
Oct 27, 2017
Already I'm concerned with the gratuitous use of homages. Was the main lady actor also in the last Terminator movie? I really hope they don't try to reference the same setups of past alien movies too much here.

Mr Swine

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Looks rad, gonna watch out at the cinema :)

Am I the only one that wants to see more Engineers? I want to see one tear humans apart limb by limb in a fit of rage because of human interference of their good or creation


Oct 25, 2017
This looks meh and derivative.

The horde of facehuggers made me laugh and the "look ma, I have a pulse rifle" shot made me groan.


Oct 29, 2017
Whats the point, its just a retread of what we've seen before really. Nothing new.


Oct 6, 2023
Pretty much like what we saw with Prey (Predator), this looks to be more in line with the original movies instead of doing another crazy wacky sequel.

Probably only a matter of time before we get this with Terminator as well. None of these IPs have the ability to go beyond just soft remaking the original films.
So far the one of the few that seemed worthwhile was Maverick and that's cause the first one sucks. On that note maybe I should see Tron Legacy.

Blade Runner 2049 had the spirit of the first but did its own thing too.

Not seeing the trailer for this but if it really just trying to recreate the original then that's a shame.


Oct 6, 2023
Ok so I really didn't know anything about it other than the staggering praise going in. I *really* like the first one and was hoping for similar. So I found the more action oriented side of things jarring and never quite got away from it. Felt too much on that end of things and not enough of the original horror/tension I was hoping for, and came away pretty disappointed 😞
For what it's worth I remember having the same reaction, but on rewatch I enjoyed it much more. Some times I find having false expectations really hampers my enjoyment and second viewings with the right mindset corrects that.
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Aug 17, 2022
Looks like your typical modern bland sanitized cinematography with no distinctive identity or charisma.

It's the Disney+ version of Alien movies


Oct 6, 2023
Imo this is enough I wish trailers would leave it at that now instead of showing every single setpiece moment I bet
According to market research, people actually like spoileey trailers. It's insane. The first Alien trailer was very mysterious. These days I avoid pretty much all trailers unless I am almost 100% confident I won't want to see the film anyway, like these music biopics.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Fede has been solid so far with Don't Breathe and the Evil Dead remake, so I'm going to be optimistic going into this one.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty much like what we saw with Prey (Predator), this looks to be more in line with the original movies instead of doing another crazy wacky sequel.

Probably only a matter of time before we get this with Terminator as well. None of these IPs have the ability to go beyond just soft remaking the original films.
It's interesting how the '80s/'90s sequels for so many classics made big tonal swings - T2 vs Terminator, the action-horror of Aliens vs Alien, the splattery deranged zaniness of TCSM2 vs the first Texas Chain Saw, gang-warfare mayhem Predator 2 vs Predator - but so many of these legacy sequels/reimaginings just try to do the original again. Prey's the only one that understood that the real hook of Predator was having the Predator party-crash a different genre


Oct 29, 2017
There are multiple references to Alien Isolation in this trailer, down to basically the same ship/station from what I can tell.

If this is A:I as a movie, I'll be happy - my favourite horror game of all time.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
Hopefully the humans are not as idiotic as the ones in Promotheus and Covenant because that is what killed those two movies for me, how unbelievably idiotic all the characters are.

I would be massively surprised if this is the case, since the human crew of those movies are really scrap under the bottom of barrel idiots.
Nov 7, 2017
As someone who loves Alien and Aliens, just like everyone else, this trailer did absolutely nothing for me. I'm tired of seeing the same goddamn shit over and over again. This footage is simply drawing on nostalgia, a technique that we're being drowned in in this era. I want to see new shit. Show me a massive war against the Aliens set on a dystopic Earth or something. The comics have tons of interesting takes. I'm so fucking tired of seeing people running around hallways being picked off one by one. Enough already.
I adore the first 2 and enjoy the third and this is also how I feel - I'm always open to these new entries as I love the setting and want to be immersed in it again, but got nothing from this trailer. It looks like a video game and it's definitely leaning into nostalgia, that shot at the end is lifted directly from Ripley in Aliens.

The appeal of Aliens for me is not the action or things blowing up or gunfights, it's the absolute unrelenting build of tension which just does not let up. This looks to be a heap of loud stuff going on, but happy to be shown wrong for the final product.


Nov 1, 2017
Remember the zero g scene? Remember mouth tentacle scene? The horde of face huggers? Trailer is full of new stuff not done before but folks acting like this is a retread of Alien despite a bunch of new stuff. Folks got themselves hanged up on the trailer music format which is mimicking the original Alien trailer, and that Ripley like shot.

Whats the point, its just a retread of what we've seen before really. Nothing new.

