
Oct 25, 2017


In the faraway land of Orsterra, eight travelers venture forth.
Step into their shoes and explore their realm as you see fit.
Eight brave souls, each with a unique talent. Eight lands, eight stories to be told.
So tell me, friend... what path will you tread? Embark on an adventure all your own.
Project Octopath Traveler (working title)

Developer: Square Enix, Acquire
Publisher: Square Enix (JP), Nintendo (Others)
Language: English, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Italian (Text) | English, Japanese (Voice)
Play mode: Handheld, Tabletop, Docked
Price: USD59.99 | GBP 49.99 | EUR59.99? | JPY7,344 | AUD89.95 | CND 79.99
Required Space: 3.0GB
Number of Players: 1
Genre: RPG
Release Date: 13/7/2018



A soft-spoken cleric, Ophilia devoutly serves her faith alongside her foster family. When tragedy strikes, she takes up the torch to embark on a pilgrimage that will rekindle light across the realm.
With her path action guide, she can take people along with her and lead them to where they're needed most. She can also summon them in battle as a helper.


Driven from his post at the Royal Academy, Cyrus takes a sabbatical to seek out the answer to a 15-year-old mystery. As a true scholar, he won't rest until he solves this puzzle…and finds a lost tome stolen from the archives.
Scrutinize enables Cyrus to gain insight into people, pick up clues, or even gather secrets and evidence to solve mysteries.


Ambitious beyond her years, Tressa leaves the family business behind to broaden her horizons. With an anonymous journal as her guide, she finds that the world is full of more perils and wonders than she could have dreamed.
As a merchant, Tressa can purchase goods from people all over the realm, sometimes even items that you cannot find in shops.


An erstwhile knight of a fallen kingdom, Olberic hides away in a humble mountain village until a chance encounter sends him after the former comrade turned traitor who slew his liege...Will he rediscover a reason to swing his blade?
Having a warrior blood makes Olberic eager to challenge nearly anyone to a duel.


Primrose's wits and wary nature have kept her alive through the worst of times. After a decade of watching and waiting, she seizes the opportunity to exact revenge against those who slew her father…men who bear the mark of the crow.
If necessary, she can allure others into following wherever she leads, including into battle.


Alfyn is a talented but untested apothecary who strives to make his departed mother proud. Seeking to carry on the legacy of the anonymous traveler who once saved his life, he sets out to ease the suffering of those in need—and not just the ones who can pay.
In order to gain in-depth info and tips, Alfyn can inquire people while conversing with them.


The exploits of this cocky and cynical master thief are told far and wide, though few have seen Therion's face. After a chance meeting during one of his capers, he finds himself tasked with retrieving priceless heirlooms...an offer he can't refuse.
Having such thieving skills, Therion can pilfer items from random people ranging from common items to rare items.


The coolheaded H'aanit is on the prowl with her snow leopard companion to track down her master, who went missing pursuing a terrible fiend. But the trail's a year old, so she'll need to hunt down leads from his acquaintances before it goes stone-cold.
Using beasts that she tamed beforehand, H'aanit can provoke others into combat that is useful for certain situations such as chasing off troublemakers.


Boost System
The Boost system adds a new level of strategy to the game's traditional turn-based battles. As you and your party fight, you'll accumulate one Boost Point per turn up to a maximum of five. You can then use your points to enhance a character's actions either making it stronger or having a chain attack.

Break System
All enemies have at least one vulnerability — a weapon type or element — that can be discovered during battle. By exploiting these weaknesses, you can reduce their Shield Points down to zero causing them to enter Break state. In this state, they are vulnerable and can't attack. Hit them hard while they're down!

Along with their primary job skills, each traveler has a unique Talent: additional abilities that can aid you in battle or on the road. Some can offer support by revealing enemy weaknesses, while others can summon additional fighters to aid the party.

Job System
Your characters start with a primary job, but that doesn't mean they can't learn another! You can customize your characters by giving them secondary jobs once you obtain them at special shrines across Orsterra. Mix and match jobs to form the perfect party! Do note that you cannot have multiple characters with same secondary job at same time.

Do well in battle and you'll earn Job Points, which you can spend to unlock new active skills for each character in any order. Start with basic moves that you'll be able to use frequently or go straight for the seriously powerful (but more draining) stuff. As you unlock skills, the required Job Points to unlock new ones increase. There's also support skills that you can unlock, which depend on how many active skills that has been unlocked. You can build your characters to suit your play style!


The continent of Orsterra is vast and stretches across many lands, from lush forests to desert outposts and snow-swept cathedrals. Each traveler starts in a different land, so you can steer your own journey across Orsterra based on who you choose to play as. After clearing the first chapter of your choosen traveler's story, you are free to explore Orsterra as you like.

Side Story
While exploring Orsterra, you might encounter some unlucky person in need of your help. Help them by utilizing the path actions available in your party and you'll be rewarded.


Each character has his or her own unique character commands called path action that can be used to interact with the people they encounter in a distinct way. Utilize those, and you can turn any situations in your favour.

Noble & Rogue
Each path action can be categorized into 2 categories, which is noble & rogue. The difference between the two is the requirement to use the action. For characters with noble path action, you must meet the required level and/or money.
Meanwhile, rogue path actions don't have this kind of limitation, but instead they are percentage based and each failure will cause the character reputation among the townsfolk suffers. If the reputation suffered to a certain degree, you cannot use the path action at that town. This reputation can be easily recovered through some means...


