Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017


From the mirror universe
Oct 25, 2017
I know Trails is an easy picking these days but this one is just random lmao.

I- I'm gonna forget that now.

Seriously think Trails is just the game equivalent of those generic trashy light novels that get like 80 anime adaptations every season. It's all there: the meaningless jargon, the glacial plot that goes in circles, most of the cast is identical looking girls with different hair, everyone is kind of passively horny, etc. But because it's really long and has a lot of text that means it's classy and important. 😳
Ding ding ding


Mar 11, 2019
Ys9 had one character that I can think of that was along the lines. The people in your party, surprisingly, were pretty tame. One just having giant boobs. Which is mild considering that trails scene.

But Ys8 was pretty bad from the start with the women.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
In a way, that's what saved Fire Emblem from going straight to the graveyard like F-Zero.

Yikes. Was the latest Ys as bad as Kiseki? Because by now I'm really considering skipping all Falcom games.

I haven't played through 9 yet, but from what I've been told, it steps away from the weird sexual anime tropes in order to go into the "darker" more chunni tropes. So no changing scene, no bathroom scenes, no....10 year old child with no shirt on.
Oct 27, 2017
Hearing Ys 9 was much better at this and seeing Kuro's character designs after the mess that was CS3 and 4 actually made me hopeful they were going to improve. I shouldn't have been hopeful...

If there is different teams doing the two then I hope they never cross. Last thing I want is Ys getting ruined (which was very close to happening after Ys 8).


Oct 26, 2017
Ew, what happened with those games?!

I already decided to stop buying them. The last one I bought is Cold Steel 2. Is it good to end it there in terms of story? Or do I need to get 3 and 4? I don't want to support this trash any more but I would hate to end it on a big cliff hanger. A satisfying ending would be preferable before they get worse.

What do you guys recommend?
Cold Steel 2 is a good place to stop.
It's an end of that part of the story, as they're attending a school where you graduate after 2 years.

CS3 continues the story 1 year later after the end of CS2
I think this is where they decided to ramp up the sexualisation that just escalates per game.

CS4 isn't the ending to Cold Steel. It's actually the next game, Hajimari no Kiseki.
I could only stomach getting 3/4 through Hajimari though.

Honestly I don't think the story of 3 to Hajimari is worth continuing for.
They introduce a plot device of a "curse" that spreads to make people to bad things.
Essentially it means that the game doesn't explore how a country can be swept up by propaganda to want war and to sign up to the fight it.
Instead it's the curse making them do it.
Of course all the main characters are immune to it.
So they don't need to write why a character is doing evil things, it's the curse and they can be snapped out of it.


Oct 25, 2017
Not even. In fact it was better in this regard than Ys VIII.

But I'm on alert now.



At least she is not the secundary protagonist like Dana in Ys VIII.


Oct 25, 2017
Has this been posted?

I didn't even click on that video, the thumbnail tells me everything I need to know.
I was getting a bunch of these ads on YouTube mobile awhile back, and I think they've actually gotten much worse than the "Come play, my lord" era.

I had to grab screenshots, because...hoo boy...




These aren't even the most egregious I've seen. Stuff like this is why I still use adblock. Some of the video ones have cycled all the way back around to the point where they're just downright intriguing. They're trying to do anything they can to get you to click on that ad. That's the reason I don't like them, there's a sense that there's absolutely zero regulation. The worst ones are probably the ones that straight-up steal artists' work without crediting them.

Just take a look at one of the weirder examples:

More broadly though I've read stories about women who just don't play video games at all because ads like these are the first things from video games they ever see. They represent video games as a whole to a lot of people. A particular case of this was that "Game of War" super bowl ad. The fact that a mobile game company that advertises like that was able to blow the money on a super bowl ad says a lot about the state of gaming.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I bailed on Trails a few hours into Cold Steel 1. The game OPENS with the incredibly tired "main character falls on the female character's boobs by accident and everyone yells about it for the next three hours" trope. That's the series' best foot forward - a cliche that was old in 1994, barely ten minutes into the story.

I legitimately don't understand how anyone has the patience for it. It's always felt utterly, transparently for 13-year-old boys and no one else.


Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
Stop at Cold Steel 2. CS3 ends on a massive cliffhanger (and is also the one that features that lesbian groping scene that's played for laughs, and also repeats the falling-on-boobs "gag" from the first one... 🙄 ).

