
Oct 27, 2017
So let me start by saying I only have a surface knowledge of gamergate and legit want to learn because the dynamic around it is fascinating. So this is a legit question. Is it fair to assume at this point that everyone who references gamer gate is leaning into the harrassment side and not still just championing for better in games journalism? Is that nuanced position still open? The issue seems so bifurcated at this point that maybe not. But there doesnt seem room for nuance points about it any more. It seems you either have to get angry and use sweeping accusations of sexism and hate or on the flip side you are a hater.

I guess I'm asking how one voices the view I mentioned (harrassment is sick but there is definitely shady crap in games journalism regardless of whatever happened with the people the controversy centered on) but doesn't get branded a lover of hate. Some of the bans here even follow that assumption. You don't rabble in the comments and you are accused of supporting a hate movement.

One more time for the record, harrassment and hate are evil. Those who did so are sick. I barely know what Gamergate is and don't support anything but rational discourse and learning with this question. Please don't yell at me, call me a hater, and ban me. : )

I know this is a old post and that you're long gone, but I read it this morning on mobile and I was shaking my head the whole time.

Your post is the literal template for GG:

  • Establish that you barely know anything about GG.
  • Start asking questions. Let us know that all your questions are legitimate.
  • Arrive at your actual point: "Isn't this really about ethics in games journalism?"
  • Bring up the unfair treatment of your fellow GG within the thread.

To the moderation: keep up the good work with this thread, I don't envy you.

Deleted member 41271

User requested account closure
Mar 21, 2018
"Do research" in the context of posting a random screenshot on twitter seems about as useful as "don't make mistakes". How would you go about it, specifically? You have a screenshot of a game the boss asks you to post on the company's twitter. What tests do you run it through to ensure nothing in it is connected to a hate group?

This seems like such a case of "it's easy as long as it's not my job".

Oh dear. I love guys trying to explain this kind of thing to me like it's some foreign, alien concept I couldn't possible be aware of. Except...
It turns out that I already do this kind of thing for my job. Just today, I had to check fonts to ensure that the characters used in the font were not bothersome to the target audience. That's a thing, yeah.
Other things I frequently see are checks for the connotiations of names, phrases, and idioms. Just to give you a cutesy example, one thing to watch out for is stuff like "To each their own". Innocent phrase, right? Yeah, sure, except that the German version is also on the door for the KZ Buchenwald, and thus has a Nazi connotiation. That cutesy little phrase, used completely innocently, can lead to a PR disaster.

Happened to Peek Cloppenburg, just this year.


But hey, what tests, you ask? Surely I must be using arcane knowledge, summoning vile demons with kitten's blood to get this kind of knowledge? Or maybe I consult ancient tomes that induce madness in all that open their blood-soaked pages? Nah. It's really just Google. Works like a charm, and really isn't as hard as you're making it out to be.


Oct 25, 2017
Other things I frequently see are checks for the connotiations of names, phrases, and idioms. Just to give you a cutesy example, one thing to watch out for is stuff like "To each their own". Innocent phrase, right? Yeah, sure, except that the German version is also on the door for the KZ Buchenwald, and thus has a Nazi connotiation. That cutesy little phrase, used completely innocently, can lead to a PR disaster.

Happened to Peek Cloppenburg, just this year.
I've got a strong feeling in my gut that you only know this because someone else made the mistake first.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
The fact that you're resorting to insults now just makes me think you're both bad faith participants in this discussion.

Trying to make people seem ridiculous isn't going to magically get rid of the facts on this one. They attacked journalism (which can have dire consequences in this day and age) and have made no effort to apologize for that.

There is no point in debating people who don't even bother to understand any sort of nuance.

I don't understand how GOG can continue to let GG fester on their site when they can see first hand how fucking insane these people are. Just look at the replies in that subreddit.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
Before entering this thread, I had no idea Postal 2 was getting (or was even capable of getting) DLC. That game is ancient.

