
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I started with the NES and grew from there. There was an Atari in our garage, but all we had was frogger and that sucked.

Maybe you grew up with an N64/PS2/XBOX360 or later. What was your first system? Have you gone back to any older games from previous gens, like the NES/SNES, PS1, maybe even Atari? I'm curious, what old games did you end up loving? What famous titles have you tried but just can't get into them?


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 26, 2017
Not really no. My nostalgia touchpoint is N64 and PS1, usually when I try to play something older it doesn't do it for me.

I would like for Nintendo to hurry up and get SNES games on Switch because I would say in particular NES is too much for me.


Oct 27, 2017
25, so I guess I'm kinda there. And yeah. I grew up Basically playing NES/SNES/N64 and PS1 when I was young young. I still to this day try old games I've never played before. Wii Virtual Console was great for that and I played plenty of fun stuff I never touched growing up.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 18, 2017
First console was a GBA with Pokemon Ruby. I've played enough classic games to be able to identify about 90% of the spirits in Smash. Ive also been into using the book 1001 games to play before you die as a guide, and working through the industry milestones on all Nintendo Xbox and Playstation platforms.

I've been really into retro collections and have my eyes set on the switch Genesis Collection to work my way through some of Segas catelogue games


Oct 25, 2017
Early 20s here, I first had a GBC and an N64. I have a lot of appreciation for older games though; I own a lot of older consoles like the Genesis and the Saturn. The SNES and NES Minis were awesome to grab too since I never grew up with any of those games. Never really tried anything too much earlier than an NES though, aside from arcade classics and whatever's available at the local barcade.


Aug 11, 2018
Early 20s. I can't personally think of a single game I'd want to play that was pre-N64/PS1. I'm not a huge stickler for graphics, but I just don't really enjoy the game design/mechanics of SNES/NES/Etc games.
I've played some early FF's but always the 2000s handheld remakes, so I wouldn't count those as before. Other than that I don't think I've ever really played/enjoyed one for more than a few minutes.

Edit: My first console was an N64/GBC--I never had a PS1 so I guess those would more be games I never experienced. I don't think I've played any additional N64 games that I didn't play as a kid.

Deleted member 3700

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
20s here. Started with SNES. Just recently I played Balloon Fight with Switch online and was addicted for quite a while. So awesome games stay awesome even after 30 years.

I have been picking up some old titles for the past 3 years, but haven't got around playing them. I am sure I will enjoy playing them though.
Oct 26, 2017
I've been playing more SNES games, but I love the older titles tbh. Old Wizardry PC games are so facinating. My first system was a PS1


Oct 25, 2017
Pacific North West
24 here.
I grew up with the NES w/ Super Mario Bros + Duck Hunt then Genesis, N64, PS1
I yeah I definitely do, I love retro console RPGs and I enjoy playing NES RPGs such as Shinsenden and Glory of Heracles, my goal is to work from NES to SNES.
As for games I can't get into, the early cRPGs like Planescape, Baldurs Gate, etc. It's not that I don't like them it's that it's a bit overwhelming. I did buy have to rebuy some of the games twice due to W10 Compatibility so I def want to give these games a try. Also on the same boat I don't really understand the battle system of Madara (NES RPG) that well, which is a shame because I definitely want to play it.

P.S. If anyone can tell me how to get STED: Iseki Wakusei no Yabou working fine on an emulator let me know, whenever I try to play it the game lags really bad.


Oct 22, 2018
I'm 18 (today was my birthday infact), and PS2 was my first system. Back in the day Ive played back some PS1 games, liked them, I remember a couple crash games, spyro, and wipeout, but not much else.

I'm considering going through the PS1 library properly. Planning to do an MGS 1,2, and 3 for thr first time. Twisted metal 1 and 2 I'm considering, as well as Ridge Racer Type 4 and Ape Escape.

Though I'm not interested in anything before gen 5, and nothing else in gen 5 besides PS1, couldnt care enough.


Nov 14, 2017
I grew up with an N64, and I haven't done a ton of looking back beyond that. From what little I have done I've had much more enjoyment with the SNES than the NES to the point that I'm not sure I'd say that I actually like any NES games.


Nov 15, 2017
North Bay, CA
I'm 29 years old and this thread just made me feel old af

N64 was my earliest console. Goldeneye got me into FPS.

When I had a somewhat decent pc a few years later. Operation flashpoint was my favorite FPS


One Winged Slayer
Nov 13, 2017
First system I played was a DS in 07, first system I owned was either a PSP or PS2 (got them both fairly close together so I'm not sure which one was first) in 08. Easily 50% of my gaming time is spent on retro gaming, although I generally won't go back further than the NES, games before then are just a bit too archaic for me outside of Pacman and Donkey Kong.