Cold Steel 2 is a good place to stop.
It's an end of that part of the story, as they're attending a school where you graduate after 2 years.

I have not played the games but I know many weren't happy with how Cold Steel IV ended the arc.

So I got 2 votes to end it with 2 and the general consensus is that 3 and 4 aren't good. That sounds pretty clear then. Thanks for the help!

CS4 isn't the ending to Cold Steel. It's actually the next game, Hajimari no Kiseki.
I could only stomach getting 3/4 through Hajimari though.

Honestly I don't think the story of 3 to Hajimari is worth continuing for.

They introduce a plot device of a "curse" that spreads to make people to bad things.
Essentially it means that the game doesn't explore how a country can be swept up by propaganda to want war and to sign up to the fight it.
Instead it's the curse making them do it.
Of course all the main characters are immune to it.
So they don't need to write why a character is doing evil things, it's the curse and they can be snapped out of it.

I'm a bit confused about the bolded. What do you mean by that? That Hajimari is the better game and that you only played 3 and 4 to play Hajimari? But as a whole, the experience of playing 3 games is not worth it?

Also the plot device sounds silly. I remember the Kiseki games being lauded for good lore, writing and story. I wonder where that went based on what we're seeing lately.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm a bit confused about the bolded. What do you mean by that? That Hajimari is the better game and that you only played 3 and 4 to play Hajimari? But as a whole, the experience of playing 3 games is not worth it?
Ah no, sorry I didn't write clearly.

So I'd previously played the Trails in the Sky trilogy years ago and quite enjoyed though it had its flaws.
And I'd played CS1 and CS2 as they came to PC previously.

I saw there was a fan translation released of Trails from Zero so I played through that.
And I'd say I'm intermediately skilled at Japanese so wanting to know what happened next, I played through Trails to Azure dictionary in hand.

CS3 came out on PC around that time so I played through that, and it ends on a massive cliff hanger.

So I went to my PS4 and bought the game and played through that.

Then about when I finished CS4 Hajimari came out and I bought that.

So essentially I cannoned through all the games. And just stopped playing Hajimari with what I think was a quarter left of the game.

I guess because it was lockdown I just played through the games and then as I got thinking I realised that there wasn't any reason I was still playing.
I didn't enjoy the story or characters.

Also there's the stench of offputting sexualisation

Here's some pics I found online from Hajimari to give you an idea of what it's like.




It also has these mini games / stories like Magical Girl Alisa:


There's also a really off putting VR beach date mode in the game.

Also the plot device sounds silly. I remember the Kiseki games being lauded for good lore, writing and story. I wonder where that went based on what we're seeing lately.

So I think the main draw of the game story / lorewise is that the games are set chronologically. And there's characters who were part of your party in previous games who turn up in later games as well as NPCs having bit of a story to them.

There's things like this NPC being on the search for unique ingredients in Trails in the Sky and they turn up on CS4 for a small quest.
If you remember them it's a cool callback and makes the world feel more real.

You have characters from the very first game turning up, and they're turning up in the course of living their lives and doing their jobs.
That makes the world feel rich.

The issue is that they've squandered it.

There's a lot of repetition of plot points or activities.
Villains repeatedly turn up for a battle and then get away.
A lot of things just don't get explained.
Nobody dies. Even in a world where there's civil war as well as with neighbouring countries.
The curse stuff really makes things not matter. Why would someone behave like that? Doesn't matter.

So I think the series is a huge time investment and isn't worth it.

The stuff that was posted here about Kuro just feels like parody.
I googled about characters from the game because in that strip club scene he recognised the pole dancer so was curious if she was a main character.

The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki details Melchior, Viola, Alexandre, Arioch, Olympia, and Grendel Battles

Falcom has released new information and screenshots for The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki introducing characters Melchior, Viola, Alexandre, Arioch, and Olympia, as well as Grendel Battles.
And yeah I guess so:

Olympia of Gold
She uses a doll made of platinum shaped like an angel.
She sees others and herself as mere "objects," and it is difficult to make out her emotions through her actions.


The series has come a long way since Trails in the Sky but mostly down a cliff.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm playing the Yakuza spin off Lost Judgement at the moment, and have had two glaringly sexist storylines come up so far, which is disappointing after the generally better (but not without it's issues) Yakuza Like a Dragon. Very mild spoilers I guess.

