
Oct 26, 2017
I'm going to go ahead and say it, but this game is not very good. As a veteran of Wild World on the DS, and New Leaf on 3DS, this feels so incredibly small and limited. Of course it would be, as a FTP game compared to a $30 full game, but this is like 5% of an Animal Crossing experience at best.

I mean it's still cute as hell, but the entire experience has been reduced to your animal buddies acting as friendship vending machines. The gameplay loop is to just visit the four gathering locations to fill up on friendship tokens, then put those into the friendship vending machines which spit out bells, crafting recipes, and friendship XP. All the charm and genuine interactions from the Animal Crossing games reduced to one overarching fetch quest.

There's not enough decorable space, or variety of items, to make visiting other camps worthwhile. Everyone is going to have one of the four big tent styles, and one of the four level one or level two attractions, and in front of them a small space which will be stuffed with as many of the crafted items as a player can fit in.

Even the nature of interacting with things feels cynical, stripped of charm. I'm only talking to the animals to be given things, or to insert my friendship tokens as I grind towards their level 10 exclusive craft recipe. We never talk about anything else, they never mention the other critters and how they're feeling, there's no chance of bumping into them around town as they run errands. Nope, they just stand around the camp all day waiting for their fetch quest timers to reset so more friendship tokens can be inserted.

Also the fact that everything is transitions. Instead of turning to look at you to talk, it's a screen wipe as you both teleport to a clear space to chat. Then cut to a friendship level up screen. Then cut back to original position. Then tap again to teleport out for another chat to insert friendship tokens. Then cut to a "hey we're eating fruit together" scene at AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT LOCATION. Then cut to a player level up screen. Then cut back to... look, you get the idea.

I hit level 10 and I'm crafting my big tent. I bought Tom Nook and he does nothing, just sits in his chair and only teleports out to talk about how nice his chair is. I'm two thirds of the way to affording KK Slider, who I expect will do nothing much as well. I don't think I'll play this much longer as there's nothing to look forward to other than an ever larger selection of things to decorate my very small campsite with. There's no museum to fill over time with my finds, no gardening, no exploring, no friendships to build (real affection built over daily interactions, not robotic friendship vending machines), no expanding of the facilities of the town.

Don't get me started on how the market boxes are an utter waste of time as why would I ever start poking through my friend list hoping to find a specific fish for sale at a ridiculous price instead of just catching that fish/bug? Listing on the market box is a waste for that same reason in reverse, I just hit the sell button for the instant minimum cash amount because that's better than the 99% wastage I'll get trying to sell to random visitors.

It's cute on the surface, and it looks like Animal Crossing. But ultimately this is such a stripped down and soulless version that the more I play the more I just ache for a real Animal Crossing for the Switch. I gave my 3DS, which I bought just to play New Leaf, to a friend. Every couple of years I start jonesing for some chill daily time hanging out in one of these games, and I hoped Pocket Camp would be enough. Friends, it is not.

(I'm happy others are enjoying it, more power to you if you're digging this. I just needed to get my tutting out. As you were folks.)
So you gave up after putting one hour into the game. Got it.

Reposting what I said in the other thread since it's out everywhere now:

Well that's what I though a month ago. I'm bored with it now :( not nearly enough content and it just makes me crave a full-fledged Animal Crossing game even more now.

Also whoa Hong Kong Hermit, your post sums up my feelings about this game brilliantly. (I'm still glad people are getting their kick out of this game and that some of them are even getting to know Animal Crossing with it :))
I'm level 45 with 38 villagers and I'm not bored. You must dislike animal crossing.

Both of you fail to realize this game came out last week. It's barely on 1.01. There will be massive changes starting with all the holiday stuff. You claim to be AC fans but gave up hours into the game when it is a F2P mobile game that requires a lot of playtime. Not only that, but this game is meant for short bursts of gameplay. You claim there's a lack of customization when my campsite and camper are completely unlike anyone else's.

You're gonna hate yourself when AC Switch comes out as it has confirmed functionality with Pocket Camp. We're all going to have pimped out campers with exclusive items I don't doubt you'll be bugging us to trade you. Nope!
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Oct 26, 2017
So you gave up after putting one hour into the game. Got it.

I'm level 45 with 38 villagers and I'm not bored. You must dislike animal crossing.

Both of you fail to realize this game came out last week. It's barely on 1.01. There will be massive changes starting with all the holiday stuff. You claim to be AC fans but gave up hours into the game when it is a F2P mobile game that requires a lot of playtime. Not only that, but this game is meant for short bursts of gameplay. You claim there's a lack of customization when my campsite and camper are completely unlike anyone else's.

