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Oct 26, 2017
No, it can't. That's not how social dynamics work at all. Social groups generally default to status quo and comfort. If the majority of people here cared about not being sold to an unknown buyer and wanted to be in charge, there would be more of a reaction. The fact that everything else is going on per normal on the forum and a small number of users are posting vocally and frequently in this one thread shows that there is no "everyone" here. So unless the minority can rile up the majority and successfully convince them this is something to care about, why would anyone who is happily posting about other stuff care about making this "calm decision?"

It doesn't make sense psychologically. That's why it takes a tidal wave to move.
It's hard for everyone to know about the issue when it's stuck here in the announcement thread on a banner that everyone dismisses because there's very little said on that banner. A stickied topic on both gaming side and etc side would see more views. At the very least, give more details on the banner itself. Unfortunately, it seems the mods think differently.

The fact that I learned this news from gaming news site outside the forum instead of inside the forum itself is telling despite being anecdotal.
Oct 25, 2017
well done owner. very well played and a decision that will ultimately be beneficial to this community and its future success.

from memory, Era barely got by with the advertising dollars and I expect that has remained true throughout the years.

my assumption is teenagers who haven't experienced how the real world works yet
Sure it's the teens not living in the real world?

site was making 700k a year at an 80%+ margin. Unless I'm an idiot and dont understand what 80% profit margin means, working backwards you you can infer from this that the combined costs of hosting plus web dev was 175k a year.

something awful owner mentioned a page back that the costs of hosting SA is $1600 a month, aka about 20,000 a year. So 155k for 3(?) web developers aka standard/low 50k a year salary.

mods and admins were volunteers

this is me just going off public information and my own moron math, but yeah. wouldn't be hard to make the site profitable if you have a decent swell of people. and you could be doing some crazy shit if you funneled 700k a year back into the community. even if you paid yourself like 100k salary for the apparent mental anguish installing a forum software and commissioning two skins takes on a man

barely getting by with those ad dollars. lmao. why spread misinformation.
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Oct 27, 2017
from memory, Era barely got by with the advertising dollars and I expect that has remained true throughout the years.
That's half the reason people are mad. The "barely getting by" impression was given, sure. It was all lies while a millionaire filled his boots with user's $40 subscription fees to "help keep the lights on". Well done owner indeed. A very fine capitalism. And all off the backs of unpaid volunteer staff.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
It's hard for everyone to know about the issue when it's stuck here in the announcement thread on a banner that everyone dismisses because there's very little said on that banner. A stickied topic on both gaming side and etc side would see more views. At the very least, give more details on the banner itself. Unfortunately, it seems the mods think differently.

The fact that I learned this news from gaming news site outside the forum instead of inside the forum itself is telling despite being anecdotal.

People ignore stickied threads much more than banners, just look at the ones stickied in the moment. Not even close to 150 pages like this.


Oct 26, 2017
People ignore stickied threads much more than banners, just look at the ones stickied in the moment. Not even close to 150 pages like this.
You could always do both. If the goal was for it to be seen by everyone, why cut corners? If nothing changes after that, you can always say that you did the most you can. At least it leaves no room for doubt.


Oct 25, 2017
You could always do both. If the goal was for it to be seen by everyone, why cut corners? If nothing changes after that, you can always say that you did the most you can. At least it leaves no room for doubt.
Oh, you'd find doubt. People will always make up reasons for why they were allowed to be willfully ignorant.

I find the argument of "people dismiss banners without reading them" unconvincing, because even if it's true, that's on the people who do that. Chances are, you're an adult and if you dismiss a news banner saying it has important news, that's not a failure of the mod team for failing to inform you, that's you making an action to be willfully ignorant because you don't want to bother glancing at a small amount of text for a minute. If it turns out that the banner actually contained information you were concerned about, for next time, maybe take a half a second to read before hitting the dismiss button.

But more pointedly, this thread has been in the top trending topics for the last week. As far as I can tell, it's never gone past spot #5. It's got 7000+ (despite numerous amounts of them being shitposts). It's not a hard thread to find.
Oct 25, 2017
Oh, you'd find doubt. People will always make up reasons for why they were allowed to be willfully ignorant.

I find the argument of "people dismiss banners without reading them" unconvincing, because even if it's true, that's on the people who do that. Chances are, you're an adult and if you dismiss a news banner saying it has important news, that's not a failure of the mod team for failing to inform you, that's you making an action to be willfully ignorant because you don't want to bother glancing at a small amount of text for a minute. If it turns out that the banner actually contained information you were concerned about, for next time, maybe take a half a second to read before hitting the dismiss button.

But more pointedly, this thread has been in the top trending topics for the last week. As far as I can tell, it's never gone past spot #5. It's got 7000+ (despite numerous amounts of them being shitposts). It's not a hard thread to find.
To be honest, it takes a lot more to justify not posting sticky announcements than it does to just make them. I cant imagine a single downside to a mod making a sticky thread in 5 seconds


Oct 26, 2017
if you dismiss a news banner saying it has important news, that's not a failure of the mod team for failing to inform you, that's you making an action to be willfully ignorant because you don't want to bother glancing at a small amount of text for a minute.
I admit, I did dismiss it initially. This was because I thought it was a simple passover between admins or a new admin being announced or something. There's very little people who knew that Cerium owned everything and that this announcement would drop a bomb shell. Like the others who posted before in the thread, I thought it was jointly owned by the staff and specifically the admins.