1. A side quest where Yagami has to investigate a ninjutsu school run by a Russian guy and determine why it's so popular. Long story short, the Russian guy's sister has enormous boobs and wears a revealing top and everyone is signing up to... ogle her? I guess? The game even stops to be like "she's a kunoichi, a female ninja!" while she stands there in this ridiculously skimpy outfit when the rest of them are just in regular-ass ninja outfits.

2. A brief part of the main story has you play as a woman Yagami works with. She is trying to investigate this new gang in Kamurocho, goes to a bar where a woman there says that in order to get the information she's after she'll have to look and dress appropriately. Makeover minigame time! You do her makeup/hair/clothes/accessories so that she's 'hot now' and then you go off and use your womanly wiles to get info.

The original Judgement had a similar sequence but to just straight-up pull the same thing in the sequel? It's just so clear the game creators can't see women as anything other than sex objects or delicate flowers. At least in Like a Dragon you have a woman in your party and she can beat the shit out of people.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Thank you for the detailed breakdown. I stopped as CS3, but based on what I played + what I've seen of CS4, Hajimari, and Kuro, that all sounds about right.

Man, Trails in the Sky was actually pretty decent, but it basically turned into... let's be real, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 level of garbage over time.

How many JRPG series is this fuckery going to happen to? Goddamn.


Alt account
Sep 29, 2021
How does everyone feel about the way they handled the designs for FFVII Remake? My partner and I had a discussion about the way they translated the main cast and how they could have changed Tifa a lot more.

The way Yuffie looks still feels weird to me. Her weird unbuttons shorts lol


Omicron Persei 8 Logic
Aug 19, 2021
Reykjavík, Iceland
How does everyone feel about the way they handled the designs for FFVII Remake? My partner and I had a discussion about the way they translated the main cast and how they could have changed Tifa a lot more.

The way Yuffie looks still feels weird to me. Her weird unbuttons shorts lol
They did Yuffie dirty. The design itself is essentially 1:1, which already looks pretty doofy in 2021-o-vision, but her shorts went from being baggy to skinny fit. The shorts being undone stresses me out, girl needs a belt or something or there will be wardrobe troubles.

As for Tifa... I think they did an okay job of modernizing her design while keeping it functionally the same. The pleated skort makes a lot more sense for an athletic martial artist type than the original's leather bodycon miniskirt. I'd give Remake Tifa's design a passing grade, not any marks for excellence. It would've been nice to see her with more muscle tone but muscular women are apparently not realistic, or so I've heard from The Gamers.


Jan 14, 2021
As idol series go Love Live is generally very PG. The raunchiest it gets are the obligatory swimsuit cards and those are way tamer than most shop displays in Akihabara.
I like Love Live! a fair deal and can't speak for the games or manga or light novels, but the anime (the first two at least, haven't seen the third yet) are kind of marred by Nozomi (original series) and Mari (Sunshine!!) being handsy. The rest of the two shows are generally fine, some bad camera angles aside, but I feel like everyone deserves fair warning about Nozomi and Mari before they decide to dive into that portion of the franchise.
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One Winged Slayer
Jan 10, 2018
Early copies of Metroid Dread have been floating around on the internet for a few days already. I'm not sure if this is the right time to talk about it, but there's one particular aspect of the game that is definitely relevant to this thread. You can probably guess what i'm getting at; a well-known "tradition" from previous Metroid games...

one that i'm surprised to see has been thrown out entirely. There's only one animation of Samus that plays when you complete the game, no matter your completion time or selected difficulty, and she's all suited-up. Instead the rewards for completion time are pieces of artwork based on previous Metroid games. Two examples of them below:



▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
She still has it but as of now you can only see it during the death animation
Saw it. It's one of the better deaths of the 2d ones. Better than Super since she was wearing that bikini and the only 3d game over one that shows Zero Suit was OTHER M and that's the worst one. But it's so great. We get to see her history instead of some pin up reward. To bad traditionalists! Ha


Oct 25, 2017
Early copies of Metroid Dread have been floating around on the internet for a few days already. I'm not sure if this is the right time to talk about it, but there's one particular aspect of the game that is definitely relevant to this thread. You can probably guess what i'm getting at; a well-known "tradition" from previous Metroid games...

one that i'm surprised to see has been thrown out entirely. There's only one animation of Samus that plays when you complete the game, no matter your completion time or selected difficulty, and she's all suited-up. Instead the rewards for completion time are pieces of artwork based on previous Metroid games. Two examples of them below:


You had me scared for a second.


Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
Ah no, sorry I didn't write clearly.

So I'd previously played the Trails in the Sky trilogy years ago and quite enjoyed though it had its flaws.
And I'd played CS1 and CS2 as they came to PC previously.

I saw there was a fan translation released of Trails from Zero so I played through that.
And I'd say I'm intermediately skilled at Japanese so wanting to know what happened next, I played through Trails to Azure dictionary in hand.

CS3 came out on PC around that time so I played through that, and it ends on a massive cliff hanger.

So I went to my PS4 and bought the game and played through that.

Then about when I finished CS4 Hajimari came out and I bought that.

So essentially I cannoned through all the games. And just stopped playing Hajimari with what I think was a quarter left of the game.

I guess because it was lockdown I just played through the games and then as I got thinking I realised that there wasn't any reason I was still playing.
I didn't enjoy the story or characters.

Also there's the stench of offputting sexualisation

Here's some pics I found online from Hajimari to give you an idea of what it's like.




It also has these mini games / stories like Magical Girl Alisa:


There's also a really off putting VR beach date mode in the game.

So I think the main draw of the game story / lorewise is that the games are set chronologically. And there's characters who were part of your party in previous games who turn up in later games as well as NPCs having bit of a story to them.

There's things like this NPC being on the search for unique ingredients in Trails in the Sky and they turn up on CS4 for a small quest.
If you remember them it's a cool callback and makes the world feel more real.

You have characters from the very first game turning up, and they're turning up in the course of living their lives and doing their jobs.
That makes the world feel rich.

The issue is that they've squandered it.

There's a lot of repetition of plot points or activities.
Villains repeatedly turn up for a battle and then get away.
A lot of things just don't get explained.
Nobody dies. Even in a world where there's civil war as well as with neighbouring countries.
The curse stuff really makes things not matter. Why would someone behave like that? Doesn't matter.

So I think the series is a huge time investment and isn't worth it.

The stuff that was posted here about Kuro just feels like parody.
I googled about characters from the game because in that strip club scene he recognised the pole dancer so was curious if she was a main character.

The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki details Melchior, Viola, Alexandre, Arioch, Olympia, and Grendel Battles

Falcom has released new information and screenshots for The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki introducing characters Melchior, Viola, Alexandre, Arioch, and Olympia, as well as Grendel Battles.
And yeah I guess so:

Olympia of Gold
She uses a doll made of platinum shaped like an angel.
She sees others and herself as mere "objects," and it is difficult to make out her emotions through her actions.


The series has come a long way since Trails in the Sky but mostly down a cliff.

Fantastic post. Thank you for typing all of this. It must hurt to be this invested and then not being able to finish the last game. That says a lot about the quality of it.

In my case, I'm invested financially. I have the 3 trials in the skies games (the second and third imported from Japan), the Zero/Azure games, the Nayuta no Kiseki and even the fighting game spin off (on the PSP) next to Cold Steel 1 & 2 on the vita. I did try the games out briefly and played the demo for the spin offs a lot. Even though I didn't get around to completing them, I could see the prestige and how good those games are.

I guess it's a positive to have such great games to look forward to when I finally get around it. And ending it with Cold Steel 2 feels right. Thanks for taking my doubts away.

Those devs sadly keep disappointing with their decisions. Like are the Kiseki games even selling better with the exaggerated focus on fanservice?
With Dread coming it making me think back to the Samus x Adam relationship and how it could had been looked at as a mutual and respectable between opposite sexes. Instead it the usual Male is put forward while the women submissive even if she is the character you control and take charge. This is kinda the relationship with Ryu Hayabusa and Kasumi, despite Kasumi having important parts of the DOA story it always Ryu taking charge of certain events. Team ninja has change given that they open up to new games but it still a sticking point to them and telling of their lack of story diversity.
Mar 7, 2020
New concept art for MonHun Rise and VA voice pack for DLC
- The concept chara will not be in the game as a NPC.

