
Oct 25, 2017
anyone else starting to think that RTX may be a 30 series only feature in terms of acceptable performance? This article from someone who played the game with rtx says that a 2080ti was getting like 30 fps with all RTX features on a 2080ti. WITH DLSS.


RTX 2080 Ti Struggling with Cyberpunk 2077's Ray Tracing at 1080p, Even with DLSS 2.0? - The FPS Review

CD PROJEKT RED hasn't released the official PC requirements for Cyberpunk 2077 yet, but its recommendations may turn out to be a real doozy, particularly for those who want to enjoy the sci-fi RPG at its highest splendor (i.e., ray-tracing effects fully enabled).

This doesnt give much hope for those of us with 2080 supers ect. But also why is this game struggling with the RTX features when games like control ect run fine at 1440p with DLSS. In fact most rtx games run fine except for those that are path traced like quake 2 rtx and minecraft.

Makes me worry that i might be forced to upgrade to the 30 series in order to get decent rtx performance in any games from now on.
Oct 29, 2017
This doesn't surprise me at all, given how ray-tracing is brutal on my 2080Ti.

This is the main reason I want to upgrade.


Oct 27, 2017
First generation of any new innovation always under-delivers. Second gen brings significant gains.
It is what it is.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Article is from June. They have time to further optimize.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
The June press event was preview code, and it was streamed over Geforce Now.

While I have no doubt the game will be demanding for our RTX 20 cards, especially with RT on, I would not panic just yet based from those impressions.

The game is still running one the Xbox One. There is plenty of performance wiggle room to be brute forced in there,


Alt Account
May 4, 2020
Well it's not final code for one. So there's likely more optimization to be done (not sure what QA testers have to do with engine optimization though as the article alludes).

Still, lots of ray tracing is going to be a performance killer. Especially on the first generation of hardware.

I can't imagine how it will run on the next gen consoles, I'm guessing probably much more stripped down. Those types of optimization are likely to make their way to PC as well though, hopefully giving us some control over the scalability of the effects.

From what we've seen, things like ray traced reflections can run pretty badly if rendered at a high resolution but can run and still look good at a much lower resolution.

It's going to take a lot of optimization and some built in scalability to get both the 2000 and 3000 series to perform well, nevermind the consoles.

I wouldn't fret just yet, but at the same time, I'd definitely temper expectations unless you're coming in with one of the new 3000 series cards.


Oct 25, 2017
People need to come down off their high horse and lower the settings a bit.

Chasing maxed out ultra settings is a monumental waste of money.


Alt Account
May 4, 2020
Well it was kind of the first RTX card so calling it thrash compared to 0 competition is kind of harsh. Curious about AMD's solution as we have yet to have anything concrete. Will the new consoles struggle too?

I doubt the new consoles will have anything like the capabilities of a 2080ti when it comes to ray tracing.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Feel like the 3090 is the only one that's gonna be able to run it with all of the features at a high resolution


Oct 25, 2017
I doubt the new consoles will have anything like the capabilities of a 2080ti when it comes to ray tracing.

That's my guess too. No information about AMD RT solution and the consoles are launching in two months.

I'd bet cash the 2080ti maxes the game at 4k 60fps with Ray tracing and dlss

That doesn't seem like a good bet. The 3080 has problem having Control at steady 60 FPS with RT on at 4k. Considering CD Project loves to push the hardware (see Witcher 3) I would be weary.


Oct 25, 2017
I expect to see a huge ray tracing downgrade to the game. Similar to the downgrade Witcher 3 got between reveal trailer and actual release.


Alt Account
Aug 2, 2020
I've been wondering if the RTX2000 series were simply having bottlenecks that couldn't be optimized around. I am very, very curious to see what this games' performance is like. Its been worked on so long, with heavy involvement from NVIDIA co-marketing. If it doesn't perform well on RTX2000 series, it won't be for a lack of effort or resources.

I haven't been around for a long time, but I have never before seen a game devoted so many resources from a hardware vendor. Really curious what those deals look like and how this will all shake out.


Alt Account
May 4, 2020
I'd bet cash the 2080ti maxes the game at 4k 60fps with Ray tracing and dlss

I'm doubting this, BUT:

1) I think that games will be better optimized ot use the hardware later on. In other words future games ar elikely to perform better at raytracing on a 2080ti than these first set of games tackling the technology. The tech is new, the drivers are still new, and the tech is being added on top of existing rendering technology. When devs and engines have things more figured out, you'll probably see a 2080ti do better.

2) I think you'll probably be able to turn settings down a notch, making almost an unnoticeable difference in graphics and IQ AND get that solid 4K 60 FPS. Just not Ultra, which is likely to be badly optimized and not give you a really huge difference over very high anyway.