I think if the banner was worded a little bit better, it wouldn't be as easily dismissable.

Between the tag begging, member number bragging and airing out grievances, there's a lot of derailment that contributed to making the thread big. I wouldn't say everything being talked about here is about the acquisition itself.


Oct 26, 2017
Well this thread is pretty much hidden in comparison to everything else. Just notice it now. Big oof. :/


Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
More like if Target got sold to a new company leaving everyone confused as to what was going to happen and then the owner of Wal Mart stopped by to give friendly advice and got kicked out. That's bizarre. Even if you don't want another exodus, it's an important discussion for everyone to have when the community was just sold
The poster claimed they are the current owner of SomethingAwful's forums, after it went through a collapse last year and changed ownership. That's more hindsight than we have right now about the current situation, and I thought the post was good and worth considering.

Depending on the neighborhood the store is in you'll either get promptly escorted out or hit with a bat. What private enterprise or in this case, website, would allow someone to advertise starting an alternative? With an instruction manual to boot 🙄. That said, his most salient points about community leverage shouldn't be overlooked.

I wasn't deluded enough to believe Era was run by a tribunal of anime avatars, but I sure didn't think there was a sole proprietor making bank like that. It's our fault for not asking questions, I guess. Like, who even are the staff? Aside from the vocal ones in the thread. Do we have by-laws/a mission statement of any sort aside from the legalese found in the ToS? I don't think the implied "play nice, children" counts. For example, if we want to forbid discussion of certain outlets or devs or political leanings, shouldn't that be explicitly stated somewhere? The murkiness is just one of the things fueling the ban happiness and in-fighting.

The site was founded on a sentiment of community, and I think it explains why people are rightfully feeling a loose sense of ownership. A lot of us were here from the jump. If the true reason for leaving the other place was to adopt a more egalitarian style in the wake of an alleged problematic owner, then some of this doesn't make sense. He was at least transparent enough to say, "yall better get on with that bullshit."

Regardless I'm shouting down the theatrical calls to leave. I didn't like it the last time and don't want to see it again. The brand is strong. It attracts all kinds of people worldwide, even industry professionals. Like, I legit ran a Destiny raid with a Bungie employee I met. That kind of shit is priceless and can't be easily replicated by perpetually starting new forums. I just want more transparency, mod professionalism 👈 and accountability.


Oct 25, 2017
I admit, I did dismiss it initially. This was because I thought it was a simple passover between admins or a new admin being announced or something. There's very little people who knew that Cerium owned everything and that this announcement would drop a bomb shell. Like the others who posted before in the thread, I thought it was jointly owned by the staff and specifically the admins.
I don't see what you or anyone else having this misconception has to do with you being able to find this thread. Even if you thought all that, had you clicked the thread banner, you'd have been brought to this page and in Cerium's post, he says he's the sole owner at the start of the second paragraph, so that's all that's stopping you from learning otherwise, a click and all of 4 sentences before Cerium mentions "As sole owner...". After that, you might have questions, but by then you'd already be in the thread.

I think if the banner was worded a little bit better, it wouldn't be as easily dismissable.
It would have. The number of excuses a person can come up with for why they didn't click a banner are literally endless. "Update on Ownership" is a perfectly informative message on what is going on and people having bad assumptions isn't an excuse for them choosing to dismiss it on that bad assumption.

In the end, all you can do is admit you should have been more vigilant and take a second to glance at whatever the announcement is.

Tag begging didn't happen until this thread was at 80+ pages.
I don't get why people keep bringing up the tag bragging thing specifically. The thread was constantly derailed with conspiracy theory nonsense, random asides, historical revisionism, etc. Even before the tag event, the number of posts that actually pretain to the sale of Resetera itself were maybe 20%, at best.

The tag thing didn't just randomly happen, it was the result of people literally having nothing else to say about the sale and were like "fuck it, if we have nothing to talk about, how about a tag shitpost session?" and that's how it happened, but it was only after many, many derails that were way more boring and pointless.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't see what you or anyone else having this misconception has to do with you being able to find this thread. Even if you thought all that, had you clicked the thread banner, you'd have been brought to this page and in Cerium's post, he says he's the sole owner at the start of the second paragraph, so that's all that's stopping you from learning otherwise, a click and all of 4 sentences before Cerium mentions "As sole owner...". After that, you might have questions, but by then you'd already be in the thread.

It would have. The number of excuses a person can come up with for why they didn't click a banner are literally endless. "Update on Ownership" is a perfectly informative message on what is going on and people having bad assumptions isn't an excuse for them choosing to dismiss it on that bad assumption.

In the end, all you can do is admit you should have been more vigilant and take a second to glance at whatever the announcement is.

I don't get why people keep bringing up the tag bragging thing specifically. The thread was constantly derailed with conspiracy theory nonsense, random asides, historical revisionism, etc. Even before the tag event, the number of posts that actually pretain to the sale of Resetera itself were maybe 20%, at best.

The tag thing didn't just randomly happen, it was the result of people literally having nothing else to say about the sale and were like "fuck it, if we have nothing to talk about, how about a tag shitpost session?" and that's how it happened, but it was only after many, many derails that were way more boring and pointless.

Wouldn't have been so difficult to make a sticky in OT and Gaming so that people have another chance to see it (and more clearly) for a week or two.


Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK
well done owner. very well played and a decision that will ultimately be beneficial to this community and its future success.

from memory, Era barely got by with the advertising dollars and I expect that has remained true throughout the years.

According to the new owner ResetEra made ~$500k last year. The new owners are looking to increase profit on an asset that already has an 80% profit margin.

Can someone explain to me why a decentralized/community driven forum is preferred over a forum with financial backing?

Even taking the new owners on their word that they have only the best intentions in terms of being hands off day-to-day moderation, they have still been very explicit that they are looking to "increase advertising revenue through a higher share of direct sales and implementation of new ad formats".

Further, now the forum is an asset, and assets can be sold on. Moba Network might end up being great owners, much as all the admin team say Cerium was a great owner, but that doesn't stop them selling the forum to someone worse.

Deleted member 28564

User-requested account closure
Oct 31, 2017
I read about this when I googled resetera. Saw a bunch of articles about the sale. 148 pages of people know about it. People who rehash articles know about it. People who hate this forum with the passion of a thousand scented candles (and who invest far too much time stalking this forum -- because that's how you go about spending your time when you truly despise something) know about it.

Truth is most members don't care. And why would they? Resetera has been purchased by a few harmless Swedes. They'll only worry about the change of ownership if something truly scandalous happens.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't see what you or anyone else having this misconception has to do with you being able to find this thread. Even if you thought all that, had you clicked the thread banner, you'd have been brought to this page and in Cerium's post, he says he's the sole owner at the start of the second paragraph, so that's all that's stopping you from learning otherwise, a click and all of 4 sentences before Cerium mentions "As sole owner...". After that, you might have questions, but by then you'd already be in the thread.
It's simple. I don't look at things that don't interest me. It's as simple at that. Am I supposed to care about everything that's happening in this forum if it doesn't affect me? This news though, this will affect a lot things about how I browse the website. Ads for example is one of the most likely ones that will change the browsing experience here. The new owners said so in their investor's call.

Whatever the hell is in this thread or questions or answers it has is irrelevant without ever going in.

It would have. The number of excuses a person can come up with for why they didn't click a banner are literally endless. "Update on Ownership" is a perfectly informative message on what is going on and people having bad assumptions isn't an excuse for them choosing to dismiss it on that bad assumption.

In the end, all you can do is admit you should have been more vigilant and take a second to glance at whatever the announcement is.
It doesn't make them any less valid.

Can't you see how contradictory you are? A perfect message would mean we wouldn't be having this conversation.


Oct 25, 2017
Wouldn't have been so difficult to make a sticky in OT and Gaming so that people have another chance to see it (and more clearly) for a week or two.
To my recollection, a mod said in this thread that stickied threads are ignored with the same frequency as banners are.

But to your general point, yes, the mods could have done things to make the thread less ignorable, but then we'd be talking about why they didn't do more. Why didn't they sticky the thread and make it a bolded and red color so people really saw it? Why didn't they redirect any people here automatically instead of relying on them to click a banner or a thread? Hell, if you really want to get the message across, they could have made Resetera nonfunctional for the entire week except this thread.

Yes, they could have done more to make it notable. My question is, what reason to do they have to do that? By which I don't mean the idiotic conspiratorialness of "THEY WANT TO KEEP US IN THE DARK", I mean, their job isn't to instill this knowledge into all people's brains, it's to inform them. The Banner does that and if the users choose to ignore it, that's on them. So they've done whats required of them, why do they do more than that? So more users can come in and pretend ResetEra was founded as some fucking worker co-op? So more people can argue they need to be paid so they have less of an excuse to not yell at them? So we can have more conspiracy theories and thread derails?

The people know. Either because they clicked the big ass banner telling them there's been a change of ownership, or because this thread has been trending for a week and people wanted to find out what the fuss was about, or because they heard of it through other parts of the internet. If all that's happening, then plenty of people know.

The mods had an obligation to notify us, and they did, and not hide this information, and they didn't. But that's the extent of their obligation. Anything more would be them doing people a favor, and when doing them a favor means they have to deal with more shittiness from the users on here who hate them, why would they go above and beyond the call of duty in this regard?

It's simple. I don't look at things that don't interest me. It's as simple at that. Am I supposed to care about everything that's happening in this forum if it doesn't affect me? This news though, this will affect a lot things about how I browse the website. Ads for example is one of the most likely ones that will change the browsing experience here. The new owners said so in their investor's call.

Whatever the hell is in this thread or questions or answers it has is irrelevant without ever going in.
Well, it's sounds like the ownership of ResetEra is a thing you wanted to keep being updated on. There was a banner for that, and you clicked away from it.

That's just on you, man.

It doesn't make them any less valid.

Can't you see how contradictory you are? A perfect message would mean we wouldn't be having this conversation.
It's very invalid. And I very much disagree with that. We'd be having this conversation no matter what. A ton of concerns are based in pure skepiticism of the basic story as presented. So much of the thread is

Users: Hey, mods, whats going on
mods: Here's whats going on.
Users: Uh, okay, thanks....but whats REALLY going on?

There's no answer that will satisfy people who are determined to be unsatisfied.
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Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK
They should spend less on candles

Since you're in the neighbourhood:

This back-and-forth about whether user's have seen this thread / been informed or not keeps getting rehashed, and it seems like a pretty definitive answer could be delivered, depending what data the staff have access to on the backend.

