
Oct 27, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Didn't the Sam Raimi movie just have it be a natural mutation instead? Always made more sense to me tbh. I mean in Homecoming he invents the webs himself but everything else either came from the spider bite or was given to him by Stark, so it kind of feels out of place even there.

I get why they have him be a genius inventor and all, but it is a bit odd to have all of his powers be from this spider except for one thing.

Yeah, it's another reason why Tobey is my fave live action Spider-Man. Sick of it just being some gadget. I really do prefer it coming from him.

Because it allows them to create story-convenient situations where he's out of fluid.

Well, he couldn't use his web in the Raimi films for a while there as well.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
have you seen how either of them deals with stress? I mean if the time machine was even the least bit wi-fi ready, Banner's job was already done for him. Peter would have had a nervous breakdown because his aunt May would be calling about dinner or some stupid shit.

Peter is the only one who habitually gets so corny that you actively start rooting for shit to happen to him.
Hank Pym hotwired a toaster to cure cancer when he was 6 years old


Oct 27, 2017
I think the organic web shooting ability was an awesome edition to the Raimi movies. I think either can work honestly.

Beef Supreme

Oct 25, 2017
Man, that would sure make it tough going going to the restroom. But at least would have silk coming out his ass.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I thought he just studied insects. And particle physics. And robotics.

On second thought, that has about as much connection to those studies as they do to each other.
Unless stated super scientists cover all areas. some are just better in some areas than others


SNK Gaming Division Studio 1
Oct 24, 2017
Raimi Spiderman canon for me for this reason.

Couldn't him developing a high-tech Spidey suit just as easily be a good use of the smarts too?

That's taking it too far and would ruin the characterization they were aiming for.

He's a poverty superhero. Where is he supposed to get the materials for a Starktech level suit?

The genius of the web shooters isn't the actual device themselves. Hell you can buy one that shoots silly string for like ten bucks.

It's the high level chemistry he pulled off to make the actual fluid. I would say that this way also emphasizes his genius in that he is able to make up for this 'blind spot' in his power set with his own adaptability.
Oct 25, 2017
That's taking it too far and would ruin the characterization they were aiming for.

He's a poverty superhero. Where is he supposed to get the materials for a Starktech level suit?

The genius of the web shooters isn't the actual device themselves. Hell you can buy one that shoots silly string for like ten bucks.

It's the high level chemistry he pulled off to make the actual fluid. I would say that this way also emphasizes his genius in that he is able to make up for this 'blind spot' in his power set with his own adaptability.
Right. Spider-Man putting together power armor is a very different endeavor than him using everyday household chemicals to make web fluid.


Oct 26, 2017
I remember watching the first Raimi Spider-Man when it came out at a drive-in theater. Upon seeing the organic webs and the tiny hairs growing out of his skin, I said "Nope. Don't know what the fuck that is, but that's not my Spider-Man."
I'm so glad mechanical webshooters have been more prevalent than organic over the years.


Oct 25, 2017
My biggest gripe with TAS and homecoming. Catridges and mechanical supply which should come naturally for him. Riami movies was actually really good at making everything organic to the character. If you remember riami movies his character had viable improved power, improved senses, actual skin sticking to walls rather than suit.

The suit in riami film was only to make his real self hidden while in the marvel and TAS version it's a tool which technically would give any athletic person abilities . Basically the suit is like the ant man suit rather than natural spider abilities like riami


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
My biggest gripe with TAS and homecoming. Catridges and mechanical supply which should come naturally for him. Riami movies was actually really good at making everything organic to the character. If you remember riami movies his character had viable improved power, improved senses, actual skin sticking to walls rather than suit.

The suit in riami film was only to make his real self hidden while in the marvel and TAS version it's a tool which technically would give any athletic person abilities . Basically the suit is like the ant man suit rather than natural spider abilities like riami
What are you talking about the suit?


Oct 25, 2017
Mechanical is the only way to go. Peter's smarts are an important part of his character, and it needs to be a core part of his crime fighting. Making the webs organic cheapens it.


Oct 28, 2017
The idea of a Superhero naturally shooting white body fluids out never sat well with me. Mechanical webs are a way better sell.


Oct 26, 2017
What are you talking about the suit?
Yeah, puzzled by that whole post myself. The vanilla Marvel and TAS suit didn't do anything to give or amplify his powers, outside of the webshooters he built. The suit didn't cause him to stick to stuff and Raimi didn't create that; he's always been able to do that and can do it through the suit. The only thing Raimi did "sticking-wise" was give him the tiny barbed hairs growing out of his skin (which I hated), and Slayven would know better than I if that had been done already in the past before the movie. The suit didn't improve his senses, or inhance his powers, or anything. If a regular person put it on, they would have gotten nothing from it. They could have shot a web out, I guess, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be able to effectively web-swing without Parker's strength and agility.

EDIT: I guess maybe the 'Marvel' suit the poster was referring to was the Homecoming suit, which would have probably done some stuff for a regular person who was wearing it. I hate the tech-heavy Starktech suit though anyway.

