
Oct 25, 2017
Another random question: sometimes when I find the objective the game doesn't register it at all, which is frustrating. Is this a bug or what?

I'm literally in a room with the bomb, roaming around with it in full view, scanning enemies but the game just won't say I've found it. Then the round starts and the team have no idea where the bomb is. Arrgh.
Very common. If you swap to someone else's drone with Q and E and swap back, it usually works.


Feb 25, 2018
Odd question, but i got robbed of an ace and not sure if theres anything to prove it.

I shot at a frost with a dokkabei DMR, went for the head and hit her, but it turns out that it didn't one shot because i shot through a jaeger device. Im assuming that the jaeger device would reduce the damage and count as bullet penetration?


Oct 25, 2017
Odd question, but i got robbed of an ace and not sure if theres anything to prove it.

I shot at a frost with a dokkabei DMR, went for the head and hit her, but it turns out that it didn't one shot because i shot through a jaeger device. Im assuming that the jaeger device would reduce the damage and count as bullet penetration?
Yeah hitting anything is bullet penetration. Not sure I'd call it robbed but that is very unfortunate.


Oct 25, 2017
Too bad Clash was disabled so long it will throw off her operator stats, and Ubi will surely not buff her without performance data.


Feb 25, 2018
Yeah hitting anything is bullet penetration. Not sure I'd call it robbed but that is very unfortunate.

Aha yeah I know, was just baffled cause i was proud of the play. Quickly peaked the corner and shot at the head and thought it was a dodgy headshot, but checked the points and saw the jaeger got destroyed


Oct 25, 2017
Clash just needs to be deleted from the game. As far as I'm concerned, she adds literally nothing to the meta other than being a second meme-tier defender operator.

Ubi has, essentially, deleted maps from the game before. Clearly they have no idea what to do with her or Tachanka (and have nerfed Lion to the point where his gadget is next to useless) -- not really sure what the point of keeping them in the game is.


Feb 25, 2018
Clash just needs to be deleted from the game. As far as I'm concerned, she adds literally nothing to the meta other than being a second meme-tier defender operator.

Ubi has, essentially, deleted maps from the game before. Clearly they have no idea what to do with her or Tachanka (and have nerfed Lion to the point where his gadget is next to useless) -- not really sure what the point of keeping them in the game is.

They've pretty much admitted that even though tachanka requires a full rework almost to the point of him being a new operator, they don't want to change any aspect of him because of how much the community loves his uselessness. Which i can understand from a point of keeping fans happy

I really love clash's personality and character design, but yeah she might actually be worse then tachanka. She just doesn't have any real use


Oct 25, 2017
Clash just needs to be deleted from the game. As far as I'm concerned, she adds literally nothing to the meta other than being a second meme-tier defender operator.

Ubi has, essentially, deleted maps from the game before. Clearly they have no idea what to do with her or Tachanka (and have nerfed Lion to the point where his gadget is next to useless) -- not really sure what the point of keeping them in the game is.

It's funny because I've completely forgotten she was even in the game. She adds nothing I didn't even notice her missing.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh hey clash is broken again Just ran into ANOTHER dickbag just invincible clash shooting. literally brazenly standing in the door


Jun 29, 2019
I read the OP, but what some good tips for someone who just bought this game? I played a newbie match and got a few kills, but seem to die almost everytime on attack, but do well on defense. Also no idea how to use the special abilities of the characters yet.


Oct 28, 2017



Oct 26, 2017
I don't play much Clash but I don't see her as useless. I've had a few on my team in Ranked that were pretty good at winning rounds even if they didn't have a lot of kills by the end. I think people underestimate how much she can put the brakes on a push and just pressure the enemy into dispersing. She also makes a lot of players panic and scatter to avoid taking chip damage, especially in ranks like gold or below. And if the Clash player is someone making constant callouts its even better.

OG Kush

Oct 25, 2017
True that. Clash can be useful in coordinate teams. To say shes more useless than Tchanka is very dramatic.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
I like using Clash on certain objectives. Attackers panic when they see her that their normal route is now block off because of her.
Oct 27, 2017
Clash not having any use is a comically massive exaggeration. She's very much a situational character, much like Warden but she's far from useless. Unless she's the last operator standing, and there's more than one attacker in play in which she will absolutely be rushed and overwhelmed if they know what they're doing.

She has a lot of exploitable weaknesses but with proper team support she can shut down pushes into the objective, hold tight bottlenecks or keep an attacker preoccupied for a flank. And a good Clash player can semi-counter her obvious drawbacks. I don't think she's a popular character for a lot of players because of how much team coordination she requires to be effective; you basically need to be in a three stack at the absolute minimum to get use out of her unless you have really competent randoms.