Is it possible to definitively state "X% of registered users have viewed this thread" or similar?


Oct 26, 2017
To my recollection, a mod said in this thread that stickied threads are ignored with the same frequency as banners are.

But to your general point, yes, the mods could have done things to make the thread less ignorable, but then we'd be talking about why they didn't do more. Why didn't they sticky the thread and make it a bolded and red color so people really saw it? Why didn't they redirect any people here automatically instead of relying on them to click a banner or a thread? Hell, if you really want to get the message across, they could have made Resetera nonfunctional for the entire week except this thread.

Yes, they could have done more to make it notable. My question is, what reason to do they have to do that? By which I don't mean the idiotic conspiratorialness of "THEY WANT TO KEEP US IN THE DARK", I mean, their job isn't to instill this knowledge into all people's brains, it's to inform them. The Banner does that and if the users choose to ignore it, that's on them. So they've done whats required of them, why do they do more than that? So more users can come in and pretend ResetEra was founded as some fucking worker co-op? So more people can argue they need to be paid so they have less of an excuse to not yell at them? So we can have more conspiracy theories and thread derails?

The people know. Either because they clicked the big ass banner telling them there's been a change of ownership, or because this thread has been trending for a week and people wanted to find out what the fuss was about, or because they heard of it through other parts of the internet. If all that's happening, then plenty of people know.

The mods had an obligation to notify us, and they did, and not hide this information, and they didn't. But that's the extent of their obligation. Anything more would be them doing people a favor, and when doing them a favor means they have to deal with more shittiness from the users on here who hate them, why would they go above and beyond the call of duty in this regard?

You act like everyone willingly clicked the banner away. It's a big change and so far I don't see anything from MOBA. All of our concerns so far have the source of the poster saying "the source is me" and none of that from the new owner with the old owner having said bye. Way smaller things have Sticky threads and it's really not that difficult to do that. You also mentioning "Yeah but they would get even more hate and insults!" is like poetry. Whole communities have been banned because some people crossed some lines, because things weren't being talked about or happen behind the scenes. I mean I would do the same in their case, but that tell us a lot about how they feel about the user base currently and it's not surprising with some of the outrages in those past three years.

It just would have been nice of them, but it also shows us the state of this community and you even said it yourself. I am pretty sure I don't have to tell you what reasons there were to do that really.

Edit: Also great to know that we are now in a network with MobaFire, a community where you can post Alt Right and SJW things without any care.
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Oct 25, 2017
No, it can't. That's not how social dynamics work at all. Social groups generally default to status quo and comfort. If the majority of people here cared about not being sold to an unknown buyer and wanted to be in charge, there would be more of a reaction. The fact that everything else is going on per normal on the forum and a small number of users are posting vocally and frequently in this one thread shows that there is no "everyone" here. So unless the minority can rile up the majority and successfully convince them this is something to care about, why would anyone who is happily posting about other stuff care about making this "calm decision?"

It doesn't make sense psychologically. That's why it takes a tidal wave to move.

In my case, I don't feel strongly enough to get riled up and the last 2 pages are the first time I posted in the thread despite reading it from the beginning, but if there was a vote on if we should all move so community would be in charge rather than MOBA, I'd vote for it and follow. It isn't status quo and comfort that we don't know what changes they plan on making to make us more profitable for them, that we have to take whatever they say at their word when we don't know them, and it could just be sold to someone worse. Perhaps a lot feel the same way and could calmly decide that. It's certainly possibly that changes might slowly happen and it'll get slowly worse as the SA owner said and this might be the best moment to think about that. It's a discussion worth having. It would be good to find out what every single person here thinks about it and what everyone would prefer.
Oct 27, 2017
In my case, I don't feel strongly enough to get riled up and the last 2 pages are the first time I posted in the thread despite reading it from the beginning, but if there was a vote on if we should all move so community would be in charge rather than MOBA, I'd vote for it and follow. It isn't status quo and comfort that we don't know what changes they plan on making to make us more profitable for them, that we have to take whatever they say at their word when we don't know them, and it could just be sold to someone worse. Perhaps a lot feel the same way and could calmly decide that. It's certainly possibly that changes might slowly happen and it'll get slowly worse as the SA owner said and this might be the best moment to think about that. It's a discussion worth having. It would be good to find out what every single person here thinks about it and what everyone would prefer.
The piece which I would add to this is in regards to the 'tidal wave to move' aspect is that it is worth noting that multiple communities have already moved, and the side ranking has continued to decline since some of these actions occurred, so I don't think it's accurate to say there's no momentum to move, it's that many of the communities where that momentum would come from have individually migrated already.

I really don't see what's surprising that discussion surrounding the selling of the forum to a corporate owner, which has a massive impact upon the forum's future direction, would last longer than a week.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
I really don't see what's surprising that the selling of the forum to a corporate owner, which has a massive impact upon the forum's future direction, would last longer than a week.

That wasn't surprise. Just a gentle reminder that this thread is approaching 2 weeks.

Arguing in good faith that the visibility of this thread and ResetEra's sale is an issue becomes harder to do with each passing day.

And it makes one wonder why folks who want to have a calm community discussion about this forum keep falling, so very easily, into that obvious trap. Against all good sense.


