
Oct 25, 2017
I just worry about things going further with "what is permissible" on here, in general. Especially if the Victor figure was taking off (if it's the GEM figure, was it cause his butt was sticking out?)

I just looked at pics of GEM Victor - THAT is considered NSFW? WTF. Insane.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I just looked at pics of GEM Victor - THAT is considered NSFW? WTF. Insane.
I'm guessing because if you turn it around, his butt is sticking out and then you've got a pic focused on his butt? That's as far as I could tell. Either way, if they banned it in another thread it really shouldn't posted here either.

I've sent an e-mail to SweetNicole trying to get further clarification on just what the issue with the Makoto figure was, and further clarity on the rules for the site.

Hello. I just wanted to clarify that the thread in question was generating a large number of reports and that other users did have real concerns about it not being safe for their work. The red post in this thread was not intended as a reprimand but as a gentle reminder, but in hindsight we acknowledge that this may have come off as guilt by association. We regret that. As Nicole has already stated, you've done a good job of policing yourselves and we appreciate that very much. Please keep it up. We are not looking for reasons to moderate anyone; we are far too busy for that.
What constitutes "Not safe for work" varies drastically from work place to work place. The guideline we had been given here was "keep it PG-13" and, while not posted here or by a regular member of Figure Era, the figure that caused such an uproar I would consider PG-13 as it featured no nudity. You guys have created a very vague, confusing set of standards for what can and cannot be posted under the rules by this thread closure. As I've expressed to SweetNicole, we understand it's your site and your rules, but we're not mind readers. We need clarity.


The Former
Oct 23, 2017
I've sent an e-mail to SweetNicole trying to get further clarification on just what the issue with the Makoto figure was
In this case the complaint we received most frequently was that the shape of her vagina was clearly outlined and also emphasized by the pose. If you disagree, please note that this is not a topic I'm particularly eager to debate.

I'm not sure it's possible for us to create a list of every possible objection that might arise. All we can do is ask that you continue to exercise common sense and discretion, and perhaps avoid drawing wide attention to cases that might be on the borderline.


Oct 25, 2017
Dat butt (user in the thread did post a pic that included a behind view of his rear). It does stick out a little, but I didn't think it was that bad. *shrug* Well shouldn't be a problem with a front view or such for him.

It's still stupid. That butt shot should not have been an issue at all. It's been featured on general anime sites like Crunchyroll and AnimeNewsNetwork. Sure, it's a bit of fanservice, but calling it lewd and nsfw is ridiculous when you can safely post servicey official pics from games such as Fire Emblem, Street Fighter, Tekken, Nier, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know what you all expected. Everyone hates us, and even though we're behaving and trying to respect everyone's wishes, we'll never be wanted nor our opinions respected.

It's only a matter of time until this place gets shut down either due to outrage from a few vocal members on the "right" side or the admins determine that we're not clean enough to potential ad services. We're forever the creeps and losers who only view women as objects to these people. It is what it is.


Oct 25, 2017
All we can do is ask that you continue to exercise common sense and discretion, and perhaps avoid drawing wide attention to cases that might be on the borderline.

That Makoto figure was actually posted in this very thread, and nobody thought it was borderline. People were more like "Meh, another subpar Persona figure". It's not until someone made a thread for it in Video Games that people made a stink about it. I'm not sure the takeaway is "don't make specific threads for it" either, because nothing stops someone from entering this thread and reporting every picture as objectionable.


The Former
Oct 23, 2017
That Makoto figure was actually posted in this very thread, and nobody thought it was borderline. People were more like "Meh, another subpar Persona figure". It's not until someone made a thread for it in Video Games that people made a stink about it. I'm not sure the takeaway is "don't make specific threads for it" either, because nothing stops someone from entering this thread and reporting every picture as objectionable.
We are no strangers to reports made in bad faith, and we do not intend to allow moderation to be dishonestly manipulated against a community. If you suspect that your community is being targeted in such a way please contact me directly with your concern.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
In this case the complaint we received most frequently was that the shape of her vagina was clearly outlined and also emphasized by the pose. If you disagree, please note that this is not a topic I'm particularly eager to debate.

