
Oct 27, 2017

We have talked about Thor 2: The Dark World, but have we ever really talked about Thor 2: The Dark World?

While the movie is beloved and often praised as the finest the MCU has to offer, it has a crucial error right at the beginning. Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) is having a date with Richard (Chris O'Dowd). Richard is a bit of a loser but mostly in that he just doesn't measure up to Thor. Compared to Thor he's just regrettably boring. He also instantly overshares that his last girlfriend cheated on him with a lot of guys. Nevertheless, he seems like an ok guy who doesn't have too much trouble with social situations. It's after all him who tries to get Jane to open up. The crucial moment comes when Darcy (Kate Dennings) steps into the frame. She walks up to the table and Richard, this mad man, stares right at her and asks her to bring them some wine.


How could anyone in their right mind believe that this is a waitress working at a fancy high class restaurant? She's wearing a giant, giant coat, scarf and a hat, clearly she just walked in from outside. It's insane, it's preposterous! Richard also isn't presented as a pompous prick who'd think that anyone not dressed like him would be a waiter. He even gives Darcy a friendly "Hi" before making the order.

Now I know there will be some really clever folks who claim that this is just a nod to Kate Dennings role in 2 Broke Girls where she plays a waitress, however I refuse to believe this as the scene also includes a perfect setup for Chris O'dowd to say "Have you tried turning it on and off again?" and they don't go for it. Who'd make a 2 Broke Girls reference but ignore The IT crowd? No one, no one would do that.

To add insult to injury, the scene even has glimpses of the real waiters in the Restaurant, making it abundantly clear how wrong Richard was.


It's an insulting error and an ugly blemish on an otherwise flawless movie.



Oct 25, 2017
He probably couldn't see her very well. The lighting. It's not always clear in the shots, because they want the audience to be able to see everything, but it's important to remember that the movie takes place in a Dark World.


Oct 25, 2017
The amount of work they did to cover up Dennings has always been hilarious to me.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
The implication is that Richard only has eyes for Jane, he is a lonely man who feels like he won the jackpot. He no longer has to wander in the dark alone, here is this beautiful, charming and intelligent woman who he imagines he could spend the rest of his life with. He barely sees Darcy.

But as we know, in a tragic twist of fate, he fails to attract her interest. He knows now he will always be alone. This is where the film's subtitle is drawn from - Richard, alone in The Dark World.
Oct 27, 2017
Natalie Portman is in this movie? And Kat Dennings? And whoever that guy is? I don't remember any of that, just like I remember fuck all about anything that happened in this movie.


Oct 27, 2017
Richard was an absolute unit who took Jane to a nice restaurant for a good meal and treated her like a queen while Thor became a fat loser who sits around drinking beer and playing videogames all day. JUSTICE FOR RICHARD!!