This is literally what people have been asking for after the previous movies kept trying to do new stuff and adding new lore. Just give us a straight alien horror flick
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Oct 25, 2017
After Prometheus and Covenant, going back to formula sounds great to me. There's enough moments that seem different and unique from the first film, while still tapping into that haunted house in space vibe.


Oct 25, 2017
I've said it at least five or six times on this damn forum but please, Fox/Disney/whoever, just adapt Aliens: Phalanx. Please.


Oct 27, 2017
According to market research, people actually like spoileey trailers. It's insane. The first Alien trailer was very mysterious. These days I avoid pretty much all trailers unless I am almost 100% confident I won't want to see the film anyway, like these music biopics.
I'm part of the demographic that loves (ugh, I despise this term) "spoilers." I don't like surprises, they rarely end up being good. I want to know if a film/book/game/etc. is worth my little, valuable time.


Oct 27, 2017
Remember the zero g scene? Remember mouth tentacle scene? The horde of face huggers? Trailer is full of new stuff not done before but folks acting like this is a retread of Alien despite a bunch of new stuff. Folks got themselves hanged up on the trailer music format which is mimicking the original Alien trailer, and that Ripley like shot.

This is literally what people have been asking for after the previous movies kept trying to do new stuff and adding new lore. Just give us a straight alien horror flick

one hand i think a straightforward ghost ship movie would be great, the other it's 2024 and (in spite of how divisive the last movies were) there is a demand for a different angle with regard to the lore and where these movies could go, even among those two movies' ardent haters

that said it's a teaser so i'm not taking too much from it either way


Mar 28, 2018
For a teaser it's pretty good and Evil Dead (2013) was excellent so while I haven't been into the director's films since, I really want to be hopeful here. I kind of wish the whole teaser was like the start with the camera panning through aftermath and dialogue playing over it.

I'm always down for more Alien but man with everything after 3 I just feel so burned. Prometheus was such a massive disappointment and then Covenant was just... ugh. I want this to be good, please be good.


Nov 1, 2017
After Prometheus and Covenant, going back to formula sounds great to me. There's enough moments that seem different and unique from the first film, while still tapping into that haunted house in space vibe.

This is the same thing with Predator, after the weak sequels, folks kept saying go back to formula, do new stuff but keep em simple, and in theme of the originals. Stop trying to add new lore, change new lore, and explaining what doesn't need an explanation. Prey did a great job of something new while being very familiar. This is hopefully giving us more of the original film's feel with some new twists.

We don't need to know who fills the batmobile's tires


Oct 25, 2017
Wow I'm really surprised by the negative reactions in this thread. This looks amazing to me and I cannot wait. Fede's EVIL DEAD was incredible - seeing that at the premiere with 1200 screaming people was a once in a lifetime experience. I cannot wait for this and am confident he'll deliver again.


Dec 19, 2017
Honestly, the alien series always feels like it's so small in what it's will to do, like Aliens set up the idea of humans being in contact with other alien life like the Arcturians yet all fans (and darkhorse) ever seem to want is just more of the same or AVP stuff. Prometheus showed the series could do so much more than that, show that Internecivus raptus (remember Xenomorph was NOT the species name, just the general term for unknown alien life form) was just one of the many dreads out their in the cold harsh void of space.

I think once you start introducing other sentient life, the horror of the franchise gets diluted. Alien's...alien became an iconic villain because there was no explanation about the titular beast, that's why it was so scary, the audience had nothing but questions with no answers. Like why it doesn't have a friggin face, why it has a mouth in a mouth, everything about it was illogical and nightmarish.

Once you start adding in other alien life into the narrative, especially humanoid and intelligent, then the franchise becomes like any other. The original movie wisely only showed a fossil and not a holographic message or anything from the space jockey, and when we finally get to see them alive...they're just not scary or interesting at all. (I think even Scott understands this, considering the lanky aliens barely have any meaningful presence or dialogue across two movies)

Existential dread in the face of an unexplainable monster should be the overriding philosophy behind the franchise. I like the Dark Horse comics because they give us different view points of humans who have grown up in a Blade Runner-ish dystopia, so you have a neat collision of cyberpunk and sci-fi horror. Importantly the landscapes of the stories are diverse, they're not all stuck in the hallways of a spaceship.

The appeal of Aliens for me is not the action or things blowing up or gunfights, it's the absolute unrelenting build of tension which just does not let up. This looks to be a heap of loud stuff going on, but happy to be shown wrong for the final product.

Yeah, I don't think the franchise has really nailed that sense of tension since Alien 3. After that it went a bit cartoonish and self aware, and though Scott attempted to recreate magic with his prequels, they were let down by bad scripts, and more importantly lacklustre characters.

