M. Wallace

Oct 25, 2017
Loaded up the playtest and it stated we are freely able to discuss the game online just cannot capture or share any footage.

Let's hear them people!


Oct 27, 2017
Ah ok carry on lol. Got a key redeemed it only to find out not avail in my region.


Jan 13, 2018
Getting stuck at 50% trying to load the practice mode, and no matchmaking

guess il come back to this in a bit
M. Wallace

M. Wallace

Oct 25, 2017
Feels mostly like Blops4 with more health and abilities. PC players wrecking though. Time to turn off xplay.

Went 13-12 in my first match, the entire other team was mainly PC. Top person was 37-5. Yeah, fuck that.


Oct 25, 2017
Game feels very smooth to play. No stutters, no lag nothing of that nature. It's also very fast-paced and reminds me a lot of COD. TBH my biggest issue after a couple of matches is that it feels super generic. The guns don't have a lot of oomph to them and I'd say the same thing about the grenades. Even the special abilities don't seem that interesting. It isn't like say, Apex where each legend feels unique and powerful.

I'll definitely play more before judging it too harshly but this basically feels like a game where you got asked to make COD but not COD.


Oct 25, 2017
This does not feel great to play.

Like not in the sense of it being technically bad, just

this does not feel like a game I enjoy the moment to moment gameplay of which is a bit of a problem for what I remember seeing it being pitched as,

like in theory as someone who's a pretty hard lapsed CoD player I should be in the perfect target audience for this but after playing a couple matches where I've even kept topping the scoreboard I am just

a hard :| on my face after all of it.
M. Wallace

M. Wallace

Oct 25, 2017
Using a controller in this game and it feels a bit off. There's a dead zone even when you turn it all the way down to zero. Slight delay in aiming. Throwing me off.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 6, 2017
Good maps, decent hit feedback, annoying input lag with controller, gunplay is okay-ish, I guess. Uninstalled and not eager to see more of it tbh.


Oct 25, 2017
Game crashes a lot and graphics/character models seem muddy, but of course this is pre-alpha so I understand.
TTK seems all over the place. Some assault guns makes it seem really fast but the rifles are a little unforgiving.

Player movement is faster than I thought and some of the abilities are pretty cool.
The stages are pretty neat. Everything feels like a movie set with familiar Ubisoft game settings.
UI is snappy and getting in to a game is really quick.
Kind of a pro, but this game really feels like a love letter to Ubisoft properties (except Assassins creed unless I missed it). However, the character models seem lifeless and don't have the charm that hero shooters should have. I think the issue with that is that they are very realistic and it just seems odd to have them act in a traditional cartoony/animated way that we're used to with hero shooters.

A big concern I have right now is how this game will pull me away from Overwatch and COD. I don't know what unlocks there are or what their Battle Pass plan is. If their roadmap, unlocks and monetization is consumer friendly, then I'll definitely keep an eye on this game.


Jun 5, 2018
Looks ok visually, runs fine. TTK feels too slow and I dont care for the overwatch style push the payload mode.

Do dig the faction looks and abilities though. Would be fun in a faster paced TDM.


Oct 26, 2017
Just played two matches, it was fine I suppose. I had more fun playing this than any CoD after Black ops 4 which was the last CoD that I really liked.
Mouse aiming feels really snappy which is good, maps were pretty good and I like how can actually rush in this game, unlike in newer CoD games which favors campers. I like how Matchmaking works, it felt similar to older Cod's.

However TTK is little bit too high to my taste and some characters have skills or abilities that can raise your health/shield which makes TTK even more higher. There are times when it feels like you are shooting marshmallows, that's really annoying.
Imo I think TTK should be similar to Black Ops 4 and every character should have same amount of health, so the TTK doesn't end up feeling random.
Animations also needs more work, certain animations are very basic which makes game look and feel like it's some mobile game.

I like what I played, but it needs more work.
M. Wallace

M. Wallace

Oct 25, 2017
Somehow I was able to get into this on XSX and PC. Just tried controller on PC, holy hell it's infinitely better. The input latency is gone. Plus the higher frames is a welcome addition.


Prophet of Truth
Aug 31, 2021
played one game, it's not very good imo. the guns don't feel very punchy and the ttk is way too high, plus movement feels weird, like if i was floating instead of walking


Prophet of Truth
Aug 31, 2021
also visually it's just the division 2, i played in the snowy city map and now the stadium map, the scenery is taken straight from that game

Cake Boss

Oct 25, 2017
The controller sensitivity is messing me up. it just feels so off and i can't seem to find a decent setting for it. Any recommendations?

Or is it because i am going up against pc players with K/M?

Cake Boss

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I ain't feeling this. Feels so clunky. Graphics are trashy looking and hard on the eyes. Gunplay is weightless and lacks punch.


Oct 26, 2017
Didn't know this was a crossplay beta, any word on the AA? If it's as OP as COD's I'll just not bother.


Oct 26, 2017
New York
I only played a few matches on PC but I actually thought it wasn't that bad. It is much, much better than their original alpha/beta test I played what seemed like a year or two ago.

Still, I just can't really see myself wanting to devote time and money into this because it just seems like a game that will inevitably shut down a year after it comes out. It just has that feeling. I do give the devs credit though for improving on this game a lot and I do hope they find some success with it.


Oct 27, 2017
Even ignoring all the technical clunkiness of the game... it just feels so unambitious. It was always going to be accused of being off-brand Call of Duty and it feels like they basically just leant into that. It's not like the game feels like a response to Call of Duty in the sense that it is trying to advance on the formula... it embraces the warts of the Call of Duty franchise right down to the astonishingly terrible spawning system.


Oct 26, 2017
New York
Even ignoring all the technical clunkiness of the game... it just feels so unambitious. It was always going to be accused of being off-brand Call of Duty and it feels like they basically just leant into that. It's not like the game feels like a response to Call of Duty in the sense that it is trying to advance on the formula... it embraces the warts of the Call of Duty franchise right down to the astonishingly terrible spawning system.

Yeah, and I think that is what will ultimately do the game in. It just feels like a "been there, done that" sort of vibe. It really doesn't bring anything new to the table that you can identify having its own quirk or style.


May 24, 2022
I was hoping for this game so much because the only decent skill based mp is Treyarch's CoD and that's like every 3 years, but after playing the technical test the aiming feels sooo weird. I tweaked a lot of stuff, aiming curves, acceleration, sensitivities but I wasn't able to find something i liked.


Oct 28, 2017
Where the hell do I actually download the game from? I signed NDA from a resetera user game invite. Now what?