Just to add some clarification, the character is Monjuu, she is Elder Fuugen's niece. and this is what the cast look like in the MonHun Rise game, while Monjuu was shown as concept art for the expansion. Fuugen is the old man in the middle of the picture. Its like, they took his armor, and removed the chainmail underneath for his niece XD.


Princess Bubblegum

I'll be the one who puts you in the ground.
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
A Cavern Shaped Like Home
From what I've played of Dread, the writing for Adam is a weird reaction to Other M's feedback. I can't tell if they are trying to be deliberate or not with the callbacks. Adam still orders Samus around and speaks largely in imperatives.

I'm a little annoyed that the feedback has resulted in Adam still having a voice while Samus is back to being a silent protagonist. Samus' internal monologuing in Fusion was a welcome addition. I have not finished the game, however.


Oct 25, 2017
AI Adam calls Samus the English word "Lady" in every language. It's supposed to come off as a cheeky codename that also informs the player of Samus's gender (Fusion was pre-Zero Suit Samus). But it falls flat in English for obvious reasons. I do like that the voice of the Adam AI in English at least tries to say "Lady" with a weird inflection so as to emphasize it as a proper noun.

Of course, this attempt falls apart when you remember Other M exists and revealed that the actual Adam originally did mean it as a demeaning term to highlight Samus's gender in a troop of men. But Dread, like most of Nintendo, really tries to forget that Other M exists and wants to be a sequel to Fusion only.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Madrid, Spain
Thanks for the interesting answers. Indeed this is my first Metroid, but I had read some… things about Other M. So far Adam feels like the voice of the developers of the game speaking entirely to the player while Samus stands in the room. It is slightly awkward, and apparently not unintentionally so.


Nov 14, 2017
Adam just needs to delete himself. C'mon, Samus has crashed and destroyed her space ship multiple times. Why not this time too so we can just conveniently be rid of him?


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the interesting answers. Indeed this is my first Metroid, but I had read some… things about Other M. So far Adam feels like the voice of the developers of the game speaking entirely to the player while Samus stands in the room. It is slightly awkward, and apparently not unintentionally so.
Adam just needs to delete himself. C'mon, Samus has crashed and destroyed her space ship multiple times. Why not this time too so we can just conveniently be rid of him?

Adam (Other M) and AI Adam (Fusion & Dread) are only in 3 total games combined so he's definitely not a series staple. He's really only here because Dread is a direct sequel to Fusion and considering the series' strong Alien(s) inspiration, I wouldn't be surprised if he was removed/went evil at some point. Despite the obvious comparison, he's not Metroid's Cortana or anything (though you could write a book on the different portrayals of AI in video games based on their perceived gender)


Oct 25, 2017
Adam just needs to delete himself. C'mon, Samus has crashed and destroyed her space ship multiple times. Why not this time too so we can just conveniently be rid of him?
Keep playing.

Early copies of Metroid Dread have been floating around on the internet for a few days already. I'm not sure if this is the right time to talk about it, but there's one particular aspect of the game that is definitely relevant to this thread. You can probably guess what i'm getting at; a well-known "tradition" from previous Metroid games...

one that i'm surprised to see has been thrown out entirely. There's only one animation of Samus that plays when you complete the game, no matter your completion time or selected difficulty, and she's all suited-up. Instead the rewards for completion time are pieces of artwork based on previous Metroid games. Two examples of them below:


Nope it's still there it seems.
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One Winged Slayer
Jan 10, 2018
Nooope it's still there it seems.
You're right, I did speak a bit too soon; it's more hidden this time so no one managed to find it before release.

The reward for getting 100% Item Completion on a single file is this picture


but beating the game in under four hours on both Normal and Hard difficulty unlocks the true final image in the gallery, which is an alternate version of the above but with the Zero Suit instead.


Disapointing to think we almost escaped 'beat the game faster to make Samus undress', but they really couldn't help themselves in the end.


Oct 27, 2017
I've got to say, I'm somewhat positively surprised by Tales of Arise. I've played through three regions since my big brother bought it, and some blergh character design decisions aside, which themselves are fairly tame in the grand scheme of things and don't exceed my personal threshold of BS that makes me avoid games (high heels, somewhat bare back on a knight vs. whatever wild crap Trails/Kiseki franchise has devolved into with Cold Steel & everything after that makes abandon the whole franchise), this is possibly the best Tales has ever been (or at least in a long time).