She's weak offensively, yes because her guns are not the greatest, and she makes it extremely apparent when she is equipping and un equipping her shield, and unless you master the back to the attacker spin trick you're pretty much going to get iced every time in close quarters, but when you look at her as more of a utility character than any kind of fragger, she's extremely interesting when she's played well.

Did they take Hostage out of rotation? It's been weeks since I've seen it.

Ranked is bomb only now. Going for total parity with pro league.
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Oct 27, 2017
I'd pick Clash over useless Warden any day of the week.

I want to like Warden, he's got a good idea there, and I think I mentioned it earlier in this thread but they need to do some serious work on how his gadget functions to make him more viable. I think they over corrected right out of the gate with not wanting to make him over powered, which seems like it would be hilariously impossible, but I think it would be quite easy to do actually.

His guns already put him on the weaker tier for a 3 armor defender, needing to be stationary to use his gadget for smoke, along with it offsetting your aim when you activate/deactivate, the time it takes to switch it on or off, the brevity with which it lasts and the length of recharge, and needing to fully recharge before reusing do put him into borderline useless territory. But you don't want him to be able to run around with the glasses on all the time or to flip them on and off with no penalty at all otherwise he pretty much be immune to any kind of attack or push that uses anything other than frags. So I'm not sure what the solution is there.

Thankfully they had the foresight to make it his watch that shows up for IQ and not his glasses, otherwise that would've just been a comedy of errors altogether.


Oct 25, 2017
I want to like Warden, he's got a good idea there, and I think I mentioned it earlier in this thread but they need to do some serious work on how his gadget functions to make him more viable. I think they over corrected right out of the gate with not wanting to make him over powered, which seems like it would be hilariously impossible, but I think it would be quite easy to do actually.

His guns already put him on the weaker tier for a 3 armor defender, needing to be stationary to use his gadget for smoke, along with it offsetting your aim when you activate/deactivate, the time it takes to switch it on or off, the brevity with which it lasts and the length of recharge, and needing to fully recharge before reusing do put him into borderline useless territory. But you don't want him to be able to run around with the glasses on all the time or to flip them on and off with no penalty at all otherwise he pretty much be immune to any kind of attack or push that uses anything other than frags. So I'm not sure what the solution is there.

Thankfully they had the foresight to make it his watch that shows up for IQ and not his glasses, otherwise that would've just been a comedy of errors altogether.

His gadget is fine situationally (like Ying), it's just too weak to be tied to a 3 armor operator. I'd rather just see Ubi buff his speed rather than buff his gadget or give him a weapon that isn't trash. With Kaid and Maestro, we've got a pretty good balance of speeds on the defense side of things, so don't think it would be a huge deal to add another 2 speed to the game (unlike attack, where everyone and their mother is a 2 speed).

Clash isn't useless. She is as useful as Tachanka (who has genuinely good weapons, barb wire, etc.) which is to say she is a tier below every other defender in the game. And who knows, Warden is terrible and maybe he belongs in this category too. His pick/win delta is probably in that area.
Oct 27, 2017
His gadget is fine situationally (like Ying), it's just too weak to be tied to a 3 armor operator. I'd rather just see Ubi buff his speed rather than buff his gadget or give him a weapon that isn't trash. With Kaid and Maestro, we've got a pretty good balance of speeds on the defense side of things, so don't think it would be a huge deal to add another 2 speed to the game (unlike attack, where everyone and their mother is a 2 speed).

Clash isn't useless. She is as useful as Tachanka (who has genuinely good weapons, barb wire, etc.) which is to say she is a tier below every other defender in the game. And who knows, Warden is terrible and maybe he belongs in this category too. His pick/win delta is probably in that area.

Actually don't mind that idea, making him 2 speed would balance things out somewhat. Back when the leaks were circulating I actually expected him to be a one speed considering his uniform is a suit, so I think a two speed is a nice compromise to get somebody that can be more mobile and position themselves in counter-push situations easily without having to change anything that might offset too far the other direction. Kind of like how they eventually changed Kapkan's speed and basically created a whole new character.

I imagine Ubi Is watching the pick/ban rates of a lot of the characters in ranked as I see the same ones constantly showing up, so I am expecting some sort of tweaks or adjustments to them already, and we know they monitor the overall pick great so I'm sure Warden and maybe even Clash will get some kind of change eventually.

It's funny how they changed Echo A while back to make him more functional and now he gets banned nearly every game, same with Jackal.
Oct 27, 2017
why are my loadouts being reseted again?