I'm not sure it's possible for us to create a list of every possible objection that might arise. All we can do is ask that you continue to exercise common sense and discretion, and perhaps avoid drawing wide attention to cases that might be on the borderline.
I'm not interested in debate either. I'm seeking clarity. It's understandable that you could not possibly list every single objectionable thing, which also isn't what I've been asking for. It's not even clear, for example, if a bikini or speedo swimsuit constitutes NSFW by this site's standards. Or the content of Bayonetta. Or Nier Automata. Or Ivy in Soul Calibur. I'm assuming at least somewhat that context is key. I've urged caution and discretion here from the beginning and tried to engage with moderation in full good faith.
That Makoto figure was actually posted in this very thread, and nobody thought it was borderline. People were more like "Meh, another subpar Persona figure". It's not until someone made a thread for it in Video Games that people made a stink about it. I'm not sure the takeaway is "don't make specific threads for it" either, because nothing stops someone from entering this thread and reporting every picture as objectionable.
It was only posted here (by me even, now removed) after the other thread was made, and even then it wasn't the particular photo angle that emphasized the objectionable parts. I still don't think that "nobody thought it was a problem in here" is a good metric. It's certainly not going to fly with the moderation here.

Really I'd like to move on from this until we have new information, and I would appreciate if people didn't intentionally antagonize the moderation and administration team. If the rules aren't to your liking, nobody is forcing anyone to participate here.

Pretty. The translucent (?) bird is a nice touch.


That Gwendolyn figure is looking real nice and is probably going to cost a fortune b/c it's Flare.
Oct 25, 2017
That Makoto figure was actually posted in this very thread, and nobody thought it was borderline. People were more like "Meh, another subpar Persona figure". It's not until someone made a thread for it in Video Games that people made a stink about it. I'm not sure the takeaway is "don't make specific threads for it" either, because nothing stops someone from entering this thread and reporting every picture as objectionable.

Honestly, the way I see it, someone somewhere out there is going to get 'frustrated' and 'outraged' at our lifestyle choices no matter how normal or inoffensive they are.

Some folks feel an incredible need to police the environment they live in. Everything and everyone needs to conform to their notions of what is considered RIGHT.
You're wearing a blue t-shirt? NOOOOOOOO. Blue is the wrong colour!! You need to wear White! WHITE!!!!! And suddenly all the like-minded people who like white t-shirts gang up on you and chastise you.
Soon after, you're questioning your lifestyle choices and who you are. Is Blue really such a bad colour? I never go around forcing people to wear Blue, so why is this happening to me? Is there something wrong with me for wearing Blue? Am I going to get in trouble if I go to work tomorrow in a Blue t-shirt? etc etc etc.

I mean, if it were me and I saw something that didn't agree with me, I'd just go 'What the hell.' and move on.
If it were something objectionable, I'd go 'Holy shit WTF' and close the tab/page and go somewhere else (after saving the picture).
But that's just me. And I find it ridiculous that the meaning of the simple phrase 'live and let live' is lost on so many.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I forgot to pay the figure tax just now when I ranted so here we go:

QuesQ recently announced a new Selvaria Bles. I'm not too fond of the bunny ears headband and the way her face looks, to be honest.

The last time I saw a decent Selvaria figure that I really liked was from Volks' Charagumin garage kit line.

Unfortunately, Volks doesn't seem to want to do scale figures any more and I think its such shame because the Selvaria GK deserves the scale figure treatment. The last scale figure I got from them was Yukihime and she was really nice (though precariously balanced on one foot)
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I forgot to pay the figure tax just now when I ranted so here we go:

QuesQ recently announced a new Selvaria Bles. I'm not too fond of the bunny ears headband and the way her face looks, to be honest.

The last time I saw a decent Selvaria figure that I really liked was from Volks' Charagumin garage kit line.

