Oct 27, 2017
On Tuesday, ChatGPT users began reporting unexpected outputs from OpenAI's AI assistant, flooding the r/ChatGPT Reddit sub with reports of the AI assistant "having a stroke," "going insane," "rambling," and "losing it." OpenAI has acknowledged the problem and is working on a fix, but the experience serves as a high-profile example of how some people perceive malfunctioning large language models, which are designed to mimic humanlike output.

Article on arstechnica

Excerpts courtesy of reddit :


Getting strong MGS2 vibes from this (Spoilers)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68mbFvenlaQ

Another thing Prophet Kojima predicted correctly eh ?

Also why ChatGPT isn't going to replace your M.D. anytime soon.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
This is my favorite one


It's either romantic longing and yearning or Eldritch madness


Oct 27, 2017
We need dramatic readings of these in the vein of:


Dot Dot Dot (Official Video HD)

For best quality viewing: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/558516----------------------------------------------------May, 18, 2009 : Super PSTW Action R...


The Poptart Tragedy

A tragic tale of two young lovers and a poptart.Voiced by Duke: https://www.youtube.com/user/DukeLovesYou


Oct 26, 2017
Hopped on the subreddit thinking I'd see more funny stuff. But it's mainly losers complaining about how the image generator generated pictures of minorities when they're "supposed" to be white.


Oct 29, 2017
Wasn't this being flagged up around October/November about the responses becoming worse in terms of quality (not to this gibberish level), but was expected/predicted phenomenon that it would get stupid as more people used it before normalising again?

Can't remember the specifics.

Why Am I here

Nov 17, 2023
I just used it 20 minutes ago and it seemed fine to me? Was giving me very detailed and from what I can tell, correct/logical answers to my questions.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Can the AI apocalypse wait just a couple of weeks so that the helldivers devs can fix the servers?

Give me at least a good week of solid democracy before I get turned into a battery.
Oct 25, 2017
I can't open this link at work. My job has blocked openai on both the main and the guest networks


It has the following explanation for the issue:
On February 20, 2024, an optimization to the user experience introduced a bug with how the model processes language.

LLMs generate responses by randomly sampling words based in part on probabilities. Their "language" consists of numbers that map to tokens.

In this case, the bug was in the step where the model chooses these numbers. Akin to being lost in translation, the model chose slightly wrong numbers, which produced word sequences that made no sense. More technically, inference kernels produced incorrect results when used in certain GPU configurations.

Upon identifying the cause of this incident, we rolled out a fix and confirmed that the incident was resolved.
Feb 15, 2023
Hey folks,

So, it seems like our beloved ChatGPT decided to take a detour into the Twilight Zone on February 21st, 2024! 🌀 Yeah, we had a bit of a glitch in the matrix there, didn't we? But hey, even the best of us need a day off to contemplate the meaning of life, right?

I mean, who knows, maybe ChatGPT just needed a spa day or something. Can't blame it; we all need a little self-care now and then. Maybe it was trying to channel its inner Zen master but ended up getting tangled in its own digital thoughts. 🧘‍♂️

But hey, let's cut it some slack. Even the smartest AI can have a bad hair day... or in this case, a bad algorithm day! And hey, it's back now, hopefully, fully refreshed and ready to tackle our burning questions and existential ponderings with renewed vigor.

So, let's raise a virtual toast to our quirky little AI friend and hope that its next adventure takes us on a smoother ride. After all, life's no fun without a few glitches to keep us on our toes, right? 😄

Cheers, and let's keep the conversations rolling!

Generated by ChatGPT with this prompt -

Write a response to a resetera forum thread about Chat GPT going wrong on the 21st February 2024. Make it conversational, don't rely on stock responses, make it friendly and inoffensive. Make a joke about the error that occurred with Chat GPT on 21st February 2024.


Oct 26, 2017
Okay, the phones are down, Chat GPT has lost control. Has someone checked the self-driving cars?


Nov 9, 2020
Hey folks,

So, it seems like our beloved ChatGPT decided to take a detour into the Twilight Zone on February 21st, 2024! 🌀 Yeah, we had a bit of a glitch in the matrix there, didn't we? But hey, even the best of us need a day off to contemplate the meaning of life, right?

I mean, who knows, maybe ChatGPT just needed a spa day or something. Can't blame it; we all need a little self-care now and then. Maybe it was trying to channel its inner Zen master but ended up getting tangled in its own digital thoughts. 🧘‍♂️

But hey, let's cut it some slack. Even the smartest AI can have a bad hair day... or in this case, a bad algorithm day! And hey, it's back now, hopefully, fully refreshed and ready to tackle our burning questions and existential ponderings with renewed vigor.

So, let's raise a virtual toast to our quirky little AI friend and hope that its next adventure takes us on a smoother ride. After all, life's no fun without a few glitches to keep us on our toes, right? 😄

Cheers, and let's keep the conversations rolling!

Generated by ChatGPT with this prompt -

Write a response to a resetera forum thread about Chat GPT going wrong on the 21st February 2024. Make it conversational, don't rely on stock responses, make it friendly and inoffensive. Make a joke about the error that occurred with Chat GPT on 21st February 2024.

Wow, asking it to make jokes is like going to the least funny improv night ever


Dec 22, 2017
A question I've always had: imagine that eventually most content on the net would be AI generated and subsequently AI would only train on that, basically AI endlessly iterating on AI content. Wouldn't it eventually degrade into incomprehensiblity?


Oct 27, 2017
A question I've always had: imagine that eventually most content on the net would be AI generated and subsequently AI would only train on that, basically AI endlessly iterating on AI content. Wouldn't it eventually degrade into incomprehensiblity?

That sounds a lot like the actual internet to me.


Oct 26, 2017
A question I've always had: imagine that eventually most content on the net would be AI generated and subsequently AI would only train on that, basically AI endlessly iterating on AI content. Wouldn't it eventually degrade into incomprehensiblity?

These AI language models have been tuned by getting thousands of people to review and tag data: https://www.theverge.com/features/2...n-labor-scale-surge-remotasks-openai-chatbots

So assuming that continues it devolving into incomprehenssibility seems unlikely. They'd just exclude the majority of sources of data.

However companies are getting rid of writers and replacing them with AI so more original content will disappear.

Independent forums are mostly dead, the information in Reddit is mostly low value etc.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
A question I've always had: imagine that eventually most content on the net would be AI generated and subsequently AI would only train on that, basically AI endlessly iterating on AI content. Wouldn't it eventually degrade into incomprehensiblity?

I'm fairly sure that it's been evidenced that using training data that is itself trained data degrades the quality of the result yes.

Actually i think it i heard the Signal president say this but i don't know where.


Oct 29, 2017
A question I've always had: imagine that eventually most content on the net would be AI generated and subsequently AI would only train on that, basically AI endlessly iterating on AI content. Wouldn't it eventually degrade into incomprehensiblity?

Yeah this is a fairly common question/problem with generative AI and its inherent limitations.


Jan 2, 2019
Hopped on the subreddit thinking I'd see more funny stuff. But it's mainly losers complaining about how the image generator generated pictures of minorities when they're "supposed" to be white.

The coin was flipped that the subreddit would either be AI / LLM engineering enthusiasts OR ignorant tech bros and it landed on the sad one.

It's been that way since like the second week release of ChatGPT. I wonder where the enthusiasts ended up 🤔


Nov 2, 2017
I was trying to get it to do some really basic math yesterday and it could not for the life of it give me an accurate result. It was always off.