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Makoto Yuki

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
the FTC is incompetent, underfunded and poorly led, dont expect anything.


They'd have to prove ABK had not overhired before being bought. They'd have to prove Microsoft had not overhired. They'd have to make the case that limited integration also means Microsoft has no say on any budget. In all three cases, they'd lose. In fact, this is more or less a waste of resources. Microsoft won't even get fined for this cause no it's not cut and dry.

What a bummer, trillion dollar company always wins

Mass One

Oct 28, 2017
Whack. I hope game devs union up, this is straight unacceptable. I can't stand the video game industry. I feel like it only exists because of its unique ability to exploit people's love of games. I just can't see another reason put up with the Crunch, Underpayment, Online/IRL Harassment, Bigotry, Terrible Management that seems to be common at the indie to AAA space.

I'm saying this as someone who always wanted to join the industry since watching TechTV as a child, even got a CS degree lol.


Jan 21, 2018
I mean yes, the companies are huge, anyone who bought Microsoft's blatant lies that there wouldn't be large redundancies that would be reduced was a fool

If you are testifying that there wont be layoffs and then fire 1900, they are going to try and get you for it. Doesnt matter if they "should have known", thats not the issue here. They said something and did what they said they wouldnt do


Oct 25, 2017
Realistically the FTC should not trust anything companies say that isn't completely backed by hard data, because companies fucking lie all the time in these things, and are aware that the worst penalties they're likely to face are fines that are trivial compared to what they stand to gain with their acquisitions. If the FTC wants to treat the companies word as anything even remotely meaningful then there need to be much harsher enforcement mechanisms, like undoing these deals even if it would have gone through had the company actually been honest on a given issue


Oct 25, 2017
I know this means nothing at this point. But I do hope that it will have an effect on any future big consolidation in the industry.


Oct 25, 2017
If you are testifying that there wont be layoffs and then fire 1900, they are going to try and get you for it. Doesnt matter if they "should have known", thats not the issue here. They said something and did what they said they wouldnt do
I'm not defending Microsoft here, I'm criticizing the FTC as incompetent. Realistically the punishment will be a slap on the wrist too


Dec 4, 2017
God damn, it's like how many times can we go in circles around this subject. FTC dropped the ball and could have potentially saved 1900+ jobs...

Too bad their arguments were moronic and failed, I expect the same again from them.


Oct 29, 2017
It would have only cost 1% more money of the acquisition cost to employ these 1900 people for 3 more years.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
They actually argued there would be no job trimming after a huge acquisition? And the FTC actually believed that? I don't think i've seen a huge inquisition where the new parent company does not do redundancy cutoffs after in my life.
I could be wrong, but my understanding is that the FTC didn't buy anything MS was saying. However, an independent judge had the final say


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
Fine them hundreds of millions of dollars, the bare minimum of what these employees should have been paid for a year minimum. Use those funds to reimburse employees let go. Give someone some prison time. Do fucking something to discourage this bullshit of a company lying because they know they'll get a slap on the wrist and a completely inconsequential fine.

I mean surely none of that will happen but still, fuck, I wish there were consequences for the powerful.


Mar 22, 2020
The FTC is putting foot to ass. Microsoft told them there would be no layoffs, no redundancies.


Nov 12, 2017
Whack. I hope game devs union up, this is straight unacceptable. I can't stand the video game industry. I feel like it only exists because of its unique ability to exploit people's love of games. I just can't see another reason put up with the Crunch, Underpayment, Online/IRL Harassment, Bigotry, Terrible Management that seems to be common at the indie to AAA space.

I'm saying this as someone who always wanted to join the industry since watching TechTV as a child, even got a CS degree lol.
Use your CS degree for something else and enjoy much better work conditions, job security and pay. I worked for a big game publisher for a while before returning to more general enterprise and e-commerce software development and I'm good, no more professional gamedev for me.
Nov 19, 2019
MS will be just fine. However, next time they have to get through the FTC for another publisher acquisition? 😬
I think this is the real upside. A lot of the FTCs case last time sort of informally hinged on MS' general reputation around these things, but they had an uphill battle really proving that for the Xbox arm of the business.

Now they've got something solid to point at for the next acquisition, especially if they can make this stick. MS may only pay a fine, but they will have a much harder time nabbing another publisher.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm Ok with them getting a fine with the value of all 1900 employees full year salaries so they get to see the redundancy in their financials.


Jun 1, 2018
I really wish the FTC luck on this one, Microsoft should be punished and other companies should be warned from pulling the same scam.


Prophet of Truth - Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
ftc issue was that in court they really only argued about harm to sony and its players which where the now bannable comments started chances are they still would have lost as ms at the time hadnt done mass layoffs for there game division yet. but maybe if they had there might have been something in place to prevent it(idk if thats even possible)


Oct 27, 2017

Everyone knew this deal was bad for the industry, we just didn't know how bad and the ironic consequences

But this is America baby, ain't nothing going to tell a megacorp what they can and can't do!
We had a mega thread for months and months where the majority convinced themselves it's for the better and competition. Remember the pro consumer moniker? It started with Microsoft's acquisitions of major publishers.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
MS will be just fine. However, next time they have to get through the FTC for another publisher acquisition? 😬
Neither of these will hold true. FTC doesn't really have a case here. The larger context of that statement holds true. ABK even with the layoffs would be able to be ran as before if the merger was undone.

Mass One

Oct 28, 2017
Use your CS degree for something else and enjoy much better work conditions, job security and pay. I worked for a big game publisher for a while before returning to more general enterprise and e-commerce software development and I'm good, no more professional gamedev for me.
Sure did lol. Out of college got a manufacturing job and didn't look back.


Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
Whack. I hope game devs union up, this is straight unacceptable. I can't stand the video game industry. I feel like it only exists because of its unique ability to exploit people's love of games. I just can't see another reason put up with the Crunch, Underpayment, Online/IRL Harassment, Bigotry, Terrible Management that seems to be common at the indie to AAA space.

I'm saying this as someone who always wanted to join the industry since watching TechTV as a child, even got a CS degree lol.

Pursue your dreams. :)


Apr 30, 2020
You really think a mega corp would do that, just go in front of the FTC and tell lies?


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
I am sure MS can argue that their plans didn't call for this to happen initially but the situation has changed and the entire industry can reflect that, etc.


Aug 1, 2022
im not sure what a 'fine' can do to literally MS, they have the infinite money glitch, but hey


Oct 26, 2017
Copying something I wrote in another thread where this came up (I was responding to someone saying it was just going to be another "L" for the FTC):

Abyad works in the OGC, and tends to make strong filings (if memory serves, some of the better FTC materials in the original hearings were his but presented by someone else) even though he necessarily covers a wide range of subjects. My fear is that they're trying to re-litigate elements of "fact" from the original hearings in a way that a judge would frown at because they were already established in Microsoft's favor. If there are plausible changes to market conditions or hiring composition (both within Acti-Blizz itself before the purchase or even afterward for the broader market), they will have an incredibly hard time arguing against a company's ability/right to scale staffing reactively to that. It's such a basic function of business that it's hard to demonstrate them being different under Microsoft ownership. Something as basic as the huge glut of hirings during COVID-19 may be a plausible enough "excuse" against what they raise in the filing, even accounting for the PR statement about the layoffs addressing "overlap." I'd have to do more reading on the Clayton Act re: being able to undo the merger, because I feel like that wasn't given much weight when it was brought up during the original proceedings. I totally see what they're going for with the horizontal vs. vertical mention, but they're going to be up against how operational staffing isn't the same thing as the nature of products/services under that terminology.

I hope even if this doesn't go the FTCs way, it makes layoffs at that scale feel a little less "easy" for big corps down the road. I'm not particularly optimistic about that.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
We had a mega thread for months and months where the majority convinced themselves it's for the better and competition. Remember the pro consumer moniker? It started with Microsoft's acquisitions of major publishers.

It was perhaps the best option in a sea of bad options. I for one am not going to pretend that it is not a net good that the old Actiblizz management has or is going to be shown the door or that mass layoffs wouldn't be happening had this merger failed.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
A just world would have the whole thing broken apart and pay profit destroying fines irrevocably denying any other company from doing the same.

But hum. Well all know why that won't happen i guess.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Not having followed the story too closely, I can't believe MS said there would be no layoffs, and I can't believe anyone would believe them if they did.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 29, 2017
Lying in court is perjury right? Wouldn't they actually have legal grounds to go after them for that?


Oct 27, 2017
The FTC is putting foot to ass. Microsoft told them there would be no layoffs, no redundancies.
Okay, the layoffs were bad, but Microsoft said no such thing to the FTC. I read the Feb 7 FTC filing and it claims that Microsoft told them the "two companies will operate independently post-merger." And that's still what's happening. The real problem with most of these layoffs is still directly related to game companies ballooning hiring during the pandemic knowing it was unsistatinable. It was bad business practices across the board, and these layoffs were not "redudancies", which is why actual developers were hit.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 30, 2017
Feels like Microsoft could blame some of it.on the FTC dragging it out so long. The headcount is still higher than when Microsoft started the processes. Activision dramatically increased headcount in the meantime.


Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
It's unreal that people weren't more against this acquisition here on Era.
You can be against it but not live in La La Land too. What's the point of fighting a giant with a plastic spoon? I'm gonna scoop him to death?
The FTC is putting foot to ass. Microsoft told them there would be no layoffs, no redundancies.
FTC will put their foot in their own ass first. It's an incompetent organization.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
What's done is done.

Hopefully, those 1900 can land on their feet.

But the entire video game got rocked by layoffs that past year or so. Not much the FTC will be able to gain from this.

You can be against it but not live in La La Land too. What's the point of fighting a giant with a plastic spoon? I'm gonna scoop him to death?

If you go back to most of those threads, most people weren't arguing against the merger because of what it was going to mean for job security.

It was for uh... Other embarrassing reasons.


Oct 26, 2017
There were plenty of people in the FTC thread that said it would be fantastic for the industry. People were getting banned who spoke out against it.
Always the same on this fanboy filled forum, first those threads become echo chambers and everyone else is gas lighted, then when what you thought/posted happens you get gas lighted again.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Charlotte, NC
It's unreal that people weren't more against this acquisition here on Era.
What legal reason existed that this merger shouldn't have gone thru? The ftc had a bad arguments with cloud and cod becoming exclusive. I get it the layoffs fucking suck and I supported this deal in the mega thread on the basis that it would promote competition. The fallout has made me change my thoughts on it.
I just don't want everyone to label all those who supported the deal as negative. People's opinions can change and I hold myself accountable for that. Seeing posts saying "fuck everyone for supporting this deal" is wild. Fuck me too I guess.


Oct 26, 2017
There were plenty of people in the FTC thread that said it would be fantastic for the industry. People were getting banned who spoke out against it.

I've seen people making this accusation not discerning between someone's behavior vs. what they're saying. If you don't separate those, you'll never understand moderation on any platform. People can be right and also be way out of line and deserve a ban. Someone can be dead-wrong about something important but still be cordial about it.
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