GOG really should've known better.


Losing is fun
Oct 28, 2017
Wow, that's super disappointing. At least they took it down, but...

So yeah, I'm Konrad from that Reddit thread. Hello everybody!

This is kind of a spot-on interpretation of what happened. "The game is so crude so hey, let's go with this." Out of the two people who regularly work with our social accounts, neither of us was aware that it's far more deliberate and loaded imagery than just your run of the mill, bone-cutting, piss-on-journalism edge.

I gotta say, what gets me the hardest is stuff like "Oh, you guys took a stance but got bullied into apologizing".
I mean no – I'm sitting right here and it's not what happened, there was no stance, only a careless tweet. The outcry did make us aware of the implication. Good. Now we know and we're better for it.

No offense, but I find it kind of hard to believe that you work in games PR and didn't understand this reference. It's pretty direct. Good on you for owning up to it, though.


Oct 26, 2017
Goddamn, some of the people replying to the apology on Twitter have the self-awareness of a small dog. What the fuck.

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Gamergate is going into its 4th year next month. If you work in games, ESPECIALLY pr or marketing, it's irresponsible not to be up on what's happening.

A gif of someone pissing in a tombstone proclaiming that games journalism committed suicide in August 2014 should already have set off alarm bells for any normal person


Nov 15, 2017
Wow, that's super disappointing. At least they took it down, but...

No offense, but I find it kind of hard to believe that you work in games PR and didn't understand this reference. It's pretty direct. Good on you for owning up to it, though.
It's only direct if you get it. Personally I can see someone looking at the tombstone and wondering what happened in August 2014, but if they don't take the effort to look into it at that point it can be seen as a shitpost to games journalism in general.
Or at least that's what I did and then google and other efforts gave me Leigh Alexander article and it clicked for me, but thats only because im a curious person.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't know anything about GG before this thread, googled it and reading the wiki page is just painful.
Much love to Quinn and every one else harassed by those assholes, and hopefully [victims of GG] they're all living a happy normal life now.
Is there any organization or movement opposing GG? I would really like to give my support.
Seriously, Fuck GG and everyone who participated in their hate actions.
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Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
wow, after that follow up, both VG and GOG are looking alright by me are the moment - calling gg on being the harmful shitheap that it was is important. wish wed've done this back when it was full swing


Oct 25, 2017
This is yet another reminder than anyone working PR or management in games should be briefed on what gamergate was and have a deep understanding of their history and tactics.


Oct 27, 2017
Why would you think otherwise? Does GOG and CD Projekt have a history of pro-GG behaviour?
They forced their NA community manager to post an apology when he took a stand against it, yes.

They know who their audience are, and they act accordingly. This isn't some shocking revelation.


Oct 27, 2017
Definitely not. You can see how many very young gamers are keen to have the torch of angry abusive behaviour.
That's extremely sad and heart breaking. I don't use Twitter or any other forums so i had no idea how bad it is.

On a side note, I've added the same clarification you've added to my post to clear any possible confusion. Thanks for that!


Oct 25, 2017
Νο, I disagree with this statement, I think overreaction is the root of many problems in every industry.

Lets see what they do now
GOG apologised. This "overreaction" news made for better knowledge on all parties. I don't see how this being news "is the root of many problems in every industry" considering it was a targeted harassment campaign.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
wow, after that follow up, both VG and GOG are looking alright by me are the moment - calling gg on being the harmful shitheap that it was is important. wish wed've done this back when it was full swing
Right? My expectations from this industry are so low that I was pleasantly surprised to see VG247 not have any of that shit, and GOG actually reuse the hate label, instead of the usual vague wording.

Maybe some of these guys are starting to realize they've let that shit fester for too long.


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
Right? My expectations from this industry are so low that I was pleasantly surprised to see VG247 not have any of that shit, and GOG actually reuse the hate label, instead of the usual vague wording.

