
Oct 25, 2017
It probably just amounts to a narrow idea of what a comic book movie should be.

Maybe Batman isn't portrayed as an outright hero, or there isn't a climactic fight with a villain. It's easy to imagine how it might not meet expectations.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
I'm superheroe'd out rn so maybe Reeve's idea of one of these is what I need.

Lionel Mandrake

Prophetic Lionel Mandrake
Oct 26, 2017
Seriously wonder how many times it's going to take for WB to figure out that it's the problem.


Oct 30, 2017
I think that's a fine criticism, but ERA had a hate boner for it for the other reasons I mentioned before it even came out.

I'd argue the film doesn't need to say anything, and it's kind of a double standard it is expected too because it's not an action flick. It's a trip down a dark path this guy goes down on when society has failed him. It does't have to be anything other than a vacation into his darkness.

perhaps i wasnt paying attention back then, thought most liked the film. Personally I thought it was great.

actually, now that I think about, the general feeling on era was that it was a good film. Especially as commentary on wealth inequality and the state of (mental) healthcare.


Oct 25, 2017
Joker was problematic but it was a creator's picture through and through.

I hope Matt Reeve's vision is preserved; especially cause he is good.


May 3, 2021
Please god don't fucking meddle in this movie. It's one of my most anticipated films and I want to see a different take on Batman. :\


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
They hired him because they wanted his vision. Now let him create his vision.


User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
Having butchered BvS, Suicide Squad, and Justice League, Warner Bros. hungers for another DC film to chop to bits.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
If I'm WB, I probably want a solid PG Batman film I can sell toys to kids from. There hasn't really been one of those since the 90s.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
Imagine a Batman movie where all the fight scenes are shown in the trailer and the majority of the movie is him solving Riddlers puzzles, detecting, and interrogations without violence or torture.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
WB suits obviously not happy how shitty the cowl looks in this movie.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
You'd think by now they would realize that them interfering with the movie = movie is bad = BO numbers aren't good.
I dunno if this leak has any truth to it, but if it does WB really need to get rid of their sick control issues


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I have full confidence in Matt Reeves to make a great movie. Dude knows what he's doing. With Todd Phillips I can understand WB being reluctant during the production of Joker because his previous output was mostly just comedies and Joker was a pretty big departure from that. Hopefully WB doesn't intervene with The Batman much.


Oct 27, 2017
im very on the fence about this whole executives vs directors situation. There are enough examples of directors being reigned in that turned a movie for the better that its hard for me to be categorical about suits always 100% fucking up. Recent example is the powerpuff girls reboot, the whole creative team behind that was insane.

So Its a wait and see for me. I hope they get to the best product possible.

I mean yes they can, execs are just human beings who can absolutely have bad taste. At the end of the day, studio execs often HELP movies because giving a single person a free pass to make use of 200 million dollars to go make art is incredibly high risk and some level of feedback and focus testing can often help diminish that risk, no matter what the internet says about it. We only ever hear of the times it DIDN'T work out. WB has had a period of time with lots of creative issues on the executive layer, so it's entirely possible that the people there were just not very good at that part of the job.

Yeah editors and the editing process still (and most likely forever will) get a bad rap from people unable to respect them because of how much "creative freedom" is downright fetishized. Typically you do not want a single creator to have full control because most people have some pretty shitty impulses that they're completely blind to and second opinions are necessary in order to distill the good from the bad.

The problem is WB can't be trusted to do that properly because they're so fucking bad at it. And it's clearly a systemic issue - they should've been reshuffled a couple times now between everything post-Josstice League and the Discovery merger and yet they still keep face-planting themselves like this.

Lee Morris

Oct 28, 2017
I wonder how different the tone is from the trailer cause that seemed pretty confident and put a stake in the ground of for what I thought they were going for


Oct 26, 2017
Keaton Batman only needed one punch to take out one of these guys.


Oct 25, 2017
Its actually kinda incredible. You'd think WB would realize or know that the people in charge shouldn't be fucking with movies but I guess not when you're in charge, why fire yourself

Why is Warner Bros so bad at this? They can't be cut from that different of a cloth from Sony or Disney.

I mean Marvel Studios blows Sony's stuff out of the water. Yet WB is still somehow so much worse than both


Oct 25, 2017
I'm getting the impression that this movie is going to lean on Batman the detective a whole lot more. Which is fine, brings it more in line with a live-action TAS than any of the other movies ever were. But the devil's in the details, of course.
Oct 27, 2017
I'll support the studio that came out with Fury Road, 2049 and Dune.
Not to mention still giving Nolan whatever budget he needs to do his original blockbusters. I mean, how many chances did they give the Wachowski's despite all the flops they kept delivering after the Matrix trilogy. Not sure why WB all of sudden got this reputation of being a studio that meddles too much compared to others. They've been putting out the most daring and risky blockbusters more than any other studio for decades.


Oct 28, 2017
It feels like this is the most standard non-story you can get for any movie. There are always rumblings that executives aren't happy about a big movies whether it's a movie that breaks records commercially and critically or a huge flop. It's like internet 101 on how to generate interactions and doesn't really mean anything anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
I have a bad feeling about this. Was actually kinda hoping for a nice big blockbuster batman movie like the Dark Knight.
Oct 25, 2017
It feels like this is the most standard non-story you can get for any movie. There are always rumblings that executives aren't happy about a big movies whether it's a movie that breaks records commercially and critically or a huge flop. It's like internet 101 on how to generate interactions and doesn't really mean anything anyway.

But I haven't had a chance to try to water down people's enthusiasm yet!


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I'm interested and hope WB execs stay clear.

My ultimate hope is that this is kind of reverse-Snyder in its trajectory. Batman starts off very bitter and bad but the struggle causes some actual introspection and refines him.

To me, part of the problem with DCEU so far has been that only Superman kinda gets an arc. Batman just shows up and is quite, uh, villainous with only implied trauma that's damaged him to his current state.

I'd rather see a Batman that starts harsh and violent and gets better, not fall-from-grace Batman… but I'm just putting that hope together from Pattison's interview where he suggests his take on the character is kind of a bad person, the tone of the teaser, and my own wishful thinking. I don't mind breaking Batman down at all but at the end of the day, I wanna be convinced that he's actually capable of good. Snyderverse Batman really only felt like he was a disillusioned jerk that had grown a bit too comfortable being the dominant force and not really actually a hero — his arc was more or less just figuring out that he was undeniably not that anymore and given he started off machine-guns-blazing and "Do you bleed"-ing, that's a pretty shit state of affairs for big screen Bats.

Start him off brutal and kinda shitty, get him to realize that it's not a productive way to elevate society, and transform him into an actual hero figure and not a threatened, rich ass bully.

Military-spec brutality Batman is just straight up shit.


Oct 27, 2017
Not to mention still giving Nolan whatever budget he needs to do his original blockbusters. I mean, how many chances did they give the Wachowski's despite all the flops they kept delivering after the Matrix trilogy. Not sure why WB all of sudden got this reputation of being a studio that meddles too much compared to others. They've been putting out the most daring and risky blockbusters more than any other studio for decades.
They changed leadership last year. Jason Kilar
was the one who spearheaded the move to put all 2021 movies day and date on HBO Max without giving talent a heads up, pissing off everyone in the process. Not a coincidence that he has already been pushed out in favor of a new guy who is reemphasizing talent relationships.


Jun 22, 2018
i think this is overstated, it makes sense that the execs are worried on how to market the film if it's really different but they're not dumb enough to mess with the Reeve's vision off a hunch especially after how well Joker did