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M. Wallace

Oct 25, 2017

Name 3 movies released in 2018 better than Black Panther. Or even 1 lmao.

Good luck!


Double 0

Nov 5, 2017
Nowhere. Infinity War was the one I hated the least.

Our definitions of "good" are wildly different. The effects took me out of of the movie all the time. The dancing people on the waterfall literally reminded me of Star Wars Prequels.

Flying real close to the sun, Icarus. You do know ceremonies like that happen in real life with indigenous/traditionalist cultures right? Maybe not as bombastic with the waterfalls and all, but still.

For the thread, name a single genre fiction movie in the past few years that did better world building than Black Panther? Because I honestly can't think of one. That's just one of the big reasons why it gets praised.


Oct 25, 2017
To all the people that felt the need to bring the fact up they think that BP and Get Out is overrated in a thread, that isn't anything to do with the topic.


Oct 25, 2017
Of course I do! :P

But, for all the people saying you shouldn't take CinemaSins seriously, and then go ahead and comment on the quality of the movie they are discussing, not to praise the movie but to complain about it being overrated... shockingly because of the Black cast... it just becomes transparent that these unfunny "comedy" videos are treated as criticism and a launching point to discuss the quality of movies, thereby making my point about it being a Schrödinger's cat true, that the argument shifts to whatever is convenient, and that these videos suck in both ways.

Now that we've discussed why Black Panther and Get Out were vastly overrated, can I talk about how Wonder Woman wasn't good and how the reviewers were inflating the scores of Ghostbusters 2016? Please don't see any connection to the movies I'm singling out! /s
I liked ghost busters and Wonder Woman. Oceans 8 was alright too but that hasn't caught any backlash that I'm aware of.


Oct 27, 2017
Working on that also.
So because he killed a lot before as a soldier I'm supposed to believe he's gonna throw away everything he's planned when he's king. He was right about sharing tech but it turned out all he was gonna do is murder everything.

Killmonger likes to kill, that's his whole deal.

In his eyes he didn't through everything away he was acting within his character. If you have an uprising among your ranks you squish it and continue as planned. That's what he was doing in the final act. He wasn't planning on ending his attack on the rest of the world after defeating T'Challa. Hell he didn't even want to fight him a second time. He was getting ready for his race war against the world. Which isn't a bright thing to do but that's why he is the bad guy. Killmongers goal was to give the rest of the world a taste of being underneath Africa's heel for a change.


Game Developer
Oct 28, 2017
Name 3 movies released in 2018 better than Black Panther. Or even 1 lmao.

lmao I can't believe some of you actually think these MCU movies are best movies of the year, it's hilarious to me. These movies I saw in 2018 in my country that were better:

Three Billboards
Quiet Place
Death of Stalin
Midnight Sun (I saw this in 2017 in a film festival though)
Solo (even though it's a bad movie, it was better than BP)
Deadpool 2
Infinity War

I can name one movie that was worse than BP and it was Fantastic Beasts. I can't believe I had to sit through that shit.
Oct 25, 2017
I liked ghost busters and Wonder Woman. Oceans 8 was alright too but that hasn't caught any backlash that I'm aware of.
When they find out that Sandra Bullock's character in the movie rejected some people for the their potential gang of thieves because they were men, they'll flip out. Like always. "reverse sexism!"
lmao I can't believe some of you actually think these MCU movies are best movies of the year, it's hilarious to me. .
Ask people on this board what their favorite hamburger is and some will tell you McDonalds. If you only see blockbuster and action movies, and if you only eat at chain and fast food restaurants, it's not surprising.


Game Developer
Oct 28, 2017
To all the people that felt the need to bring the fact up they think that BP and Get Out is overrated in a thread, that isn't anything to do with the topic.

I went in blind with Get Out (I usually do with any given movie) and it was one of the best movies of the year.

Ask people on this board what their favorite hamburger is and some will tell you McDonalds. If you only see blockbuster and action movies, and if you only eat at chain and fast food restaurants, it's not surprising.

