
Oct 25, 2017
Kinda sucks the Zorro Pokemon happened last Gen

El Zorro is a north american pulp novel creation, about los angeles when it was still part of mexico. Nothing to do with Spain.

As someone said one post lower, Curro Jimenez would be a more apt figure.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 5, 2017
Question, have we have gotten a Pokemon inspired by Gold Coins minus Mewoth's Pay Day Ability? I think a Cursed Pirate Coin would be a neat idea for a Pokemon


May 21, 2018
A regional form/evolution of Gogoat that is based on an Iberian Ibex would be pretty cool


One Winged Slayer
Oct 7, 2020
I predict that they'll put in a bunch of gazelles and camels and kangaroos.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 5, 2017
Here is a couple fun predictions regarding what i could see in the Standard Bird,2 Stage Normal,Rodent and Fish Pokemon

Regional Bird: I was debating regarding this for a bit on what would make for the best Bird Pokemon for Spain. I debated regarding two - the Flamingo and another Pokemon but the more i thought about it, the more i thought - while Flamingo would definitely be cool and be more than wanted to be in the game. There is another Pokemon I think would better fit - that being the Bearded Vulture and yes I know we have already had a Vulture Pokemon and this idea could work as a regional variant but I think it would be its own thing. The Bearded Vulture crags in high mountains in southern Europe, the Caucasus, Africa, the Indian subcontinent, and Tibet. It lives in the Spanish Mountains and is quite different from the last Vulture Pokemon as seen here:


As for what type it would be - my guess would be Ground/Flying or Ghost/Flying. I don't have much evidence but I have always wanted a Ground/Flying Bird Mon and I think a Bearded Vulture could work. Plus it fits the more common orange color scheme.

2 Stage Normal Pokemon: My prediction for the two stage normal type is that it will be based on the Genet. The Genet is a species of animal that is based in Spain and Africa. It would work perfectly as the Normal Type. My guess in terms of its type is Normal or Normal/Dark.


Pikachu Clone: I think the Pikachu Clone of the game will be based on the Eilomys which is a Garden Doormouse found in Spain. As for its type - maybe Electric/Normal


Fish: I will say that I think Magikarp will get a regional variant but I do think we will probably get another fish Pokemon. The most famous Fish in Spain is the Cod but i would not be surprised if they take inspiration for a Magikarp Regional Variant. I could see the Pure Water Two Stage Mon end up being a Dolphin to contrast with a Regional Gyarados but who knows


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
Here is a couple fun predictions regarding what i could see in the Standard Bird,2 Stage Normal,Rodent and Fish Pokemon

Regional Bird: I was debating regarding this for a bit on what would make for the best Bird Pokemon for Spain. I debated regarding two - the Flamingo and another Pokemon but the more i thought about it, the more i thought - while Flamingo would definitely be cool and be more than wanted to be in the game. There is another Pokemon I think would better fit - that being the Bearded Vulture and yes I know we have already had a Vulture Pokemon and this idea could work as a regional variant but I think it would be its own thing. The Bearded Vulture crags in high mountains in southern Europe, the Caucasus, Africa, the Indian subcontinent, and Tibet. It lives in the Spanish Mountains and is quite different from the last Vulture Pokemon as seen here:


As for what type it would be - my guess would be Ground/Flying or Ghost/Flying. I don't have much evidence but I have always wanted a Ground/Flying Bird Mon and I think a Bearded Vulture could work. Plus it fits the more common orange color scheme.

2 Stage Normal Pokemon: My prediction for the two stage normal type is that it will be based on the Genet. The Genet is a species of animal that is based in Spain and Africa. It would work perfectly as the Normal Type. My guess in terms of its type is Normal or Normal/Dark.


Pikachu Clone: I think the Pikachu Clone of the game will be based on the Eilomys which is a Garden Doormouse found in Spain. As for its type - maybe Electric/Normal


Fish: I will say that I think Magikarp will get a regional variant but I do think we will probably get another fish Pokemon. The most famous Fish in Spain is the Cod but i would not be surprised if they take inspiration for a Magikarp Regional Variant. I could see the Pure Water Two Stage Mon end up being a Dolphin to contrast with a Regional Gyarados but who knows
Flamingo feels like it'd be a good 2 or single stage bird separate from the regional bird.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know anything about pokemans, but there is an endemic pigeon species in Madeira. That would be cool I guess!


Oct 25, 2017
Do you think there will be cities based on Madrid and Barcelona in the game?
Barcelona is practically confirmed from the trailer
Yeah. I am also pretty certain Madrid is getting a city based on the map. My guess is won't be as large as Barcelona style one but it will still be pretty big

Madrid and Barcelona are already mixed as one city in the trailer. We could have another madrid, but would be strange having one of the most famous areas in Madrid, Plaza Mayor, and putting it in the Barcelona like city, then having another Madrid (which could have worked great as the center of it).
The regional map cuts before getting to the middle, so we dont know whats in the center of Spain yet.

