
Nov 6, 2017

The product doesn't contain any GMO product, but is made with GMO soybean.

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
Guys, I'm about to lose it. I fuckibg detest my parents. They are the biggest shit stains I know. They keep echoing alt-right talking points while they have no contact with regular society except their small idiot circle and WeChat. What's worse about the Chinese echo chamber is that there are no good voices to show them that it's BS that they're spouting. At least I couldn't find any. Now I admit part of the problem is my Chinese reading skills aren't great, so maybe I don't Google hard enough.

Are there any good Chinese websites out there that can combat this? Because no matter how much info I dig up, there's no way they would read it since they can't.


Nov 6, 2017
Guys, I'm about to lose it. I fuckibg detest my parents. They are the biggest shit stains I know. They keep echoing alt-right talking points while they have no contact with regular society except their small idiot circle and WeChat. What's worse about the Chinese echo chamber is that there are no good voices to show them that it's BS that they're spouting. At least I couldn't find any. Now I admit part of the problem is my Chinese reading skills aren't great, so maybe I don't Google hard enough.

Are there any good Chinese websites out there that can combat this? Because no matter how much info I dig up, there's no way they would read it since they can't.

China chinese?

Good luck, anything from Taiwan, etc are fake, etc.

In other news, anyone want their own cursed statue from the Taiwanese film Incancation can buy one


Oct 27, 2017
Wall scroll from a monk during the Edo Period(400+ year ago)
Wow, that looks like something some modern dude would do.

Guys, I'm about to lose it. I fuckibg detest my parents. They are the biggest shit stains I know. They keep echoing alt-right talking points while they have no contact with regular society except their small idiot circle and WeChat. What's worse about the Chinese echo chamber is that there are no good voices to show them that it's BS that they're spouting. At least I couldn't find any. Now I admit part of the problem is my Chinese reading skills aren't great, so maybe I don't Google hard enough.

Are there any good Chinese websites out there that can combat this? Because no matter how much info I dig up, there's no way they would read it since they can't.
Sorry to hear that. I thought Taiwanese Chinese were more likely to go alt-right cos Trump was also so anti-China. Pretty sure there were a few of them at the Jan 6 insurrection. I dunno how Mainland Chinese fall into the alt-right trap when Trump hates China so much.

I think the best option might be to try widen their social circle in real life. Might be difficult since your Chinese is not good anyway. But no amount of giving them real news is likely to change their mind. They need to get the heck off WeChat, it's a cesspool of false information, so long as it's not information that could subvert the Chinese government.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Oh, there are tons of China Chinese falling into the alt-right trap where I am. I noticed the uptick back when de-aggregation and college admissions were the hot topics. Many are supporting a Hate Slate running for my school board.
Last edited:


Nov 6, 2017


This happened at the 4th well bell John award a few day ago in Taiwan, it is a award that started out as a joke for youtuber, and now somehow is a serious award show with actual musician and idol participating and news too.

What happened in this incident was the guy on the stage is a comedian 賀瓏, made a joke about 孫生(Male idol) girlfriend recent news on the tabloid<Something about her kissing or being kissed by a man who is married)


Nov 6, 2017
Yes, China Chinese. I'm not talking about sites that focus on China's issues, but America's issues.

Well~ there's a problem~

Because the problem isn't exactly Chinese, Taiwan or Japanese news them.

Alot of time, the local news are just translating what the US news is saying, so AP News, CNN, Fox news.

The only option is them find community of Chinese living in the US and social with them or play facebook game with them, and they can hear their "real" experience on living in the US instead.


Nov 6, 2017
This is also a good site



Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
Well~ there's a problem~

Because the problem isn't exactly Chinese, Taiwan or Japanese news them.

Alot of time, the local news are just translating what the US news is saying, so AP News, CNN, Fox news.

The only option is them find community of Chinese living in the US and social with them or play facebook game with them, and they can hear their "real" experience on living in the US instead.

It's other Chinese that are feeding them this bullshit to begin with.


Nov 6, 2017
It's other Chinese that are feeding them this bullshit to begin with.

