rusty chrome

Oct 25, 2017
I mean Marvel Studios blows Sony's stuff out of the water. Yet WB is still somehow so much worse than both
Sony's Raimi movies and Spider-Verse shit all over everything in the MCU. What Marvel has done with Tom Holland's Spider-Man has been completely forgettable. Marvel has no real vision for what Spider-Man should be. Nobody even talks about Marvel's Spider-Man movies lol.


Oct 25, 2017
You know what I love DC movies regardless of how bad or good they are because I just love DC stuff but it doesn't help when the people that own all of the rights for it is essentially dumber than a rock.

I'm sure WB knows exactly what they want:


Oct 25, 2017
Sony's Raimi movies and Spider-Verse shit all over everything in the MCU. What Marvel has done with Tom Holland's Spider-Man has been completely forgettable. Marvel has no real vision for what Spider-Man should be. Nobody even talks about Marvel's Spider-Man movies lol.
lol I feel like people look at Sam Raimi's Spiderman movies with rose coloured glasses cause they saw it when they were 13. Its really not good.

Spider-verse is good, but my god is it getting more praise for actually being good than it deserves. People are just shocked they made something good that people have turned this into an all-timer movie. Movie was fantastic, but people talk about Spider-Verse like it was the GOAT.

Marvel's Spider-Man with Tom Holland? No one talks about it? It made over a billion. The story was actually refreshing vs. "oh good uncle ben is dead again"


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
It made over a billion.

So did fucking Aquaman and Venom wasn't too far off either.

Everything with over marketing ( of which budgets have literally quadrupled compared to 20 years ago) leads to this, you should know better.

Not to mention being hard carried by MCU hype for its "conclusion" of phase 3.

lol I feel like people look at Sam Raimi's Spiderman movies with rose coloured glasses cause they saw it when they were 13. Its really not good.

I rewatched Spiderman 2 last month.

There's no rose coloured glasses, you're just genuinely plain wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
So did fucking Aquaman and Venom wasn't too far off either.

Everything with over marketing ( of which budgets have literally quadrupled compared to 20 years ago) leads to this, you should know better.

Not to mention being hard carried by MCU hype for its "conclusion" of phase 3.

I rewatched Spiderman 2 last month.

There's no rose coloured glasses, you're just genuinely plain wrong.
lol okay man. Whatever you say. So every film from MCU is hard carried now lol.
Everything with over marketing does well? Yikes on that take my dude.

Congrats on watching a movie that made you happy when you were 13 and still thinking its good. That's what rose coloured glasses means.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
lol okay man. Whatever you say. So every film from MCU is hard carried now lol.

Not every film, Ant Man 2 was a prequel so nobody cared, but Spiderman was sold as the conclusion to Endgame. Kind of a big deal since we're talking about the most successful film of all time.

Everything with over marketing does well? Yikes on that take my dude.

Yes. Even putrid shit like Rise of shitwalker made a billion.

Congrats on watching a movie that made you happy when you were 13 and still thinking its good. That's what rose coloured glasses means.

The Ninja Turtles film made me pretty happy when I was 13. What do you think my opinion of that film is ... ?

You know what else made me super happy as a 13 ? Indiana Jones and Ghost Busters.

What the fuck is your point ... ? You can enjoy good things as a kid and also be aware that things you enjoyed as a kid are wonky and still have a soft spot for them.
Exemple : the Mortal Kombat movie.

Spiderman 2 is absolutely not one of those. By any stretch of the imagination.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
it's probably pretty good then. WB did let fury road, 2049 and now dune through without too much interference I think.
Even though I love way too much Fury Road and BR2049, and the little I have seen from Dune seems to point out that I will love it too, nonce of those franchises are in the same league or anything closer or resembling Batman.

They will meddle with Batman and pay attention to what's being done because this is not a movie made for prestige and getting awards, it's about making a lot of money and making sure that as many people as possible goes to watch it.