In other words a 2080ti is still going to give you a really good experience with the game, better than the next consoles, just possibly not a maxed out one, at least not at 4K 60 FPS.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm doubting this, BUT:

1) I think that games will be better optimized ot use the hardware later on. In other words future games ar elikely to perform better at raytracing on a 2080ti than these first set of games tackling the technology. The tech is new, the drivers are still new, and the tech is being added on top of existing rendering technology. When devs and engines have things more figured out, you'll probably see a 2080ti do better.

2) I think you'll probably be able to turn settings down a notch, makign almost an unnoticeable difference in graphics and IQ AND get that solid 4K FPS. Just not Ultra, whicih is likely to be badly optimized and not give you a relaly huge difference over very high.

In other words a 2080ti is still going to give you a relaly good experience with the game, better than the next consoles.

what about a 2080 super?


Nov 2, 2017
As Digital Foundry has noted, most (all?) footage we've seen has been 30 fps, which may suggest the game is going to be GPU-intensive in general.

Come to think of it, has any 60 fps footage been released? I can't recall any.

I'm especially interested how this game turns out on consoles. I expect very rough stuff on base PS4 and XB1. Hopefully PS5/XSX has a 60 fps mode.


Oct 27, 2017
it would be pretty crazy to not support the 2000 series decently, since there aren't even that many RT capable cards out there... but who knows,

the Nvidia effects on witcher 3 were pretty heavy and most people just played with that stuff turned off AFAIK.
Aug 30, 2020
I mean a 3080 is supposed to have double the 2080 non-Ti raytracing performance at max, right? If a 2080Ti is struggling and the game isn't more optimized upon release than it was months ago, nobody's going to be playing it beyond 1080p 60.

I expect the optimizations between then and release will be plenty.

As far as DLSS, it's definitely better than running the game at native res - higher image quality and better performance, but it's not giving you double the framerate or anything.


Alt Account
May 4, 2020
I'm playing through Control with a 2080 at 1080p, DLSS is impressive but not all it's cracked up to be.

In what way? It's almost doubling your performance with nary a hit to IQ vs native + TAA. That's what it promises, and that's what it delivers. And that's pretty impressive compared to anything else that attempts the same.

Princess Bubblegum

I'll be the one who puts you in the ground.
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
A Cavern Shaped Like Home
In what way? It's almost doubling your performance with nary a hit to IQ vs native + TAA. That's what it promises, and that's what it delivers. And that's pretty impressive compared to anything else that attempts the same.
The IQ shortcomings are easy to notice but I don't want to derail this further. My whole original point is that I'm extremely skeptical that even the 2080ti is going to be able to get 60 FPS at 4K with DLSS for Cyberpunk.


Alt Account
Aug 2, 2020
DLSS >>>>>> Walking on water, IMHO :P

No really, it's pretty magical.
This "DLSS is magic" meme sucks. Like anytime someone says it's pretty good but not always a miracle-worker, you get like ten people jumping up to say it's magic. Makes talking about it impossible because you're not willing to accept any position beyond "Yup it's magic dude, you're right. Pure wizardry. Zap.".

But yeah, must avoid the derail.


Oct 25, 2017
DLSS is your friend. And the 2xxx series I think will be fine it's just that the 3xxx series has upped the performance so much but don't feel inadequate.


Oct 25, 2017
Max settings and ray tracing will be demanding for this game but I wonder how it'll fare at lower settings(high-medium) with ray tracing on and off.


Apr 7, 2019
anyone else starting to think that RTX may be a 30 series only feature in terms of acceptable performance? This article from someone who played the game with rtx says that a 2080ti was getting like 30 fps with all RTX features on a 2080ti. WITH DLSS.


RTX 2080 Ti Struggling with Cyberpunk 2077's Ray Tracing at 1080p, Even with DLSS 2.0? - The FPS Review

CD PROJEKT RED hasn't released the official PC requirements for Cyberpunk 2077 yet, but its recommendations may turn out to be a real doozy, particularly for those who want to enjoy the sci-fi RPG at its highest splendor (i.e., ray-tracing effects fully enabled).

This doesnt give much hope for those of us with 2080 supers ect. But also why is this game struggling with the RTX features when games like control ect run fine at 1440p with DLSS. In fact most rtx games run fine except for those that are path traced like quake 2 rtx and minecraft.

Makes me worry that i might be forced to upgrade to the 30 series in order to get decent rtx performance in any games from now on.
2080S is close enough to the TI were maybe do high raytracing instead of ultra. And slightly lower texture filtering.


Oct 25, 2017
optimization happens near the end of development after content lock.
the game will run fine.