Oct 25, 2017
You act like everyone willingly clicked the banner away.
There is literally no other way for the banner to go away. You HAVE to click it, or it's there forever.

You act like everyone willingly clicked the banner away. It's a big change and so far I don't see anything from MOBA. All of our concerns so far have the source of the poster saying "the source is me" and none of that from the new owner with the old owner having said bye. Way smaller things have Sticky threads and it's really not that difficult to do that. You also mentioning "Yeah but they would get even more hate and insults!" is like poetry. Whole communities have been banned because some people crossed some lines, because things weren't being talked about or happen behind the scenes. I mean I would do the same in their case, but that tell us a lot about how they feel about the user base currently and it's not surprising with some of the outrages in those past three years.
Okay, there's a lot here. First off, if MOBA haven't issued any statements themselves, why do you expect that the mods will be able to do so on their behalf? And more over, what assurances can moba make that you would even believe? They say they aren't going to change things, and maybe that's true and maybe that's not, but regardless of what the mods or cerium or MOBA says, we're only going to know that for sure in the future. I don't think answers to questions people are asking actually exist because there's no way for anyone to prove the future.

Second, "whole communities have been banned" wtf? I've heard of communities leaving ResetEra, but never of any communities being banned.

Third, having seen the mental gynmatics posters use to try and vilify the mods, I would say that is less "how they feel about the user base" and more "how the user base observably is". Which is to say, extremely shitty, atleast to mods. I do not blame them for not wanting to give more posters more avenues to harass them if they do not have to.


Oct 26, 2017
Well, it's sounds like the ownership of ResetEra is a thing you wanted to keep being updated on. There was a banner for that, and you clicked away from it.

That's just on you, man.
I don't really care about the ownership as much as the fact that how it will affect me. Everything else is just some add-on.
It's very invalid. And I very much disagree with that. We'd be having this conversation no matter what. A ton of concerns are based in pure skepiticism of the basic story as presented. So much of the thread is

Users: Hey, mods, whats going on
mods: Here's whats going on.
Users: Uh, okay, thanks....but whats REALLY going on?

There's no answer that will satisfy people who are determined to be unsatisfied.
Some people aren't satisfied because we're playing the telephone game. They wanna hear from the horses mouth themselves. Personally don't care for Cerium at all. I'm more interested in what MOBA has to say cause it's them making the decisions now. Mods and Admins trying to assuage people about no changes isn't that great to me considering the website got bought by the type of corporation this forum abhors. If they had any say in that, we wouldn't be having this perfect fit of an owner.


Oct 26, 2017
There is literally no other way for the banner to go away. You HAVE to click it, or it's there forever.

Okay, there's a lot here. First off, if MOBA haven't issued any statements themselves, why do you expect that the mods will be able to do so on their behalf? And more over, what assurances can moba make that you would even believe? They say they aren't going to change things, and maybe that's true and maybe that's not, but regardless of what the mods or cerium or MOBA says, we're only going to know that for sure in the future. I don't think answers to questions people are asking actually exist because there's no way for anyone to prove the future.

Second, "whole communities have been banned" wtf? I've heard of communities leaving ResetEra, but never of any communities being banned.

Third, having seen the mental gynmatics posters use to try and vilify the mods, I would say that is less "how they feel about the user base" and more "how the user base observably is". Which is to say, extremely shitty, atleast to mods. I do not blame them for not wanting to give more posters more avenues to harass them if they do not have to.

That's wrong if you use a script to block those stupid malware ADs that sometime attack mobile users.

I am also not sure why you are defending all of that. Yes key people in certain communities have been banned and took people with them. We had a few of those on here.

So what about my edit? But yeah you are right MOBA saying they don't change anything is true looking at the shitfest that is Moba Fire.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't really care about the ownership as much as the fact that how it will affect me. Everything else is just some add-on.
Well, it's sounds like the ownership of ResetEra, which will affect you, is a thing you wanted to keep being updated on. There was a banner for that, and you clicked away from it.

That's still on you, man.

Some people aren't satisfied because we're playing the telephone game. They wanna hear from the horses mouth themselves. Personally don't care for Cerium at all. I'm more interested in what MOBA has to say cause it's them making the decisions now. Mods and Admins trying to assuage people about no changes isn't that great to me considering the website got bought by the type of corporation this forum abhors. If they had any say in that, we wouldn't be having this perfect fit of an owner.
And if the MOBA corp got some rep here to personally say the words, you'd be all "Oh, thank goodness, I was worried the mods were lying to me, but a corperate rep would never be dishonest"? I doubt it.

That's wrong if you use a script to block those stupid malware ADs that sometime attack mobile users.
Then that's a mistake on part of the script, since it shouldn't be blocking basic forum functions along with malware ads. But for the typical user, that banners not removable until you remove it yourself.

I am also not sure why you are defending all of that. Yes key people in certain communities have been banned and took people with them. We had a few of those on here.
It's not so much defending as being accurate. Communities leaving to follow someone is not the mods banning the entire community.

So what about my edit?
What about it?
But yeah you are right MOBA saying they don't change anything is true looking at the shitfest that is Moba Fire.
Well, if the mods can't give any statements that you will believe and MOBA can't give any assurances you will believe, then hypothetically, what possible answer from what possible source could possibly satisfy you?