Unfortunately, Volks doesn't seem to want to do scale figures any more and I think its such shame because the Selvaria GK deserves the scale figure treatment. The last scale figure I got from them was Yukihime and she was really nice (though precariously balanced on one foot)

Yeah, that Bunny Selvaria figure is not great. I may end up buying it anyways because I have a Selvaria problem.

That GK is great. I've seen it painted at conventions. Even better is their Alicia GK, since she never got any good figures. (The anime version is pretty bleh)


Fortunately, Selvaria has several good figures spanning both game style and Raita style.



The Former
Oct 23, 2017
Hello all. Giolon has asked passionately for clarity, and to find it I had a female moderator lead a discussion among the REgals community about the Makoto figurine and what kind of compromise with the FigureERA community they would find acceptable.

First things first, there was indeed overwhelming objection to the now infamous Makoto figurine. Crucially, it was not the sexualization in and of itself that caused this concern, but specifically that this was sexualization of a minor. Most of these ladies wanted to emphasize that they are not prudes and are actually quite okay with adult characters showing skin and looking sexy. So!

Rule #1: Exercise extra caution when a character is underage. Seriously. Don't fuck around with this guys.

Now for adults you're probably asking how sexy is too sexy. Some suggestions on this topic were made which I find entirely reasonable, and so I present them to you now:

Rule #2: Don't post anything that wouldn't be shown on network TV. Many of our members are from the United States and have a good grasp of what this means. They'll be able to tell you where that line is.

Rule #3: If the clothing on the figure would get a real person arrested for public indecency, it crosses the line. This should be self-explanatory.

Rule #4: If the camera is excessively focused on sexual or secondary sexual characteristics, it's a poor choice of picture and another angle may be more appropriate.

Again I feel that any new restrictions found here are very reasonable, and in fact this clarity may lift other restrictions you have been imposing on yourselves. Everyone appreciates that you've been making a sincere and earnest effort to be a part of our wider community, and no one is deliberately trying to drive you off. If you stay within these boundaries you will be fine, and you will be welcome.

Our FAQ is currently being revised and we will work to codify all of the above and more under our universal NSFW policy as soon as possible. There will be no double standards. Thank you.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm going to be in San Francisco tomorrow after crapping out at the Pokemon San Jose regionals. Any good places worth checking out for toys or collectibles?

Also thanks for the clarification. Missed all this drama, but glad it didn't take place in this thread.


Oct 25, 2017
United States
Hello all. Giolon has asked passionately for clarity, and to find it I had a female moderator lead a discussion among the REgals community about the Makoto figurine and what kind of compromise with the FigureERA community they would find acceptable.

First things first, there was indeed overwhelming objection to the now infamous Makoto figurine. Crucially, it was not the sexualization in and of itself that caused this concern, but specifically that this was sexualization of a minor. Most of these ladies wanted to emphasize that they are not prudes and are actually quite okay with adult characters showing skin and looking sexy. So!

Rule #1: Exercise extra caution when a character is underage. Seriously. Don't fuck around with this guys.

Now for adults you're probably asking how sexy is too sexy. Some suggestions on this topic were made which I find entirely reasonable, and so I present them to you now:

Rule #2: Don't post anything that wouldn't be shown on network TV. Many of our members are from the United States and have a good grasp of what this means. They'll be able to tell you where that line is.

Rule #3: If the clothing on the figure would get a real person arrested for public indecency, it crosses the line. This should be self-explanatory.

Rule #4: If the camera is excessively focused on sexual or secondary sexual characteristics, it's a poor choice of picture and another angle may be more appropriate.

Again I feel that any new restrictions found here are very reasonable, and in fact this clarity may lift other restrictions you have been imposing on yourselves. Everyone appreciates that you've been making a sincere and earnest effort to be a part of our wider community, and no one is deliberately trying to drive you off. If you stay within these boundaries you will be fine, and you will be welcome.

Our FAQ is currently being revised and we will work to codify all of the above and more under our universal NSFW policy as soon as possible. There will be no double standards. Thank you.

That red text is painful on the eyes, at least in darkera on mobile. Actually, never mind. It's only painful with the post is highlighted purple.