You're gonna hate yourself when AC Switch comes out as it has confirmed functionality with Pocket Camp. We're all going to have pimped out campers with exclusive items I don't doubt you'll be bugging us to trade you. Nope!

Why are you getting so worked up over my post? I do love the Animal Crossing series and was elated to play it on smartphone, it's just that this game doesn't really feel like one, and I've been playing it since the day it was released in Australia. Am I not allowed to like Animal Crossing but still feel disappointed by this iteration? That little snide comment at the end of your post was uncalled for.

Deleted member 8791

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I'm level 28. I've spent my tickets for maxing out inventory (trying to have huge surplus of non easily farmable items so I can always complete quests) and made it so I can build 3 things at the same time. Building is getting harder tho, but it's ok, I'm mostly interested in the levelling up aspect more than anything. I'm saving all resources from now on and wait and see how stuff develop.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I think the game is pretty fun and addictive but the material cost differences between similar items are absolutely bonkers. It makes me not to want to bother grinding out the gameplay cycle for later items.


the cost of those blue and yellow rugs compared to the red one make absolutely no sense :D


Oct 31, 2017
It's understandable that people who want a full-fledged AC game will be disappointed with Pocket Camp. I am really into the game for what it is, a short burst AC quick fix with the charm that comes with the series. I mean, no one really expected Mario Run to be on the level of New Super Mario Bros Series and Fire Emblem Heroes on the level of Fire Emblem Fates. Nintendo's mobile games are still intended to be the gateway to the console/handheld game that will come out later.

Pizza Dog

Oct 25, 2017
I agree it feels empty. There's charm there but if you don't want to craft furniture to invite animals to stay at your camp then what else is there to do? I wish there was a museum for your fish/insects like previously, although it doesn't seem like there's as much variety in what you can collect. I can understand why they're not putting all those features into a F2P mobile game but as I don't have a Switch I was hoping for something with a little depth to it. Instead I can tell they'll just use this to get nostalgia for AC back up and then release a proper iteration on the Switch to attract more people to the console.


Oct 25, 2017
How does the quarry work? It said it reset at 3pm so I went in just before and got some wood :/

Now it reset and I tried again but it says I can't go in.

So does it reset to different rewards every three hours, but you can only go in once every 24hrs?

Right now the crafting has gotten very expensive. I'm getting my new contacts up to level 5 so I can bring them to my camp without needing a calling card, but crafting the things they want is falling behind as they cost a lot of mats+time

Also with the higher level requirements I'm needing to let some of the animals disappear and come back later - even a request card isn't always enough to get them to lv5


Oct 25, 2017
So you gave up after putting one hour into the game. Got it.

I'm level 45 with 38 villagers and I'm not bored. You must dislike animal crossing.

Both of you fail to realize this game came out last week. It's barely on 1.01. There will be massive changes starting with all the holiday stuff. You claim to be AC fans but gave up hours into the game when it is a F2P mobile game that requires a lot of playtime. Not only that, but this game is meant for short bursts of gameplay. You claim there's a lack of customization when my campsite and camper are completely unlike anyone else's.

You're gonna hate yourself when AC Switch comes out as it has confirmed functionality with Pocket Camp. We're all going to have pimped out campers with exclusive items I don't doubt you'll be bugging us to trade you. Nope!
Huh... Plenty of people that are AC fans won't like this game. Don't have to be an asshole about it...

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
i think there's a lot of things that can be done to improve this game. there's just not much to do. they should add more fish/bugs, two or three more areas, use the camper in a meaningful way, i dunno. i feel like there is some potential to make this game stay interesting but now that i'm level 22 i'm starting to lose interest.

Deleted member 8791

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
No use for rare bugs and fishes yet, right? Do we think it's coming? Not sure what to do with mine, and I've seen some of them sold pretty cheaply in Market Boxes. I'd be happy buying up a few of them if I felt it was a good long term investment.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
No use for rare bugs and fishes yet, right? Do we think it's coming? Not sure what to do with mine, and I've seen some of them sold pretty cheaply in Market Boxes. I'd be happy buying up a few of them if I felt it was a good long term investment.
i've seen animals request some of the rare fishes, but not the super rare ones (football fish and jewel beetle), i've got one of each and they're just sitting there.
Oct 27, 2017
Newnan, GA
I totally screwed myself at the start of the game. I decided I really liked the cool characters and used all of my resources getting the level 3 tent and then the street amenity. But then I realized that I couldn't level the majority of my characters because "Cool" has the lowest amount of people you can level. I really should have gotten at least a level 1 tent of all of the special tents before deciding to specialize in coolness.