These two are good on international news.

But there isnt really a solution to other on wechat except to join other geoup.

中央社 CNA


公視新聞網 PNN



Oct 25, 2017
Guys, I'm about to lose it. I fuckibg detest my parents. They are the biggest shit stains I know. They keep echoing alt-right talking points while they have no contact with regular society except their small idiot circle and WeChat. What's worse about the Chinese echo chamber is that there are no good voices to show them that it's BS that they're spouting. At least I couldn't find any. Now I admit part of the problem is my Chinese reading skills aren't great, so maybe I don't Google hard enough.

Are there any good Chinese websites out there that can combat this? Because no matter how much info I dig up, there's no way they would read it since they can't.
This is how I feel about my foolish parents listening to alt-righr Viet youtubers who just rehash Fox News or Newsmaxx headlinws or whatever. Garbage in, garbage out.

They are too lazy to read real news sources. They get bored. They just wanna hear oral vitriol that confirms their own conservative and anti-communist/anti-china beliefs.


I'll think about it
Oct 25, 2017
Morizora's Forest
Guys, I'm about to lose it. I fuckibg detest my parents. They are the biggest shit stains I know. They keep echoing alt-right talking points while they have no contact with regular society except their small idiot circle and WeChat. What's worse about the Chinese echo chamber is that there are no good voices to show them that it's BS that they're spouting. At least I couldn't find any. Now I admit part of the problem is my Chinese reading skills aren't great, so maybe I don't Google hard enough.

Are there any good Chinese websites out there that can combat this? Because no matter how much info I dig up, there's no way they would read it since they can't.

Been meaning to reply to this for a while, apologies that it is so late. I have no good source of info for them but I can share my experience and I guess some thoughts on it.

I was going out of my mind trying to pull my father and some others from nonsense circles. I was wracked with anxiety and guilt. Mum, at least can be persuaded through cautionary rhetorics and her general belief that much is simply not known or not the truth. Dad is pretty much a write off and every sit down was torturous. My sister and I have been working for years now trying to pull him out of this nonsense circle of misinformation but after a particularly stressful period my brother in law, in the most supportive way possible told us bluntly that we cannot succeed in this. He would rather lie to us in an argument. We cannot win.

Dad is old. His ability to reason has deteriorated and it is only going to get worse. As it does, he will continue to lose to his emotions and that includes emotional influences from his circle of friends. The best we can do is prepare for the fallout and be there when he needs us. It is not worth plunging our own lives into a spiral of anxiety and stress in pursuit of helping him - when he doesn't want to be helped.

Knowing all the above I honestly let go a lot of stress. I also put it bluntly to my dad that I no longer want to hold certain conversations - some topics are going to get me in trouble at work and put my entire career in jeopardy. This, at least he will respect after some grumbling. I'll take any win I can. I know he still believes and reads trash but at least we can have a mostly decent conversation over some tea now.

To be fair, some family hard deny this method. They feel you sort of need to go all in for family and while I appreciate their input and love but they can fuck right off cause they aren't in my position. Like, love my fam but fuck the headspace my sis and I were in because of this.

I don't know how helpful my post is. I guess I just want to say that at the end of the day you need to take care of yourself first and you can't change everyone. Your struggles are also no unique sadly, there are many similar family situations as ours. I wish you the best of luck.


Nov 6, 2017

Taiwan Votes in Local Elections Set to Shape Presidential Race

Taiwan is holding local elections that could shape the race to replace the island's China-skeptic president, Tsai Ing-wen, in little more than a year.

Taiwanese voters will choose leaders of 21 counties and cities Saturday amid simmering tensions between the US and China over the democratically ruled island's autonomy. Cities holding elections include the capital Taipei -- a city of 2.5 million, whose past mayors have gone on to run for president -- and the southern port of Kaohsiung.
The elections represent the last major test of Tsai's Democratic Progressive Party before her second and final term as president draws to a close and Taiwan picks a successor in early 2024. The opposition Kuomintang, or Nationalist Party, is hoping that gains in local races would help it mount a comeback after back-to-back defeats in presidential elections in 2016 and 2020.
The result will be closely watched in Washington and Beijing, since the DPP's rise to power has prompted China to cut off communications with Taiwan and ramp up diplomatic and military pressure on the island. The KMT, which favors eventual unification with China, had previously overseen a historic expansion of ties with Beijing, easing travel, trade and investment across the Taiwan Strait.
The elections will have "significant implications" for the parties and personalities before the next presidential race, said Ava Shen, an associate at the Eurasia Group Ltd., a New York-based risk consultant.