The restrictions seem perfectly reasonable.

I assume that NSFW in a clearly labeled spoiler tags is still a no go?


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Alright, thanks for the clarification.

I have to admit I'm not quite sure why the REgals community alone was consulted for this matter. Either do it forum-wide or keep it within the admin/mod team.

Crucially, it was not the sexualization in and of itself that caused this concern, but specifically that this was sexualization of a minor.
I would like to point put here that Makoto is 17 at the start of the game and turns 18 two weeks into the game, about 2 months before she puts on this outfit for the first time. For all intents and purposes, this figure depicts an adult woman and not a minor.


Oct 25, 2017
I would like to point put here that Makoto is 17 at the start of the game and turns 18 two weeks into the game, about 2 months before she puts on this outfit for the first time. For all intents and purposes, this figure depicts an adult woman and not a minor.

I didn't even think about the age thing. It never would have entered my mind except in cases of loli figures, but I just assume those are all 10,000 year-old dragons.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
So is that going to be a forum wide rule?

Or is that just specific to FigureEra?

Cause to be honest, it does feel like this community is being singled out in particular over something no one in here actually did.


The Former
Oct 23, 2017
So is that going to be a forum wide rule?

Or is that just specific to FigureEra?

Cause to be honest, it does feel like this community is being singled out in particular over something no one in here actually did.
Our FAQ is currently being revised and we will work to codify all of the above and more under our universal NSFW policy as soon as possible. There will be no double standards. Thank you.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Hello all. Giolon has asked passionately for clarity, and to find it I had a female moderator lead a discussion among the REgals community about the Makoto figurine and what kind of compromise with the FigureERA community they would find acceptable.

First things first, there was indeed overwhelming objection to the now infamous Makoto figurine. Crucially, it was not the sexualization in and of itself that caused this concern, but specifically that this was sexualization of a minor. Most of these ladies wanted to emphasize that they are not prudes and are actually quite okay with adult characters showing skin and looking sexy. So!

Rule #1: Exercise extra caution when a character is underage. Seriously. Don't fuck around with this guys.

Now for adults you're probably asking how sexy is too sexy. Some suggestions on this topic were made which I find entirely reasonable, and so I present them to you now:

Rule #2: Don't post anything that wouldn't be shown on network TV. Many of our members are from the United States and have a good grasp of what this means. They'll be able to tell you where that line is.

Rule #3: If the clothing on the figure would get a real person arrested for public indecency, it crosses the line. This should be self-explanatory.

Rule #4: If the camera is excessively focused on sexual or secondary sexual characteristics, it's a poor choice of picture and another angle may be more appropriate.

Again I feel that any new restrictions found here are very reasonable, and in fact this clarity may lift other restrictions you have been imposing on yourselves. Everyone appreciates that you've been making a sincere and earnest effort to be a part of our wider community, and no one is deliberately trying to drive you off. If you stay within these boundaries you will be fine, and you will be welcome.

Our FAQ is currently being revised and we will work to codify all of the above and more under our universal NSFW policy as soon as possible. There will be no double standards. Thank you.

That was faster than I expected. This is pretty reasonable and is something we can work with. Thank you! I'll add this to our OP.

I'm going to be in San Francisco tomorrow after crapping out at the Pokemon San Jose regionals. Any good places worth checking out for toys or collectibles?

Also thanks for the clarification. Missed all this drama, but glad it didn't take place in this thread.

Japantown is no good for figures anymore, but Kinokuniya there is great for art books. There's one in San Jose too if you don't want to go all the way to SF.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm going to be in San Francisco tomorrow after crapping out at the Pokemon San Jose regionals. Any good places worth checking out for toys or collectibles?

Also thanks for the clarification. Missed all this drama, but glad it didn't take place in this thread.

Japan Town has a few places, but the selection isn't the best. (The one place downstairs always has a mountain of Nendos/Figmas, but it's hard to look through). I'd say the best place for figures is at Cards and Comics Central. Was just there last month (first time in a few years) and they still had some older figures too, but a selection of brands. Worth a peek.