Oct 27, 2017
So do I need to only be inviting animals that like the theme I'm trying to make my camp? I'm level 5 and can now do amenities but don't want to choose the wrong things


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So do I need to only be inviting animals that like the theme I'm trying to make my camp? I'm level 5 and can now do amenities but don't want to choose the wrong things
it doesn't really matter tbh. also don't get too fixated on having a "theme" because you will want to at least obtain the Lv1 tent for each category so your animals don't max out at 7 (which doesn't take long at all).
Oct 27, 2017
Newnan, GA
So do I need to only be inviting animals that like the theme I'm trying to make my camp? I'm level 5 and can now do amenities but don't want to choose the wrong things
I think the best thing to do would be to start doing one of each of the tents. That will allow you to level up the characters higher and you won't hit a wall if you only specialize in one area. You get the benefit of any amenity you build, even if you don't have it displayed.
Nov 2, 2017
Yeah, I think I'm just about done with this. My only remaining goal is to get another 30 leaf tickets so I can get KK Slider unlocked, just in case one day in the future this gets fleshed out into a game and not just an Animal Crossing cow clicker. Might as well have those time limited unlocks on my save file.

I went to the quarry, the only place I've not yet seen. Got to tap 5 rocks, walked away with 500 bells and a crushing sense of underwhelming disappointment. Back in my camp I've been... and I hate to say this, I've been learning to hate some of the old New Leaf friends I had. Friends that I used to hang out with, write letters to, share gossip with, and send presents to. Proper presents, not "here are 3 pieces of fruit give me bells and mats pls". I had one critter in New Leaf tell me she was moving out, and I did everything I could to make my bestie stay. She left anyway and I was heartbroken. I never got along with the sheep that moved in as her replacement. In Pocket Camp I'm just annoyed at the animals in my campsite as they just stand in the very limited walkspace between my sofas clicking the lamp on and off and asking for more horse mackerel. That's the extent of our relationship, asking for endless fish and OH WILL YOU LEAVE THAT BLOODY LAMP ALONE FILBERT wtf dude.

So you gave up after putting one hour into the game. Got it.

I'm level 45 with 38 villagers and I'm not bored. You must dislike animal crossing.

Both of you fail to realize this game came out last week. It's barely on 1.01. There will be massive changes starting with all the holiday stuff. You claim to be AC fans but gave up hours into the game when it is a F2P mobile game that requires a lot of playtime. Not only that, but this game is meant for short bursts of gameplay. You claim there's a lack of customization when my campsite and camper are completely unlike anyone else's.

You're gonna hate yourself when AC Switch comes out as it has confirmed functionality with Pocket Camp. We're all going to have pimped out campers with exclusive items I don't doubt you'll be bugging us to trade you. Nope!

Wow, level 45? You got mad skills brah.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
How do you switch animals at your camp? I read a beginners guide that said to kick people out, but it didn't say how.
Eventually a little cat silhouette icon will appear at the bottom of the right hand side column of icons in the campsite which will let you swap them freely

I forget if it happens only after you fill up the site (8 guests) or at a certain level.


Pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down
Oct 24, 2017
Can't believe I am writing this, but this is a thread about Animal Crossing - Let's be civil, all right? If someone likes/dislikes it, that's totally cool, no need to insult each other, picante?

Deleted member 283

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I think the game is pretty fun and addictive but the material cost differences between similar items are absolutely bonkers. It makes me not to want to bother grinding out the gameplay cycle for later items.


Yeah, Level 22 now, and this is why I'm probably going to start putting it aside. It's crazy how fast the grind ramps up. Like, for the first few villagers, the things they want only take like a minute to craft. Then it jumps up to 3 minutes. Then after that, the next tier goes all the way to 3-8 hours per item. Fine, that' something I really don't mind. I can put up with that. Same with the increased friendship requirements. At first, they only required level 3 friendship to move in. Then in ramped up to 5. Now it's up to 7. That's also silly, and is a bit more annoying, but whatever.