Oct 26, 2017
User banned (1 week): insulting other users, multiple bans for hostility against other users
Well, it's sounds like the ownership of ResetEra, which will affect you, is a thing you wanted to keep being updated on. There was a banner for that, and you clicked away from it.

That's still on you, man.
Repeating it doesn't make it true. It only makes you look stupid.

And if the MOBA corp got some rep here to personally say the words, you'd be all "Oh, thank goodness, I was worried the mods were lying to me, but a corperate rep would never be dishonest"? I doubt it.
Oh, they can lie all they want. At least I'll know they lied. For the mods, even if in their hearts, they believe that what they say is true and that's what they're trying to do, it can easily be overturned by MOBA and we'll never know what the truth is.


Oct 25, 2017
Depending on the neighborhood the store is in you'll either get promptly escorted out or hit with a bat. What private enterprise or in this case, website, would allow someone to advertise starting an alternative? With an instruction manual to boot 🙄. That said, his most salient points about community leverage shouldn't be overlooked.

Why would people in Target be so blindly loyal when they were just sold out and no one in it is getting paid that they'd escort out a visitor for giving friendly advice? That's just as mind boggling as if the employees were to lash out and be offended at people speaking the truth on it being fucked up that they're not getting paid.

The SA Owner's post should have been threadmarked.
Oct 27, 2017
That wasn't surprise. Just a gentle reminder that this thread is approaching 2 weeks.

Arguing in good faith that the visibility of this thread and ResetEra's sale is an issue becomes harder to do with each passing day.

And it makes one wonder why folks who want to have a calm community discussion about this forum keep falling, so very easily, into that obvious trap. Against all good sense.
For that yes I do think it's fair the visibility of the thread is clearly high. While I do think it's reasonable to believe people might be deterred from commenting it's one of the announcement threads with the largest page view count and although the largest chunk of that will be driven by guest usage there's clearly a non-insignificant portion of the active registered membership base with at least one view.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
I don't have too much business being in this thread but skimming the past few pages has caused me to have feelings to express that I simply can't keep to myself. Feel free to ignore me.

- People take this website far too seriously, from all directions.
- I used to visit a lot of forums. I have been and continue to be a moderator on some of them, including some very big official forums and very small fan-run forums. It is a very normal and common thing for "don't use your space here to advertise other/rival forums" to be a rule. This is not censorship lmao
- Just because you want this to be a bigger deal than it is doesn't mean they need to shove this thread in everyone's faces in every section. I knew about this because there was a banner for it and I see that people are still posting in it days later. The people that don't come here to look at this likely wouldn't care as much as you'd think they would.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
Since you're in the neighbourhood:

This back-and-forth about whether user's have seen this thread / been informed or not keeps getting rehashed, and it seems like a pretty definitive answer could be delivered, depending what data the staff have access to on the backend.

Is it possible to definitively state "X% of registered users have viewed this thread" or similar?

I think that if you take the following

plus the fact that the thread has been over a week in the top 10 "trending threads", above huge news like God of War coming to PC or the Uncharted Movie trailer, it's pretty safe to say that almost everyone who cares about this news, already visited the thread. In terms of posts, it's up there with the PlayStation OT created on Sept 30th, or the Nintendo OT created in September 21st. So yeah, the thread has gotten that much attention.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Jun 5, 2020
I think that if you take the following

plus the fact that the thread has been over a week in the top 10 "trending threads", above huge news like God of War coming to PC or the Uncharted Movie trailer, it's pretty safe to say that almost everyone who cares about this news, already visited the thread. In terms of posts, it's up there with the PlayStation OT created on Sept 30th, or the Nintendo OT created in September 21st. So yeah, the thread has gotten that much attention.
i noticed this thread had almost just as many views as any of the OT platform war threads after reading
The fact that I learned this news from gaming news site outside the forum instead of inside the forum itself is telling despite being anecdotal.
which is lol


Too green for a tag
Jul 17, 2021
I think it's about time that people accept the fact that some people just are not interested in the site ownership, like at all. The people who do care but still somehow have missed this thread existence, have few excuses at this point.

People browse the forum in different ways, and there is literally no way for one thread to reach every single user, because people will always find a way to ignore shit.


Oct 25, 2017
id argue the vast majority of people dont care solong as the owners dont start making things worse. and we will just have to deal with that if it happens.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
id argue the vast majority of people dont care solong as the owners dont start making things worse. and we will just have to deal with that if it happens.
Yup. Nothing at all has changed so I'm not upset. And when/if that happens then I will worry about it, but no sense in getting worked up over something that hasn't happened yet.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
There are a lot of distractions in this thread, for better or worse. I think the heart of the matter is that the community needs to, collectively, decide whether or not it is worth it to organize and move to a different domain rather than accept corporate ownership. It seems to me that this should be considered reasonably and neutrally. In the interest of that and hearing what others have to say about that, I will write down what I feel the advantages and disadvantages of each approach are, in good faith.

Option 1. Stay on, take MOBA Network at their word on not changing this place too much, come back to the matter if they make changes that cross the line.