Oct 25, 2017
Pacific North West
I've been playing more SNES games, but I love the older titles tbh. Old Wizardry PC games are so facinating. My first system was a PS1
Have you played the console versions of the Sir-Tec Wizardry games? I love first-person dungeon crawlers so I would love to play through the franchise but I had trouble playing Wizardry 6 when it launched on Steam so I've been looking into playing the console version if that's the recommended entry points for beginners.

game boy

Nov 26, 2017

I like some NES, SNES games (thinking Mario, Kirby), but I have zero interest in the ones that haven't aged well like Castlevania because of their excessive difficulty and/or inability to have a decent save system. There are some games like Contra that are fun but that I don't have the interest in spending so much time replaying the same early levels again and again just to get good enough to go a little farther.

I enjoy the older arcade classics like Pac-Man, Centipede, etc but fighting games other than the Simpsons button smasher don't do much for me—I'm just not interested in learning combos. I've played a little Atari but I'd rather just play MAME than Atari 2600 emulation.

I have almost zero interest in N64, the awful graphics of that gen are one thing but the first 3D controls were so bad. (Controversial opinion) I've tried Mario 64 and I think it's a bad game.

I'm also just not an RPG person. I have no interest in grinding. Pokémon is the only RPG I've really had suck me in.

Speaking of Pokémon I have a lot of love and nostalgia for the Game Boy Advance which extends to the earlier models' games (played on an SP's screen of course). As a teenager I went back and played a number of PS2 era games like the GTA trilogy that I really enjoyed. That's about as recent as I would consider "old games."


Oct 27, 2017
27 here so not really early 20's anymore. But I started out with the GBC and N64 in the mid 90's and like others have stated here, going any further before then just doesn't appeal to me. The game design feels so dated and I don't enjoy a lot of the genre's from back then. If anything I can play N64 games still because of the rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I just played through The Legend of Zelda for the first time and once I pushed past the difficulty I ended up really loving it. Playing Zelda 2 right now.

There's a wealth of retro titles out there that I'm super excited to dive into this year.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm 21, but grew up with the 64, SNES, and NES. Loved them all. I remember being 4 and finding a still shrink-wrap sealed copy of Super Mario Bros 3 my mom hid, and I loved that game to bits. Looking back, I have no idea how she managed to find a damn brand new copy in like 2001. I will say I have no inclination to go back to Master System or Genesis games besides the major classics, probably because much of their game design feels far different from what you'd find on the SNES.

Thinking about it, I was enough of a Nintendo nut I actually bought a Super Mario Bros Game and Watch off ebay at like 7 or 8 years old. That is definitely as vintage and basic as it can get, game design wise.
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Nov 26, 2017
22 here. My first console was the Xbox, but I used to play to my brother's NES, SNES and PSOne.

I don't really feel the need to play old games when there are a lot of awesome games coming out.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jan 10, 2018
I'm 18.
I played many NES,SNES and N64 games.
ALLTP is better than most of the AAA games released this generation. I recently completed Metal Gear (MSX). It's the first game in the series I've played and I can't wait to play the second one.


Oct 25, 2017
Portland, Oregon
I play more games from generations before I got into gaming than after.

Yeah, same here.

21 here. My first console was an SNES and then I later got an N64. The N64 was pretty much THE console that I grew up on. I only ever played the Mario games and DK games on the SNES.

Even today, I mostly just play the older stuff that I have. Or I occasionally try out older stuff that I missed out on for the first time. Played Rayman 2 for the N64 just over a year ago for the first time and absolutely loved it!

John Omaha

Oct 25, 2017
Late 20s here but my first system was a N64, so I feel like I can contribute anyway;

I've tried playing NES games and the vast majority didn't really click with me. The gameplay feels archaic and it's obvious that the developers' vision was limited by the hardware. I honestly feel the same way about most 3D PS1/N64 games - many just aren't worth going back to aside from nostalgia or the novelty factor because most devs hadn't figured out how to make good 3D gameplay or simply couldn't due to hardware limitations.

Have no issue going back to SNES games as the hardware had reached a good enough point for fully realized 2D gameplay. In fact, playing Chrono Trigger and FFVI in the mid 00s is what got me into JRPGs for good. And of course, a few select games just have "it" regardless of when they were made. I recently bought Outrun on Switch, which holds up surprisingly well and has been really fun so far.
Nov 8, 2017
I put Granny's Garden (1983) on once for my seven year old nephew; he really enjoyed the game. He also plays quite a few SNES and Mega Drive games at home.


Oct 26, 2017
While I don't qualify for early twenties anymore, during my studies I did. And I did consciously go back and play selected "retro" games. That is, pre N64, because that's was my true entry into video games, besides few games on my parent's PC.