"A strong KMT showing would reassure Beijing but could force Tsai to resign as DPP chair and diminish her moderating influence on pro-independence factions before 2024," Shen said. "A strong DPP showing could enhance its willingness to confront Beijing."

Taiwan Votes in Local Elections Set to Shape Presidential Race

Taiwan is holding local elections that could shape the race to replace the island’s China-skeptic president, Tsai Ing-wen, in little more than a year.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Cow Mengde I'm sorry, I don't have any advice but I feel for you. Always hard to watch people you love to down that path.



This happened at the 4th well bell John award a few day ago in Taiwan, it is a award that started out as a joke for youtuber, and now somehow is a serious award show with actual musician and idol participating and news too.

What happened in this incident was the guy on the stage is a comedian 賀瓏, made a joke about 孫生(Male idol) girlfriend recent news on the tabloid<Something about her kissing or being kissed by a man who is married)
lmao this is amazing


Nov 6, 2017
22 year old Japanese youtuber Rin that stream her living in the country side in Hokaido

Specifcally Tsururui(Red crown crane) village

She started her channel in december 2020, and has gotten a good amount of viewer and fan that are also visiting the village.

She moved to the village, because it's considered the most beautiful village where the crane visit

She posted a major update a few day ago, since her fan noticed she has been posted update from nearby Shirotoko instead of the village, she had moved out of the village secretly, because of male villager harassing her

Man from the village keep on trying to meet with her alone

And as the more man she refuse, bad rumor of her start spreading

She tried to ask her senpai for help

And his condition of helping her is if she befriend another of his friend, who's father is a local government official(Representitvie or congress thing)

So because of all that, she decided to take a break and visited Shirotoko on her other friend and mother advice
While staying in Shirotoko, in the middle of the night, her manager called her and told her to get out of there, her fans and her agency got wind that there was a plot to assault her in the middle of the night, but since she was not there, so the plot didn't happen


So her management company and the police got involved, but even with her not there, when her fans visit the village, the villager and guide will say bad thing about Rin, ruining the mood of her fans trip/vsit)

And also the villager dumping all the snow in front of her home

Her management agency and her origionally didn't want to make this a big news, because alot of her viewer are younger, and it mgiht be bad for them to hear this "reality"

But decided to go public with it now.

And finally, she ask people not to harass the people of the village, most of them are nice, it's some of them that are the problem.



Nov 6, 2017
The device, which transmits users' kiss data collected through motion sensors hidden in silicon lips, makes sounds and warms up slightly when kissed
The device is available in several colours with the same unisex lips. It has received mixed reviews, with some users saying it was intriguing whereas others said it made them feel uncomfortable. Among the top complaints was its lack of tongue.

Chinese startup invents long-distance kissing machine

The device, which transmits users’ kiss data collected through motion sensors hidden in silicon lips, makes sounds and warms up slightly when kissed


中國「接吻神器」噱頭十足 助遠距離情侶拉近距離|20230323 公視新聞全球話





Nov 6, 2017
3 year ago A japanese artist named Akira Yoshida(吉田朗) was hired by sequence Shibuya High class hotel MIYASHITA PARK to create a statue for their hotel, he created a cat statue and later find that the hotel changed it without informing him, and contacted the parent company

Mitsui Fudosan

(三井不動產) and threatened to sue them, if they don't return the statue for him to fix, because they violated his creator rights.

The artist Akira Yoshida

The statue when it was unveiled at the top floor water pool area, it spray water too~



This year, after a remodeling by the hotel, he was suprised to see that they changed the cat design without informing him

He got the cat back and is fixing it now



The term her raised is 著作人格權(Creator rights)
Short version is, even if you buy a piece of art, that doesn't give you the right to change it.