Seems totally random. Happened to my friend, but not me. In the past it happened to me but none of my friends lol.

Jackals issue isn't one of power, he's not super strong, it's just that he's super fucking annoying.

Very much so. I'm too lazy to go back and look at the patch notes but I know they've changed him at least one since he debuted, but it still seems like his tracking lasts a very long time compared to any other identification global.

Lion's is only a few seconds, Alibi's is short and requires specific activation, and Cav has a huge risk reward involved for what is a fairly brief amount of time; and compare his with Dokk who's ring now auto hangs up after a fairly short duration, and it feels unbalanced to me.

I'm surprised they have an altered it so that he's the only one that can see the ping because that would probably make the most sense from a game play standpoint.
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Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
It happened once to me when it said I owned a skin and didn't. When I clicked on it, everything was reset.

It sucked going through every operator and resetting everything.


Oct 25, 2017
Seems totally random. Happened to my friend, but not me. In the past it happened to me but none of my friends lol.

Very much so. I'm too lazy to go back and look at the patch notes but I know they've changed him at least one since he debuted, but it still seems like his tracking lasts a very long time compared to any other identification global.

Lion's is only a few seconds, Alibi's is short and requires specific activation, and Cav has a huge risk reward involved for what is a fairly brief amount of time; and compare his with Dokk who's ring now auto hangs up after a fairly short duration, and it feels unbalanced to me.

I'm surprised they have an altered it so that he's the only one that can see the ping because that would probably make the most sense from a game play standpoint.
His power is basically the same feeling you get as being repeatedly droned out when you know there's 2 people working in tandem to flush you out, except that you can't kill the drone.


Oct 25, 2017
Got back into this game a bit. I really like Mozzie's ability. Will admit that Jackal is my main on attack but he's really fucking insane at killing a roamer's game. I do think he'd be far better off if his ability was only for himself, or if it was reduced to 2 scans, or if his scans were louder or whatever.

Basically, I break a window of OBJ, scan footprints, and let my teammates do the rest.

Havent unlocked Warden but he looks really lame and IDK what the devs were thinking considering he is so situational. He's a great pre-nerf Glaz counter but what's the point now? Ying is also forgotten and her flashes are unreliable. I wonder if adding hitmarkers to flashes or audible cries from opponents would be a decent buff. Warden would then at least act as a deterrence for attackers who rush in on a flashbang.


Feb 25, 2018
Got back into this game a bit. I really like Mozzie's ability. Will admit that Jackal is my main on attack but he's really fucking insane at killing a roamer's game. I do think he'd be far better off if his ability was only for himself, or if it was reduced to 2 scans, or if his scans were louder or whatever.

Basically, I break a window of OBJ, scan footprints, and let my teammates do the rest.

Havent unlocked Warden but he looks really lame and IDK what the devs were thinking considering he is so situational. He's a great pre-nerf Glaz counter but what's the point now? Ying is also forgotten and her flashes are unreliable. I wonder if adding hitmarkers to flashes or audible cries from opponents would be a decent buff. Warden would then at least act as a deterrence for attackers who rush in on a flashbang.

Warden always seemed just really strange. On paper his design sounds really good, being able to basically counter every grenade and some utility. But countering ying and glaz and capitao, all of which have low pick rates regardless and have probably dropped even lower due some nerfs ( except capitao who got a slight buff) seemed like overkill and super situational. Most discussion i see is that he either meeds to counter zofias concussion grenades too ( maybe nomads ? But then he wouldnt have a counter and would be op imo), needs an acog, or make it so he can move more without losing sight.

Also i hate what theyve done to ying. I know some people enjoy the higher time to detonate on the candelas, but man it just ruins any rush move. Just lets the defenders know your coming in with a lovely firework display. And relying on one candela is a recipe for death

On your jackal point, i feel like maybe it should be 2 scans for global and remain 4 or 5 for jackal himself.


Dec 19, 2017
Hoo boy, terrible matches today. The 'report toxicity' button doesn't do anything, right? Feels good to click it anyway, I guess.

EDIT: Somehow missed this quote:

Ranked is bomb only now. Going for total parity with pro league.

I should say, I've been playing mostly casual mode the last two weeks, and haven't seen Hostage mode at all. It's weird, I want to accidentally kill the hostage already. Getting tired of Secure and Bomb modes.


Feb 25, 2018
Hoo boy, terrible matches today. The 'report toxicity' button doesn't do anything, right? Feels good to click it anyway, I guess.

