games paused or idle for long periods of time

I don't care much though
Yeah, it's pretty much always inaccurate for me. I pause the game to browse the web or do other things frequently, and most games keep the clock running all the time.


Oct 25, 2017
Frisco, Tx
With how often I left games like Final Fantasy just sitting in idle animations while I did house work or something, there is no way any save file could ever be accurate for me.
Jan 4, 2018
Suspend mode made my XB1 playtime for DA:I look even more absurd than it already is for a single play through. I was confused as hell.


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
I wish Sony tracked play time for each game, system wide. Xbox does that right?


Jan 11, 2018
I am very interested in my gameplay stats in any game. I check my Smash Bros. stats after every few rounds, just to see things shift. 3DS activity log was great, but even the crumbs we get with the Switch's system are okay. I am greatly annoyed by the lack of proper tracking on most consoles, and how they fail to differentiate idle time from other activity.

Fiery Phoenix

Oct 26, 2017
Because it's implemented differently from game to game. If you want the most accurate measurement, look at the playtime recorded by your system. All current-gen platforms do this for free. (The caveat is it doesn't count time played offline, if you tend to play offline.)


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
Because it's implemented differently from game to game. If you want the most accurate measurement, look at the playtime recorded by your system. All current-gen platforms do this for free. (The caveat is it doesn't count time played offline, if you tend to play offline.)

Yeah, but the thesis of my argument is that playtime should be the time you have played, and because of a lot of the examples in the OP, your play time won't be anywhere close to your actual time played

So if the point of play time is to track play time, most games handle it in a way that fundamentally fails to track your play time accurately

I know a lot of games handle it in different ways, but if they tell me it took me 10 hours to beat a game and it actually took me 14 hours, then why is it telling me 10 hours? What is 10 hours? The hypothetical time it took me if we pretend I didn't die and anything I learnt from failure was magically imparted upon me, as if through divine intervention?

Why would anyone care about that?

Gavin Stevens

Team Blur Games
Oct 27, 2017
Telford, Shropshire
I hate it when devs just don't give a fuck on Xbox, and don't even bother adding it to the stats page on the dash.

Even worse are games like the Witcher though. They didn't even bother to account for when you turn off the Xbox in instant on, meaning it is still counting your game time... rendering it pointless.

I love game time and stats and think they should be in everything. Such a simple thing but it's shocking how few care.


Nov 5, 2017
Play games using Steam, it keeps track of total play time, but the main drawback is it doesn't take into account pausing. I pause games allot and might keep them running an hour or 2 while doing other things so my play times are always highly over estimated than underestimated.

As a primarily PC/Steam player, this is one of my biggest envies of consoles, the ability to easily suspend a game and then pick it right back up. Sure, I can alt-tab out and most games will handle that gracefully if I come back even days later, but it would be so nice if Steam was aware of this and suspended its timer if a process was in the background or had no input to it after some time.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, it's pretty annoying when I want to get a relatively accurate assessment of how long I played something (especially a lengthier game like an RPG), but ultimately it doesn't really matter all that much in the grand scheme. It's funny though because a coworker of mine just leaves their games running constantly, so they have thousands of hours on games they've played for maybe a dozen or so. LOL


Alt Account
Jan 26, 2019
I always wondered about this, but never thought about it in depth until now. I can see why it'd be hard to decide whether to record some things (i.e. time that went down the drain because you died and had to return to a checkpoint).


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
It's weird because I know PS4 has one but its not public to the user. On some monthly emails they send you your playtime. Really weird way to handle it.

Yeah this is really annoying

If they record it anyway, let me see it

I love seeing play stats in general