
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I find amongst the "bad movie" fans that movies like this are excluded often because it is so out there.

I think it's mostly you have to be acclimated to this sort of stuff and have a built in appreciation for the medium. Especially nowadays, even with a lot of weird shit on TikTok/YouTube, it still doesn't really compare to exploitative movies that feature a narrative and actors and weird subject matter that is taken seriously, so it is a bit out there for people.

A movie is mostly just supposed to be a fun blockbuster, not a miserable nightmare full of weird things.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I would say so. I think there's a limit to how awful/strange a bad movie can be before it becomes something repulsive. This kind of hits that, though I guess it's maybe not as bad as it "could be"? I'm sure they're only showing the "ok" clips for YouTube though.

yeah, would probably compare it to Mad Foxes or something that is so bizarre it becomes uncomfortable for many 😂


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
Here is the ending of The Baby:


"They fail to steal Baby back, however, as Ann—with the help of her mother-in-law—kills them all. She stabs Baby's two sisters, then buries Mrs. Wadsworth alive (alongside the corpses of her daughters) beneath the floor of a swimming pool that Ann had been building in her yard.

In the end, Ann's interests in obtaining Baby are revealed to have not been as pure-hearted as they seemed. Now that she has him, she no longer wants to rescue or rehabilitate him; she sought him only so he could be a playmate for her husband, who was left with the mental capacity of an infant after his accident. Thus, under Ann's care, Baby will remain trapped in his state of dependency and infancy, but under the kinder care of Ann and her mother-in-law, with Ann's husband as his "brother."
Okay, that's an amazing ending.


Oct 30, 2017
Here is the ending of The Baby:


"They fail to steal Baby back, however, as Ann—with the help of her mother-in-law—kills them all. She stabs Baby's two sisters, then buries Mrs. Wadsworth alive (alongside the corpses of her daughters) beneath the floor of a swimming pool that Ann had been building in her yard.

In the end, Ann's interests in obtaining Baby are revealed to have not been as pure-hearted as they seemed. Now that she has him, she no longer wants to rescue or rehabilitate him; she sought him only so he could be a playmate for her husband, who was left with the mental capacity of an infant after his accident. Thus, under Ann's care, Baby will remain trapped in his state of dependency and infancy, but under the kinder care of Ann and her mother-in-law, with Ann's husband as his "brother."

Wow! I think with a bit better execution, this film could've been a real big cult classic.


Oct 25, 2017
I would say so. I think there's a limit to how awful/strange a bad movie can be before it becomes something repulsive. This kind of hits that, though I guess it's maybe not as bad as it "could be"? I'm sure they're only showing the "ok" clips for YouTube though.
john waters films still hit hard 50 years later which is absolutely insane

hell maybe they hit even harder nowadays

truly a master


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
Knock on wood, but it's pretty incredible how long RLM have been around with the three original crew still around. No one has left, they haven't sold the company, they haven't compromised , they continue to do what they do.


Oct 25, 2017
Knock on wood, but it's pretty incredible how long RLM have been around with the three original crew still around. No one has left, they haven't sold the company, they haven't compromised , they continue to do what they do.
and they have like 3 segments (BOTW, re:View, Half in the Bag), and they're still engaging.


Oct 30, 2017
California for now
I think the secret to that longevity is actually doing the opposite of what some other channels do and you can kind of tell the other channel frustrations by covering everything, and not feeling it at all.

And as much as I would like to see them cover certain movies sometimes it's just best to wait till the end of the year or mid-year type review.

I use this example a lot but there was a lot of push back with Double Toasted with the way they covered series where they would make a judgment based upon the three episodes they saw but never go back to see the rest. And recently on their subreddit and recent video with that whole rapper beef they clearly had no idea what was going on but decided to put their noses into it...

Sometimes it's better off just to talk about things that you want to talk about. Like I have a small side channel I've started with little plushies I review but I'm only doing it once a week cuz I don't want to do anything crazy. I frankly don't care only 10 people see it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
RLM is also one of the only content creators I can think of that basically stopped producing their cash cow product (Plinkett Reviews) and successfully created an audience that accepts their other movie talk shows.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
RLM is also one of the only content creators I can think of that basically stopped producing their cash cow product (Plinkett Reviews) and successfully created an audience that accepts their other movie talk shows.

While it seems like the views overall are a little down from their heydays of about 4 million per video, they also have almost 10k paying Patreon members today. Hopefully this is enough to keep the three fully employed by the channel. I assume Jack and the others feat on videos for free?