But like, I just got access to Alfonso. And not only does he suffer from those two problems, but just look at what he wants from me and what it costs in terms of materials:
Grass Standee: 30 Preserves, 3 Friend Powder
Pastel-Dot Rug: 30 Cotton
Kiddie Chair: 30 Steel
Kiddie Dresser: 90 Wood, 90 Steel
Tree Standee: 120 Wood, 3 Cute Essence

And I'm basically at the "midpoint" of the game right now, at Level 22. I can only assume it gets worse from here. Like, of course I could keep doing it... But it's very clear it's ramping up to be a grind just for the sake of being a grind, and not any rhyme or logical reason other than trying to entice you to buy leaf tickets and whatever. Like, just look at the cost for the Tree Standee alone, nevermind the other stuff: 120 of a material for just one item. And put together, to get Alfonso, what this means is what you have to gather is:
210 Wood, 120 Steel, 30 Cotton, 30 Preserves, 3 Friend Powder, 3 Cute Essence

It's not hard to get even that amount of material, but it's basically using everything I get from at least 1-2 days of playing just on him, nevermind anyone else. It just doesn't feel worth it anymore and is way, way too much of a grind at this point.

And this ties into another one of the complaints I have, compared to traditional Animal Crossing games. In traditional Animal Crossing games, you either buy the furniture you want from the Tom Nook/the Nooklings, get them as rewards for fulfilling requests for your villagers sometimes, or trading with other players. Here, everything is based around crafting (other than the tiny selecting Timmy/Tommy has everyday, which seem to mostly be their own thing). And not only that, but to unlock more crafting stuff, you have to keep uping your level--you don't just have access to whatever from the start. And so, instead of furniture and decorating mostly being a thing for you and decorating your home and stuff, like it is in previous Animal Crossing titles, here furniture's main purpose is just to recruit other villagers to your campsite. And so, that results in the problem of, instead of just crafting the furniture you want, all three of my crafting slots are all going to stuff other villagers want to get them into my campsite. There's nothing really left for me at all.

Of course, there's a caveat to that... Because of the way the game works, it seems there's at least one Villager who wants any given piece of crafted furniture. So eventually, you'll still work your way around to crafting stuff that you like when you get to the villager that wants that stuff. But nonetheless, it's still not a fun way of playing it. Because it turns one of the cool things about Animal Crossing (one of my favorite parts anyway), finding cool furniture and decorating your home, or in this case, your campsite/camper the way you want, and turns it into part of the bar-filling gameplay loop instead. Instead of being cool and for you and whatever (particularly when awesome stuff happens like Animals just surprising you with a cool piece of furniture as a reward--that's just completely absent here, beyond them giving you a particular crafting recipe for a particular friendship level--not even the item itself as a reward, just a recipe for it, and it's just one thing for villager, preset and the same for everyone, which takes any surprise element out of it and makes those rewards themselves something you have to grind for if you want to actually make them), it's just another part of the daily grind and filling bars and stuff, and that takes all the fun and magic out of it.

And then when you add the increasing grind each of the times these villagers ask for on top of that... it's just way too souless, empty, and cynical for me. Like, I know Animal Crossing games are at their core errand simulators. But this game just takes that to the extreme and rips the personality and charm out of it. No writing villagers letters, no fossils, no gardening, no museums, no gyroids, no weather (and thus also no umbrellas or anything like that), no Animals giving you anything other than Bells or Crafting Materials as rewards (that is, no clothing or furniture or anything as rewards for completing a task) and the coolest part of Animal Crossing, getting furniture and customizing your place as you like, instead of being cool like that and cool stuff being able to be found just by chance all the time, all the main pieces of furniture just being tied to the crafting system and only being able to be obtained through it and not so much as traded or sold to other people or anything, just completely tied as a fundamental part of the basic loop of this bar-filling, cyclical, completely empty and soulless take of an Animal Crossing that reduces every single thing to the level of Cookie Clicker.

At first, I was somehow having fun. But now that I've got to this point and see how quickly this stuff ramps up, it's just not for me.

And before someone says it, I know some of my problems could be solved by just not bothering to request villagers to actually come to my campsite at all, and just focusing purely on requests. But the problem with that is, is that in order to keep getting more furniture added to the crafting catalog to get the stuff I'd actually want to put in my campsite/camper, I have to keep raising my character's level. Which means being able to raise my villagers' levels. Which, due to the friendship caps, means having to craft Amenities so I can raise the cap and keep raising their friendship to keep raising my own level. Which means doing the same thing anyway because I'm sure just like with furniture, the higher level of amenities require stupid amounts of materials as well. And until they're finished, not much else to do.