Maybe some of these guys are starting to realize they've let that shit fester for too long.

that's my hope too, yeah - and your post really nailed it, the bar truly is so low that just calling them what they are feels commendable, sadly

shame reddit doesn't have the stones

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
On a serious note, reverse image searches, and a basic "Google search distinct info in the image" (like dates) are mandatory before social media posts with third-party materials go out at many companies. That's a big part of the "work" for people doing social media engagement work.

That's not at all what is being said. Also research is key to marketing, so framing it as some sort of outlandish request, seems like a case of "I have no fucking clue what I am talking about".

Oh dear. I love guys trying to explain this kind of thing to me like it's some foreign, alien concept I couldn't possible be aware of. Except...
It turns out that I already do this kind of thing for my job. Just today, I had to check fonts to ensure that the characters used in the font were not bothersome to the target audience. That's a thing, yeah.
Other things I frequently see are checks for the connotiations of names, phrases, and idioms. Just to give you a cutesy example, one thing to watch out for is stuff like "To each their own". Innocent phrase, right? Yeah, sure, except that the German version is also on the door for the KZ Buchenwald, and thus has a Nazi connotiation. That cutesy little phrase, used completely innocently, can lead to a PR disaster.

Happened to Peek Cloppenburg, just this year.


But hey, what tests, you ask? Surely I must be using arcane knowledge, summoning vile demons with kitten's blood to get this kind of knowledge? Or maybe I consult ancient tomes that induce madness in all that open their blood-soaked pages? Nah. It's really just Google. Works like a charm, and really isn't as hard as you're making it out to be.

OK, assume googling and reverse image search don't turn up anything odd. Now what? Don't think I didn't notice that a five paragraph post of childish sarcasm didn't actually answer my question, unless by "research" you really just meant "googling" and therefore your position is "if Google turns up nothing, you're peachy".


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, that's super disappointing. At least they took it down, but...

No offense, but I find it kind of hard to believe that you work in games PR and didn't understand this reference. It's pretty direct. Good on you for owning up to it, though.
Not everybody checks on twitter 24/7.


Oct 26, 2017
OK, assume googling and reverse image search don't turn up anything odd. Now what? Don't think I didn't notice that a five paragraph post of childish sarcasm didn't actually answer my question, unless by "research" you really just meant "googling" and therefore your position is "if Google turns up nothing, you're peachy".

Looking at the example from the situation behind this thread is a good case to look at: An image shows pissing on a grave with some words on it and a specific date. Looking up those words might be a good starting point to know what the context is. You're acting like this is an impossible standard, and you're being told by several people with varying degrees of specificity why it's not.

If you type the words "games journalism 2014" into Google, you would have easily gotten the info needed to dodge this situation within the first two results. If you searched "august 28 2014 games journalism," the first 100 results would make it very clear what was going on. Mistakes are possible, and if all you're saying is that, then I don't think anyone disagrees with you, but social media managers have best-practices for avoiding stuff like this. This situation was 100% avoidable.

And for clarity, my original response wasn't some deranged over-reaction; it looked at the fast response and apology and recognized that this was likely a mistake (and even if an individual snuck it in deliberately, there would be eyes on future cases).
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Oct 25, 2017
Looking at the example from the situation behind this thread might be a good example to consider: An image shows pissing on a grave with some words on it and a specific date. Looking up those words might be a good starting point to know what the context is. You're acting like this is an impossible standard, and you're being told by several people with varying degrees of specificity why it's not.

If you type the words "games journalism 2014" into Google, you would have easily gotten the info needed to dodge this situation within the first two results. Mistakes are possible, and if all you're saying is that, then I don't think anyone disagrees with you, but social media managers have best-practices for avoiding stuff like this. This situation was 100% avoidable.
Are you expecting people to google everything they put up?


Jan 15, 2018
Gamergate is going into its 4th year next month. If you work in games, ESPECIALLY pr or marketing, it's irresponsible not to be up on what's happening.

