
Oct 27, 2017
LONDON - British authorities and the country's public health service knowingly exposed tens of thousands of patients to deadly infections through contaminated blood and blood products, and hid the truth about the disaster for decades, an inquiry into the U.K.'s infected blood scandal found Monday.

An estimated 3,000 people in the United Kingdom are believed to have died and many others were left with lifelong illnesses after receiving blood or blood products tainted with HIV or hepatitis in the 1970s to the early 1990s.

The scandal is widely seen as the deadliest disaster in the history of Britain's state-run National Health Service since its inception in 1948.

Former judge Brian Langstaff, who chaired the inquiry, slammed successive governments and medical professionals for "a catalogue of failures" and refusal to admit responsibility to save face and expense. He found that deliberate attempts were made to conceal the scandal, and there was evidence of government officials destroying documents.

"This disaster was not an accident. The infections happened because those in authority -- doctors, the blood services and successive governments -- did not put patient safety first," he said. "The response of those in authority served to compound people's suffering."

Campaigners have fought for decades to bring official failings to light and secure government compensation. The inquiry was finally approved in 2017, and over the past four years it reviewed evidence from more than 5,000 witnesses and more than 100,000 documents.

Many of those affected were people with hemophilia, a condition affecting the blood's ability to clot. In the 1970s, patients were given a new treatment that the U.K. imported from the United States. Some of the plasma used to make the blood products was traced to high-risk donors, including prison inmates, who were paid to give blood samples.

Because manufacturers of the treatment mixed plasma from thousands of donations, one infected donor would compromise the whole batch.

The report said around 1,250 people with bleeding disorders, including 380 children, were infected with HIV -tainted blood products. Three-quarters of them have died. Up to 5,000 others who received the blood products developed chronic hepatitis C, a type of liver infection.

Meanwhile an estimated 26,800 others were also infected with hepatitis C after receiving blood transfusions, often given in hospitals after childbirth, surgery or an accident, the report said.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is expected to apologize later Monday, and authorities are expected to announce compensation of about 10 billion pounds (US$12.7 billion) in all to victims. Details about that payment are not expected until Tuesday at the earliest.

It's taken 50 years, but these folks may finally get some justice, though many have sadly died from this absolute horror of intentional medical malpractice.


Britain slammed in inquiry for infecting thousands with tainted blood and covering up the scandal

British authorities and the country's public health service knowingly exposed tens of thousands of patients to deadly infections through contaminated blood and blood products, and hid the truth about the disaster for decades, an inquiry into the U.K.'s infected blood scandal found Monday.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Many of those affected were people with hemophilia, a condition affecting the blood's ability to clot. In the 1970s, patients were given a new treatment that the U.K. imported from the United States. Some of the plasma used to make the blood products was traced to high-risk donors, including prison inmates, who were paid to give blood samples.

So I wonder if this was the normal donation rolls in the US at the time or is this a case of them using blood that wouldn't have even been usable here?


Oct 28, 2017
How was the contamination only limited to the UK, if it was imported from the states? The wording of the article isn't clear.


Oct 26, 2017
I read one story over the weekend on Sky about a boy, and his parents. Looking at his photos, the toys etc. This wasn't that long ago, these kids would have been the same age as many of us. Just shocking, and sad. Doubly so how the family were treated in the community after he was diagnosed with HIV.

How was the contamination only limited to the UK, if it was imported from the states? The wording of the article isn't clear.

IIRC from the article I read at the weekend the US stopped using unheated Factor VIII products much earlier than some countries that continued using them, including the UK. Now why these companies in the US continued supplying them after the US had stopped, I'm not sure. I suppose money might be the simplistic answer. IIRC from the mid-90s on synthesized products have been in use that eliminate the risk of passing infection.

Other countries though may well have scandals lurking, or ones that already came to light. In Ireland we had what I remember was called a 'hemophilia' scandal some years go about contaminated blood products.


Nov 2, 2017
Obviously this is terrible and very scary. Completely shameful. I hope peeps get paid.

When I went into hospital a few years ago, I was on deaths door. I needed bags upon bags of blood. Different types too, like you'd expect the to just be red bags, but I was also getting freaky looking blood that was actually frozen. Later on when I was actually "with it" and able to see it/feel it, yeah it's strange, feeling someone else's icy blood go into your veins.

Either way all of that is me digressing to get to this point, please please give blood if you're able. It's something most people can do, and very much appreciated. Get on the organ donor list too, if you're okay to do that.

Anyway, I highly doubt such a scandal could occur in 2024 in any 1st world country. Covering it up is beyond my comprehension and makes me angry just thinking about it.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 3, 2017
The timing of when this happened suspiciously overlaps Thatcher's and Major's conservative governments.

Add it to the pile of scandals caused by tories or happened under their watch.
Sep 22, 2022
Absolutely crazy. It's of corse absolutely right and necessary compensation is paid to the victims here.

At the same time, I can't deny - I'm afraid what that means for healthcare in this budget. The NHS is barely functioning as it is anymore. If 10 billion are plucked from their budget, I'm not sure how the system will cope


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely appalling. Not a circle in Hell deep enough for every person involved in this.


Oct 26, 2017
The scale of this, both in numbers and time, is astounding. Financial settlement is one thing, but people in power need to be held accountable.

harry the spy

Oct 25, 2017
I thought all this sounded familiar. Thank you for jogging my memory.
Ok reading about it it was really throughout the world (due to emergence of aids, recognition of hep C, increased use of transfusions, and systems of care being put in place for hemophiliacs).

Just that some countries did comparatively worse, namely the Uk, France, Japan and Italy.

Once again the FDA saved the US's ass (like the pregnancy sickness drug), though Gallo indirectly screwed France over.
Oct 27, 2017
Shades of the the Canadian tainted blood scandal, which blood donations in this country are still paying a price for.

And the UK scandal was going on in a nearly identical timeframe, which makes sense when considering they (and the French one, as noted above) are all part of the same overall crisis.
