
Don't Watch the Tape!
Oct 27, 2017
Hello, everyone. I'm AlteredBeast, and I am a workaholic. Although I have a regular 9-5 job that pays me decently, I drive Uber (and very rarely Lyft) about 20 to 25 hours each week.

Over the past 3 years (as of next month), I have crossed just about every square inch of my home town (and many other towns) on over 10,000 rides.

What do you guys and gals want to know? Nothing except private information about riders is off limits.

Some examples of common questions I get from riders at least 50% of the time:

Is it worth it to drive?
What's your craziest ride?
How long have you been doing this?

Maybe you guys can be more creative, maybe this idea isn't noteworthy or interesting and will die after just a few posts. I'm an open book. :)

UPDATE: Check the Threadmarks: I'm now past 15,000 rides, have gone full-time driving, and have a write up of some of the more interesting stories of life on the short-term-rideshare road.
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Chicken Chaser
Dec 9, 2017
What motivates you to drive after working? Is it something you find yourself having fun doing, and the extra money is a side benefit?


Nov 8, 2017
Did you ever tell any of your passengers about the story with the tape in your basement?


Nov 6, 2017
Are you doing this for tax purposes? Do you find it a good way to take advantage of certain tax breaks relevant to driving Uber?

I've been considering jumping in on this for tax purposes. I earn too much in my 9-5 job and have nothing to write off. Pair that with my University degree and my tax bill is coming in it around 5k per year for the next 3 years...

If I did Uber, I could claim deductions on various car related expenses.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd like to be an Uber/Lyft rider that doesn't make the driver want to tear my guts out through my nostrils.

What kind of thing do you really wish riders knew or did that would make everyone's life better?


Don't Watch the Tape!
Oct 27, 2017
What motivates you to drive after working? Is it something you find yourself having fun doing, and the extra money is a side benefit?
I genuinely have fun every time I go out driving. I am ridiculously social and love the dynamic nature of each new interaction. I also love driving. The extra money is secondary to my own personal enjoyment, funny enough.

Did you ever tell any of your passengers about the story with the tape in your basement?

I did, and a couple wanted me to tell them how it ended. Lol

How much have you made

Gross or net?

Gross: $50,432 on Uber, and $46,636 on Lyft. Probably another $6,500 to $8,000 in cash tips, but I haven't tracked those well, unfortunately.

Ever get someone's number, and if so did you call it?

I'm a happily married man, so no. I have been hardcore propositioned by men and women over the years, though, but I'd never cheat on my wife. I have lit off fireworks with some youths once lol


Don't Watch the Tape!
Oct 27, 2017
Anyone ever fuck in your back seat?

On one particularly long ride back from a rural bar, I did hear the distinctive clink of a belt being undone. I thought to myself, "surely this guy just had a lot to drink or eat and is letting his gut get some room." Nope, I looked back two minutes later and his girlfriend/wife was going to town. Biggest dick I've ever seen in real life, hands down. I said, "whoa! What comes out of there better be Maxwell House Coffee good to the last drop, or you gotta put that shit away! No bodily fluids in my car, guys!" They were a little sheepish and did put it away, but his romantic partner was horny as shit, because she was still all over him for the next 25ish minutes of that ride.

No sex in the car, although one girl told me once that I was so hot she was going to leave a snail trail on my back seat. Both the grossest and funniest thing I've ever heard to this day. My buddies and I now use it as the name of our golf outing we do every year for a friendly tournament, "The Snail Trail Invitational" We even got a trophy made and one of the guys made a logo out of it.

I won last year, so naturally I filled the cup full of Cheetos to eat out of:


Is the money worth it when the off the chance you have a very rude passenger

95% of passengers are friendly and courteous. College kids are even almost entirely easygoing.

What was your furthest fare in terms of distance?

Almost exactly 3 hours. I picked a lady up at the airport at midnight on a Tuesday (I worked at 7 am at this point at my job) and said, "hey, how we doin' tonight?" Just as I started the ride. The trip calculated and read, 'Sioux Falls Airport, Sioux Falls South Dakota.' To which I said, "Whoa!? are you really going to South Dakota?!" and she replied, "Yeah.... Is it far?" She was apparently pickup up a semi-truck in Sioux Falls and needed to be there by morning. She fell asleep within 5 minutes of starting the trip and received a phone call approximately 3 miles from the destination. Didn't get a single dime of tip, either. She told me she didn't have any cash on her, but presumed that her boss would tip me, since he had ordered the ride. NOPE! Only made $192 on that trip, and considering I didn't get home until almost exactly 6 am, I don't think it was worth it at all.

Are you doing this for tax purposes? Do you find it a good way to take advantage of certain tax breaks relevant to driving Uber?

