
Oct 25, 2017
Didn't see any threads on this and wasn't discussed in the Patrick Soderlund thread.

According to a Wall Street Journal Tech Reporter, Sarah E. Needleman via their twitter.

Close thread if not sourced enough or if there was a thread and I searched poorly.

On my own thoughts, I think the game looks good but wonder if two historical shooters back to back (not to mention the competition having just did WW2 as well), might ultimately make BFV not sell as well (let's be honest a bad selling Battlefield is still probably going to be one of the best sellers of the year).


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
Do preorders really mean much of anything in 2018? Honest question.

Deleted member 43077

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May 9, 2018
I mean...it does come out right next to RDR2 so its not that surprising that its taking a hit.

shame they will sell 8M instead of 10M in the first couple weeks :P


Dec 6, 2017
I'm not particularly shocked. A brutal October will be very competitive for all releases.

And I'll be honest: Battlefield is one of my favourite series and I've bought and played every entry, but this one might be suffering by looking a LOT like BF1. Of course anyone who looks into it will see there are differences, but on the surface they are extremely similar, even down to the box art


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Feb 2, 2018
Obviously this is due to them adding women


Oct 27, 2017
It's probably the classic case of EA bungling a surefire success. They can't even get Star Wars right. Also I am betting CoD preorders benefit from having a couple beta just now. Battlefield always does their beta like five minutes before release for some reason.


Oct 25, 2017
Looking back, the first trailer didn't do much for me in terms of lasting excitement.

It's not about women or minorities, it's just about the weird Bad Company looking presentation.

I preferred the realistic presentation of the BF1 trailers.

The alpha looked pretty good to me, but nothing too crazy? Idk what it is.


Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't be surprised if true. It hasn't shown anything that really blows people away. Most of the positive changes aren't marketable compared to a battle royale and we still have yet to see what Rockstar has for Red Deads online mode.

The release date doesn't help either.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm personally not diving it cause its ww2. Yawn fest. Was never for going back to ww1-ww2 era for cod & bf.


Oct 27, 2017
I think going WW2 was a bad move after CoD just did it. BF1 was new and exciting, but the changes they've made to BFV look really good imo. I'm still considering picking this up at launch.
Oct 27, 2017
It's a damn WWII revival game a year after Call of Duty already did it. It's a year late.

Battlefield One world because it had a setting most people never experienced. But this is WWII, which might have worked as a revival had Call of Duty not already done it last year.

Deleted member 249

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Oct 25, 2017
I really want this game to do well, because if it bombs, fucking GamerGate and the alt-right will crow about how the game that tried to push "the SJW agenda!" on them was a deserved flop. I would rather live in a world where EA wins than a world where GamerGate wins.


Oct 25, 2017
Why would they release it the same time as COD, they are fighting for the same market share. I dont understand why companies dont delay or release earlier than other huge games. It happens in movies a lot.

Deleted member 135

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Oct 25, 2017
This fall is ridiculously packed, more than any other year that I can remember.

Plus after Star Wars Battlefront II people are rightfully gunshy. Plus they haven't shown anything particularly appealing about the game. I've got no interest in playing pre-Torch battles.

It's a shame though because I don't want this return to World War II to die off after only two games.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Probably symptoms of an upcoming market shift tbh. People aren't going to keep buying these things for $60+ over and over again with games like Fortnite out there. Couple that with a ton of competition with RDR, Spiderman, etc and some games are going to underperform.


Oct 26, 2017
I thought I'd more interested in it than I am but I'm just not feeling it. Hope it does well for them because I appreciate what they're doing from a diversity standpoint. And I'll probably play it through Origin Access Premier anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
Their next game needs to be a return to modern era let it be a BC game or a regular BF game like 3&4. BF1 was enough for going back in history. Having 2 games in a row especially when the first one was boring to play is not a something that can get me excited.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean...it does come out right next to RDR2 so its not that surprising that its taking a hit.

shame they will sell 8M instead of 10M in the first couple weeks :P

Well it is interesting cause as far as Activision has said regarding Black Ops 4, they say that pre-orders are strong (as of like a week or so ago?). Granted they could be inflating their numbers but I have no idea if they have a history of that or not.


Oct 25, 2017
They should let you build random shit in the middle of a fire fight and then do a stupid dance right after

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Why would they release it the same time as COD, they are fighting for the same market share. I dont understand why companies dont delay or release earlier than other huge games. It happens in movies a lot.
They're releasing when they always release Battlefield, Call of Duty just moved up from November to October as well.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm pretty sure the reveal is partly to blame for this. The whole event and especially the trailer were a huge clusterfuck.
Everybody's probably waiting for more infos and an open beta.


Oct 28, 2017
Dice has been on a spiral downwards for a while. Battlefront 1 and 2 and Battlefield 1 were all really big let downs for me. So I barely have any interest in V.

Deleted member 6949

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Oct 25, 2017
I like the setting, but I just don't like the pace of new Battlefield games at all. They are so obsessed with minimizing any possible downtime that they are just exhausting to play.


Jan 9, 2018
I am interested in it because it is a Battlefield game, but at the same time the footage of the game I have seen so far has been meh. To be fair I wasn't at all hyped about BF1 either and don't own it. I own most of the other BF games though.

Deleted member 17207

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017

DICE and EA need to take a hit after the way they treated Battlefront fans. After the way EA has been treating ALL of their fans.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
For me, even though I did get some enjoyment out of BF1, it really kind of killed my buzz about the whole series after how much I loved BF4.

Still Im sure it will do quite well.
Oct 27, 2017
Not too surprising. October is jam packed and honestly BFV just doesn't bring the excitement. I don't think WW2 is very different from WW1 to the general consumer, and the gameplay/presentation just looks like a slight iteration on BF1 at first glance.

I'll buy be buying it day 1, but I can see why it's not setting the world on fire.


Oct 26, 2017
I haven't played the game, but saw people playing the closed alpha on Twitch. To me, it looks exactly the same as BF1 even though I know there's additional things they added to weapons and movement. I think it would be doing better if it was a modern setting instead of WW2.

Deleted member 24118

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Their next game needs to be a return to modern era let it be a BC game or a regular BF game like 3&4. BF1 was enough for going back in history. Having 2 games in a row especially when the first one was boring to play is not a something that can get me excited.

But BF1 was the first great BF game since the Refractor era :/

Tbh I haven't liked a modern-era BF game since BF2. 3 and 4 are basically large-scale CoD.
Oct 26, 2017
Battlefield 5 should have done great.

But then they said the BR wasn't going to be coming out until a while after the game launched.

... And other important stuff too.

And now it's like...
Dec 9, 2017
Worse preorder numbers than Blops 4? As tepid as the response to Blops 4 has been since the reveal I didn't think BFV could have less interest than that game.


Oct 27, 2017
That first trailer didn't help 'em. People wanted their usual realistic war-game (yes I know, flamethrower-camel gif) and got a Michael bay movie.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure why they didn't just do a similar reveal like with Battlefield 1. They did a full match playthrough which was a really nice way to showcase a bunch of things. Don't even need celebs anymore, just get a bunch of streamers to play one match and let them stream it/post it on youtube. It was a great way to showcase actual gameplay and the map. For BFV all they've done is that awkward reveal event with no gameplay and EA's classic god awful E3 showing. I guess they really wanted to get that awesome command and conquer match in there...