My idea, and what could be cool, is that they indeed mixed Madrid and Barcelona as the big city and moved it near to where Girona would be (you can see the Pyrinees in the big screenshot), and then for the middle, they decided to use Toledo, instead of Madrid as that was the capital of Spain for some years during the era of the Spanish Empire (1519-1561). The city is incredibly epic, very medieval looking and an UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its also were swords are usually made for Hollywood movies, for example Lord of the Rings. Also, its in the region of Castilla La Mancha, famous for being the place were Cervantes' Quixote happens, and its pretty near from Madrid.




If Ohmori and co visited Toledo in their Spanish travels (we only have photos of them in Barcelona, but from the energy windmills, it was clear they traveled also to the center of Spain), I wouldnt be surprised is 100% in the game. If not, that would be a pity.

Also we shouldnt forget Madrid is the capital of Spain, not Barcelona its also much bigger in size and population and its smack in the middle, which benefits as a hub city in an open world, it would be strange the main city is Barcelona instead of it. Thats why im inclining they just mixed the 2 biggest Spanish cities into a one big capital where they wanted the game to start or end.
If we see a map of Spain, i think Toledo benefits for being something totally different and a little smaller in the center of the map

Other towns we might see, because of importance and placement far from other in the real map.
-Barcelona (again mixed with Madrid from what it look in the trailer)
-Toledo (If Madrid is mixed with Barcelona and placed north-east as the trailer implies)
-Valencia (or the whole Valencian region mixed in one town, hopefully it plays with fire themes becuase of Fallas)
-Seville/Malaga or both mixed (or the whole andalusian region represneted in one city)
-Bilbao (or a mix between cities of vasque country and navarra, but then also there could be another region mix with Cantabria and Asturias)
-La Coruña (should be there, but that corner in what we saw from the regional map doesnt have a name label sadly, Galicia as a region at least should be represnted in some way)
-Palma de Mallorca (this one is probably a must as its the lagest group of islands near spain, we also have the canary islands and I wouldnt be surprised just as they did with Barcelona and Madrid, they mixed Canary Islands with Mallorca and make them volcanic islands in the mediterranean sea)
-Murcia is a possibilty, depending what they want to do with it and if they want a town in that corner of the map.
-I can see them also mixing Castilla Leon with Aragon and La Rioja.
-Lisbon if portugal is part of the game

Each region in real Spain has its distinctive style and culture and its gonna be a pity some of the mix matching and cuts. But its soemthing thats gonna happen.
If this is going by the 8 typical medals, with one for each city, then thats 8 towns/regions from that list (with different mixes and matches). But something tells me they have changed the one medal per city thing, or there only like 6 towns (there a ton of open space without town labels in the small part of the map we saw in game).


One Winged Slayer
Nov 5, 2017
I an honestly fine with less cities, mostly because i think having larger cities but less of them works better


May 21, 2018
I would be okay with with 4-5 larger cities and 5-6 smaller towns spread throughout the region.


Jan 22, 2021
I have no idea about any of the local animals, but no matter what a new region is based on, I keep wishing for a dolphin Pokémon finally. This time won't be any different.


Dec 25, 2017
Jos , Nigeria
I just have to say even with all the negative things(also part of the problem), that are said on this site about Pokémon whenever there's a new release.

We sure do love Pokémon. So much hype and live for the series men. Anyway want to see sports inspirations, want to see real Madrid vs Barcelona Elclasico rivalry.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 3, 2017

This is a cool read and i can already see them including some Pokemon, like the Genies for Nubeiro, Litwick line for Santa Compaña, and Dratini line for the Cuélebres.

For anyone who's more knowledgeable, is there any theories yet on how oranges/grapes would tie into the legendaries?
I actually saw a really clever/silly theory that the players are sponsored by a corporation revolving around each version's legendary. The idea is that the other company would be trying to actually capture/kidnap the legendary to use for marketing and accidently set off some cataclysmic happening.


Oct 25, 2017
It seems the starter might be based on a lynx which is cool, so I would like to see an Ibex or vulture.

The ibex can even be like a regional variant of Gogoat since they actually are goats.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 5, 2017
Based on the reveals, seems they are definetly being inspired by Spanish Items and themes. What do you think Lachonk will evolve into?


Oct 28, 2017

This will be the only acceptable reference to bullfighting in the game: Ghost/Fighting Tauros due to regular Tauros being wiped off Pokespain because of "barbaric ancestral traditions". Anything else that tries to glorify this abomination or play cute with the matador aesthetic can fuck off into the sun.


Oct 25, 2017
There are loads of Dolphins in the Tejo estuary (nesr Lisbon and Setubal). Should be an easy one to add/convert into a Pokémon.


Oct 25, 2017
if the eye mascara thing is reality, it will probably be a pig dressed as a sevillana lol


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Lechonk is a goated name so no matter what the evolution is it won't live up to it's own legacy lol.