I've been considering jumping in on this for tax purposes. I earn too much in my 9-5 job and have nothing to write off. Pair that with my University degree and my tax bill is coming in it around 5k per year for the next 3 years...

If I did Uber, I could claim deductions on various car related expenses.

It does help with my tax filing, to be sure. Since the gov't allows you to write off 58 cents per mile (or thereabouts), and my costs are WAY lower than that, I end up having these massive tax returns each year. My gross income is relatively high, and yet, due to having 4 kids and a spouse, with mortgage, etc, I got $8200 back in taxes this year!

How often do you get MAGA people

It's Omaha, NE. An extremely well-educated city in the heart of Trump country, so it's split about 50/50. Fortunately, most of the young people I pick up aren't complete idiots, but the ones who rant and rave the loudest are typically hyping up conspiracy theories about the election, COVID, and so on.

I'd like to be an Uber/Lyft rider that doesn't make the driver want to tear my guts out through my nostrils.

What kind of thing do you really wish riders knew or did that would make everyone's life better?

Doors really do shut easily, almost on their own. Just give it a little nudge and inertia will do the rest. lol

That and tip your driver. I will straight get shit on by a rider, but if they give me a good tip, I'll give them 5 stars all day.

I only rate people low (3 stars or lower means I won't be matched up with them ever again) for three reasons:

1. If they smell horrendous. I don't want my next riders to think I am some filthy person with B.O. I pride myself on cleanliness and comfort, if I appear to be a mid-80s cabbie from New York with vinyl seats and week-old body odor, than I am not getting tipped or generating good vibes.

2. If they are menacing or make unreasonable demands and then get annoyed or butt-hurt when I say no. People love to try and add Taco Bell to their route on a busy Saturday night and I have to kindly tell them that it isn't worth my time to sit in a half-hour line, but I am willing to do so for a large tip. If they refuse, I tell them I appreciate it, since it cuts into my earnings significantly (during peak times on Saturdays, for example, I am making $50 to $60/hr some times), if they get pissy or start complaining, I keep it cordial, but rate them 1-star.

3. Any racist comments. I am probably the whitest person anyone meets on an annual basis. Borderline albino, but I am not a fucking racist, so I don't want to hear the N word or other slurs. I don't want to hear about welfare queens, lazy Xs, Ys, or Zs, or anything else. Instant 1-star and a comment on their profile. Fuck those people.

What was the most interesting experience? The funniest?

I'll get back to you on both of these. I have a few doozies, but it's late now, and both will take a long time to type out.


Oct 30, 2017
How many times have people barfed in your vehicle, or otherwise made an unholy mess? How did you deal with it?

What was your biggest tip? How'd it happen?


Don't Watch the Tape!
Oct 27, 2017
worst smelling person and what they smelled like?

About the second or third week I picked a kid up, probably no older than 20.

The moment he got into my back seat, I smelled what could only be described as rotten onions and farts. He told me he had just done a marathon 2-day gaming session with his buddies.

I drove with the windows down to the gas station after he got out, bought seat cleaners and air freshener and went to town to get that funk out. It was horrific. I also had to rate the kid low, despite him being friendly. It was that bad.


Feb 17, 2019
I genuinely have fun every time I go out driving. I am ridiculously social and love the dynamic nature of each new interaction. I also love driving. The extra money is secondary to my own personal enjoyment, funny enough.

I did, and a couple wanted me to tell them how it ended. Lol

Gross or net?

Gross: $50,432 on Uber, and $46,636 on Lyft. Probably another $6,500 to $8,000 in cash tips, but I haven't tracked those well, unfortunately.

I'm a happily married man, so no. I have been hardcore propositioned by men and women over the years, though, but I'd never cheat on my wife. I have lit off fireworks with some youths once lol
100k in 3 years working only 20-25h a week? Uber and co are banned in my country but how much do they pay?


Nov 3, 2017
Strangest thing you've ever found in your back seat?

The most valuable thing?


Oct 30, 2017
About the second or third week I picked a kid up, probably no older than 20.

The moment he got into my back seat, I smelled what could only be described as rotten onions and farts. He told me he had just done a marathon 2-day gaming session with his buddies.

I drove with the windows down to the gas station after he got out, bought seat cleaners and air freshener and went to town to get that funk out. It was horrific. I also had to rate the kid low, despite him being friendly. It was that bad.

haha, cliches are sometimes so real. Anime conventions must be a no go then.


Don't Watch the Tape!
Oct 27, 2017
How many times have people barfed in your vehicle, or otherwise made an unholy mess? How did you deal with it?

What was your biggest tip? How'd it happen?