  • We're here already. Can kick back, resume posting about video games, snack foods, billiards, etc. This is pretty neat.
  • They have resources a community-owned forum won't. We don't know what they will spend on this place, but there certainly is some chance that more money will be put into the site that the community could ever produce by itself as it is now. This is, however, mitigated by the fact that resetera is massively profitable on its own. You can make a lot of Website for 700k/year if you put that money back into development and that *doesn't* require MOBA network.
  • They have access to traffic we don't currently, and some of those users will sincerely be cool, and it'd be cool if those users signed up. While we've all seen the linked examples showing the worst that their forum network has to offer, it'd be overly pessimistic not to acknowledge that some of the people on those "sister sites" would genuinely be welcome contributors to this site. If anyone from one of those sites is here already, welcome!
  • There may never again be as big an "inciting incident" as the sale of the site. Right now, they are watching carefully. They know that the slightest misstep could have users scrambling for another website. Right now, and only right now, they have to be extremely careful. This is where their assurances that they aren't going to make big changes come from - they don't want a revolt. Instead, if individual small changes are made, then some people will be mad, and some people will leave, but it might well never feel big enough to rouse a large portion of the community to move somewhere else. In some sense this is our biggest chance to make any sort of move and not doing so is squandering it. The first change I expect is them cracking down severely on anyone trying to openly organize another site. This period where they watch and wait will end soon enough.
  • Corporate control is control. They can do whatever they want with the site. They will act with motive towards profit rather than what the community wants. Whole books can be written on the evils that have been wrought through profit-seeking and I trust I don't need to say more than that. They have promised no big changes, but there is nothing at all holding them to that. They didn't buy the site not to make it grow in profit. They are smart enough not to come in hot making a bunch of changes right off the bat, because people will leave en masse in an organized fashion. Instead, slowly they'll make changes over time. Some will be good and some will be bad, but overall, it will not be up to the community what happens.
  • Potential for data harvesting, even more aggressive advertising, people wandering over from "sister sites" and spouting hate speech. These have been well-discussed throughout the thread and are serious concerns.

Option 2. Organize the community, and form a new site, and do it right this time. No individual is in charge.

  • Community ownership structure. Decisions about the site can be made purely on the basis of what is right for the community, and without any sort of compromising profit motive. It can be run as a non-profit explicitly with a board and bylaws that prevent any one person from taking control. This is what resetera ought to have been from the start and it is a real shame that it was not set up that way. The community has the opportunity to learn this lesson for good if they start their own site. This is things ought to be. The forums earn money which is used to improve the forums. Rent-seeking external players won't be able to pull cash out of it - all the money can go back to the site.
  • Control over monetization methods. Even a community-owned site needs money to run, but it doesn't need to be maximally profitable to run, and we don't have to abide by any sort of intrusive advertising if we don't want to.
  • An organization devoted to acting on the community's behalf will mean that the community will never again be without a strong advocate in any business dealings this place has. There's no owner's interests vs community interests if the owner of the site is an organization that is bound contractually to act in the interests of the community.
  • Honestly, it's very funny to imagine MOBA Network paying $4.5 million for some web hosting space and a domain name. The idea that a company can "own" a community is ludicrous and dark and I personally find it very satisfying when a community successfully demonstrates otherwise.

  • It is work to set up a new site. Lots of decisions to make, organizing to do. I won't pretend this is trivial, it is not at all, but if any community can manage to spread this work out, it's this one. Resetera has the numbers and the resources to make all of this happen.
  • Like any transition (neogaf -> resetera included), some people won't make the jump. They won't feel like moving. They have inertia in coming to this site but won't bother with a new one. This is a real loss and something to consider. If I were more convinced of MOBA Networks good intentions this would be the basis of an argument for staying, but I am afraid I am not, and so I'm forced to compare them with people who will leave in frustration over a MOBA Network decision.
  • Lose out on four years of posts or at least, break up the archive. The posts will still be here to read but there is a loss of continuity in long-running threads.

I realize this is all a little out of nowhere, so before I go on to synthesize what I think the correct course of action is, I want to give a bit of my background. I have been posting on traditional community web forums for over twenty years at this point, the majority of my life. I am deeply invested in their success as a medium and want them to thrive. They are so much better than social media services are and I don't want to see the ecosystem get smaller.

Twice in my life, I've had a forum I posted on become "uninhabitable". This was an earlier poster's wording and I thought it was well-put. The first time began much like this. The owner of what was a community site had sold it to a corporation, in this case, an online gaming news site. They made promises to not change anything, and the admins, not wanting to disrupt the owner's deal, encouraged us to wait and see how it turns out. The changes came slowly over time. We were limited in what topics we could discuss, limited in what games we could criticize, etc. It got pretty bad, but there was never any breaking point. Our time to organize was when the sale was announced, not the fifth time they banned a long-time community member for criticizing their corporate decrees. How did this one end? AOL acquired the gaming news site, and promptly deleted the forum without a second thought. They bought it for the articles. Years and years of posts, gone forever, with no backup. Some parts of the community managed to re-organize on another site, but it would have been a lot more successful if we had done so right away instead of waiting for everyone to scatter into the internet wind.

