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Oct 27, 2017
Buffalo, NY

Sifting through the box, she was repulsed by what she saw: a trove of pornographic photos — of children. Among them were explicit photographs of herself as a child, according to a court hearing reported by the Manchester Evening News.

The images were painful reminders of her childhood, of the decades of abuse at the hands of a father who allegedly used her as a "sex slave" and raped her hundreds of times, the Guardian reported, citing the Manchester crown court hearing.

She took the shovel and struck the 87-year-old man, Kenneth Coombes, in the back of the head, Greater Manchester Police said. As he turned toward her, she hit him again. Then, using the shovel's sharp blade, she cut his throat and watched him bleed to death, the Evening News reported.

Coombes wrapped her father's body in an old rug and hauled it out to the back garden, hiding it behind a tree, police said. The next day she bought about 2,000 pounds of soil, using it to bury the body in a covert grave, circled neatly with bricks. The body would remain there for more than a decade.

In January, Coombes admitted to killing her father, concealing his death and profiting from his pension benefits. She eventually pleaded guilty to manslaughter, not murder, on the grounds of "diminished responsibility."

And on Wednesday, a judge in Manchester sentenced Coombes, now 63, to nine years in prison for manslaughter.

When Coombes was younger than 9, her father allegedly took her to a "photography club" and forced her to expose her genitals as men took pictures of her, the Guardian reported. Even as Coombes grew older, into her 40s and 50s, her father continued to molest her, she told authorities.

When her marriage fell apart, and long after her mother had died of cervical cancer, Coombes and her 16-year-old daughter moved back in with her father.

This whole story is fucked up.

Molested her her entire life even well into adulthood. Took her somewhere where multiple men photographed her. Possibly gave birth to a child from her father which died shortly after birth.

I want to know more about her brother too. I know in the article it says that she just told people the hospital handled the cremation, and that would work for friends and distant relatives, but close family like that would want to know ALL the details.

That article didn't make it clear how she was caught, but a different article gave a little more detail on possibly why she turned herself in after 12 years.

The judge said he did not believe Coombes would ever have confessed had "the net not started to close in around her". A representative of Stockport housing association had become suspicious of Kenneth Coombes's whereabouts and was due to make a house visit the day after his daughter confessed.

The housing officer made several attempts to check on his welfare but was repeatedly sent away by Coombes, who on one occasion claimed her father – who then would have been 99 – was at a Buddhist retreat in Manchester.


Oct 28, 2017
Pretty horrible.

The judge said he did not believe Coombes would ever have confessed had "the net not started to close in around her". A representative of Stockport housing association had become suspicious of Kenneth Coombes's whereabouts and was due to make a house visit the day after his daughter confessed.

What's this mean? Government money 'safety net' or something?


Oct 30, 2017
These types of stories are always so disgusting, these people abusing their parental status to sexually assault their very own children


Oct 27, 2017
When Coombes was younger than 9, her father allegedly took her to a "photography club" and forced her to expose her genitals as men took pictures of her, the Guardian reported

Looks like she did the right thing here in killing him


Oct 25, 2017
sometimes, murder is warranted

probably would have gotten no time if she hadn't taken his pension for 9 years.


Oct 27, 2017
Buffalo, NY
Pretty horrible.

What's this mean? Government money 'safety net' or something?

No, I think they mean that she felt like she'd be caught very soon because of that person inquiring a lot and sniffing around, so she got out ahead of it and turned herself in. The "net closing around her" being someone getting suspicious.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
This is a horrible story, I really feel for the woman, but there's no discussion to be had here. It's a look in and be shocked thread and those get locked.
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