This game just takes everything I love about Animal Crossing and makes it so boring and empty instead. Probably not going to be coming back unless I REALLY get that bored one day and just really want any kind of even vague facsimile of Animal Crossing bug catching/fishing. Otherwise, just bleh... This post went on longer than I intended for it too, but just had to get all of that out I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
FYI, it doesn't get any worse than 120 of a certain resource to make a camper happy.

Oh, wait. Some of their special requirements that you unlock when they hit level 15 require 150.

But to be fair, it doesn't take very long to collect that many. Especially once campers get to level 10+. They give out loads.

Deleted member 8791

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
FYI, it doesn't get any worse than 120 of a certain resource to make a camper happy.

Oh, wait. Some of their special requirements that you unlock when they hit level 15 require 150.

But to be fair, it doesn't take very long to collect that many. Especially once campers get to level 10+. They give out loads.
Good to know they start giving out more at lvl 10. I'm reaching the point where several are getting there.


Nov 13, 2017
This seems nice, wish my phone run it better. I never invested much time in AC before, I like it but can see how the mobile f2p aspect has changed the design in ways I don't like too. It's neat how it's "camp manager" like there was "happy home designer" or whatever versus the "real deal" too but this seems to have retained more of the main series characteristics even if it makes them bite sized. This seems great for a phone time waster you can fire up whenever versus playing the main game for hours at a time on your GameCube or wherever.

Noah Om

Oct 25, 2017
Sorry to ask again, but could someone explain the Quarry to me please? When someone asks for help getting in, and I pledge to help them - what does that entail?

Deleted member 283

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
FYI, it doesn't get any worse than 120 of a certain resource to make a camper happy.

Oh, wait. Some of their special requirements that you unlock when they hit level 15 require 150.

But to be fair, it doesn't take very long to collect that many. Especially once campers get to level 10+. They give out loads.
That's good to know, thanks. Guess I overrecated a bit then.

Even so though, I just wonder why there's kind of a double-grind to get villagers into your campsite. Like, I don't think I'm being unreasonable (I don't intend to anyway), and never expected this to be a full-featured Animal Crossing game or anything. But like either way, to get Animals into your campsite, you have to raise their friendship to a certain level. That's the main gameplay loop right there. And if you're impatient and want to get them to a certain level sooner? Well, that's what Request Tickets are for. And you don't have any request tickets left, but still want to speed things up? Well, that's where the leaf tickets/real money come in (at least I assume they do, haven't actually seen what happens if you try to request more errands when you're out of Request Tickets--I assume it lets you use Leaf Tickets instead or asks you to buy them or whatever). And then of course, the same deal would remain with crafting, even if it was purely stuff you want. Can't wait for how long it takes to make something you want? Use Leaf Tickets. Don't have any? Buy them. Boom, monetization remains pretty much the same. Only it's about what you want, instead of what the animals want (they first time they show up at the campsite, anyway--after that, they stop caring and never so much as mention them being gone from the campsite if you removed them, or even mention ever having liked that or any furniture set period beyond the generic request-text itself, which really hammers home how shallow and artificial that stuff is when they can't be bothered to even give each of the animals a single line about the stuff they apparently care so much about. Like, if they at least gave them flavor lines, even generic ones but preferably personal ones, about noticing you removed their favorite stuff from the campsite and them wondering what's up with that, stuff like that alone would help so much for me as well. Just small, simple touches like that which would really tie it all together and give it a lot more life and personality are just kind of absent from the game and give it a really weird feeling).

That's it right there--have it just focus on friendship levels for the required stuff. And if they left it at that, I probably would be completely fine with it. But you have to both do that and craft them the furniture they want on top of that. And what's the point of the latter? They're already gated in a form of grind by having to get them up to a certain level of friendship to begin with. It's redundant. And if most people are playing it like I am, which I assume most people to, when a villagers' ready to go the campsite, you just pick the automatically arrange everything option, and then automatically move everything back to how it was right after the little cutscene, making it feel extra pointless and unnecessary.

So if they made just that one change to the game--having villagers only need to be at a certain level of friendship to move into the campsite, instead of needing a certain level of friendship AND needing 4-5 items crafted which you'll probably never use again for the most part, I'd be completely fine with it. Have raising the villager's friendship be the core mechanic and gameplay loop, and just let me do what I want with my crafting slots and unlocked furniture and stuff. And I wouldn't mind having to craft Amenities that much either in that scenario since they use their own slot and don't take away from anything else.