6 vomiters in the car. Each time the mess was "bad" but not "unmanageable." 1 time was bad enough to make me puke while cleaning it up, the others were easier and less "squishy". Riders are charged $150 per incident, and I have leather seats, rubber floor mats, and Scotch-Guarded upholstery, so I actually don't always mind when it happens. Takes me 20 minutes to clean, sanitize and dry and I am back at it.

As for my biggest tip: A lady flew into town and asked me if, before I took her to her hotel, if we could stop at a bar downtown so she could get a drink with her brother, who was also in town at the same time. she said, don't worry I'll tip you well, I'm loaded! My dad died a while ago and left me a ton of money."

So I said, sure, why not. She left her suitcase in the car while she went in and had a drink. She said it would be like 20 minutes max, and I figured I'd get 30 or 40 bucks, so I said "sure, why not?", but after about 30 minutes, I was getting pretty pissed. It was 1:30 am and it was a Tuesday, so I didn't even plan on being out that late (like the Sioux Falls ride, funny enough), she finally comes out and says, "Sorry that took so long, do you mind if we go next door and have a quick cigar at the cigar bar? it'll be really quick and I promise the tip will be good."

So, of course I said yes. I thought, that 30 or 40 probably became $50 now, maybe more if I was really lucky (I've been tipped a $100 bill about 10 to 15 times at this point, so it was a rarity, but it did/does happen).

Bars close at 2:00 am in Omaha, and it's 2:10 now and I am getting furious, thinking this lady is going to play me and I'm probably not even going to get much for it, but she finally comes out and says, "OK, I'm ready to go to my hotel now"

The hotel is like 5 minutes away, so I drive her over there and help take her bags into the lobby and she starts writing me a check.

I'm like, "uhhhh, ok" Like, who the hell writes checks anymore?

I look down and it says "$400". I am like, damn, lady that's too much money! I would have been happy with $100!

She said, "no you have been great and courteous and you deserve it! I'll just make a note to move money to this account tomorrow, since it's my trust account for my inheritance."

I am like, "sure lady, whatever"

The next day, I take the check to her local bank (since it is automatic to withdraw funs from the originating bank), even though it is like a half hour away. They tell me, "sorry sir, it's coming back as insufficent funds"

I'm like, "this freakin lady!"

My wife was like, "I told you it wasn't going to work!"

but I don't leave it at that, of course, Even though her name isn't on the check, I piece information from our conversation together and find her profile on Facebook and send her a message through Messenger and she says, "oh, I'm so embarrassed! I forgot to transfer the money! What's your Paypal and I will just send it to you through that if you don't mind?"

Of course I didn't, and she sent it right away. Happy ending, I'm $400 richer. :)

Copy of the check that bounced:


Don't Watch the Tape!
Oct 27, 2017
100k in 3 years working only 20-25h a week? Uber and co are banned in my country but how much do they pay?

I suppose for some people, Uber or Lyft can be a huge exploitation, but I have legitimately never seen it that way or experienced it at all. I gross $800 to $1000 per week most weeks working my 20 to 25 hours. In my 3 year time, I have taken weeks or months off at a time. During the first 5 months of the pandemic, for example, I did not drive until after I got COVID, and then said, "well, I'm good now, let's do this!"

Strangest thing you've ever found in your back seat?

The most valuable thing?

Strange? Probably a MASSIVE jug of Captain Jerry Rum. It was comically big. The guy that left it was dressed as a pirate, so I remembered where he lived, even though it was an hour later that I discovered it (didn't see him bring it into the car).

Most valuable? Tons and tons of Iphones of all sizes and models. a wallet full of cash once (and they didn't tip me for returning it, lol)

I am pretty good about scanning the back seat after each ride, but some phone cases are dark enough, or they fall on the floor, so they go unnoticed.


Don't Watch the Tape!
Oct 27, 2017
haha, cliches are sometimes so real. Anime conventions must be a no go then.

There is a big anime convention in town each year and I refuse to pick up anyone from there after one year, it was nothing but bad Cosplay and B.O. and non-tippers since the crowd is mostly broke late-adolescents/stunted-growth adults


Oct 30, 2017
6 vomiters in the car. Each time the mess was "bad" but not "unmanageable." 1 time was bad enough to make me puke while cleaning it up, the others were easier and less "squishy". Riders are charged $150 per incident, and I have leather seats, rubber floor mats, and Scotch-Guarded upholstery, so I actually don't always mind when it happens. Takes me 20 minutes to clean, sanitize and dry and I am back at it.

As for my biggest tip: A lady flew into town and asked me if, before I took her to her hotel, if we could stop at a bar downtown so she could get a drink with her brother, who was also in town at the same time. she said, don't worry I'll tip you well, I'm loaded! My dad died a while ago and left me a ton of money."