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
While it seems like the views overall are a little down from their heydays of about 4 million per video, they also have almost 10k paying Patreon members today. Hopefully this is enough to keep the three fully employed by the channel. I assume Jack and the others feat on videos for free?

I imagine they're doing fine with all the fucking movie props they keep buying and letting get destroyed for jokes.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
I knew who Roger Corman was, but didn't really understand why he was so good at what he did until RLM. RIP.


Oct 25, 2017
Corman is a legend, he made so many careers and gave us so many gems on a shoestring budget. And then on top of that, a love for cinema that was infectious any time he talked. Rest in peace, good buddy!


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah the "Patron Saints of Trash" would look a lot different than "RLM AllStars" I'd say 😂

Roger Corman, Charles Band, Ed Wood, Lloyd Kaufman etc are the real heroes but not really RLM hits like Neil Breen, Cameron Mitchell, Leo Fong, Monique Gabrielle and John De Hart 🤔


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
How many Corman movies did RLM even cover? I remember maybe one or two? Seems like someone they don't really go into that much for the actual movies even though they talk about him a lot
Looking over imdb titles that I recognize from rlm reviews that Corman is credited to in some way.

Space Raiders
Chopping Mall
Deathstalker 2
The New Gladiators
Ultra Warrior
The Skateboard Kid
The Fantastic Four
Carnosaur 2

This doesn't count stuff like Little Shop of Horrors, The Unborn, or Piraña which were mentioned in passing in other discussions.
Nov 2, 2017

Noiselund - Givin' It (To The Baby)

Rich does not enjoy watching "The Baby" but decides to give it to The Baby anyway. Mike gets a little strange and oddly sexual.From @RedLetterMedia Best of ...

Rich Evans musical remix

I have a feeling a lot of us that watch RLM got that recommendation yesterday. I came in to post it too, ha ha ha.
The edit with the room spinning around Rich actually made me guffaw.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh shit, they worked themselves into a shoot!

It's a really good movie. The wrestling nerd in me knows they could have gone harder (the real story is even more depressing if you could believe it), but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
I remember seeing some complaining about the missing brother. I was like, "No, your really don't require that.". The full story is out there if you need it. This film does a great job setting the table for the non-wrestling folk and had just the most brutal scene I saw in a film last year.


Oct 30, 2017
California for now
I recently watched ironclaw with my brother we were discussing the whole thing of why it wasn't nominated for awards and it just came down to honestly it's one of those stories that even though they did tone down and everything that happened it just wouldn't have been a type of feel bad movie that would work.

The academy only recommends those with Holocaust movies or you know slave and exploitative movies. Got to make those rich people you know feel guilty about themselves... For two hours c:


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Vinegar Syndrome continues to dig up RLM classics and putting them out on bluray 😂

Crazy Fat Ethel and The Instructor are available as the latest new ones,

Criminally Insane / Satan's Black Wedding – Vinegar Syndrome

2022 Subscribers: you will automatically receive this title in your January shipment. Remember to use the "I'm a subscriber..." free shipping option to add additional products to your package. This limited edition and painstakingly crafted box set (designed by Earl Kessler Jr.) is limited to...

The Instructor – Vinegar Syndrome

Subscribers: This is NOT included in your Subscription. If you'd like to purchase it, you will need to login to view your special 50% off SRP pricing.Flash Pre-Order 'Everything' Customers: this release is NOT included in your package. THE INSTRUCTOR is part of our Vinegar Syndrome Archive...


Oct 25, 2017
The academy only recommends those with Holocaust movies or you know slave and exploitative movies. Got to make those rich people you know feel guilty about themselves... For two hours c:
This. Also, movies about Hollywood, however, there are some outliers; Shape of Water comes to my mind. It was basically a monster love movie.


Oct 25, 2017
their opinion on Furiosa is basically what I felt also. I didn't stick around too much for the credits so I didn't see all of what they were doing with the fury road clips, but I think it was supposed to remind you/show you what parts happened in fury road that linked up to this movie. It was a bit odd, but I think that definitely feels like a "remember what happened" sort of thing


Oct 25, 2017
It was a bit odd, but I think that definitely feels like a "remember what happened" sort of thing
I guess Miller thought people would forget, but since Fury Road was popular when it came out, some people didn't.

was there as Kojima cameo in there since Miller wans Kojima to direct a Mad Max game, and Miller himself is a cameo in death Stranding 2?


Aug 18, 2018
I'm surprised that while discussing Miller's lack of giving a shit regarding continuity in his Mad Max films, neither Jay nor Rich pointed out that the actor who played Slit in Fury Road was also Scrotus in Furiosa.