
Oct 28, 2017
Good luck to her. Cancer is the worst lottery, and even if you do everything right you can 'win' the losing ticket when those that do everything wrong don't.

I've seen basements in brand new houses read 100x the EPA action level. Those newer basements are much more likely to be built out to be livable, too.

We have a place in Maine and when we got the air/water quality reports from the previous exchange of owners we were stunned - the original owners had over both the Air and Water radon limits for a decade (WAY over the water one, only slightly over the ME air limit but it's nearly twice as high as MA's limit) and done nothing. In fact the water report the people we bought from got when they bought it in no uncertain terms labelled the water as 'unpotable'. A decade in a house with unpotable water and radon laced air/water, no tests. Not even an old house either. Full flight of tests is like $250 total for air and water, no idea why people just skip such an important thing.


Oct 27, 2017
United States
Not a fan of her comedy, but I hope she pulls through. She has made a few gaffs in the past years but she seems like a genuinely nice person.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Very sad. I've really come to like her in the last couple years. I always knew her as just like a shock statement comedian (after her TV success in the 90s) but she was a guest on a couple podcasts I listen to in the last year or two, and she's much more thoughtful than her brash tweets make her seem. Hope she recovers!

Also read a statistic yesterday about how something like 20% of people diagnosed with lung cancer were never smokers themselves.