So I said, sure, why not. She left her suitcase in the car while she went in and had a drink. She said it would be like 20 minutes max, and I figured I'd get 30 or 40 bucks, so I said "sure, why not?", but after about 30 minutes, I was getting pretty pissed. It was 1:30 am and it was a Tuesday, so I didn't even plan on being out that late (like the Sioux Falls ride, funny enough), she finally comes out and says, "Sorry that took so long, do you mind if we go next door and have a quick cigar at the cigar bar? it'll be really quick and I promise the tip will be good."

So, of course I said yes. I thought, that 30 or 40 probably became $50 now, maybe more if I was really lucky (I've been tipped a $100 bill about 10 to 15 times at this point, so it was a rarity, but it did/does happen).

Bars close at 2:00 am in Omaha, and it's 2:10 now and I am getting furious, thinking this lady is going to play me and I'm probably not even going to get much for it, but she finally comes out and says, "OK, I'm ready to go to my hotel now"

The hotel is like 5 minutes away, so I drive her over there and help take her bags into the lobby and she starts writing me a check.

I'm like, "uhhhh, ok" Like, who the hell writes checks anymore?

I look down and it says "$400". I am like, damn, lady that's too much money! I would have been happy with $100!

She said, "no you have been great and courteous and you deserve it! I'll just make a note to move money to this account tomorrow, since it's my trust account for my inheritance."

I am like, "sure lady, whatever"

The next day, I take the check to her local bank (since it is automatic to withdraw funs from the originating bank), even though it is like a half hour away. They tell me, "sorry sir, it's coming back as insufficent funds"

I'm like, "this freakin lady!"

My wife was like, "I told you it wasn't going to work!"

but I don't leave it at that, of course, Even though her name isn't on the check, I piece information from our conversation together and find her profile on Facebook and send her a message through Messenger and she says, "oh, I'm so embarrassed! I forgot to transfer the money! What's your Paypal and I will just send it to you through that if you don't mind?"

Of course I didn't, and she sent it right away. Happy ending, I'm $400 richer. :)

Copy of the check that bounced:
Damn, great answers. Thanks!


Nov 2, 2017
Do you smoke and if not do you stop passengers from doing so during the ride?
Do you offer them anything or let them eat or drink during the ride?
Has your car been imbued with the odours of your passengers?


Oct 25, 2017
Congratulations! And thank you for another awesome thread! I'm enjoying the read so far!

Which has the better driver support team? Uber or Lyft?


Oct 30, 2017
Wait, you have 4 kids and choose driving Uber for fun instead of spending time with them?


Oct 27, 2017
On one particularly long ride back from a rural bar, I did hear the distinctive clink of a belt being undone. I thought to myself, "surely this guy just had a lot to drink or eat and is letting his gut get some room." Nope, I looked back two minutes later and his girlfriend/wife was going to town. Biggest dick I've ever seen in real life, hands down. I said, "whoa! What comes out of there better be Maxwell House Coffee good to the last drop, or you gotta put that shit away! No bodily fluids in my car, guys!" They were a little sheepish and did put it away, but his romantic partner was horny as shit, because she was still all over him for the next 25ish minutes of that ride.

I'm dead.


Oct 25, 2017
How do you find the time to post on ResetEra?

How do the passengers react when you talk about ResetEra?


Oct 26, 2017
How much money did you actually make after taxes, gas, car costs and decreased value on the car? It's always hard to imagine getting out on top with the prices you pay for rides.


Oct 25, 2017
Do you find that an unusually high number of people don't tip? That they say they will tip through the app and never follow through?

I have a buddy that has ubered for several years and says that roughly about 10% of his riders actually tip him despite him being a 5 star driver.

Was wondering if this is common


Oct 26, 2017
So you made almost $100k over 3 years of ~20 hours per week? That's pretty good... though that's a lot of gas and wear on the car I guess.


Nov 6, 2017
It does help with my tax filing, to be sure. Since the gov't allows you to write off 58 cents per mile (or thereabouts), and my costs are WAY lower than that, I end up having these massive tax returns each year. My gross income is relatively high, and yet, due to having 4 kids and a spouse, with mortgage, etc, I got $8200 back in taxes this year!

Thanks, this is the answer I needed to hear.

Wait, you have 4 kids and choose driving Uber for fun instead of spending time with them?

Thats not a fair assumption to make. OP stated 20 to 25 hours each week. We don't know how those are divided up, but if I were applying it to my personal situation... I work in the city, and live about 40 minutes away. I can literally put in a couple or few hours after work and be home by 8:30/9:00pm.


Oct 28, 2017
Doesn't this just utterly destroy your car?

Say an average of 10mi a ride and you just exhausted most cars' functional non-worry value before they can become pricey to maintain.... and that's not even counting your regular use of the vehicle outside of Uber. In three years.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Hello, everyone. I'm AlteredBeast, and I am a workaholic. Although I have a regular 9-5 job that pays me decently, I drive Uber (and very rarely Lyft) about 20 to 25 hours each week.