Well if somebody gets mad about me saying McDonalds is shit, it's on them.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Flying real close to the sun, Icarus. You do know ceremonies like that happen in real life with indigenous/traditionalist cultures right? Maybe not as bombastic with the waterfalls and all, but still.


On-topic: Black Panther is definitely one of my favorite movies of the year so far. Sure it's a Marvel movie and has its flaws but that doesn't mean it doesn't deserve it's praise and hype. It was a solid, fun movie.


Oct 27, 2017
I think the highlights for me were the wool women with spears, the villains premise and the african influences in set/costume designs.
I'm being fair, what exactly about these did you like for them to be highlights?

Everything else from the plot to the storytelling and especially the effects were garbage.
What exactly about the plot and storyteling are garbage?

As for the effects, yes everything in the 3rd act is bad, but that's what you get when Disney decided to release 3 Marvel movie a year. And of course no one comments on the good effects in the movie, because of the toupee effects.

I do wish they kept the merchandising rhinos out though.
Oct 29, 2017
In before people don't realize most of it isn't really serious and they nitpick because they find it fun to nitpick.
Again, CinemaSins isn't serious and it's not worth getting upset over.

Getting mad at CinemaSins is like getting mad at Dunkey videos.
Nothing to get upset over, the movie is reaaaaally mediocre and the effects look fugly.
Alongside Civil War where T'Challa debuted, Black Panther is one of the MediocreCU's only truly great films.

These are some of the absolute worst first posts I have ever seen. Two posts whining about outrage that hasn't even happened yet, which is apparently completely necessary.

One post that is just wrong.

One post unironically using the term 'MediocreCU'


Oct 27, 2017
Nowhere. Infinity War was the one I hated the least.

Our definitions of "good" are wildly different. The effects took me out of of the movie all the time. The dancing people on the waterfall literally reminded me of Star Wars Prequels.
Clearly superhero movies just aren't for you. When a vast majority of critics and movie goers alike disagree with you, sometimes it's ok to admit that maybe the "problem" isn't with the movies but your tastes and/or ridiculously high standards. Just seems like you are going to these movies hating them from the offset and that isn't going to ever result to you liking these movies no matter how well made they are. Not saying they are some kind of amazing artistic endeavours par none but they are largely imaginative, entertaining action movies of varying kinds that occasionally even reach fairly high quality and have something worthwhile to say (even if they aren't subtle about it, but subtlety isn't always the measure of quality).


Oct 25, 2017
In his eyes he didn't through everything away he was acting within his character. If you have an uprising among your ranks you squish it and continue as planned. That's what he was doing in the final act. He wasn't planning on ending his attack on the rest of the world after defeating T'Challa. Hell he didn't even want to fight him a second time. He was getting ready for his race war against the world. Which isn't a bright thing to do but that's why he is the bad guy. Killmongers goal was to give the rest of the world a taste of being underneath Africa's heel for a change.
His whole plan was terrible, the way he treated his people was terrible, he wants to end oppression by oppression. He might have reasons but up until he thinks t'challa is dead you think he's smarter than he is. You think it goes deeper than I gotta destroy people. He should have been plotted out more, because he comes across as shallow.

He could've been the best MCU villain because of all the things he's been through. I really hope they bring him back.


Jun 9, 2018
  • Infinity War
  • A Quiet Place
  • Hereditary
  • Deadpool 2
  • Annihilation
  • Sicario: Day of the Soldado
  • Incredibles 2
I can keep going.

I agree with most of these (haven't seen Sicario) however i think that speaks to how good this year has been for movies more than anything about Black Panther.


Game Developer
Oct 28, 2017
Clearly superhero movies just aren't for you. When a vast majority of critics and movie goers alike disagree with you, sometimes it's ok to admit that maybe the "problem" isn't with the movies but your tastes and/or ridiculously high standards. Just seems like you are going to these movies hating them from the offset and that isn't going to ever result to you liking these movies no matter how well made they are. Not saying they are some kind of amazing artistic endeavours par none but they are largely imaginative, entertaining action movies of varying kinds that occasionally even reach fairly high quality and have something worthwhile to say (even if they aren't subtle about it, but subtlety isn't always the measure of quality).

