"Hehe, you still play that stuff?!"

  • Yes.

    Votes: 2,183 85.9%
  • (Lie) N-no. That's not me. Someone else was playing...(Speech check 50% chance)

    Votes: 35 1.4%
  • (Intimidate) Don't "hehe" me. Mind your fucking business. Fuck you lookin over there for anyway?

    Votes: 113 4.4%
  • (Vex) Do something random to distract them. (+1 Charisma)

    Votes: 34 1.3%
  • (+2 Awkward)(+3 Intimidate) Do nothing. Just stare at them.

    Votes: 175 6.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
I had this comment come out late yesterday when I had someone over. My PC was on and a game was visible on the big screen downstairs.

I could tell the comment was coming because they had this kinda taken aback look like "ewww". And that's when it happened.

I answered "yea?". But I felt like I had to explain my situation. "I was just bored for a bit. I just started playing for like, 5 mins.." I realized how embarrassed I was and caught myself mid explain. I calmed myself like an anime character. I slowly closed my eyes and gave a sideways smirk while turning my back to them. "Hmph", I said. They were confused but started laughing at me and then we went for drinks even tho they know I don't drink. I was the boring designated driver... The whole time, all I could think about was being home and enjoying my next game on gamepass. Oh well.

Anyways, you ever get side eyed for enjoying the hobby by family or friends?

What do you say?


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
With something like "Yes and you still watching TV like a dumbass ?"

Works well in France.
Oct 25, 2017
"Yes, I'm a person under 40 living in the 21st century."

Edit: Hahaha, guys. When I picked 40 it was because the vast majority of people under 40 play video games. At least in my reading: if you're under 40 chances are you grew up with Nintendo and PlayStation and saw video games become mainstream with Singstar etc, so it's an inherent entertainment activity to you. I'm not saying you can't play video games over 40, just that for someone who is 48 and didn't own an Atari as a kid it might not feel as natural a pasttime as going to the cinema or watching TV.
Last edited:


The Enlightened Wise Ones
Jun 17, 2018
It's always the guys that watch TV for 8 hours straight that ask this.

Or parents, I probably game like an hour a day if that right now which is nothing compared to a netflix binge.


Nov 6, 2017
I've only copped this from an aunty who is 60+.

She didnt let her kids play video games when they were young and now they are all dissapointments*

*unsure if not playing video games is related
Oct 27, 2017
I don't get this question. In fact, I often get the opposite. As my TV is visible from my front door, I'm always getting my grocery delivery driver and postman asking me what I'm playing.

Hypothetically, if someone were to ask this though I'd say yes. I'm 35. I stopped caring what people think several years ago.


Oct 27, 2017
Why is this considered an "awkward" question? This isn't the 90s anymore. Gaming is ubiquitous now more than ever.

I've only copped this from an aunty who is 60+.

My 61 year old aunt asks me all of the time if I have been playing anything interesting lately (she's big on JRPGs).

Deleted member 48434

User requested account closure
Oct 8, 2018
Never been asked this.
At 23 most people I know play video games in some form.
Some people who are at least a decade older than me have said that they "outgrew video games".

Frankly, it's such a stupid thing to ask that I would just stare at them until they got uncomfortable.
Jun 17, 2018
Most of the people I know play video games so it's a non issue. I tend not to bother talking about them with others unless they actively bring it into the discussion or ask what my hobbies are.
Oct 25, 2017
What's that supposed to mean? I'm 48.

I only meant that the majority of people under 40 in my experience play games of some sort. It gets rarer as you look at people older than that, purely because gaming was more of a fringe entertainment when they were younger.

In general people tend to see the mediums they engaged with as a kid as the norm and continue to engage with them for the rest of their lives (be it books, TV, films, etc.). Obviously there are people 40+ who played games when they were kids and will always do so, but gaming as a kid for them wasn't as prevalent as it would be for a kid in the 90s or 2000s, so there will be fewer people their age who see it as just a regular activity.


Oct 25, 2017
Is gaming still really looked down upon?
You'd be surprised. I dont even talk about it when people ask me about hobbies. I just act like I have no idea about games.

This one co-worker of mine randomly asked me one day if I was a "gamer" (he literally used that word). It was weird as hell and random so I had a knee-jerk reaction and answered "no". My coworker is in his 50s btw. I was just spooked is all. Weird thing is, he never followed up with anything after the no, which makes me think he had something nicer to say about it. It was around secret Santa time so I still think he was fishing for gift ideas for me for someone ELSE.

But I already committed to it so oh well.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyways, you ever get side eyed for enjoying the hobby by family or friends?
Not really. Most of my friends (25 to 45 year-old) play video games. My GF as well, though not as much.

I feel like it's a well accepted hobby by now, way more than when I was growing up, and a topic that come up as much as cinema or books in my various groups of friends.

And if somebody made a snide remark about it, well it's their problem, not mine. I'm enjoying video games, they don't know what they're missing.


Oct 28, 2017
United Kingdom
Who asks this anymore???

And why would you feel some sort of embarrassment?

This. Everyone and their grannies play some kind of video games these days, even though, it's mostly on their phones. The only good thing to to come out of mobile games IMO. It's made gaming a common pass time as opposed to something only a slacker or a man-child would have as a hobby.


Oct 25, 2017
"I still play games, like I still read books and still watch movies."


Oct 27, 2017
I'm old, I stopped being embarassed about my gaming habits 25 years ago. Today I'm proud of it and I'm happy to have kids who're interested as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Not really, everyone my age grew up with videogames. I definitely will not explain myself in my own home.


Oct 27, 2017
Look down sheepishly, mutter "y...yeah... i guess..." and wish it was time to go home from work already


Oct 25, 2017
Uhh I answer truthfully? 30 yrs ago? Yeah if I was an adult who played games, I would probably have been looked down upon. Now? Its perfectly normal.

Deleted member 61002

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2019
"Yes. So do hundreds of millions of other people."

Gaming is mainstream, has been for years. I haven't heard that question in over a decade.


Oct 26, 2017
Everyone plays videogames so who even asks these questions? I haven't heard that ever and I am almost 30.

I dunno tell them if they still watch shitty television with advertisements or anything else which is mainstream in their circle and watch their faces.


Nov 15, 2018


Nov 1, 2017
Very strange if someone will say that, probably they also play videogames in the mobilephone or something.
If not, tell them what they are doing with their lifes and introduce them you favourite game.


Sep 18, 2018
I think it's much more 'socially acceptable' to play video games these days versus what it was over a decade or two ago. Games are not tied to only PC or consoles. They're available pretty much on every smart device too.


Jun 12, 2019
Of course i do, just like you. I usually don't play farm puzzles like everybody around us, more like engaging stories akin to what you find in movies or TV Series, and i do it when you would passively watch a movie or a tv series. you should try it, it's a better experience to be active in these stories.
I don't play on my phone though, it degrades the battery life . (i know , it's evil xD)