
Oct 25, 2017
What exactly happens since he has no more money? Does he pay what he can? I never got how these things get awarded when an individual only has so much wealth.
May 24, 2021
he'll probably just declare bankruptcy. still, this owns



Oct 25, 2017
Fucking yes! So glad those two got their just recompense from all the bullshit this ghoul put them through. Here's hoping Giuliani is left destitute and in shambles after this. Feels great these assholes are finally getting their due. Let the find out stage continue!


Oct 27, 2017
And he did it for someone who wouldn't pay him and eventually dumped him as a lawyer lol


Oct 27, 2017
(Giuliani's lawyer) pleaded for the jury to be merciful, saying that a huge verdict would be "the civil equivalent of the death penalty. It will be the end of Mr. Giuliani."

Just a quote I like.
Considering that they were trying to virtualy end the lives of those two ladies for all practical purposes, the verdict which is "the civil equivalent of the death penalty" is completely fine with me. Giuliani can go get fucked. The only problem is I doubt he has the money to pay this so I'm not sure what happens next then.


Oct 27, 2017
I saw a post talking about how they had an expert who calculated the cost of rehabilitating an image that has been publicly tarnished due to a massive misinformation campaign would require a campaign of tens-hundreds of millions of dollars. So maybe that.

Huh. I guess that makes sense. The amount of damages have to come from somewhere, and the cost of a hypothetical rehabilitation campaign seems fitting. And yeah, it was a massive misinformation campaign, reaching a shitload of people. And makes it even shittier for Giuliani, cause he was just one person in that entire charade, and he's now bearing the brunt of it. Good.


Nov 6, 2017
Literally threw his life down the drain for trump, and the best part, trump doesn't give a single fuck.


Oct 29, 2017
Dude could have permanently retired after 2001, basically a "hero" in NYC, taking paid speaking jobs until he died.

Look what he did with his fame!


Oct 25, 2017
A unanimous judgement in DC for such a large figure is a hint what the jury pool will think of Trumps Jan 6th case.


Oct 28, 2017
What exactly happens since he has no more money? Does he pay what he can? I never got how these things get awarded when an individual only has so much wealth.
He still owns property in NYC and near Marla-go those will now be forfeit, even if he doesn't have the liquid cash as judgement like this means his physical assets will revert to the victims. I Ms Freeman and Miss will look great coming out that upper east side condo.


Oct 27, 2017
He should be in jail, but I'll take solace in the fact that Rudy will die a penniless loser who history will remember as a villain.


Oct 25, 2017
Haha, I got more money than Giuliani.

Patiently waiting for when packwatch.gif can be posted for him.


Oct 25, 2017
He still owns property in NYC and near Marla-go those will now be forfeit, even if he doesn't have the liquid cash as judgement like this means his physical assets will revert to the victims. I Ms Freeman and Miss will look great coming out that upper east side condo.
LOL, so they can just inherit all his property like his penthouse?! That's so rich. NYC would probably be a great place for them where they can finally feel safe.
Apr 17, 2019
I keep reading Alex Jones got away with having to pay the fines by declaring bankruptcy?
Did he really? Last I heard about that case was specifically how that route was blocked by the judge tho... bit confused.


Jun 10, 2022
Toronto, ON
he'll probably just declare bankruptcy. still, this owns
He can do that, but all his assets will be liquidated to service debt so... He's quite fucked. And it could be that the judge doesn't let him discharge this debt through bankruptcy in which case he'll have to liquidate everything and still have to keep paying.

I would be more concerned about his appeal options than whether he can squirm out of payments. It's not really true that he can just not pay. But he will try to tie it up in court for as long as he can.


Nov 7, 2023
People have a lot of understandable questions about the debt. The first thing to know is that, like Alex Jones, Giulianni's judgment is for an intentional tort. Intentional torts are generally not dischargeable in bankruptcy (see subsection a.6).

What does this mean as a practical matter? The same as Alex Jones. He can't go into bankruptcy and wipe it away. He can still go into bankruptcy and get rid of his other debts. The creditors holding non-dischargeable debts can then either:

1. Tell him to shove it, wait for him to get out of bankruptcy (or in some cases that probably don't apply here, ask the court to exempt them from the automatic stay on collection actions) and record their judgment against everything of his they can find, in perpetuity, until they're satisfied; or
2. Do what the Alex Jones judgment creditors have done, which is come to the conclusion that a trustee holding the power to hand them money is worth taking pennies on the dollar rather than hounding him for the rest of his life.

Everyone goes with 2. Collecting judgments against people with means is insanely difficult, because it's a never-ending game of whack-a-mole with incomplete and often incorrect information, often across multiple unfamiliar jurisdictions. The trustee has the money now and can write them a check now. That's a huge motivator. The downside is that the trustee (and the bankruptcy judge, to be frank) view it as their job to both protect and fully administer the estate. The trustee is going to drive a hard bargain because they're responsible to make sure that the other creditors get a fair (usually pro rata) share of the available estate, and the judge wants the process to end, if feasible, with a discharge against everyone so they don't have to deal with any potential knock-on litigation.

So, expect this to play out more or less like Alex Jones's did, albeit with a slightly more broke debtor.

BUT! The fun part: Donald Trump is a debtor of Guilliani. So the trustee is empowered to initiate proceedings in the bankruptcy against Trump (among others) to collect for the benefit of the estate. Will the trustee do this? No. Would this cause a hilarious train wreck with the receiver in the New York State fraud case? Yes. Extremely yes.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
I know he'll never more than a fraction of it, but as long as he's completely ruined, and Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss get something - by which I mean millions - then I am content.

Fuck this ghoul. And I still hope he ends up dying in prison.


Nov 4, 2017
I won't shed a tear for Giuliani, but damages in the US are so freaking absurd.
In Canada, you might get at most 15 millions if you're a 21 year old med student that was run over intentionally by a drunk driver and left quadriplegic and brain dead.


Oct 25, 2017
I won't shed a tear for Giuliani, but damages in the US are so freaking absurd.
In Canada, you might get at most 15 millions if you're a 21 year old med student that was run over intentionally by a drunk driver and left quadriplegic and brain dead.

It greatly depends on the state, many states have upper limits on punitive damages, whereas other states don't.
Oct 26, 2017

When I saw the headline of 150 million, I immediately thought of that Simpson's episode. Rudy is done even if the amount comes down in appeal. I hope this is a deterrent in future elections for bad actors like Rudy to be more hesitant to just follow blindly the will of a wannabe dictator and destroy people's lives.