A gif of someone pissing in a tombstone proclaiming that games journalism committed suicide in August 2014 should already have set off alarm bells for any normal person
For a PR person. Sure, they have to be careful about all subject matters.

For the average person, even a hardcore gamer, checking gaming forums, Twitter etc. on a daily basis. I don't think they have the slightest idea what 'Gamergate' is. I myself have been gaming for 30 years and only seen the term on forums like GAF & ERA. Threads with thousands of responses I never clicked on.

I don't believe the image in question would have meant anything to 99.9% of gamers beyond a silly joke about journalistic standards. The whole situation seems to be perpetuated by both sides arguing back and forth. Meanwhile gamers in the middle are completely bemused about the whole situation.


Oct 26, 2017
Are you expecting people to google everything they put up?

If you're using outside material? Yeah, pretty much. Especially if it's got specific hooks like the gravestone-pissing here. A string of phrases/dates are obviously about something specific. A social media manager needs to know what they're roping into the company and products they're promoting. That's the job.


Oct 25, 2017
New Zealand
TBH I also had no idea about the specific connotations of that image. I hate how modern internet never gives people second chances, and always assumes the worst.

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
For a PR person. Sure, they have to be careful about all subject matters.

For the average person, even a hardcore gamer, checking gaming forums, Twitter etc. on a daily basis. I don't think they have the slightest idea what 'Gamergate' is. I myself have been gaming for 30 years and only seen the term on forums like GAF & ERA. Threads with thousands of responses I never clicked on.

I don't believe the image in question would have meant anything to 99.9% of gamers beyond a silly joke about journalistic standards. The whole situation seems to be perpetuated by both sides arguing back and forth. Meanwhile gamers in the middle are completely bemused about the whole situation.

That's just your personal ignorance. Granted it doesn't help that most of the games media and industry has ignored it for fear of hurting the bottom line, but seeing as how it's been a thing for nearly four years with some pretty high profile coverage including newspaper and television coverage, senate appearances, deaths, etc. you're just apathetic if you don't know about it.
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Nov 15, 2017
On a side note, really can't believe all that shit was 4 years ago.
Feels like it was last year


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
...and banned. Good fucking riddance.

Looks like our lovely (banned junior) munkyman33 went straight to Reddit to complain about Resetera moderation on a post that included the fantastic...

honestly, I'd love it if some sociology buff infiltrated resetera and wrote a piece on the echo chamber that is that website, starting with the use of mod power to censor and change conversations, moving on to the fact that they use video games as a political agenda to push their shit and the overall hypocrisy when it comes to being open and inclusive yet hateful against anyone differing from their opinions.

He was just curious. Just asking questions.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
TBH I also had no idea about the specific connotations of that image. I hate how modern internet never gives people second chances, and always assumes the worst.

They're a storefront. Using imagery from an abusive/hate group. Do you not think VG247's reaction was appropriate? It worked didn't it? It got taken down pretty fast and educated everyone on the connotations of pissing on the grave of Gaming Journalism that 'commited suicide in August 2014'. It's fairly on the nose.


Nov 5, 2017
So yeah, I'm Konrad from that Reddit thread. Hello everybody!

This is kind of a spot-on interpretation of what happened. "The game is so crude so hey, let's go with this." Out of the two people who regularly work with our social accounts, neither of us was aware that it's far more deliberate and loaded imagery than just your run of the mill, bone-cutting, piss-on-journalism edge.

I gotta say, what gets me the hardest is stuff like "Oh, you guys took a stance but got bullied into apologizing".
I mean no – I'm sitting right here and it's not what happened, there was no stance, only a careless tweet. The outcry did make us aware of the implication. Good. Now we know and we're better for it.

Good to hear. I'm willing to take this at face value and just move on. Despite what some think, its actually a relief to not have something to be outraged over. Outrage is exhausting.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't believe the image in question would have meant anything to 99.9% of gamers beyond a silly joke about journalistic standards..