EDIT: Somehow missed this quote:

I should say, I've been playing mostly casual mode the last two weeks, and haven't seen Hostage mode at all. It's weird, I want to accidentally kill the hostage already. Getting tired of Secure and Bomb modes.

Oddly enough I started the day with 3 hostage modes in a row. Did crap in all of them

Just bought nomad, loving her at the moment. So much fun. Although her airjab gets stuck on things I don't want it too

And I use the report toxicity feature, but it really needs improving on Pc. You should be able to write a specific complaint,


Dec 19, 2017
I don't understand how after hundreds of hours I still don't have the Bullet Pen trophy yet, I've penetrated so many people. know what I mean.


Oct 26, 2017
The Jackal bans are just proof of how entrenched deep roaming has become to the gameplay of Siege. I don't think people get that they had to add all these anti roamers like Jackal, Lion, Dokkaebi, Nomad and Gridlock because of how strong they unintentionally had made roaming. It's not fun to have to spend 99% of the round chasing around 3 speeds because there is a dozen different routes they can take around the map.


Dec 19, 2017
The game just removed all my attachments, fuuuuuuuuuuccckkkkk.

EDIT: ok, nevermind that, I just got destroyed by Blitz in a ranked game. The bomb was going off, I couldn't disarm the defuser because it was just me and Blitz in the room. I couldn't kill him. I couldn't get behind him. Firing at him did nothing. I was out of grenades. I couldn't knife any of his limbs. Oh God, it was traumatic.

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Oct 25, 2017
The game just removed all my attachments, fuuuuuuuuuuccckkkkk.

EDIT: ok, nevermind that, I just got destroyed by Blitz in a ranked game. The bomb was going off, I couldn't disarm the defuser because it was just me and Blitz in the room. I couldn't kill him. I couldn't get behind him. Firing at him did nothing. I was out of grenades. I couldn't knife any of his limbs. Oh God, it was traumatic.

Shoot his hand or his feet. Or walk up and punch the shield and circle around him. Blitz isn't Monty, he can't just sit in a corner and be invincible.


Oct 28, 2017
The Jackal bans are just proof of how entrenched deep roaming has become to the gameplay of Siege. I don't think people get that they had to add all these anti roamers like Jackal, Lion, Dokkaebi, Nomad and Gridlock because of how strong they unintentionally had made roaming. It's not fun to have to spend 99% of the round chasing around 3 speeds because there is a dozen different routes they can take around the map.

Maybe we need a Kapkan like offensive character? Something a little more lethal?


Oct 26, 2017
Maybe we need a Kapkan like offensive character? Something a little more lethal?

I think Nomad is kinda like that for a roamer counter, there just needs to be a teammate in the area and that's an easy kill on whoever got hit. However you already have people complaining about her gadget like streamers who love to roam and I suspect that if the complaining about Jackal ends up in a nerf they'll move on to Nomad next.

I'd love it if they just made castle an attacker, being able to lock off entire areas and trap roamers would be great. However it doesn't help that a lot of the roamer operators people use are given impact grenades to be able to get away and open sightlines from basically anywhere.

Personally I just miss early Siege where it was more about attackers vs defenders, roaming has gotten so strong and prevalent you spend most of your attacking round chasing them around now instead of attacking an objective. And it's super annoying that the counters they added to combat this playstyle just keep getting piled on by the community. Lion it was acceptable because his gadget was OP and dumb, but now Jackal?


Oct 25, 2017
Ridiculous, Jackal isn't just annoying for roamers. It's annoying as anyone, that wouldn't change if we went back to the 'magic' era of people cowering in a room holding an angle for 4 minutes.

This pretend world where roaming somehow changed the game for the worse blows my mind: If you don't have roamers, it means your vertical play is all completely uncontested, which means that the defense is fucked just because we know how to play vertically now or attack from other angles now too. works on house, cause hosue is the size of a postage stamp, but imagine somehow not having anyone roaming on like, even something like Bank, a relatively unchanged map, the attackers would just have insane control over every site no problem. It's not because Ubi 'lets' people roam, it's because roaming is the natural counter to attackers doing more than just blindly running into the angles you're holding.


Dec 19, 2017
The penetration trophy finally unlocked. Only one left for me is 5 flawless victories in ranked. I feel like I've got 4 since I picked the game back up this month. Looking over the trophy list today this seems like a pretty challenging platinum considering the prevalence of trolls and utter randomness that can happen. Meat Wall trophy was by far the hardest to get.

Deleted member 56449

User requested account closure
May 3, 2019
This season should be renamed to broken sight. I'm really fed up! Hit plat and stopped playing because I can't tolerate this bollocks anymore