I hope the next Alien movie is stacked with veteran 'character actors', that'll pique my interest at least.
Nov 7, 2017
Yeah, I don't think the franchise has really nailed that sense of tension since Alien 3. After that it went a bit cartoonish and self aware, and though Scott attempted to recreate magic with his prequels, they were let down by bad scripts, and more importantly lacklustre characters.

I hope the next Alien movie is stacked with veteran 'character actors', that'll pique my interest at least.
On Prometheus and Covenant (which I quite enjoy more for the atmosphere than anything) - I just don't understand how they greenlight these movies with those lacklustre scripts. Doesn't someone go 'hey.. this is kinda shit'? Or is it just 'must keep the money coming in, so just start production anyway?'. Probably a stupid question.

This one seems to be yet another of those flicks that cashes in on nostalgia and actually retcons the earlier iconic movies by having
the original alien found magically floating in space - alive! - to start things over again. If that's indeed the case it sounds so lazy. What's next, the queen who fell out the airlock is tractor beamed onboard wearing the power loader suit in the sequel?


Dec 19, 2017
On Prometheus and Covenant (which I quite enjoy more for the atmosphere than anything) - I just don't understand how they greenlight these movies with those lacklustre scripts. Doesn't someone go 'hey.. this is kinda shit'? Or is it just 'must keep the money coming in, so just start production anyway?'. Probably a stupid question.

It's a familiar story, where an influential director has a vision, and that vision is shit. Scott was inexplicably obsessed with making a prequel rather than a sequel. Jon Spaihts was hired to write the script based on his own pitch, but then he was later kicked off the project, with Damon Lindelof brought in. Both writers no doubt rewrote the script a whole bunch to Scott's whims (with Spaihts obviously not satisfying Scott's demands). We know Lindelof is a talented writer through his TV shows, so I can't imagine he was happy with the utterly braindead explorers in Prometheus. I think Scott is mostly a great director who understands how to tell a story, but every now and then he just misses the point and fucks up. A prequel to Alien is just about the worst fucking idea ever in my opinion. (with Cameron writing 'Alien$' on a white board the best Hollywood idea ever lol)


Oct 27, 2017
I'am cautiously optimistic, this director does horror and gore very well and it looks like they have nailed the right atmosphere.


Oct 25, 2017
You know, it is really is interesting how there is essentially 2 sides of the Alien franchise.

Simply "Alien" stuff, the OG, Alien: Isolation, and now Romulus (and other stuff), all very much have horror as the primary focus of it. In these, a single alien in a big threat.

But then you have the Aliens side, Aliens, Aliens: Fireteam Elite, etc, which is very much the more Action-focused side. In here, they are killing Aliens in droves.

Obviously a person can prefer one over the other, but honestly I love both sides. Alien Isolation in particular is fucking incredible, one of the best horror games, and Aliens: Fireteam Elite is a fantastic aliens coop experience and does an amazing job at making you feel like a badass Marine.

I still hope we can get both a new game in the vein of Isolation and Fireteam Elite.


Oct 28, 2017
All I'm really asking for is for the cast to not act as stupidly as the humans did in Prometheus and Covenant.


May 6, 2019
With this being an attempt to return to the roots I hope it has some of the corporate dystopia/anticapitalist themes that were a strong underlying part of the original. Still just as relevant as ever, and I think people are hungry for something with real bite in that area.

And yeah, Alien Isolation will be 10 years old this year (holy crap), and seeing apparent salutes to it is satisfying. It still needs a goddamn (full) sequel!


The GIFs of Us
Jun 25, 2020
the wilderness
Was the main lady actor also in the last Terminator movie?


But one time she played a witch! The movie wasn't good but her presence alone somewhat made it not a complete disaster.
One time she also played a young version of Zoe Lister-Jones. That movie was kind of cool.
Oh, and she played Elvis' wife. That movie was amazing.

So I'm sooo on board for an Alien movie with her playing the main badass character.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
All I'm really asking for is for the cast to not act as stupidly as the humans did in Prometheus and Covenant.
You'd think that would be easier these days with the countless examples of poor writing that exists in horror, but here we are still getting shit like humans taking their helmets off on alien planets and playing with cute little creatures.


Oct 26, 2017
I'll wait for a full trailer. Glad that there is a movie but this feels like they just rehashed things and made it look pretty.


Oct 30, 2017
There are multiple references to Alien Isolation in this trailer, down to basically the same ship/station from what I can tell.

If this is A:I as a movie, I'll be happy - my favourite horror game of all time.

This isn't Sevastopol, but there are definitely Isolation easter eggs in this thing (the very first behind the scenes photo had the save station on the wall).

Hoping we see at least one Working Joe.