
Oct 25, 2017
Features Trailer:

Rise of Azshara Developer Insights w/ Ion Hazzikostas:

The patch is releasing just before Final Fantasy XIV's new expansion, which isn't a surprise. Blizzard has done this a lot in the past.


Jan 27, 2018
Oct 25, 2017
Time to actually put some effort into this expansion, finally. Also the timing is hilarious because now I won't go play that Final Fantasy expansion like I expected to until this dropped. Bravo Blizzard.


Oct 27, 2017
Anyplace with some form of summary of the events leading up to this? I've been following BfA with bits and pieces, but don't actually know why we're going after Azshara.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Gotta be honest, this isn't doing anything for me. Also, did they ever address how badly ability pruning has made the gameplay of Warcraft feel?


Oct 25, 2017
I am expecting this to be a pretty good patch overall with cool content, but probably not enough to remedy the actual foundational issues of the expansion that have kept me from enjoying playing any character at max level for a meaningful amount of time. I guess we'll see. Pretty excited to check out Mechagon at least.

Gotta be honest, this isn't doing anything for me. Also, did they ever address how badly ability pruning has made the gameplay of Warcraft feel?

No, which is one of the main issues that they are not likely to address in any mid-expansion patch.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Anyplace with some form of summary of the events leading up to this? I've been following BfA with bits and pieces, but don't actually know why we're going after Azshara.
From what the video said, we aren't necessarily going after Azshara, she led us into a trap and is more on the offensive. That's what I gleaned, anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
Gotta be honest, this isn't doing anything for me. Also, did they ever address how badly ability pruning has made the gameplay of Warcraft feel?

They have said they will only do major class changes with a new expansion, so your are going to have to wait like 14 months for anything significant


Oct 26, 2017
I'll resub mid August when all the LFR wing are out because for now I don't have the time to properly raid =(


Oct 25, 2017
Gotta be honest, this isn't doing anything for me. Also, did they ever address how badly ability pruning has made the gameplay of Warcraft feel?

Ion directly addresses class pruning in the second video I posted in the OP. They said the dev team was "too focused on button count as a measure of complexity." He actually brings up "altered time" as an example for Mages.

Even though they recognize the mistakes they made, you're probably not going to see major class changes until the next expansion.


Alt account
Jun 9, 2019
Funny to see things like this now when it used to be my life. Haven't played Wow for over a year now. When will they announce the next expansion?


Oct 24, 2017
North America
Nothing about this patches really addresses any of the awful, terrible issues BFA faced. This wouldn't bring me back in at all. Honestly, WoW might be dead to me.


Oct 28, 2017
United States
Will the water elemental lord dude finally stop being AWOL? Or did he come back already? I know he went absent during his dungeon in Cataclysm.


Oct 25, 2017
Will the water elemental lord dude finally stop being AWOL? Or did he come back already? I know he went absent during his dungeon in Cataclysm.

He came back during Shaman quests in Legion.

Better be before that as I see this patch content to get boring before September. Hell, 8.1 content got boring real quick.

I suppose it's possible they announce it at Gamescom, but those are the only two events that seem likely.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
They have said they will only do major class changes with a new expansion, so your are going to have to wait like 14 months for anything significant
Ion directly addresses class pruning in the second video I posted in the OP. They said the dev team was "too focused on button count as a measure of complexity." He actually brings up "altered time" as an example for Mages.

Even though they recognize the mistakes they made, you're probably not going to see major class changes until the next expansion.

Ooof. Yeah, that's going to keep me away for a while, maybe for good.


Oct 27, 2017
Patch looks fantastic and they've addressed a number of issues with the game. Although the major class changes won't happen until the next expansion. Who isn't going to be excited for a gnome-centric zone?!!? long overdue.


Oct 25, 2017
Hot take: The issues in BfA and WoW in general are a result of overall cultural/organizational problems at Blizzard and blaming a single person like Ion is super myopic and simplistic.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll play it.

Though that release date... hmm... Nope, can't see why they would pick it.
Oct 25, 2017
If they dont right BfA with this patch I'm probably done and will just play ffxiv. BfA has just been fucking miserable all around.
Oct 27, 2017
Hot take: The issues in BfA and WoW in general are a result of overall cultural/organizational problems at Blizzard and blaming a single person like Ion is super myopic and simplistic.
But he's in charge and has done nothing to make the game more interesting and fun. More importantly, he has no idea on how to properly release content throughout the life of an xpac IMO.

data west

Oct 25, 2017
Oct 25, 2017
Blizzards kinda in free fall right now. WoW is on fire. Public image is trash. HotS got a killed in a shitty way. Diablo 4 is being made but they wont say anything. StarCraft lol. Overwatch and Hearthstone I assume are doing ok but I only see people complaining about those.

Only thing of good will is WC3 Remake. They were in a pretty good place like a year and a half ago.


Oct 25, 2017
Blizzards kinda in free fall right now. WoW is on fire. Public image is trash. HotS got a killed in a shitty way. Diablo 4 is being made but they wont say anything. StarCraft lol. Overwatch and Hearthstone I assume are doing ok but I only see people complaining about those.

Only thing of good will is WC3 Remake. They were in a pretty good place like a year and a half ago.

Yeah, this is a big part of what I mean with the cultural/organizational issues. BfA isn't the only misstep blizzard's had recently. The Diablo situation is a total joke, Overwatch still has players but has faded out of the zeitgeist with the rise of Battle Royale games, Starcraft is essentially a dead IP, etc. They really need to figure some shit out. It's not entirely evil Activision ruining everything, either.
Oct 25, 2017
I even think a lot of the Diablo Immortal complaining was idiotic because they're going to make a Diablo 4 (3 sold what 30+ million?) But its undeniable that it has their image take a hit and they haven't even tried to recover it

BfA hit like, end of WoD level displeasure almost immediately cuz its straight up BAD.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Unfortunately I really disliked this expansion which is a huge bummer because I was pretty energized in the lead up to it. The last one I raised like 7 alts to 110 but this one I couldn't even bring myself to level up a second one at all after my main hit the cap. I might give it another shot at some point.. if only they'd drop the membership fee another $5 or so. Meh.


Oct 25, 2017
I even think a lot of the Diablo Immortal complaining was idiotic because they're going to make a Diablo 4 (3 sold what 30+ million?) But its undeniable that it has their image take a hit and they haven't even tried to recover it

BfA hit like, end of WoD level displeasure almost immediately cuz its straight up BAD.

Diablo Immortal situation is largely just absolutely abysmal timing/planning. It was like they wanted a bad reaction to that announcement. If it was not treated as a major keynote item, and a proper Diablo PC game had been announced prior/simultaneously, people would have been much more willing to at least shrug it off instead of like being angry about it.

And yeah, BfA definitely had the worst quality-at-launch of any expansion. I never started drifting away from a new expansion so fast.


Oct 25, 2017
To be fair, it sounds like Activision is trying to get rid of the bloat at Blizzard and at least try to get games out at a reasonable rate.

I don't know any other AAA game developer that is willing to cancel games at the rate Blizzard does.