But together, the raising friendship + having to use my crafting slots to craft a bunch of junk I'm not interested in is just a bit too much for me. I get it, they want to make sure you're using the materials instead of them accumulating. But I'd rather just be able to use them all on stuff I care about instead of wait 6-8 hours for something to get made to only show up in a cutscene once just because a villager "needs" it, and then just stay in my inventory for the rest of time, and not even be able to sell them to another player to help them out or anything. Rather they just let the stuff accumulate or not give out quite as much of it or whatever so that wasn't necessary, and the only thing you'd need to worry about is friendship, and what you would actually do with your crafting slots and crafting materials is completely up to you instead of part of the gameplay loop, as that would instantly make the game so much better just by itself to me! It really, really, would. But the double whammy is just too much for me at this point I guess.

Oh well, guess I can't complain too much I guess. xD Still got like probably 8, maybe 9 hours or so out of it or something like that (I have no idea, really). For a free app and not paying a cent for anything, that's not bad at all I guess. So that's definitely something to be satisfied with, I suppose. xD Just wished it could have been even better, but ah well~


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Madrid, Spain
I'm really liking this game for what it is, but pretty much every complain I've read is legitimate and I'm glad they're brought up.

Yes, this isn't a proper AC game, but it is an AC game I can afford to play at my own time and I carry with me everywhere. Odds are that I'll buy the next AC for the Switch, but I'm much more likely to play it a lot less because I'm rarely at home (and when I am I often play on PC), so my Switch is rarely used outside the weekend.

One tip for the game that I don't think I've seen posted yet: You can shake fruit down from a tree and not pick it up, just so it starts the timer. The fruit will wait in the floor just fine, not taking inventory space.
Buy my dirty fruit, y'all!


Oct 25, 2017
Ugh. Is there a way to cancel a crafting request? Like an idiot I crafted the same table twice, and I don't feel like spending 60 tickets to finish one. Sigh. A wasted 13 hours:(


Oct 29, 2017
This game feels like a job instead of the laid back loss stress fu. It's supposed to be. Putting timers and meters on everything strips away the fun. When I play animal crossings proper in not worried about making the most of my time but just relaxing and letting things happen.


Oct 26, 2017
Now that I've played for a few days and hit level 10, I'm used to the gameplay loop. Getting bugs and fish, fruit and others is manageable and can be taken slow. The fish nets are great, but 15 tickets is soon much. I've not yet used any of my Leaf Tickets and I'm sitting at 400+ strong.

Overall I'm enjoying the game for what it is and have decorated and expanded my camper.

I want to know: Are you given more slots to have Cyrus Craft furniture, or do you need to buy more?


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This game feels like a job instead of the laid back loss stress fu. It's supposed to be. Putting timers and meters on everything strips away the fun. When I play animal crossings proper in not worried about making the most of my time but just relaxing and letting things happen.
Eh, I don't think you have to play it that way despite the timers, but I can see how it might place a certain kind of pressure that wasn't there before


Oct 25, 2017
PlayStation Home
Rather they just let the stuff accumulate or not give out quite as much of it or whatever so that wasn't necessary, and the only thing you'd need to worry about is friendship, and what you would actually do with your crafting slots and crafting materials is completely up to you instead of part of the gameplay loop, as that would instantly make the game so much better just by itself to me!

They wouldn't make any money if friendship was the sole recruiting mechanic.
This way is better than a Fire Emblem-esque alternative where you're gambling money for the chance to obtain a particular villager camper


Oct 26, 2017
You need to buy them. Tickets well spent.

I'm that case I'll buy 2 or 3.

One thing that surprised me is how useful the Nintendo Account rewards are. With a week of requests and camper visits I earned 330 points which got me 10,000 bells and some materials. Everyone makes sure you check in the Nintendo tab and redeem your points. The bells alone are worth it every week.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn I thought I was doing good at level 14. I play for maybe 30 minutes a day doing 10 minutes here and there. Long enough to do all the fetch quests. Some of you must be playing it non stop to be so high.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kinda disappointed that both KK and TN won't show up simultaneously

well whatever, need to save up tickets for a custom paint job now

That Lumberjack one tho


Oct 25, 2017
Nope. Not a penny. I've been playing since the Aussie launch though.

I've bought the craft slots, both KK and Nook, sped up a couple of things and am sitting pretty on 210+ tickets still.

Yup I can vouch for Chopper. Level 42 here and not spent any real life money getting leaf tickets.

I got the KK, Nook and extra craft tables from leaf tickets just from leveling up and receiving them as Nintendo bonuses


You will get leaf tickets also from the following stretch goals.










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