First of all, the characters actually look somewhat mature and not like hyper sexualized 13 year olds the game tries to claim are actually 25 year old adults/5 billion year old dragons, which is a positive change of pace. There could be more body/age variation in terms of the women of the game, but so far I haven't noticed anything even half as bad as those Kiseki designs (or behaviours) that have been posted recently in this thread. No predatory lesbians, no perviness presented as "oh-he's-just-a-lovable-goofball-doing-his-thing" "comedy." Even Kisara's bare back isn't really all that noticeable most of the time, since cutscenes mostly focus on her front/face and battles are so fast-paced & chaotic that you don't really pay much mind to the fact a knight hasn't really covered her back with her armour (might be more noticeable if you'd like to control her outside of battles, but I just default to Alphen). In terms of male gaze-y cutscene direction, I haven't noticed anything too gratuitous. There was one scene near the beginning where it leered on Shionne a bit when she gets her new outfit, but past that it's not constantly scanning her body in every scene she enters into. At least there's no constant stream of ass & boob shots & silly "sexy" poses, though I haven't followed every cutscene with this in mind, so maybe I've missed some. At least it hasn't been so bad as to (constantly) stick out in a "why is her ass in the center of the screen/well there's that completely unnecessary cleavage shot" way to me, personally.

Even the writing itself seems surprisingly nuanced and the dialogue can sound like two actual people talking without (too much of) the usual "friends are my power" type anime cringe. So far I haven't noticed all that much gendered BS either. I haven't really noticed any "I'm surprised that a girl has been given such a high position" or "let the men handle this & protect you, you women should step back" type crap. If anything, unless I've been in some total haze while playing the game, it seems like gender is generally rarely even brought up if almost at all (I kind of just skim through side quest & skit talks, so there might be more of that there that I haven't noticed). Everyone just accepts that a woman can be a leader of knights without pointing it out or having any issues with it.

Like, it's Tales, so this ain't no The Wire and there is some dumb shit (if I've understood correctly, Kisara does try to explain why her back is exposed, but I haven't seen that scene/skit/whatever), but all in all I'm not totally cringing my way through the game (to be fair, my standards aren't super high but I'd like to think they aren't too low either). It occasionally even raises some decent points/questions, even if it doesn't always delve too deep into the themes/arguments it presents (for example, I didn't expect Tales to have a discussion where it's brought up that you shouldn't just be swept up into a cult of personality thing even when participating in a righteous revolution, but always keep your perspective & leaders in check). I've also enjoyed the way the game presents different scenarios in terms of enslavement (like, when & how to start a revolution or should you wait for a bit longer & try a more gradual approach until you can assure less people will be harmed, what if the enslaved have been successfully turned against each other by rewarding tattletaling, what to do when the enslaved are treated almost equally etc.), even though it doesn't really go too hard/deep into anything & everything is resolved a bit too easily.


Oct 25, 2017
played the Garuda boss fight in FFXIV yesterday and they really gave the bird monster lady huge bahonkadonkin honkers huh. like... they were distractingly big. also why does a bird monster have boobs in the first place???


Oct 25, 2017
You're right, I did speak a bit too soon; it's more hidden this time so no one managed to find it before release.

The reward for getting 100% Item Completion on a single file is this picture


but beating the game in under four hours on both Normal and Hard difficulty unlocks the true final image in the gallery, which is an alternate version of the above but with the Zero Suit instead.


Disapointing to think we almost escaped 'beat the game faster to make Samus undress', but they really couldn't help themselves in the end.
So close! Ugh

Princess Bubblegum

I'll be the one who puts you in the ground.
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
A Cavern Shaped Like Home
played the Garuda boss fight in FFXIV yesterday and they really gave the bird monster lady huge bahonkadonkin honkers huh. like... they were distractingly big. also why does a bird monster have boobs in the first place???
Not familiar with harpies? The ancient Greeks were monster fuckers and aping their mythology is a convenient excuse to be horny on main.


Oct 25, 2017
That Garuda sure is something. Definitely distracting.

FFXI did Garuda better IMO:


The boobs are still there, denoting she's a harpy, but there's nothing really sexualized about them.