Does this game worth $60? Isn't it too pricy?
Worthiness of a product is a subjective matter. I'm not the best guy to answer this. Try checking the reviews for this game and construct a conclusion suitable for you.
Actually, you should buy this so that Bravely Third can be funded/greenlighted ;)
How many characters can you use in a single party?
Up to 4 characters. You can freely change them at the local tavern, except the one you started with until you beat his/her main story.
Does inactive characters that isn't in current party gain exp/jp?
Do you need to do multiple playthrough in order to experience every characters' story?
No. All 8 character stories can be done in a single save file.
6 languages? But according to eShop listing, it only have 3 languages.
NA eShop page listing is wrong.
Is there any big overarching plot?
No idea. Probably some reviews mentioned something about this.
Is there any adjustable slider such as encounter rate slider like in Bravely series?
Sadly no.
This game's soundtrack is good. Is there OST release by Square Enix?
Yes. For physical, you can import it from any site that ships oversea like Amazon JP. For digital, it might be sold on digital store such as itunes.
Any character interactions?
As far as I know, interaction exist via travel banter. This feature is a bit like Tales of series skits.
Is there post-battle bonus like in Bravely series?
Yes. Untouched Bonus (no damage) for money, Break Bonus (enemy enters break) for exp, Domination Bonus (one turn kill) for jp
About grinding...
Don't worry too much. Pretty sure the community all over the internet will figure out the fastest way to level up your characters.


E3 2018 Character Trailer
April 2018 Update
May 2018 Update
Nintendo Direct September 2017
March 2018 Update
Player Feedback & Developer Update
Behind the Music
Switch Presentation Trailer 2017


I'm out of idea for this section. Just treat this as free space.

kuroneko0509 I think you should put this in the OP, it could help a lot of people out!


Don't know if you're aware of this spreadsheet, but it should let you do some of what you want.
I've made some personal changes to that spreadsheet so it also shows the job skills. If you want to see my tweaked version, it's here. Still need to link the secret jobs in the team builder, but all the passives and descriptions are in their respective tabs.

*I'll probably update the q&a section as I go through the game. Feel free to suggest some as well. Oh, feel free to correct me in case I made a mistake somewhere in this OT.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Great OT! My copy has shipped.

My first Square RPG. I'm 38 years old. I'm excited.


Oct 25, 2017
Great OT and title, really looking forward to playing this, though it'll be a little while until i can get to it. Love it when the OT gets me even more psyched though.

Sir Guts

Use of alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Beautiful OT, thanks OP! I am planning to get the game later cause im busy with KH collections right now.


Oct 27, 2017

I am very excited. Most hyped I've been for a JRPG in a long ass time.

I work nights and sometimes when a game I'm really excited for is out I'll stop by walmart in the morning on my way home and often I have to ask the old lady there if they have the game cause it isn't out on the shelf yet and I am very excited to ask about this game and say its ridiculous awesome/insane name out loud.

K Samedi

Oct 27, 2017
Thanks OP, been waiting for the OT to come up.

So from the reviews and previews, its probably better to play this game 4 by 4. Meaning one play trough with 4 characters and another one with the other 4. The mechanics and stories will be different enough for enjoyable multiple play troughs and it won't be as repetitive as doing all chapters for all characters in one play trough as they seem to use similar story and battle setups in each of the chapters.


Nov 30, 2017
You could talk of the collector's edition. ;)

Anyway, good OT, thx! Can't wait to play the game.


Oct 27, 2017
I literally know nothing about this game other than the trailers that were shown at E3 and I'm 100% on-board. Can't wait to play it.


Oct 27, 2017
my god.. the last month for jRPGs for Switch... feels so good. So does this go live tonight or tomorrow at noon?


Nov 3, 2017
Just finished Dark Souls last night.

Going to nab this. Great time to be an RPG fan.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks OP, been waiting for the OT to come up.

So from the reviews and previews, its probably better to play this game 4 by 4. Meaning one play trough with 4 characters and another one with the other 4. The mechanics and stories will be different enough for enjoyable multiple play troughs and it won't be as repetitive as doing all chapters for all characters in one play trough as they seem to use similar story and battle setups in each of the chapters.
This is a nice idea. Considering that (I believe) you don't have to recruit the character in order to access the location to unlock specific subclass.
You could talk of the collector's edition. ;)

Anyway, good OT, thx! Can't wait to play the game.
I'm salty that Square Enix decided on not doing collector's edition in Japan, so no CE in OT! :<


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
nice title! i forgot i had this preordered but i guess it shipped last night lol.... excited to play around with it! maybe i'll go ahead and look at the demo tonight finally, since save data transfers apparently


Oct 28, 2017
Curious to see opinions on the best way to deal with the structure of the story. Finish the first chapter for all characters? Pick 4 and stick with them until the end, leaving the rest for a second playthrough?


Oct 30, 2017
Can't wait for my copy tomorrow! I'm not sure who I'm going to pick to start the game with yet. Maybe Primrose because I loved her story in the first demo.


Mar 6, 2018
I ended up cancelling my pre-order and waiting for a good price drop before diving in, seeing a lot of reviews echoing my sentiments now about the story ending up shallow in the end, and the character arcs just being the same repetitious beats. Very unfortunate, but I'll save my judgement till I play it, but I didn't feel it was going to be worth the 60$, more like a 40$ buy.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Pre locked and loaded. Ready for release, which is hopefully at midnight being a Nintendo published title.

Thread title definitely should've been "The OT for OT".


Oct 27, 2017
Ok so let me know if I have this correct. You start off with character A. You then unlock three more characters. You have a full party of four now. When you unlock the fifth character, you have to replace one of the original four with the fifth character. Is that correct? So when the fifth character joins your party will they be really under powered? Will you just need to grind to get them up to a sufficient level?


Oct 25, 2017
K Samedi my bad. your suggestion on 4 chara for 1st round and another 4 for 2nd round is kinda impossible, since your 1st character cannot be removed from the party