Which is where it's most insiduous. The modern methodology to spread right-wing ideology is to couch it in forms where a surface reading might look benign, but it has the dogwhistles there for those who are predisposed to those viewpoints - which in turn can lead people to innocently propogating it due to only seeing the surface.

I've seen this sort of thing happen before - fortunately not been guilty of that propogation myself, but come close on occasion - so I'm inclined to trust GoG when they're putting their hands up and claiming ignorance. That said, it does mean I'll view future postings with a little more of a critical eye as a result, just in case.


Oct 28, 2017
Are you expecting people to google everything they put up?

Kinda come with the job I would imagine. Anyways it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission in most cases and it appears this is one of it. Oh I am sorry I didn't know even tho if the job is a PR branch of a gaming related company.


Oct 27, 2017
Agreed. Assuming the worst of everyone every time, even against their own word, is not going to make the world a livable place for anyone. If the intention of the tweet was to support GamerGate, they would have doubled down, not apologized.
Pretty much my feelings on this one.

It was an honest mistake--one made in poor taste and judgment, but a mistake nonetheless--which has been apologized for.

Do they need to do better? Yes, and they've stated as much. Given the charged nature of the mistake, GOG also needed to clearly denounce the hate movement, which they also promptly did, followed by clarifying posts both here and on reddit.

They were rightfully called out, they apologized and clarified, and sometimes that's all that should need to be done. Seems to be the case here in my opinion.


Oct 27, 2017
Looks like our lovely (banned junior) munkyman33 went straight to Reddit to complain about Resetera moderation on a post that included the fantastic...

He was just curious. Just asking questions.

honestly, I'd love it if some sociology buff infiltrated resetera and wrote a piece on the echo chamber that is that website, starting with the use of mod power to censor and change conversations, moving on to the fact that they use video games as a political agenda to push their shit and the overall hypocrisy when it comes to being open and inclusive yet hateful against anyone differing from their opinions.

Murky, since I know you're reading this, I would just like you to know that we here at Resetera completely support your banning, 100%. It was the right thing to do.

Deleted member 41271

User requested account closure
Mar 21, 2018
I've got a strong feeling in my gut that you only know this because someone else made the mistake first.

My dude, I've got a strong suspicion you've got no clue whatsoever about good marketing and/or localization. We actually check for plenty of things that, to my knowledge, nobody got into trouble for yet - looking for such issues is kinda the point. That's kinda the part of doing the job, anticipating problems in target markets and avoiding them, lol.

Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
Pretty much my feelings on this one.

It was an honest mistake--one made in poor taste and judgment, but a mistake nonetheless--which has been apologized for.

Do they need to do better? Yes, and they've stated as much. Given the charged nature of the mistake, GOG also needed to clearly denounce the hate movement, which they also promptly did, followed by clarifying posts both here and on reddit.

They were rightfully called out, they apologized and clarified, and sometimes that's all that should need to be done. Seems to be the case here in my opinion.
Yeah, in comparison, Play-Asia went the opposite route to court GG people in pursuit of more sales of DOAX3.

Deleted member 18347

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
So yeah, I'm Konrad from that Reddit thread. Hello everybody!

This is kind of a spot-on interpretation of what happened. "The game is so crude so hey, let's go with this." Out of the two people who regularly work with our social accounts, neither of us was aware that it's far more deliberate and loaded imagery than just your run of the mill, bone-cutting, piss-on-journalism edge.

I gotta say, what gets me the hardest is stuff like "Oh, you guys took a stance but got bullied into apologizing".
I mean no – I'm sitting right here and it's not what happened, there was no stance, only a careless tweet. The outcry did make us aware of the implication. Good. Now we know and we're better for it.
Well that's that then.

Funny how some desperate ggers rejoiced at the thought of a potential new ally in gog lol.