You are right in that MCU movies aren't for me. I used to like many of the more 'auteur' style superhero movies like the Raimi Spiderman trilogy and Nolan Batman movies. V For Vendetta and even Hulk by Ang Lee were interesting to me. The MCU style of blending everything together to a grey goop is very unattractive to me. Infinity War was entertaining because of actual stakes and the fact that they didn't really have time for any filler between all the different characters. Iron Man was also pretty fun before the final fight, but that's an ancient MCU movie by now.

I watch all kinds of movies all the time to keep my mind open. (I know this will sound crazy to MCU fans lol)

Interesting that you thought i was referring to you, despite the fact you didn't mention Get Out.

Just wanted to clear that one out since there seems to be a lot of bad faith in this thread.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the thing is for some people with BP is that T'challa is so dry as a main lead. Like even more than cap in like winter soldier. There isn't a problem with that except that the movie doesn't have some guise of being a political thriller or really unique.


Oct 27, 2017
(if anyone didn't catch my type I meant cool women)

The design of the bodyguards was great and they had cool action moments and way of fighting.
Gotcha, confused me for a minute.

I did like the design and fighting of the Dora. They actually felt formidable in this fantasy type movie. They even made a point of showing them being close to taking down the main villain without assistance from the main hero.
I think the thing is for some people with BP is that T'challa is so dry as a main lead. Like even more than cap in like winter soldier.
Funny, cause those are my two favourite characters in the MCU. They get stuff done. And their seriousness makes then standout from all the other characters, who are unfortunately different shades of snark and one-liners.

There isn't a problem with that except that the movie doesn't have some guise of being a political thriller or really unique.
To me just the fucking balls of taking the conflict of diaspora africans and native africans and weaving that as the backbone in a blockbuster alone makes it unique. Coogler didn't have to do that, they could have left T'Challa as a generic black superhero but he took the plot hole of Wakanda existing in a world with slavery and racism and ran with it. I'm still surprised Disney went with it, cause no other studio might have made that risk.

(To be honest I wasn't aware of such a conflict until I went to college in the States)

Or the idea that in a blockbuster the hero's "goodness" isn't taken for granted and actually goes through a real character arc. The cheerleading you'd find in other movies is largely absent, the people supporting the hero actually challenge him. Hell, how many movies outside of indie and older middle tier films do you actually have the hero learning from the main villain?

Or just the idea of putting together a majority black cast, with actually strong female characters, in the forefront of the story? It's one of those things like the Bechdal Test, that you take for granted how open minded Hollywood is until someone actually does it for real.

So yes, if people went into this movie sitting back for the hero to kick and punch someone and smile in the end, then yes it turned out exactly as you expected. But if you're like me, knowing all the trappings of typical blockbuster fare, representation of underrepresented groups and lesser known aspect of their culture, all woven together in a great story with fine acting? It's goddamn unique.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
His whole plan was terrible, the way he treated his people was terrible, he wants to end oppression by oppression. He might have reasons but up until he thinks t'challa is dead you think he's smarter than he is. You think it goes deeper than I gotta destroy people. He should have been plotted out more, because he comes across as shallow.

He could've been the best MCU villain because of all the things he's been through. I really hope they bring him back.
I personally think Klaw should've been a cameo appearance and movie focused way more on building Erik


Oct 28, 2017
Black Panther is the Avatar of 2018.

A mediocre/bad movie you had to like because of outside political stuff.

Had some cool parts though, so that makes it much better than Avatar at least. Better than the first Thor or Captain movies, better than both Hulks, on par with Thor 2 and Ant-Man. Every other MCU movie is better.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the thing is for some people with BP is that T'challa is so dry as a main lead. Like even more than cap in like winter soldier. There isn't a problem with that except that the movie doesn't have some guise of being a political thriller or really unique.
It's another Thor and Loki situation, everybody likes Loki and people are just ok with Thor.