Over the past 3 years (as of next month), I have crossed just about every square inch of my home town (and many other towns) on over 10,000 rides.

What do you guys and gals want to know? Nothing except private information about riders is off limits.

Some examples of common questions I get from riders at least 50% of the time:

Is it worth it to drive?
What's your craziest ride?
How long have you been doing this?

Maybe you guys can be more creative, maybe this idea isn't noteworthy or interesting and will die after just a few posts. I'm an open book. :)
Have you ever seen a titty?


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Wait, you have 4 kids and choose driving Uber for fun instead of spending time with them?
This was my first thought!

Another question I have is to ask your opinion on food services like Uber Eats and GrubHub. My dad is bored in retirement and loves to drive around, so he's considering food delivery service for something to do. He doesn't want to drive people around at all - was a taxi driver for a short stint decades ago, but hated it. Are the food gigs capable of bringing in fat stacks like that?
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Oct 25, 2017
Is there a preferred and non-rude way for a customer to communicate that they don't really want to have a conversation? I always feel like it would be rude, so I always just keep the conversation going out of obligation, but some days I just don't want to.


Don't Watch the Tape!
Oct 27, 2017
Ever had any fares turn violent?

What's the creepiest thing that's ever happened or a passenger requested?

I have had menacing rides, but never anything that turned violent. I had a drunk passenger (3 separate times, unfortunately), that creeped me the hell out. He told me multiple times how he was from Little Italy (an old neighborhood in Omaha that formerly had mafia ties 100 years ago), and that his family used to run everything, and how much trouble he would get into. The guy just gave off a very, very aggressive vibe and made a few requests that did not make me comfortable, so I eventually ditched him at his grandma's house despite his request for me to take him to his own house. He was very drunk and did not remember that situation, so the second time I picked him up, he said, "you look kind of familiar" and I said, "hmm, well I have given thousands of rides, so maybe you've seen me before." Fortunately, the first time he was a rider, it was on another rider's account. The third time was on Uber instead of Lyft (I already 1-starred him on Lyft to not get matched up), and then promptly did so on Uber, too Haven't seen him in 2 years now.

What factors into your rating riders?

99.9% of riders : 5 stars
aforementioned smelly, inconsiderate of my time, or racist .1% = 2 or 1 star, depending on severity. No need to rate 3 or 4 stars.

I have heard other drivers say that unless they actually see a tip during the ride (cash in hand, or witness the person leaving the tip on the app) they automatically rate someone low, but I am not that petty. Most fares pay okay enough without a tip to make it worthwhile, but the absolutely most frustrating thing is nice, seemingly decent people who I have a great conversation with who tell me, "You're the best Uber driver I've ever had" and then tell me when the ride is over, "I'll leave you a tip in the app" and then never do. I am sure many (most?) have good intentions of doing so, and then end up forgetting, but it sucks. Don't tell me you will tip me if you really aren't.

What car do you have?

VW Passat TDI w 140,000 miles on it. I averae 36 or 37 MPG usually, although on particularly crazy nights on opposite ends of the spectrum, I have gotten only 32 or as much as 41.

Do you smoke and if not do you stop passengers from doing so during the ride?
Do you offer them anything or let them eat or drink during the ride?
Has your car been imbued with the odours of your passengers?

Smoking is basically the dumbest thing a person can do on the reg, so no I do not smoke, nor let them smoke in my car. I let people vape, but that trend seems to have finally subsided amongst our future leaders of America, thank goodness.

I don't offer snacks, since that never resulted in a marked increase in tips or ratings. At one point, I was the highest rated driver in Omaha: a perfect 5.00 rating on Lyft, and a 5.00 on Uber. On hot days, I carry bottles of water in my car, but that is moreso in case I see someone who looks like they are struggling outside and need a drink.

My car probably smells different than it would without Uber passengers, but I tend to keep it clean, vacuumed, and as odor-free as possible. I do pick up frequently from cigar bars (blechh!), restaurants (could have some inherent "fry-grease smell", and laborers (Sweat/B.O.), but the worst is absolutely cigarette smokers in winter who seem like they are exhaling piss-smoke into their clothes and coats before getting into my car, which then brings that stale piss-smoke smell into my car and it lingers. I bought an ozone generator though and it always does the trick, 100%. I run it on Sunday nights for about a half hour, air out the car and voila, good to go for another week.

Congratulations! And thank you for another awesome thread! I'm enjoying the read so far!

Which has the better driver support team? Uber or Lyft?

When you are a regular-ass driver, they are both deliberately obtuse, feature staff who barely speak english, and who try to do as little for you as possible. Lyft is far worse in the fact that I have had, on multiple occasions, staffers tell me, "you're right, that isn't a fair policy and I agree with you." and then, in the same breath, "but I can't help you."