The compnay also admit not being familiar with Creator Rights

三井不動産、アーティストの作品を無断で改変か 「精神的に限界を迎えた」と吐露→「配慮を欠く対応だった」と謝罪(ねとらぼ) - Yahoo!ニュース



Oct 25, 2017
I know this thread is deader than dead, but if anyone's out there I'd actually love to hear your thoughts on Pixar's Elemental.

I took my son to see it yesterday. As a 40 something 2nd generation Korean-American immigrant who saw a LOT of my parents and my own experiences in this movie... I'm extremely mixed on it.

Mild spoilers herein:

Now I know what PIxar and Sohn have said how the allegory is not supposed to "fit" with any specific culture/ethnicity or whatever and supposed to be Universal, but when you have allusions to the Korean war, whole plot points around Jesa, it's hard to ignore how Korean it is.

My issue is that the viewpoint seems vested in the 70s/80s view of immigrant experiences. There's a clear K-town (Firetown) that is much more insular but the basic message of "acceptance" at the end teeters dangerously close to "assimilation" as end goal. For someone that grew up in a generation where parents actively tried to "hide" their Korean-ness, and focused on assimilation and blending, I don't think this is the best message these days. The messaging would have been much stronger with Ember finding her place with a unique culture that is not distinctly "water" or "fire," much like 2nd/3rd and beyond generation Asian-Americans have had to find in the last several decades. Instead the story has Ember going off to basically assimilate into the status quo culture. As far as the interelemental "dating" plot, it was cute and obviously simplistic and shouldn't be taken at anything but face value but for a topic that is super complex, (fetishization, emasculation, etc) it's bringing a plot point up but doesn't really engage in it. Do I expect a 1 1/2 hour Pixar movie to do so? Not necessarily, but it does stir up a lot in this day and age.

Look, I know I'm taking a CHILDREN'S movie way too seriously but I think it's because so much of this hits close to home. There were moments where I legitimately got a lump in my throat because seeing my parents in some of this was hard to ignore. It wasn't Ode to My Father, but it was similar-ish. So that being said, for a movie that has so many empathetic moments for me, it's frustrating that a lot of what it said was so cursory.


Nov 6, 2017
If a dev/publichser is want to put simplified chinese and traditional chinese language option, and is afraid to put Taiwan flag, since it might enrage the Chinese, their choice is...
Bubble Tea?



Oct 25, 2017
If a dev/publichser is want to put simplified chinese and traditional chinese language option, and is afraid to put Taiwan flag, since it might enrage the Chinese, their choice is...
Bubble Tea?


What if that ends up with bubble tea being banned? Easiest would be to use the HK flag , although soon someone will probably for for a move to simplified script there too.


Nov 6, 2017
Thailand is suffering big drought, and they have a rain praying ritual that involve using cat.

The ritual call for a black cat to be put into the cage as a live sacrafice, and will be carried to every house in the village/town.
Where all the resident need to go out to meet the "drought"(Black cat) and put water onto it to make it scream.

But since using live cat is mean and unhuman, they've decided to use a Doraemon doll for this year again.


This isn't the first time, this also happened a few year ago


Nov 6, 2017
China trying to make a Chairman Mao statue in the mountain, but messed up and now it look like Hirohiko Araki (The creator of Jojo Bizarre adventure)


Nov 6, 2017

Chinese tech exec's fiery endorsement of toxic workplace culture sparks backlash — and costs her job

A Chinese tech executive has ignited outrage in China with her fiery endorsement of toxic workplace culture, which eventually caused her to lose her own job.

Qu Jing, the former vice president and head of communications at Baidu, often dubbed China's equivalent to Google, sparked a public relations crisis for the Chinese search engine after her controversial comments hit a raw nerve with young workers fed up with grueling hours and relentless pressure.
In one video, she lashed out at an employee who refused to go on a 50-day business trip during the Covid-19 pandemic, when China imposed stringent travel restrictions and quarantines.