The second time was much like neogaf. In 2020, the owner of a Something Awful proved to be of....dubious moral character. (long story) The site was uninhabitable while he was in charge. Instead of folding and let this happen, I struck back. The community made it very clear that he was unwelcome, and used our leverage to force him to sell at a low price, preserving twenty years of internet history and our community. I am the user who stepped up and made sure that ended without a corporate acquisition or opportunistic cash-grab. I put every dollar the site makes back into it, and I see. So I hope you all can imagine why, as the owner of Something Awful, I am interested in seeing web forums as a medium succeed. I honestly came here to observe one of the few old-style forums that is as large as ours, and I found myself upset reading this thread. It truly is a missed opportunity that this place wasn't started by someone who would truly put the community first, in ownership structure as well as monetization. 700k/year is an insane amount of money for a web forum and could have been doing so much good. Surely your community has members who, like me, are able and willing to set up a business that puts the community first and always will. If you believe in your heart of hearts that you are one of those people, who is selfless in that way, now is the time to come forward and show some leadership. Your people need you.

In my most humble opinion, I think the pros of self-ownership outweigh the negatives. Right now, and only right now, the users of this site can organize and make sure this community stays intact and in control of its destiny. If MOBA Network believes they have something to offer, let them come to the community, on a site run by the community, and pitch it to the users. Let the people decide and not just the designated person at the top. This is a position of strength from which the community has grounds to make demands and potentially work out a mutually beneficial arrangement, unlike meagerly asking for concessions on a site they already own. I made this post in hopes that others can look at my list of pros and cons, and decide for themselves. I realize that not everyone is going to draw the same conclusions but my hope is that we can have this conversation, rather than getting sidetracked. It's the most important thing by far and, in my opinion, what ought to be done needs to be done right away.

The community will act accordingly if they mess up and do something egregious, but if they're smart they won't do that. They'll change things slowly. When my old site was bought out, none of the actions of the acquiring company seemed bad enough to revolt over on their own. It was only looking back on it that it was obvious we should have left. Right now the community knows that the site has changed hands and is waiting to see what everyone else does. It will be very difficult to conjure that sort of willingness to migrate without an inciting event, and the site changing hands is one of the biggest ones. If you wait for things to change, you lose out on the huge organizing opportunity that is "the site is now corporately owned, what should we do?". It's like the frog being boiled, you won't notice how the changes they are making are affecting the community until its too late. I think leaving pre-emptively is the way to go, and that's something I say having been a part of a community that made the wrong choice in that very situation before.

Also I expect that discussing leaving for an offsite will be one of the first things cracked down on. Right now they know they have to watch their behavior or trigger a mass exodus. This will not always be true, especially if it's for "understandable" but inconvenient things, like organizing another forum.

Self ownership is not remotely a pipe dream in this case. All it takes is the community coming together and organizing it. Something awful's hosting costs about $1600 a month at this point, and could easily be lower. If you get even a fraction of that 700k on your own, the money is there, capitalistic world or not. All you have to do is organize.

For anyone else who was curious, I found the related thread on the SA general forum and this actually did come from their new owner. They borrowed the account to post here.


Oct 25, 2017
We don't need to wait for MOBA to "screw up" to provoke an exodus to a new home that better reflects the ideals of the community. It's already a bad situation since we are now ultimately providing revenue to a company that will very likely go towards (in part) supporting their other websites, many of which seem to promote and breed bigoted ideas. That is reason enough to want to start new somewhere else. So that we can all talk about video games and whatever else in a forum format without directly supporting some fucked up shit.


Completely non-threatening
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
We don't need to wait for MOBA to "screw up" to provoke an exodus to a new home that better reflects the ideals of the community. It's already a bad situation since we are now ultimately providing revenue to a company that will very likely go towards (in part) supporting their other websites, many of which seem to promote and breed bigoted ideas. That is reason enough to want to start new somewhere else. So that we can all talk about video games and whatever else in a forum format without directly supporting some fucked up shit.
Don't view this as an attack but why not leave right now? If you feel strongly about it then why wait for others to want to leave also before doing so? Doesn't staying mean you don't mind financially supportIng the new owners because other people are?


Oct 25, 2017
Don't view this as an attack but why not leave right now? If you feel strongly about it then why wait for others to want to leave also before doing so? Doesn't staying mean you don't mind financially supportIng the new owners because other people are?
Currently I do plan on trying to just log out and mostly avoid Era if we don't end up moving to a different forum. I don't know at all how to help start something new, but I do think it's the right thing to do, so I want to try to encourage it. I really enjoy this community and want to be able to engage with it at least somewhat more ethically. It isn't about just leaving in protest, but rather trying to actually keep what we have, but under different (more communal? a non-profit?) ownership than there is now. For now I still have hope we could actually start such a process.

EDIT: I mean, this community effectively was formed in response to no longer wanting to financially support an owner that was revealed to have sexually assaulted someone. I don't think it's a stretch to suggest that we could also be morally opposed to being owned by and directly supporting a company which will funnel its profits to bolstering other sites that both promote and breed bigoted ideals some of which people have shared in this very thread. Some such bigotry includes plainly explicit transphobia. Stuff like that literally costs peoples' lives.
Last edited:


Nov 4, 2017
The "More info here!" bit still gets me. Should edit it to include more !!! for extra hype!

There is literally no other way for the banner to go away. You HAVE to click it, or it's there forever.
Do the banners truly never expire? Do they stack as new ones are added? If thats the case then the member who's never dismissed a single one for the sake of preservation needs to show themselves lol!


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
The "More info here!" bit still gets me. Should edit it to include more !!! for extra hype!

Do the banners truly never expire? Do they stack as new ones are added? If thats the case then the member who's never dismissed a single one for the sake of preservation needs to show themselves lol!
We'll turn them off eventually, but usually they stay until you click them away
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