When you are Uber platinum (or Diamond?) level like I am or have been, you call 24/7 and they pick up and are typically very attentive. It's not perfect, but they typically are able to help.

Wait, you have 4 kids and choose driving Uber for fun instead of spending time with them?

LOL! When you have 4 kids, please come back and tell me how much fun you have with them on a nightly basis.

On a serious note, I typically drive after they go to sleep.

I cannot imagine spending my spare time...working when I could do literally anything else. But you do you my guy :)

I understand that mentality, but when I sit at home, I play a few rounds of Street Fighter III 3rd Strike, maybe watch a movie or a show I've seen a few times, and then waste time on my phone or something. Or...I have engaging conversations while netting about $25/hr out of the house. When I am feeling creative (I am writing a screenplay and a few children's books), then I take nights off to work on my passions, but my hobbies are basically worthless time wasters otherwise.

How do you find the time to post on ResetEra?

How do the passengers react when you talk about ResetEra?

I have always slept about 4 or 5 hours per night, even when I was a child. In this way, I always felt like I get to live about 15% more per day than most people, who spend that time in bed asleep.

I have never mentioned ResetEra directly to a passenger. lol

How much money did you actually make after taxes, gas, car costs and decreased value on the car? It's always hard to imagine getting out on top with the prices you pay for rides.

Over the years, I have narrowed my "net" after taxes, gas, and decreased value on my car to $25/hr. My gross is somewhere in the $37 to $40 range, depending on which nights I work or if I take a weekend off.

Here's my last 3 weeks of work, for example:




I was wondering this too. How much do you have to spend out of your profits for car maintenance and gas?

I do my own brakes and sometimes oil, I fill my tank usually once or twice a week. My car is very fuel efficient and has a an 18.5 gallon tank. One time, I got 767 miles on a single fillup, although I usually get closer to 620 or 630.

When I bought my car, it came with an unlimited mile warranty for a set amount of time, which has thankfully covered one transmission, two heater cores, something wrong with the engine valves, and something else I cannot remember, presumably at least 13 or 14k in maintenance work over the past 2 years. If you do drive Uber as much as I do without a warranty, you are a fool, full stop. This is coming from a guy who takes very good care of his car, and who drives carefully.

Do you find that an unusually high number of people don't tip? That they say they will tip through the app and never follow through?

I have a buddy that has ubered for several years and says that roughly about 10% of his riders actually tip him despite him being a 5 star driver.

Was wondering if this is common

32 riders in my last 100 on Uber tipped on the app, and if I had to ballpark it, another 15 to 20 tipped in cash, so anywhere between 45 and 55% of riders tip me. Some times, 5 or 6 in a row will tip, and 5 or 6 in a row won't tip. If your buddy is only getting tipped by 10%, he is either not a very charismatic or friendly guy, doesnt drive well, or has a crappy car. Maybe a combination of all three?

So you made almost $100k over 3 years of ~20 hours per week? That's pretty good... though that's a lot of gas and wear on the car I guess.

Definitely a lot of diesel fuel! and yeah, wear, too. It's noticeable to me in the way the car rides, but riders swear it rides smooth, so I guess I can't complain.

Doesn't this just utterly destroy your car?

Say an average of 10mi a ride and you just exhausted most cars' functional non-worry value before they can become pricey to maintain.... and that's not even counting your regular use of the vehicle outside of Uber. In three years.

see above wrt warranty service. I also bought a car that is fairly well regarded (even post-Dieselgate), so I think I will still get a decent amount for it when I sell it soon. I rarely drive outside of driving for Uber. My wife has a Honda Odyssey, so we typically take that whenever we leave, except for date nights, etc.

Have you ever seen a titty?

3 of them. All decent. Girls who had too much to drink and were flashing or just being a little over-the-top. Thought it improper, given their inebriated state to take more than a passing, surprised look lol

This was my first thought!

Another question I have is to ask your opinion on food services like Uber Eats and GrubHub. My dad is bored in retirement and loves to drive around, so he's considering food delivery service for something to do. He doesn't want to drive people around at all - was a taxi driver for a short stint decades ago, but hated it. Are the food gigs capable of bringing in fat stacks like that?

In my market, depending on when you drive, you can make very good money doing GrubHub and DoorDash, but food doesn't talk back and I enjoy the conversation. There are several advantages to doing deliveries though, if you'd like I can expertly expound upon, just ask.

Any issues with riders refusing to wear their mask in your car?