"Why should I take my employee's family into consideration? I'm not her mother-in-law," Qu said. "I'm 10 years, 20 years older than you. I didn't feel bitter about it or tired, even though I have two children. Who are you to tell me that your husband can't stand it?"

In another clip, Qu shared her personal sacrifices as a working mother. She was working so hard that she forgot her elder son's birthday and what grade her younger son was in at school. She said she didn't regret it because she "chose to become a career woman."

"If you work in public relations, don't expect weekends off," she said in a third video. "Keep your phone on 24 hours a day, always ready to respond."

In another video, she also threatened to retaliate against employees who complain about her, saying they wouldn't get another job in the industry.
Qu worked as a reporter for China's state news agency Xinhua before switching to the PR industry. She joined Baidu in 2021 from Huawei, a Chinese tech giant known for its hard-charging "wolf culture," where employees are expected to emulate wolves' bloodthirsty nature, fearlessness and resilience.
A former Baidu employee said Qu brought Huawei's "aggressive" corporate culture with her to Baidu.

"(She triggered) a pretty big culture shock. About 60% of the team left within months of her arrival," the former employee told CNN on the condition of anonymity.

The PR team is expected to always be available, keep their phones on, reply to messages immediately and attend meetings at midnight and on weekends with short notice, the former employee said.

Qu also adopted the military-style language used in corporate management at Huawei, requiring the team to be "disciplined" and "able to win battles," the former employee said.



Dec 25, 2017
Im not suprised that when the AC thread reopened up that it just devolved into dismissing criticms and microgressions.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't follow that series at all, but my friend showed me the trailer, and I just knew it would devolve into controversy....


Nov 6, 2017
New Assassin Creed game that star Yasuke the black Samurai from the Sengoku Era and a origional female ninja chara.
Some asian era user express disappointment that there is no male ninja option, but is happy that Yasuke is in, and a female ninja(Which is echoed alot in Japan and other gaming site in SEA<Taiwan, etc>

But some wonder if using Yasuke as a real person, they can add in a male and female ninja and instead of using origional chara, like Yasuke, they could have used kotaro fuma and hanzo hattori as a male and female ninja option too.

Another common question I see is, how will romance be done, and how will Ubisoft present Sengoku Japan(Not worry, but interest to see their version of it)

It started on page 2, but I didn't go through all of it.

Assassin's Creed Shadows releases November 15 (PS5, Xbox Series, PC, Mac)

I just want to be exceedingly clear that I think having dual protagonists with one being Yasuke is a really good thing. I hope the people who are excited for that get everything they want out of the experience. I am happy for you, truly I mean that. But I can't help but feel a little sad to see...

And also in the gamegate topic starting with this banned person

GamerGate 2.0? Chuds furious about a consulting company named “Sweet Baby Inc” which overviews scripts to make sure nothing offensive was written

The amount of "the male experience is not the same" bullshit in the reveal thread. Good Lord. I'm holding myself back from cursing out these MFers.

I don't follow that series at all, but my friend showed me the trailer, and I just knew it would devolve into controversy....
The problem is, that gamergate and white people are using the disappointment of some people that like Ubisoft assassin game and thinking they will be represent, but is not as a reason to say to remove Yasuke and the female ninja, when that's not what the majority of Asian user are talking about.



Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Ah I see, well as per usual, shitty white dudes ruining things for everyone


Nov 6, 2017
Which flavor of Red bean cake/Imagawayaki would you like?
$25 NTD (Traditional flavor) - Red bean paste, Cream, Read Bean+Cream, Taro, Chocolate
$30 NTD (New flavor) - Red bean paste+Mochi, Butter+Taro+Bubble/Tapioca ball, Butter+Oreo, Taro+Mochi, Taro+Bubble/Tapioca ball
$35 NTD(Salty flavor) - Egg+Cheese, Tuna+corn, Cream Cheese+Yam
Fur baby(Cat and Dog) - Chicken+Veggie, or Fruit+Veggie


What it's loke being make


Video of someone making one


Imagawayaki - Wikipedia