Oct 25, 2017
You are right in that MCU movies aren't for me. I used to like many of the more 'auteur' style superhero movies like the Raimi Spiderman trilogy and Nolan Batman movies. V For Vendetta and even Hulk by Ang Lee were interesting to me. The MCU style of blending everything together to a grey goop is very unattractive to me. Infinity War was entertaining because of actual stakes and the fact that they didn't really have time for any filler between all the different characters. Iron Man was also pretty fun before the final fight, but that's an ancient MCU movie by now.

I watch all kinds of movies all the time to keep my mind open. (I know this will sound crazy to MCU fans lol)

Just wanted to clear that one out since there seems to be a lot of bad faith in this thread.
Is raimi spiderman even considered "auteur"? It had the raimimess added in, but it's mostly just three pretty cheesy super hero movies.


Oct 25, 2017
Saw this movie the other day. It was...Boring? Not sure why people acted like this was such an incredible film. Much preferred Civil War.

Its about the context of having a black superhero and how it tackles blackness in both Africa and America in a tumultuous time where racism is prevalent. It's basically Black Excellence the Movie which is why its so celebrated.

And super disagree that this movie is boring.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Florida, USA
Another thread where people don't know anything about films criticizing films.

Cinema Sins is trash tier and only appeals to 15-year-olds and 25-year-olds with a 15-year-old mental.

Caz already posted a perfect link displaying why they are trash and how they only validate people's opinions who don't know how to discourse film.
Oct 25, 2017
The Cyclone State
I dig these.

OT, my nitpicks was the CG, that's about it.

Another thread where people don't know anything about films criticizing films.

Cinema Sins is trash tier and only appeals to 15-year-olds and 25-year-olds with a 15-year-old mental.

Caz already posted a perfect link displaying why they are trash and how they only validate people's opinions who don't know how to discourse film.

I mean, I think people get that his thing is over analyzing everything in what is ultimately a movie. That's what makes it entertaining at times (and the dub overs at the end).

It's not like people take this as an actual movie review.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Florida, USA
I dig these.

OT, my nitpicks was the CG, that's about it.

I mean, I think people get that his thing is over analyzing everything in what is ultimately a movie. That's what makes it entertaining at times (and the dub overs at the end).

It's not like people take this as an actual movie review.
Again look at the link posted on page one. smh


Oct 27, 2017
His whole plan was terrible, the way he treated his people was terrible, he wants to end oppression by oppression. He might have reasons but up until he thinks t'challa is dead you think he's smarter than he is. You think it goes deeper than I gotta destroy people. He should have been plotted out more, because he comes across as shallow.

He could've been the best MCU villain because of all the things he's been through. I really hope they bring him back.
He wanted a (violent) revolution after a lifetime of being shunned by Wakanda and living in a world where he still sees black people being enslaved, taken advantage of or generally just treated like shit. Nothing about his actions later on in the movie go against his character or how he & his ideology/actions were portrayed earlier in the movie.


Game Developer
Oct 28, 2017
Is raimi spiderman even considered "auteur"? It had the raimimess added in, but it's mostly just three pretty cheesy super hero movies.

In my mind yes, all the spiderman movies by Raimi are filled with his trademark style, cheesiness, actors, cameos and writing.


Oct 25, 2017
Black Panther's only sins are poor CG effects, and really bland action scenes (Black Panther's chase scene in Civil War is better than any of the action in his own movie). Other than that, it's great.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
Another thread where people don't know anything about films criticizing films.

Cinema Sins is trash tier and only appeals to 15-year-olds and 25-year-olds with a 15-year-old mental.

Caz already posted a perfect link displaying why they are trash and how they only validate people's opinions who don't know how to discourse film.
What credentials are needed to critique a film?
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