These games include Super Metroid, Chrono Trigger (NDS port), AlttP (never finished), FF6 (never finished). But I felt those games' formulas where so refined within their technical limitations, that being technically outdated doesn't hurt them too much. Goes for Tetris (or similar puzzle games) as well. For most other retro games, especially outside the RPG/Action Adventure/Metroidvania genres, I have below zero interest. Retro for me already starts with N64. I find it hard to go back, even to OoT and MM, some of my absolute favorite Zelda games, while the technically enhanced 3DS ports exists.

I can/could barely stomach even watching things pre SNES.
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Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I find that it's easier for me to get into old 2d games than old 3d ones.

Slick Butter

Oct 25, 2017
I'm 22 and I definitely can enjoy older stuff. I'm not huge on NES and earlier but I can absolutely enjoy some games from that era (found out recently that NES Open Tournament Golf is actually still a pretty great golf title). Atari 2600, not so much, though Adventure is pretty kickass.

I played a ton of SNES games on emulators when I was pretty young so I can definitely enjoy games from the SNES. The vast majority still hold up today.
First console was a GBA when I was 7, where I got introduced to Mario through the ports of the SNES games/All-stars remake ports. I also really enjoyed some original Gameboy/Color games on it.

With N64/PS1 stuff I can get down with most of it but so much of it looks so damn dated, being early 3D stuff, but it doesn't really put me off that much.

Also, one of my most favorite games is DOOM (which is about 3 years older than I am), which I would count as an older game but it still STILL holds up so well, especially the various source ports. However, original Doom is still great without modern additions from said ports. Oddly I'm not exactly a Quake fan outside of Q3A (and now Champions). Though the music and art style of the first Quake are awesome as hell.

I guess I haven't really gone back to older titles, as an adult anyway, so much as I've grown up with older titles.


Jun 25, 2018
I'm in my middle 20s but started with a ps1, last year I took upon myself to try the big 3 of platformers from the late 80s and early 90s and was planing to write a lttp for it. Let's just say I loved/liked 2 but hated one.
I tried the NES games on the Switch and besides Dr.Mario all of them were hard to get into but I'll try again. Can't wait for the SNES games on the Switch, will probably have more fun with them.


Oct 25, 2017
Late 20s, started with PS1 and GB.

I've not played many games from before I was born. Just the classic stuffs like Pac-Man and Super Mario Bros. I feel that younger people can appreciate more retro games than people of my age as >SNES era games have more modern features.


Usage of alt-account.
Oct 27, 2017
I grew up with GBA and a Genesis, being born in 96. Despite the 3D era already flourishing during my childhood, I was actually a huge 2D fan instead due to my options(and by choice).

Because of that, and because of an introduction to AVGN very early on, I'm really big into older games. More than newer ones actually.

I love tons of NES games, SNES games and the like. Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, Mega Man classic and X, Super Punch Out, F-Zero, absolute tons of games I adore.

As of right now, the only titles I really 'resist' going back to are N64/PS1 and Atari 2600/Commodore 64 and the like, cause that where it gets a little too primitive, since you're essentially looking at a bunch of triangles and squares most of the time.


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
Reading this thread has aged me a decade

Respect to all the enthusiasts who goes back and play the classics of yesteryear

I've been playing all the great games from the 90s and early 2000s I missed out on at the time and it's been a hugely rewarding experience


Oct 25, 2017
As soon as i got my first part time job at 16 i bought a snes and began buying all the awesome shit i missed out on as a kid. Grew up with gbc/n64

Shocking news, super metroid was still fucking great 3 gens removed from its original release


Oct 29, 2017
WA, australia
I'm 18, but strangely enough I didn't really play games until the Wii/Xbox 360. When I was a very very young child I played lots of gran turismo but that's about it.

I've taken it up to play as many older games as I can, especially in franchises I like today. Off the top of my head, I've played all of the past Pokémon games (gen 2 baby), attempted most Mario/Zelda mainline games, played the ps1 crash bandicoot and Spyro games, got a SNES and NES classic and trying to play through every game on them, and played old jrpgs here and there if possible (do things like .hack on PS4 count?). Haven't played nearly enough of the N64, GC, Xbox and PS2 games that I missed.
I've actually played a fair few Atari games too.

From my experience...

- NES games are borderline unplayable for me. It feels so extremely dated and non-intuitive that I rarely know what the hell i'm doing. I can appreciate their significance in their franchises and the industry as a whole, but I'm yet to find a single one that can be remotely called enjoyable for my tastes.

- SNES games are a standout and a massive step up from NES - moreso in game design than pure graphics. Super Metroid, Mega Man (forgot the number), secret of mana, link to the past, super Mario world... all are great and hold up really well today.

- I'm yet to properly explore the generations after snes on home console. I really wish for an N64 and PS2 classic but especially the latter seems unlikely given how ps1 classic performed.

- gen 1 Pokemon was rough. Cannot for the life of me imagine anyone getting enjoyment out of it but I guess when that was cutting edge back in the day things we're different. The rest of the gene are great.