It happens regularly. I don't mind since, at first I got Covid anyway and wasn't afraid of re-infection, and now I am vaccinated so they can't really give it to me again. I didn't drive during the pandemic prior to getting COVID, so I didn't have to worry about it early on, and 95%+ of riders comply very easily. Even the conspiracy nutters. A lot of drunk people don't wear them right, but I would get nothing out of being a mask nazi except bad vibes and the likeliehood of getting stiffed on a tip.

Is there a preferred and non-rude way for a customer to communicate that they don't really want to have a conversation? I always feel like it would be rude, so I always just keep the conversation going out of obligation, but some days I just don't want to.

The dead giveaway to me is when people don't respond after a couple of tries with more than a one or two word answer, or if they bury themselves in their phones. Just make sure you are doing something else if you aren't interested in talking. If someone is just quietly staring at the back of my head, I am going to feel the urge to talk just to break up the monotony/awkwardness.

If I had to guess, about 50% of my rides feature conversation from start to finish, another 20% start off with niceties and a couple of other comments before drifting into the ether, 15% are people who are talking to each other or are on the phone, and don't want me to join in (or it isn't obvious) and another 15% are almost completely silent from start to finish.

Omaha is a very friendly town. It's a place where people get to know you in the line at the grocery store, so it is almost strange when people don't want to talk. I am sure it would be different in place more noted for it's rudeness or curt speaking style.


Oct 25, 2017
Taking into consideration cost of wear on your car, gas, etc., are you actually making much money? I remember an article a few years back that calculated money in vs. money out and it almost broke even.


Don't Watch the Tape!
Oct 27, 2017
Taking into consideration cost of wear on your car, gas, etc., are you actually making much money? I remember an article a few years back that calculated money in vs. money out and it almost broke even.

If you suck at this, I can definitely see how you would net lose money, but I take a very scientific approach when driving. That includes when to work, where to work, and who to drive. I average about $25/hr in net income doing this.


Nov 20, 2018
I have had menacing rides, but never anything that turned violent. I had a drunk passenger (3 separate times, unfortunately), that creeped me the hell out. He told me multiple times how he was from Little Italy (an old neighborhood in Omaha that formerly had mafia ties 100 years ago), and that his family used to run everything, and how much trouble he would get into. The guy just gave off a very, very aggressive vibe and made a few requests that did not make me comfortable, so I eventually ditched him at his grandma's house despite his request for me to take him to his own house. He was very drunk and did not remember that situation, so the second time I picked him up, he said, "you look kind of familiar" and I said, "hmm, well I have given thousands of rides, so maybe you've seen me before." Fortunately, the first time he was a rider, it was on another rider's account. The third time was on Uber instead of Lyft (I already 1-starred him on Lyft to not get matched up), and then promptly did so on Uber, too Haven't seen him in 2 years now.

99.9% of riders : 5 stars
aforementioned smelly, inconsiderate of my time, or racist .1% = 2 or 1 star, depending on severity. No need to rate 3 or 4 stars.

I have heard other drivers say that unless they actually see a tip during the ride (cash in hand, or witness the person leaving the tip on the app) they automatically rate someone low, but I am not that petty. Most fares pay okay enough without a tip to make it worthwhile, but the absolutely most frustrating thing is nice, seemingly decent people who I have a great conversation with who tell me, "You're the best Uber driver I've ever had" and then tell me when the ride is over, "I'll leave you a tip in the app" and then never do. I am sure many (most?) have good intentions of doing so, and then end up forgetting, but it sucks. Don't tell me you will tip me if you really aren't.

VW Passat TDI w 140,000 miles on it. I averae 36 or 37 MPG usually, although on particularly crazy nights on opposite ends of the spectrum, I have gotten only 32 or as much as 41.

Smoking is basically the dumbest thing a person can do on the reg, so no I do not smoke, nor let them smoke in my car. I let people vape, but that trend seems to have finally subsided amongst our future leaders of America, thank goodness.

I don't offer snacks, since that never resulted in a marked increase in tips or ratings. At one point, I was the highest rated driver in Omaha: a perfect 5.00 rating on Lyft, and a 5.00 on Uber. On hot days, I carry bottles of water in my car, but that is moreso in case I see someone who looks like they are struggling outside and need a drink.

My car probably smells different than it would without Uber passengers, but I tend to keep it clean, vacuumed, and as odor-free as possible. I do pick up frequently from cigar bars (blechh!), restaurants (could have some inherent "fry-grease smell", and laborers (Sweat/B.O.), but the worst is absolutely cigarette smokers in winter who seem like they are exhaling piss-smoke into their clothes and coats before getting into my car, which then brings that stale piss-smoke smell into my car and it lingers. I bought an ozone generator though and it always does the trick, 100%. I run it on Sunday nights for about a half hour, air out the car and voila, good to go for another week.