Harken Raiser

Oct 25, 2017
But before that big recent shift in the comics (that we will most likely never see on film), what did he invent?

The Spider Mobile.

I wonder if Black Widow has ever actually eaten a sexual partner.

That's right, Black Widow 2099 does that and it's fucking stupid.


Hank Pym hotwired a toaster to cure cancer when he was 6 years old

Then why they still got cancer?
Oct 27, 2017
When I first saw RaimiMan all I could think was what kind of pressure must that web fluid be at to shoot out of his wrist at that velocity? And how does his body create so much of it so quickly?


Oct 25, 2017
When I first saw RaimiMan all I could think was what kind of pressure must that web fluid be at to shoot out of his wrist at that velocity? And how does his body create so much of it so quickly?
It's the same question about webshooters. Even in Homecoming the cartridges are absolutely tiny and the shooters themselves barely protrude from the wrists


Oct 25, 2017
US, East Coast
Real question: If his webbing is nearly as strong as steal, why didn't he just patent the formula, sell it, and move himself and his Auntie to Bel Air?


Oct 25, 2017
US, East Coast
Ha ha ha holy shit! There's a Marvel story for everything. Also, 30 years of reading off and on and had no idea about the 1 hour duration :(


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
I always wondered how they got people down from those spider nets he spins when preventing people from falling from atop of buildings.


Oct 25, 2017
Did any of you ever consider the possibility that Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider that COULDN'T make webs??


Oct 25, 2017
Real question: If his webbing is nearly as strong as steal, why didn't he just patent the formula, sell it, and move himself and his Auntie to Bel Air?
If I remember right, when Peter moved to Japan and became a non-asshole version of Tony Stark, he used some of the chemical designs for web fluid to build better/cheaper buildings? I could be remembering wrong.


Oct 28, 2017
Batman used his incredible wealth to build a character with a bat theme.

Spider-man got mutant powers from a radioactive spider bite and also used his unrelated super intelligence to invent never-before-seen web technology using high school chemistry supplies.

One of those is a bit more contrived than the other.
They're both equally ridiculous.
I honestly don't really care either way and it's dumb to argue whether one makes sense in regards to kid not immediately dying from a radioactive spider

The webshooters and stuff like spider tracers is to show Spiderman is a smart kid and occasionally do stuff where he runs out and he has to improvise

as well as do custom webs

organic webs is because he's a spider man .......and Sam Raimi is "grounded" so he doesn't build a ground breaking invention because he's just some kid
Remember how Ben Reilly made impact webbing and it was just the best?
I thought he just studied insects. And particle physics. And robotics.

On second thought, that has about as much connection to those studies as they do to each other.



Oct 25, 2017
Let's talk about the obvious parts: If it was organic he'd still run out of fluid, which he'd need to refill — by eating. Is he supposed to attach sandwiches to his utility belt?! I dont think so, it would be more likely that he brew together little capsules that contain the needed nutritients. So basically nothing would change, except that he wouldnt require hardware devices around his wrist.

So why not ditching hardware and relaying on natural abilities? He went through all this trouble of making the suit and mask so it covers his body and conceals his identity, just for people not getting any hints about who he is. If he used organic webs, he couldn't shoot those through the suit and would have to leave holes in it. This would reveal tiny patches of skin, people could narrow down his identity this way.

Still hardware can be damaged and may break. So why would spiderman risk to be left without working shooters? It is very likely that without the hardware peter's use of web power wouldn't be possible (as in useful) at all or by far less precise.

Even if spiderman was able to shoot organic spiderwebs naturally, the mecanical ones would be the better way to go.
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
Wally West (The Flash) kept emergency snacks on him because of how fast his metabolism burned through his energy.

So the emergency sandwiches thing ain't even that out there.

But yeah nothing would really change.


Oct 27, 2017
They saw more options to limit him for narrative purposes if they could easily limit his use of web and they wanted some batman gadgets and tech to prove he's smart.

Cameron got it right though: it should be organic in context to the character like his other abilities.


SNK Gaming Division Studio 1
Oct 24, 2017
Wally West (The Flash) kept emergency snacks on him because of how fast his metabolism burned through his energy.

So the emergency sandwiches thing ain't even that out there.

But yeah nothing would really change.

The general Spidey suit seems pretty well prepared in that sense already.



Oct 25, 2017
I feel like he pigeonholed himself by trying to make something spider-related. "Well I'm Spider-Man so I NEED webs!" Why not invent a tazer gun? Or a jetpack? It feels like you have to go out of your way to make webbing useful.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like he pigeonholed himself by trying to make something spider-related. "Well I'm Spider-Man so I NEED webs!" Why not invent a tazer gun? Or a jetpack? It feels like you have to go out of your way to make webbing useful.

Yeah, if he's a genius inventor, wouldn't other things be a bit more practical to invent? Better to have a jet pack for traveling purposes.

However, inventing webbing using complex chemistry with easily accessible materials may be easier to believe than inventing a jet pack with every-day materials.