The Metroid prime games hold up the best out of any past game i have played. By far.

There's plenty of games I'm dying to play but can't access without a hassle.. Chrono Trigger, Baiten Kaitos, Xenogear, Xenosaga, earthbound/mother 3, Pikmin 1/2, chrono cross, all the FF's.... ports of old, beloved games are what I live for.

Slick Butter

Oct 25, 2017
Because of that, and because of an introduction to AVGN very early on, I'm really big into older games. More than newer ones actually.
Ha! I didn't mention it in my post, but I also found AVGN fairly early on... not sure how early you're talking but I think I started watching around 2008 and have been hooked on his videos ever since.


Oct 29, 2017
18 here, my first console also was a ps2 and i played some ps1 games like spyro and crash. The oldest games that i have played until now (really played, from begginning to end) were chrono trigger, final fantasy 4 and link to the past. I don't feel the urge to play older games, but if i get a chance to play them (when they reach the nintendo online app on the switch for example) i might play them.


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
Im 35, and I'm actually pretty heartened to read that so many younger people are going back and playing older games. I totally understand that going past a certain generation can be tough for some, but I truly believe even the oldest systems have some gems that anyone could fall in love with today.


Oct 26, 2017
As a general rule of thumb for younger gamers that want to delve into older generations (that predates them): Nintendo games tend to "age" the best because Nintendo always had a tendency to hone the gameplay and controls.
Said that there is a lot a great games made by little publishers\developers so if you see you like it try go beyond the more common recommendations (Nintendo etc.).

Both NES Classic and SNES Classic (especially the latter) are banger value that let you give a fairly representative taste of what those consoles had to offer though of course the slim selection cannot and won't contain all the good games.
Oct 30, 2017

I grew up with an N64 and Gamecube after that. But for me gaming didn't start until the 360. I've tried older games like the SNES Classic but they're not for me. We have modern indies that scratch that itch. There are a handful of old games that I love, but that's it. Gaming is getting better and better every year imo.


Nov 14, 2018
Costa Rica
Im 22 so I am pretty young but I started playing gba and the vast majority of 64 games extensively when I was a child (all the best in not the most legitimate way due to old compaq constraints and being a child) including things like DOOM 1/ 2, Half Life 1, Starcraft, Diablo 1 / 2, Unreal Tournament and the best remakes/ports on gba sp from snes/nes. But gba/n64/90's pc games are where I started because I kinda was behind in tech.


Oct 29, 2017
I've dabbled a bit; must's like earlier Mario titles and Sonic trilogy mostly, but I love a lot of PS1 titles like the Crash trilogy, Wipeout series, MGS1. There's just so much charm to older games that a lot of newer titles (AAA) lack a bit.


Oct 27, 2017
Yep, I'll always be able to go back to PS1 games since that was my first system, and many of them (the ones that I like) haven't lost a bit of fun factor. In fact, right before Insomniac's Spider-Man dropped, I busted out my copy of Neversoft's Spider-Man and beat it on my PS3. I felt like four year old me all over again. My second system was the Game Boy Color, though I haven't actually played any of those games in years.

While I didn't grow up on SNES, I still have fond memories of playing Street Fighter II & Final Fight 2 from when I was real young. Same with the Genesis; I absolutely love both libraries now. I actually own an Atari 7800 so I've been able to try some of the 2600 offerings: Berzerk, Defender, Space Invaders, Pitfall, and Jungle Hunt are just a few of the basic, yet legit games that I've enjoyed from that era.
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Oct 29, 2017
Late 20's so I'm not really the target demographic for this thread, but the NES was my first system and I'm not particularly interested in playing stuff that came before that. At least not from a 'having fun' perspective. From an academic perspective, sure.

I am however interested in finding myself some time to get into the Sega and PC-Engine and PS1, maybe PS2 libraries. I've always had Nintendo consoles until I had the disposable income to buy a PS3 and Xbox 360 next to my Wii. I'd played Sega and PS1 stuff over at friends and families' houses when young, but I've never really got into those games other than the ones I saw at said places.

Rygar 8Bit

Oct 25, 2017
I'm 18 (today was my birthday infact), and PS2 was my first system.

I'm 34, seeing stuff like this hurts. Also happy birthday.


Oct 25, 2017
24. Are the early Pokemon games really considered old already lol? I've been playing those games since before I could read, but that's not really going back. I tried some games back when the 3DS ambassador program launched but I didn't really get into any of them too much outside of Minish Cap which is younger that the Pokemon games so I don't think that would really count lol.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
29 here. Started with PS1 and have a particular fondness for early 3D graphics despite them looking (mostly) horrible now.

Even I went back when I could to the NES and SNES. It's so depressing how the PS Classic turned out compared to the offerings from Nintendo. Maybe Bleemsync can save it.

Great to see younger people go back to the classics.