When you are a regular-ass driver, they are both deliberately obtuse, feature staff who barely speak english, and who try to do as little for you as possible. Lyft is far worse in the fact that I have had, on multiple occasions, staffers tell me, "you're right, that isn't a fair policy and I agree with you." and then, in the same breath, "but I can't help you."

When you are Uber platinum (or Diamond?) level like I am or have been, you call 24/7 and they pick up and are typically very attentive. It's not perfect, but they typically are able to help.

LOL! When you have 4 kids, please come back and tell me how much fun you have with them on a nightly basis.

On a serious note, I typically drive after they go to sleep.

I understand that mentality, but when I sit at home, I play a few rounds of Street Fighter III 3rd Strike, maybe watch a movie or a show I've seen a few times, and then waste time on my phone or something. Or...I have engaging conversations while netting about $25/hr out of the house. When I am feeling creative (I am writing a screenplay and a few children's books), then I take nights off to work on my passions, but my hobbies are basically worthless time wasters otherwise.

I have always slept about 4 or 5 hours per night, even when I was a child. In this way, I always felt like I get to live about 15% more per day than most people, who spend that time in bed asleep.

I have never mentioned ResetEra directly to a passenger. lol

Over the years, I have narrowed my "net" after taxes, gas, and decreased value on my car to $25/hr. My gross is somewhere in the $37 to $40 range, depending on which nights I work or if I take a weekend off.

Here's my last 3 weeks of work, for example:




I do my own brakes and sometimes oil, I fill my tank usually once or twice a week. My car is very fuel efficient and has a an 18.5 gallon tank. One time, I got 767 miles on a single fillup, although I usually get closer to 620 or 630.

When I bought my car, it came with an unlimited mile warranty for a set amount of time, which has thankfully covered one transmission, two heater cores, something wrong with the engine valves, and something else I cannot remember, presumably at least 13 or 14k in maintenance work over the past 2 years. If you do drive Uber as much as I do without a warranty, you are a fool, full stop. This is coming from a guy who takes very good care of his car, and who drives carefully.

32 riders in my last 100 on Uber tipped on the app, and if I had to ballpark it, another 15 to 20 tipped in cash, so anywhere between 45 and 55% of riders tip me. Some times, 5 or 6 in a row will tip, and 5 or 6 in a row won't tip. If your buddy is only getting tipped by 10%, he is either not a very charismatic or friendly guy, doesnt drive well, or has a crappy car. Maybe a combination of all three?

Definitely a lot of diesel fuel! and yeah, wear, too. It's noticeable to me in the way the car rides, but riders swear it rides smooth, so I guess I can't complain.

see above wrt warranty service. I also bought a car that is fairly well regarded (even post-Dieselgate), so I think I will still get a decent amount for it when I sell it soon. I rarely drive outside of driving for Uber. My wife has a Honda Odyssey, so we typically take that whenever we leave, except for date nights, etc.

3 of them. All decent. Girls who had too much to drink and were flashing or just being a little over-the-top. Thought it improper, given their inebriated state to take more than a passing, surprised look lol

In my market, depending on when you drive, you can make very good money doing GrubHub and DoorDash, but food doesn't talk back and I enjoy the conversation. There are several advantages to doing deliveries though, if you'd like I can expertly expound upon, just ask.

It happens regularly. I don't mind since, at first I got Covid anyway and wasn't afraid of re-infection, and now I am vaccinated so they can't really give it to me again. I didn't drive during the pandemic prior to getting COVID, so I didn't have to worry about it early on, and 95%+ of riders comply very easily. Even the conspiracy nutters. A lot of drunk people don't wear them right, but I would get nothing out of being a mask nazi except bad vibes and the likeliehood of getting stiffed on a tip.

The dead giveaway to me is when people don't respond after a couple of tries with more than a one or two word answer, or if they bury themselves in their phones. Just make sure you are doing something else if you aren't interested in talking. If someone is just quietly staring at the back of my head, I am going to feel the urge to talk just to break up the monotony/awkwardness.

If I had to guess, about 50% of my rides feature conversation from start to finish, another 20% start off with niceties and a couple of other comments before drifting into the ether, 15% are people who are talking to each other or are on the phone, and don't want me to join in (or it isn't obvious) and another 15% are almost completely silent from start to finish.

Omaha is a very friendly town. It's a place where people get to know you in the line at the grocery store, so it is almost strange when people don't want to talk. I am sure it would be different in place more noted for it's rudeness or curt speaking style.

I'm sorry if this seems trollish but damn ur answer and the language in this thread makes me a sad camper.


Oct 26, 2017
If you suck at this, I can definitely see how you would net lose money, but I take a very scientific approach when driving. That includes when to work, where to work, and who to drive. I average about $25/hr in net income doing this.
This is blowing my mind, do you mind going into more detail about what influences where to work and when to work?